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Irene arrived in Morocco, her eyes covered with sunglasses as she stepped out into the warm air, the sun beating down on her silk like hair, Kai walked next to her, the two rushing towards a small house they had managed to rent alongside the small team they had formed, her and Kai had been working alongside to try and pin point the location of the lost pilot.

She sighed analysing the birds eye view of the country, her eyes peeled to the screen as she sipped on her wine, Kai looking over some other notes from besides her. "Rene are you sure he's here?" Irene sighed leaning back. "I was given the location by an unknown source. It's a risk. We could be walking straight into a trap but what if this source is right? I brought myself some time in the courtroom Kai but it won't last if I don't give them something. I have to play this by the legal rules otherwise I risk exposure." Kai nodded handing over a set of files to her. Irene looked up eyebrows furrowed as she shot him the silent question. She opened the file, "He is the son of the current CEO of park industries. Jinyoung Park. He's not known off to the wider world but this was a project he was working on." Irene placed the file down. "Turns out, he is part of Korean intelligence." Irene's eyes widened. "That doesn't make any sense." She spoke out. "When does it ever Rene." She sighed. Kai was right. "Do you have anything on him?" Kai shook his head. "I was going to look into it when we got back, but there's something about this guy." "What is his position in KI (Korean intelligence)?" "Funny you mention that. You would have thought he would be a leader, but he isn't. He's below a certain district but I don't know his division leader. He's third in command." Irene stood up arms crossed. "That doesn't make sense. Even if he is in relation to this, his position ultimately restricts his movements." Kai shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe he's trying to get away from his family's name and reputation." "Possible but let's not rule him out straight away. Our answers will begin to unravel as soon as we get our hands on this person." Kai nodded, Irene letting out a yawn as he told her to get some rest.

She woke early the following morning adamant to try and find something today. She opened the fridge finding their resources scarce. Swearing slightly she left a message for the team before heading out to go get some necessities. She stood within the milk section, a hand coming up to grab a carton. Her eyes moved up to the man before moving back down. She froze. Her mind retreating back to the video that the victims uncle had handed her. It was him. Irene's head flashed to the side watching him leave out the door. She swore loudly leaving the shopping cart where it was before dashing out after the supposed person who was also supposed to be dead. She followed him swerving in and out of the crowd that graced the streets her eyes set on her target never once losing focus. And when he picked up his pace, his feet now slapping against the floor as he ran, Irene knew she had got him. She pushed people out the way, her eyes wandering over to the man, as she looked at the set of stairs on the side of the building. She climbed up them for higher ground before leaping off the roof to divert his attention. She stopped slightly seeing the scaffolding on the other side, she took a few steps back before jumping off and swinging her body so that she was clinging onto the construction material. She used the planks that the builders had set to run across them before jumping onto the next one her eyes casting to the side, as she predicted her next jump, in order to come up to him from behind. She managed it easily, pushing him to the floor him breaking her fall. He turned to her pinning her down to the floor as he reached for a knife. Irene kicked him in the balls before moving her leg up to drive her heel into the back of his head. She twisted around standing up before his knife came back out, slicing the air with such momentum that it could be heard. She ducked grabbing his wrist, before placing pressure on his bones, a crack sound audible as the man was forced to drop the weapon. The win was short lived as he used his weight against her, slamming her body to the floor by rolling her against his back. She coughed slightly as she sat up running at him again, before she was forced against the wall, a tight grip now against her neck. She coughed, gasping for air. "How are you alive?" She questioned holding onto his hand. "That flight, you were there. So how?" She paused seeing his eyes tense in realisation, taking the opportunity, she slammed her elbow into his arm, picking herself up against the wall, to kick his chest. Her fist balled before laying punch after punch. "Where is the pilot?" She screamed, straddling him slightly. He grunted our, before using his hands to throw her small frame off him. She winced seeing him run. She pulled a face, forcing her body up as he got into a car. She began to run after it, ignoring the pain that shot up her body. She jumped onto the moving vehicle which in hindsight was a stupid idea but she needed the answers. She was always impatient but this entire situation was a mess, with no real easy loopholes. It was about time she created some. She pushed herself up as the car swung dangerously left and right. She managed to open the door, kicking the opposition, whilst angling his neck against the window with her foot. The awkward position she resided in wasn't doing much to help the pain, as she looked over the dashboard her eyes widening as she tried to control the spiralling car. She shoved her foot further, her hand reaching for the hand break to skid the car to stop which ultimately worked. She pulled him out the car, handcuffing him, before knocking him out cold and calling in Kai. "I found one of the passengers." She heard Kai take a sharp intake of breath. "We may have sights on the pilot. We realised that he would be unable to control his thirst since Korean climate is different, we have found a rundown looking apartment that has a load of used water bottles on the roof." Irene nodded while listening. "Ok. I'll handle that tomorrow morning after we assess it, but i need you to go back home with this piece of trash. Hand him over to the court judge yourself, and try and avoid KI if we are suspecting Park Jinyoung then we need to be careful. Before you hand him over, interrogate him, the questions I had prepped take them with you and record it." He hummed in agreement as the call ended Kai and one of the members of the team coming to the location she had sent them as they tied him up and injected a sedative to keep him knocked out. Irene got off the phone to her private jet who was now ready for them. She paused, moving over past Kai, to move the shirt away from his collar bone, and just as she suspected the same symbol was there. She look to Kai before quickly moving the material back from the sight of the others. Kai turned to her shoving a hand into his pocket. "Are you sure your going to be okay alone?" She nodded. "I'll be back before you know it." He nodded, "Call me for back up if things go south, me, lay and Suhen will be here in a heart beat." Irene nodded. "I know you would but I need you guys to control things in Korea, the girls can handle the business but this...I need you guys on it. Update me about what you find on Jinyoung." He nodded pulling her in for a hug. "Stay safe Noona." "I will." She passed a smile watching as he left.

She returned back, her eyes searching the screen, and true to Kai's words she saw exactly what had triggered their suspicions. She momentarily sighed, her eyes still imprinted into the screen, as she turned grabbing a piece of paper to draw the symbol.


She brought it up to the light, her mind retreating back, she had seen this symbol one to many times. First at the event, hell even prior to that, then when Jackson said he encountered these men, and now. She had speculated that it was government orientated, it's what she had been told by her family when they were alive, but now she was beginning to doubt the origins. She turned to her other computer searching the files for the symbol in any database she could get into but found nothing. She had heard her father take the name Samuel, and the possibility of this being someone in the current fire for the scandal didn't add up. They were younger, all except one. She leaned back in her chair. The persona of Samuel was the root cause. She had seen mass amounts of extensions of the mafia before but unlike what she was witnessing now. This was undercover and the extensions of the following clearly ran all over the world and seemed to be deeply embedded within networks such as the government and KI. She switched off the second computer, her mind still trying to piece something within this madness but ultimately found nothing. She looked back at the other monitor, rewinding the footage she had missed, her eyes widening as her answers walked out onto the balcony. She had him. She smirked sending the recording over to Kai.

From Irene
Download this onto multiple hard drives in case someone decides they want to try and destroy it. Send it to the judge as well as KI.

From Kai
Rene are you sure you want it sent to KI?

From Rene
Yes. Send it to Wendy in a few days time she will know what I want done with it next.

From Kai
And that is....???

From Irene
I'm leaking this in the media, best way to start an uproar and question the government.

From Kai
That's risky

From Irene
It needs to be done, i can predict that someone will try and destroy it, in fact Kai why isn't KI present in this investigation? It's because they don't want the answers, they don't want to be exposed because they are apart of it. The article written by one of our insiders will prove that the government had been sent this information and have done nothing. First step in contributing to the overall collapse of the government.

From Kai
I just sent it to them. Be careful, leaking this may put a bounty on his head, and knowing your trying to catch him will put you in the crossfire.

From Irene
They can try. I'll be fine. Thanks Kai I owe you.

From Kai
You don't owe me a damn thing Rene, we are family, this is what family does. Me, Lay and Suhen treat you like our sister, all five of you, because when we had nothing you made us into something. We have just gotten back to base, and all three of us will work on the interrogation.

From Irene
🥺🥺🥺 I love you boys tooo, and great. Give him hell.

From Kai
Aye aye captain

She laughed switching off her phone and leaning back into her seat, as she turned back to the screen with a smirk, failing to catch the look passed between two of the men standing behind her.


Authors note:
Hey guys hope you enjoy this one. Let me know what your thoughts are in the comment section below. I look forward to hearing what you think. Lots of love. Stay safe x

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