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I can't believe it... One second I was at school (yes on a Saturday) for Calculus tutorials jotting down review notes over related rates. The next thing you know, he tells us we could take a quick ten minute break. And then I curiously check my phone...

The second I log in, my phone spammed me with notifications on Wattpad. Then I noticed that the tags came from the posted results for the Pokemon Wattys. I took it as a good sign, but I was honestly terrified to check it out.

But I did. After I read over Scarlet's apology and also the moving of the awards, I was bitterly disappointed that The Veneer didn't place. Not that I was surprised, but I felt that I invested more time on that one-shot than my other entry.

Then I scroll over to the short story category... Let's just say I yelled at the top of my lungs and scared the living shit out of my classmates. They thought I was dying or something. XD



But thank you to all the people that have been there for me every step of the way.

To PuddleOfFire, one of the first people to notice Hail to the King and didn't hesitate to give me the feedback that I needed. I thank you for that, and congratulations on your victory!

To Sheare, whom offered me her honest feedback on my short story. Honestly, I have taken in consideration many things, and since then, have looked in books in ways I never thought I would. Also, her writing skills are definitely worthy of being placed as she had in the categories! (I hope to see Monopoly there next year)

And to blue___22, who not only provided me with the insight and resources every author needs, but also being that one person who pushed me to do more than average. She also gave me feedback on Hail to the King, and reminded me that I need to have confidence on what I do. I thank you for that, although to me, PA is a winner as I still can't from forget what happened. Sure, you think that this is the end, but I hope someday you'll find your flare to write again.

I would like to also shout out anyone that supported Hail to the King before it was a winner. Honestly, I'm not one of those popular authors, but I did what people mocked me all the time was impossible. Besides the people on Wattpad, only like three people irl actually believe my potential to become a writing. So yes, I thank every comment and vote you decided to give to my way.

Seriously, these past few months have been dark for me, but now I'm crawling out to the light. I'm fighting for what I believe in, and I hope that writing will be part of it. I had hoped that my story would place... But champion, of all things! I can't express my gratitude more than I already had, but I'll still say my thanks! And congratulations to the other winners (whose works I promise to check out soon)!

And as a shameless advertisement my possible entry for next year, Pokemon: Revitalization is back in business! I am honestly hyped to write what I have in plan, and I hope that I can give more to this growing community of Pokemon Fanfiction writers!

Enjoy the last month of the year guys! Let's give the future generations of Pokemon writers something they'll be proud to brag about!

As a final note, let me extend my celebrations to:

Alphanix, who not only won the NaNoWriMo challenge, but also placed two of her novels on the categories! I'd call her prodigy of the year, and I have no doubt she'll do more marvellous works that have been an inspiration to all aspiring authors of this era!

izayoix, the Queen of Angst who placed nearly in every category! Seriously, the way she includes the darkest of elements in her story makes me admire her more by the day. I hope she'll be pleased to see the results and how every word paid off with this fabulous recognition!

pi_memorizer, who's mastermind plan of the summer was fully executed (not to mention being champion in the Miscellaneous category)! I'm just glad that after so many writer's block, college life, and dealing with the deadline, he placed the way he did! I do hope he catches a well deserved break, but I expect to see more humorous works from him! ;)

Stormlocke, who despite the hiatus, still placed in the Pokemon Wattys! Seriously, you totally deserve it and I hope that you'll be able to submit more works over time!

"Congratulations I found myself
Somewhere now"
(Somewhere Now by Green Day)

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