Chapter 34

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“How are you doing, cutie?” Nolan asked before kissing my cheek. He held Choco in his hands. The adorable pup snuggled close to him soaking up the affection.

“I'm good.” I said before taking a bite out of the watermelon. “How was the auction?”

“Meh. Boring.” He rolled his eyes for good measure. “But I got something for you. It's in your bedroom.”

“Ooh what is it?” I got up from the seat looking up at the house behind us. At the back of the house were semi-circle wooden chairs and fancy small tables where we both were.

“Later.” He held my hand and pulled me to sit down next to him. “About Prom tomorrow...  you're going, right?”

“Of course, I wouldn't miss out of that high school tradition.”

He smiled cheekily, “Good.”

“Why? Do you have to work tomorrow night?” I really hope he would be able to come along.

“No, I don't. I just wanted us to go together.”

“Aww. So no flowers and dramatic scenes?” I asked tracing my fingers on his arm.

“I told you to stop watching Telenovela.” He gave me a small smile while Choco have a small yip. “See, she agrees with me.”

“Whatever.” I rolled my eyes and pop another strawberry in my mouth.

We sat together enjoying the blissful silence. Silence has its good moments too, so does noise apparently. I turned my head catching Nolan staring at me. “I know I'm attractive but this”, I point at his face, “is too much.”

He chuckled. “What can I say? It's the best activity I love doing.”

I became flustered, I mean it's good he is watching me and stuff. I like it very much and I do admit I'm attracted to him. I thought to the time he said he likes me and I can't help but wonder whatever happened between him and Aubrey. He never said a word about her since that stupid interview at school.

Nolan waved his hand in my face. “What are you thinking about?”

“Oh, it's nothing.” I said though it was obvious he did not believe me. “We are graduating soon. It feels like it was only yesterday I got a call from the school about the scholarship. A lot of things have happened in my last year of high school.”

“It was totally inevitable.” He pulled me closer to his chest. “I'm sorry for the abrupt changes in your life and I hope you adapt fully in this crazy world of mine.”

I smiled, letting the smell of him fill me. My mood dampened. Why do I feel so remorseful all of a sudden? I tightened my hand on his shirt.

“Are you okay?” I heard him ask. His body shook against me, chest rising and falling. I don't even know how to answer myself. Am I okay? These tangling emotions roaring inside me, I could not describe them even if I wanted to. Being so close to me made me so happy and... so selfish.


His name whispered in my mind. I could just see his hurt and frustrated face bleeding from the punches Nolan gave him. I thought of his texts I never opened and sighed.

“Anna?” Nolan ran his hand through my hair.

“Let's go out.” I blurted pulling away from him. I didn't look at him to decipher his emotions, afraid if I did the tangled feelings could get way more knotted and stuck.

“Would you like some blueberry muffin?” Grandma Penelope asked sipping her juice.

“Yes, please.” I grabbed one and took a bite.

“How have you prepared for tonight's prom?”

“I'm feeling a little lazy to go now. To say that I was so excited this morning.” I chuckled.

She laughed. “I understand how you feel. I remember the day of my graduation. I'd worn beautiful accessories and looked so stunning. Two minutes into the event and all I wanted was to leave. It was a snoozefest.”

I laughed out loud almost choking on my muffin. I gulped down water and coughed.

“I hear you are graduating in two days. Congratulations in advance.”

“Thank you, Grandma Penelope.”

“I received your results this morning.” She said. My heart pounded hard. Oh God, did I fail? “I am impressed with your result. You passed in flying colours.”

I exhaled aloud, “Thank you. May I see?”

“I will give it to you before you leave. However, that's not the main reason I call you here.”

“Oh.” I set my muffin down and drank water. The seriousness on her face terrified me. That characteristic only attributed to King Richard and Queen Gabrielle.

With a faraway look in her eyes, she started. “It started slowly, the problems we face now, it was obvious but we put it to the back of our minds. I think I have a hand in it most. No, I know I do have a hand in it. How the debt is always increasing, affecting the general public, the embezzled funds, the fraud and corruption;  it has eaten into the fabric of our society.”

She continued. “Things have changed. Even in this palace, everything is terrifying. Anna, promise me, you must make the right choices and be careful of who you trust and associate with. I thought if you came, I pressed hard for you two to get married at an early age, hoping you could make a change. My old age is telling on me, making me commit crimes, spout nonsense and make things worse. I am sorry, child.”

“Grandma Penelope, it's alright. I promise, everything is going to be okay.”

“Will it? I hope things change before I die to meet the love of my life.” she grasped my hands in hers, smiling with teary eyes. “Nolan is a stubborn one but I want you to continue to love him. Don't let that smile you put on his face ever leave, okay?”

I could only nod and squeeze her hand. I don't like the way she is talking like she might go soon. She is my anchor in this palace.

“I was just going to my room”, I answered Genevieve when she stopped me in my tracks.

“Oh, I'm sorry to disturb you. It's just that I know you and Henry are friends.” She said and I almost coughed. Well, not technically friends. “He is just so down lately. Could you tell me why? He wouldn't talk to me.”

“We, um, well you see, the last time we spoke, he was busy so I don't know. I can't help you there.” I tried to walk around her but she grabbed my wrist.

“Did you two have a fight?”


She stared at me for an uncomfortably long time. I started to squirm. “Not you too,” she sighed, “I thought even if no orne here pays attention to Henry, you would but I bet you are on Nolan's ship now.” she gripped my wrist so tight, I almost cried.

I shook my head so hard I'm surprised I didn't get a whiplash.

She glared at him and growled,“No, it's alright. Just know that if anything, absolutely anything, happens to my son, I will hold you responsible. You abandoned your friend and he is a depressed mess. You better fix whatever you did to my son.”

I gulped hard and bobbed my head. Sheesh, and I thought Queen Gabrielle was scary. Reminds me of the saying that the silent ones are scarier.

She gave her usual megawatt grin and pat my shoulder, “Enjoy your Prom.”

The glaring red on my wrist started to fade and I snarled at her retreating back. What is wrong with her? It's not like I killed her son or something.

My phone vibrated in my dress pocket. I pulled it out and viewed a message from Nolan.

Where are you?

I texted back that I was on my way. Hopefully, this night would go well with Nolan and I might get to see Henry. I wonder what's up with him.

Tap on that star please.

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