Taggie Tag

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So yeah I was tagged by UnisonRaider to do this. Basically I answer the questions of the picture below and tag people.

Where Were You Three Hours Ago?

Waking up to see the rain finally stopped. But then it started again and I got news that I'm not going back to school until September 5th. Joy.


There are some things I would love to say to get them off my chest, but I'll leave that for a later event in life. But for now I can do a more positive-type confession, right?

I'm actually a real life cabbage.

Joking, I'm not. I secretly love history but the only reason why I hate the class is the way its structured. There's nothing wrong with learning history, it's just the manner in how it's taught (ex. single story, limited evidence, social justice bias). But please never tell this to a certain person in my life, or else they'll never stop bombarding me with historical facts.

Bad Habits?

Don't we all have them? As for me, whenever I'm nervous, my hands have to be doing something. Whether it's tapping on the desk, twirling a pen, writing something down, or even forming fists, I will be twitchy.

Favorite Color?

Green, obviously.

Can You Drive?

Depends. Can I park and stay under the speed limit? Can I drive straight? Yes! :)

Now can I make a proper turn? Nope! :)
(See F&F movies and those drift turns, because that's me)


See Mother's Day for people in Mexico.

In other words May 10th.

Pet Peeves?

I hate when people say phrases like "no offense, but" or "I don't mean to be rude, but" and then go on ahead and say things that are mean and offensive. Maybe it's a reverse psychology thing that makes me think the opposite of those phrases, but they do irk me.

Also I'm not a fan of books that use first and third POVs for plot's sake, or too many first POVs for plot convenience. *cough* Carve the Mark and Reached *cough*

Last Person You Hugged?

A graduating senior in June while she graduated. It was a very emotional day for me and I couldn't help but break my "no hugs" policy for her. She was like a big sister to me, so yeah.

Zodiac Sign?


Something You Miss?

Plenty of things. I definitely miss my former friends as there were plenty of positive moments. I also miss my time before a job as I had plenty of time to just think.

Most of all, I miss being an oblivious child that didn't comprehend a thing.

Song Stuck In Your Head?


Eye Color?

More of a dark brown.

Favorite Quote?

I actually have two, so bear with me.

"And so we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past." ~~~ F. Scott Fitzgerald

"A hand rules pity as a hand rules heaven; hands have no tears to flow." ~~~ Dylan Thomas

Somewhere You Would Like to Visit?

Plenty of places. Germany comes to mind, but I would like to go back to Washington D.C. and Orlando, Florida.

Actually I would like to also tour around Mexico for the food and England for the culture.

Do You Like Your Name?

Definitely not. I'd rather have people call me by my last name, even if I neither know where my father is after he walked out of my family nor my mom that passes along terrible tales regarding his relatives.

My first name is painfully Angelica. The nicknames irk me as well when they call me "Jelly" or "Angie".

Favorite Season?

Obviously Spring is the best.

Type of Phone You Have?

LG G4. That's right, android phones ftw.

Something You're Excited For?

Graduation. Of course, with Hurricane Harvey and all, that seems to be put on an indefinite hiatus.

Biggest Fear?

Failure. Well I'm not afraid of failing; I'm more afraid that once it happens, I won't be strong enough to carry myself up. Also, I don't want to disappoint the people I care about as I am the dependable one.

Favorite Band?

My Chemical Romance, without a doubt.

Favorite Animal?

Cats are life.

Favorite Person?

As in famous person? :/

Well if it is, then place Chaucer and Dylan Thomas on the list. Also José Martí and Oscar Wilde.

One Food You Hate?

I'm the only Mexican in the world to hate on quesadillas.

Favorite Movies?

I don't watch many movies, but Star Wars is definitely on my list.


Man I've never been lazy to tag until this moment. Still, let the tags carry on! Although anyone else reading this can feel free to do this as well!















So yeah now I can go back to enjoy that beautiful flood outside my house. And find out why there's a dead snake in my driveway.

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