Chapter 30

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My phone buzzed once again. I couldn't find a private spot to answer the call as everyone kept calling to me and discussing wealthy speak.

I nodded​ and grinned​ till my cheeks hurt. I'm tired of this. What if it's Nolan that is calling?

I leaned against the wall and looked at my phone. It wqs Brie calling. I answer covering my other ear to hear better.

"Hello?" I said.

Sobs came to me. "Anna where are you? You have to come."

"Why? What's wrong?" My brows furrowed as I strained to hear over the laughter and music.

"It's Kim. You have to-" The line went silent.

"What's wrong? Hello?" I yelled into my phone.

"Anna, it's Vickie. Come to the Orion Hospital now. Kim is sick."

My heart pound hard. I pushed against the wall and ran towards the exit bumping into people.

"Anna, where are you going?" Queen Gabrielle popped out of nowhere making me screech to a stop.

"My friend, Kim, she is sick." I let out breathless.

Her expression became concerned. I didn't know if it is genuine or fake but I let her take me away from the crowd.

"She is going to be okay. I promise you would visit her tomorrow, okay? You need to attend to this party first. Make an impression."

I could only nod even as worry ate me.

"Nolan is arriving tomorrow." She announced as she dropped me off in front of my house.

"Oh." I almost whoop. Then I remember Kim. I really hope she gets well by tomorrow.

I dial her number but it's switched off. I entered​ my room and change into my pajama. I laid on my bed looking at my phone,  reading the various gossip bloggers put up. I scroll down the screen watching as the likes on my recent post on instagram went up. A message from Henry popped up asking me to see him after school tomorrow. Nolan is going to be home tomorrow and I miss him. Why is everything so complicated?

I bit into my toast and chewed looking at my phone. I browsed​ for a new screen wallpaper when a notification pops up. I opened​ it and shock reverberated through me. My breakfast became lead in my stomach and my hands shook.

A picture of Nolan and Aubrey kissing in public.

I shouldn't be hurt by this. I have Henry and Nolan has Aubrey. That's how it should be. But why does my chest hurt? Why do my eyes burn?

"Your Highness, the Crown Prince has entered the palace grounds." A maid announced.

The chair screeched and fall to the ground as I jerked up. The maid reared back shocked by my reaction.

"No. No, I can't see him." I mumbled. I grab my school bag and hurry for the front door. Nolan alighted the limousine and gave me a wide smile.

I shake my head, feeling betrayed and confused at myself. He spread out his arms waiting for a hug.


Tears threaten to flow as I stared​ at him. Something broke in me. My limo was waiting for me. I didn't spare Nolan a glance as I entered it and was driven away from there.

When I arrived school, the paparazzi was waiting, throwing questions at me. Brie held my arm giving me a comforting smile. We walked into Aubrey. She had a huge grin on her face as if she had won a lottery. Several of our schoolmates watched on, recording with their phones expecting a cat fight. Some even called her names. Her smile fell and she glared at me.

"Morning, Aubrey." I give her a tight smile, holding Brie's hand tight and walk past her. Two guards followed behind me.

"You know, I love him. Not because he is a Prince but because he is Nolan. Unlike you. You don't deserve him." She yelled.

I halt my steps and turn to look at her, "I know." I am surprised at how calm I am even when I  felt like bawling and punching her face.

"Stop acting Anna. We both know your secrets. We both know what would happen if I reveal it."

"Then you would be violating the girl code." I replied with a smirk. Within I was terrified. How does she know about Henry and I? My heart thumped aloud in my chest.

"You should be grateful." She was apparently frustrated that she wasn't getting the expected results. "He is mine and you stole him away from me. You ruined a three years relationship. You may have everything now, being his wife, being a crown princess, but one thing you would never have is his heart. We both know it."

I let out a small gasp. It takes a while before I realise the tears had already fallen.

She had a triumphant smile on her face. She opened her mouth to spew more and I brace myself for them.

"That's enough, Aubrey." a voice calls out.

My knight in shinning armor was not who I expected. I wasn't even expecting anyone to help me. Darrell stood in front of me staring Aubrey down. Drake came from behind and wrapped me in a hug.

"You guys can't seriously be on her side." Aubrey whinned. "We practically joked about her and stuff."

"Enough, Aubrey. It was fun while it lasted but now it's just mean. You are being mean." Drake scolded

Darrell collected the phone from the kid nearest to him. "That's enough guys. Go to class. No more recording."

Brie rubbed my back. "Come on. Let's go to class."

"I thought you were my friends. You guys know better and you just stay on her side? I'm the bad guy now, isn't that it?" Aubrey yelled sobbing.

"No, that's not it." Darrell tried to touch her.

"Don't you dare." She ran away but not before glaring at me.

Darrell sighed audibly. The hallway was still crowded with kids. "I said GET TO CLASS!" He yelled and in a few minutes, the hallway is empty.

"Are you okay?" Drake asked me and glanced at Brie.

"We are fine. Thanks guys but you didn't have to." Brie answered.

"You should go after her." I wipe my face clean and sniffled. "I'm such a crybaby and late to class. See you guys later."

"You don't have to take it all in, you know?" Darrell ruffled my hair. "You owe me."

Drake punched Darrell's shoulder. "He's just joking."

"I am so not." Darrell pushed him away. I felt the sides of my mouth go up a bit. "Take care, Princess."

They left us in the quiet hallway.

"Anything you wanna talk about? We don't really have a class to go to." We took a stroll around the school instead.

"Nah. Where's Vickie?"

"She stayed with Kim."

"How's...  how's Kim?"

"Actually, she has a brain cancer." My jaw dropped and tears welled up in me.

She continued, "The doctor said the tumor is big and some medical terms like that. The thing is she is going to do chemotherapy and there is hope she might get it out."

Relief almost knocked me out. She is going to get better. "Now it makes some much sense. Why she always complained headache and fatigue but she is going to be okay. She is going to be okay."

We sat on the bleachers and stared out the open field.

"Entrance exams are up next week. Have you been studying?" Brie asked, removing her hair from her face. The breeze blew gently on us occasionally flipping our hair.

I scoffed, "I try."

"Things are going to work out. Everything is going go work out." She sighed.

I yawned. I hope so. I really hope so my life works out.

"This is boring. Quiet and boring. Let's go see Kim and Vee." She  jumped to her feet and pulled me up.

I'm glad for a distraction even if it's for an hour.

She gave her school bag to one of the guards and stretched.

"I'm racing you to the limo. Let's shake the stench of Aubrey off us and bask in the glory of our friendship." Dramatically, she poised hands on hips and legs akimbo.

"But I don't wanna."

"I double dare you."

I scrunch my face at her.

"One.. two.. three." We shot off heading for the limo. The guards caught up with us effortlessly.

I was out of breath when we stopped. We looked at each other and laughed hysterically. For the first time today, I'm happy.

Tap on the star please.

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