Chapter 29

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"It's been a good stay, Your Highness. I will come to visit Lilaria more and attend the July festivities again." Louis said beaming.

He is finally leaving after his three days stay. A meeting with King Richard promised interrelations with Cordonia.

"I'm glad." We shook hand. "Visit soon."

"How about you visit Cordonia? We have many things for you."

"All right then. You should get going. Don't want you to miss your flight."

"Qui. I have something for you", a guard handed him a wrapped present. "Something special for the special Princess."

"Oh you didn't have to." I collect it wondering what is in it.

"Take it as a gift from a friend to another." He held my hands in his.

"Thank you, really."

He nods. "I hope we meet again." He got in the vehicle. I watched as the white limo drove away.

I hope I meet him again.

Gift in hand, I took a stroll with Mara who kept making mentions of my mistakes. Couldn't she be positive for once?

I noticed Henry talking to a maid. She looks so familiar. Closer up, I recognize her as Genevieve's​ personal maid. The woman scares me sometimes with that cold look she darts everyone.

I pulled Mara away to the side, hoping Henry doesn't notice us passing by. I can't stand to face him not after what I had heard.

"Anna." Luck is against me today when i hear him call. I cursed  beneath my breath and smiled​ waiting. The scary maid glanced at us before walking away.

"Have you been avoiding me?" He asked when he caught up to us.

I let out a shaky laugh, "Of course not. Why would I be avoiding you?"

"I thought so too. Are you busy? I know we haven't been spending much time together. I kinda felt guilty leaving you alone while I was working-"

"Oh you did not have to worry and all."

"So are you busy?" He asked again.

I think of excuses to make up  when Mara stepped in, "She has classes to finish up with." I nod putting on a sad face.

"Responsibility sucks, right?" I grinned a little too wide but he wasn't even looking at me.

"Aw, cute her a little slack, Mara. She just perfectly handled that French Prince and nothing went wrong." He begged. "Let her go just for a little while, please?"

Mara glanced at me a little surprised and embarrassed a royal said 'please' to her. "All right."

"Thanks so much, Mara." He smiled and take my hand in his, pulling me away.

"Come, let's go riding." He jerked me towards the stables.

The horses were made ready. Henry helped me up to sit on the saddle. I watch him climb his. "Where are we going in?"

"Just follow me." He had me with his boyish grin. He trot forward. I grip the reins tight and kicked the horse by the side. We rode  together in silence, enjoying the breeze and calm serenity of the fields.

"I miss this. I miss you." he said when we came to a stop. We were nowhere near the stables and somewhere I've never seen before.

"I never knew this was here." I take the place in. "Is that a cabin?"

"Yes. I discovered it last week. It's been unused for years. Wanna come in?"

"Yes." I was dying curious to see the inside, I got off the horse in a hurry and too sudden causing him to fear and neigh. "Sorry, big guy." I run my hand through his mane. My thighs are burning. Riding a horse comes with a price apparently.

The door freaked as Henry opened it. "I'm trying to redo the place. The floors are pretty rusty. Be careful."

The floorboards groaned at our weight. "Whoa."

He chuckled and sit on a dull and worn red couch that is facing an open window. On the armrest were initials R & G. Hmm, I wonder?

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked. This place is creepy and old and nowhere.

"Relax. I just wanted to be with you. Alone." He leaned in and tuck my hair behind my ear.
My heart begins to beat its own tune. Thump-thump, thump, thump-thump. My cheeks flushed.

I wonder if this place was for couple who wanted to get away and have a secret tryst. Oh shit! Get away get away you-you imagination. The image of people having sex keeps popping up.

He kissed me, caressing my cheek. Below my stomach, warmth flooded. He drew me closer holding my waist, placing kisses on my neck.

Everything that ever worried me flew out the window. Especially a certain someone.

I lay my head on his naked chest and sighed dreamy. I have not been this satisfied or happy since- since I visited my parents. Nolan!  His name assaulted my mind and guilt filled me.

What is wrong with me? It's not like I had sex with Henry. Well we almost had sex until I stopped him, telling him I wasn't ready. Now I wonder why I stopped him, many girls my age had lost their virginity. Even Vickie has, why did I stop him?

Why am I feeling guilty? It's not like there really is a thing between us? Is there?

I sighed. My daily confusions are back.

"What's wrong?" Henry asked kissing my head.

"Nothing." I said, "I'm just- is it worth it? This royalty, this power, this unending riches, is it really worth it?"

Henry grew silent. "Yes. Yes, it is."

"Why can't we just run away, just like you always said?"

"There are some things I got to do. Trust me when the time comes, we would leave." He rubbed my bare back.

Will that time ever come? I find myself doubting Henry more and more. He is getting engrossed with his work so much, he keeps talking about it. If he is truly not a Prince then why? Why can't we just leave and be together? Why is he always holding something back?

He will never stop holding back from you. My subconscious whispered.

"Once I can get him to invest in the party, we could raise ourselves a Prime Minister just like the British. This Monarchy system is much too old for my liking. Too many shady businesses done behind our backs, and sometimes King Richard turns a blind eye."

When I didn't respond with my usual hemming and hawwing, he kept quiet.

"You were supposed to be mine." He said after a while.


"You should have been mine. If my father had not died, you would have married me instead."

I look up at him, surprised at his outburst.

"We wouldn't have worried about running away together if he had not died. If they had not killed him." He continued angry.

I removed myself from him and sat up.

"We would have loved each other freely and not threatened by them."

I've never seen him this angry. What did he mean by his father was killed?

"Henry, stop. You are scaring me."

"Anna," he sat up and gripped my arms,"you are mine. Don't forget that? No matter what Nolan says you are mine."

I pushed him away falling off the couch. The floor groaned. I picked up my clothes and dressed.

"Anna, where are you going?" He asked.

"You!", I explained making him frown, "All of you have gone crazy. I thought I had at least one sane person in this palace that is not pushing people away with their ambitions. Turns out you are not that person."

He laughed. "I am too ambitious?"

"Yes. You keep talking about power and money all the time. I thought private times were supposed to be about us and how we were going to leave this hellhole. I'm confused at the way you have changed." I bursted out.

"Maybe it's because you have started seeing your husband in a new way." He sneered.

"Don't bring Nolan into this. I will be waiting though. I will wait till you are ready to run away with me." I sighed and leave the cabin.

Why? Why do I have feelings for him when sometimes it seems he doesn't love me back?

As I climbed​ the horse, I thought of what Vickie would have said. First lover first. I almost laughed​. Almost. I returned the horse to the stables.

"The other horse, your highness?" The stable boy asked.

"He's coming later." I said and left the stables.

Reaching the house, Queen Gabrielle was waiting. Fear gripped me. Did she know? Does she know about Henry and I? I gulped down hard.

"Anna, where have you been?" She eyed me taking in my clothes that had managed to get dirty.

"I uh went riding with Prince Henry."

At the mention of his name, the queen's frown grew deeper. "You should stay away from that boy. As a crown princess and wife."

I nod quickly, glad she didn't know about our almost sex escapade.

"However, I'm impressed with how well you handled our guest. Well done." A small smile was on her lips. "And tomorrow you are coming with me to an opening ceremony and then to the charity party and oh yes the opera."

"But what about school?"

"It.. can wait." She walked out and everyone sighed in relief.

Mara sent me a warning look. "Up you go. Now."

Some things I just can't escape.

I pick up my phone and went through some headlines.

China Edwards divorces Ryan Tyson.

Halsey newest hit.

Henry Miller donates 1.5 billion to orphange home

How to laze around like the Crown Princess.

Puppy love with the Crown Princess

And many many more headlines.

A new notification popped up: a message from Kim

You busy?

No. How are you?

I'm alive. And u?
not scolded to death by her royal majesty.

:) Glad to know

are your parents still on about the pottery business?

not really.

She sent a pic of a short, sleeveless red dress with ruffles.

that's the dress Vickie made for me to wear to prom. It's scandalous
:> typical but it looks really good. I bet you would look so sexy in it.

wait till to see yours.

she made one​ for me?

And she is not going to take a no for an answer.

which reminds me, Kim I'm not going to be in school tomorrow. Could you please keep me updated on the school news and stuff?

Sure, no problem.
Did you miss Joy is preggies?

no way.

She continued to fill me in on the school gossip till she had to go to sleep.

I checked the time in Netherlands. It is only 4 o'clock in the afternoon. I dialed Nolan's number.

The number you are calling is currently switched off. Please try again later, thank you.

Maybe he is busy. Perhaps he is working. Perhaps-

Please tap that star

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