Chapter 1

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Deep within a beautiful lot of houses, a young girl who looked to be no older than 20, was in her room working on something. This girl had dark brown long hair that was accompanied by her beautiful brown eyes. This young woman was known as Melody Jane Holland, the middle child of Tom and Zendaya Holland.

"This isn't quite right."She took a step back from her work and stared hard at it.

A mannequin was in front of Melody Jane in the center of her room. This mannequin had a short black dress on it with a large matching wide brimmed black hat.

"It's missing something."

She looked around her room that was a complete mess. Different kinds of fabric were laid out all over the floor, including on her bed. There were sketches of dresses in piles at one corner of the room, and a handful of bows and ribbons tossed around. The room was truly a chaotic mess.

Melody Jane caught sight of a white ribbon that was lying on her work desk nearby.

"That is exactly what I need."

She grabbed the ribbon and tied it around the waist of the dress. She then pinned it onto the dress so that she could later sew it on once she decided if she liked it or not. Melody Jane grabbed another white ribbon and cut it in half, she then placed it around the hat so that it would match the dress.

She took a step back from her work once more to fully see the dress in its entirety.

"Perfect." She smiled at her job well done.

All that's left is for her to sew on the added ribbon and then it was finally done and ready to be sold at her fashion business.

Melody Jane's thoughts were interrupted as the doorbell to her house rang.

She quickly left her room and made her way to the front door of her house. She could already guess who it was. Since Melody Jane had nothing scheduled for today, she was only going to work on her clothes for her fashion business. This meant that there was no one coming to get her to go out for some interview or an event of some sort. It could only be someone in her family, which most likely meant her brother or her sister.

She opened the door to see her sister Anne standing there waiting.

Anne had golden brown hair and deep dark colored eyes. She favors her mother's looks more than that of her father's.

"Mom says you need to take a break." Anne said as she walked in the house.

"Mom doesn't even know what I'm doing right now." Melody Jane shut the door after Anne came inside.

Anne turned to face Melody Jane. "Seriously MJ? You're always working and we all know it."

MJ was another name that Melody Jane goes by, most people will call her that as a shortened version of her name.

MJ sighed before nodding her head. "Yeah, I guess you both know me well."

"We are family, so of course we do, and as family we have to look out for each other. It's just what we do. So now I'm looking out for you and so is mom, we want you to take a break before you overwork yourself again." Anne said.

"Fine, I guess I'll take a break." MJ gave in.

Anne smiled. "Good, now go get ready, let's go shopping at the mall."

MJ smiled in response then she left to her room to go get ready.


"Fore!" A man yelled out after hitting a golf ball.

The man had short brown hair that was slightly curly, and he had brown eyes to match. This man is very well known in the acting world, his name is Tom Holland.

"Nice hit." A young man said to Tom.

This young man had some similarities to Tom, he had brown hair and brown eyes. His name is Peter Holland, and he's the son of Tom and Zendaya Holland. He's the eldest child out of the three Holland kids, being 21 years old.

"I need to keep practicing." Peter said as he gripped onto the golf club.

He raised the golf club back behind him then he made one swift movement and hit the golf ball hard. The ball went flying off into the distance in the direction of the hole, right on track.

"What are you talking about? That was a perfect hit." Tom complimented his son.

"It just needs to be perfect, you know, for the charity coming up." Peter responded.

"Yeah I get it." Tom and Peter grabbed their bags and made their way down the golf course to where their balls had landed.

They are playing on a private golf course that is reserved for special guests, such as celebrities. It was nice for the famous people to be able to just go out and play a game of golf in private without any paparazzi bugging them.

"Are you going to the movie premier?" Tom asked as they grabbed their golf clubs out of the bags. "I assume Ryker invited you." He said.

"He did, but I'm not sure if I'll go. I just really don't like being in front of the paparazzi like that." Peter responded.

"I understand, but I'm sure you'll like it once you get there. There will be lots of other celebrities at the premier, so it will take the spotlight off of you for the most part." Tom hit his golf ball again and it landed close to the hole in the ground.

"That's true, I'm sure Zyran is going though, so he really won't need me there, he was just inviting me to be friendly." Peter hit his ball and it went directly into the hole.

Peter is very talented a playing golf, he has done it for many years and it quite the professional at it. He likes playing golf as a hobby, but he also loves to do it for some charities.

"I know you guys aren't super close, but this is a good opportunity for you and Ryker to become closer friends. You need a good group of friends to go hang out with, and Ryker is a good guy. From what I know, his friend Zyran is also a great guy." Tom tried to convince his son to go out and make a group of friends that he could go hang out with.

He needed a group like that instead of him taking care of his sisters as often as he does. Peter enjoys taking care of them, and he doesn't mind it at all, but Tom knows that he needs to go out and hang out with some other guys that are close to his age.

"Alright, I'll think about it, but only for you." Peter gave in.

Tom smiled before saying, "Thank you."


A guy by the name of Matthew Ruffalo was sitting at a table in the fast food restaurant Wendy's. He had black hair that was accompanied by dark brown eyes. He was waiting patiently for someone to arrive and meet him there. He had only just sat down and was scrolling on his phone while he waited.

Matthew is the son of Mark and Sunrise Ruffalo. He currently owns a perfume business that is doing very well.

Matthew put his phone down and looked up to see a beautiful girl with blonde hair and green eyes walk in. She came over to him and sat down at his table in front of him.

She greeted Matthew with a smile, happy to see him. "Hi, sorry I'm a few minutes late, I had to deal with something at the business." She said.

This girl is Ellie Olsen, the daughter of Elizabeth Olsen and Robbie Arnett.

"No worries, I'm just glad you made it." Matthew said with a smile.

They both ordered their food and waited for it as they talked.

"I have a lot of orders for the new perfume that I just made." Matthew said.

"That's great, I knew this one would go over really well. I told you it would." Ellie smiled.

Matthew shrugged. "Yeah I guess, but you never really know until it's done."

Matthew is a very hard worker, he is quite the workaholic. He does struggle with his own confidence, and that can put him back a few steps, but Ellie tries her best to keep his confidence up, although, most of the time it doesn't work.

Ellie owns a perfume business as well, and she's very good at what she does. She's very successful with her life, and happy with it. She currently lives with Matthew in a nice home, and they are very happy together as best friends.

They got their food shortly and started to eat. "I love this place, it's so good." Matthew said as he enjoyed his food.

"It really is, I will come here forever, as long as they don't ever close down." Ellie said to Matthew.

"Nah, this place won't. Wendy's is way too popular to close down, everyone comes here at some point in their lives."

"You're right." Ellie took another bite of her food.

The two continued to talk for a while until they had finished their food.

"I'm going to head back to work." Ellie said as she stood up.

"Yeah, I'm going to do the same. I'll see you back at the house." Matthew stood up as well.

"Alright, don't work too hard. Bye." Ellie left and got into her car. Matthew did the same then they both drove off to work.


Out on a big open track for cars, a black dodge charger was being driven. Whoever was driving this car had a lot of talent, and there were quite a few people watching and taking notes on their iPads.

The driver of the car was currently doing stunt driving and showcasing some of their skills by doing all sorts of different things.

After a little while of the stunt driving, the car stopped and parked by the people that were standing nearby taking notes. The car door opened and a tall man around 6'1 stepped out. He had short black hair and was wearing aviator sunglasses.

This man is Zyran Cruise, the son of Tom Cruise. He was wearing black pants with a black shirt and a matching black jacket.

The people around him had stopped taking notes and one specific person came up to Zyran.

"Your driving is impeccable, I haven't seen anyone with your talent before." The man said.

Zyran nodded his head as he listened to the man talk. "With that being said, congratulations, the part is yours."

"Thank you." Zyran said as he shook the mans hand.

"I will get everything sent over to you this week. We will start promptly after that." The man continued to talk.

This man was no ordinary man, he was a very famous director, and he had just cast Zyran as the lead role in his newest movie.

"I look forward to working with you." Zyran said then they parted ways.

The people all got into their cars and drove off. Zyran got in his dodge charger and drove off as well.

Now Zyran has quite the talent for stunt driving, but he also has many other talents such as flying fighter planes and helicopters. He is more known for his career though, he is an actor that has already landed quite a few movie roles, and he is only 23 years old but is very popular. The paparazzi love to get his picture and post them all over the internet. Zyran has done quite a few red carpet appearances and lots of interviews, so he is very well known in the acting industry and has quite the number of fans.

Zyran took out his phone and decided to call his father as he is driving. He wanted to tell him the good news.

"Hey, what's going on?" Tom Cruise answered his call.

"I have news, the director just gave me the role, I'm officially cast as the lead." Zyran said with a smile.

"That's fantastic, I knew you would get the role. Your stunt driving especially helped with that I'm sure." He said sounding happy for his son.

"Oh it did, the director loved it. He's going to send me everything next week. I'll be starting soon after that." Zyran said.

"That's great, I'm really happy for you. You deserved this role." Tom said. "It will help your career shoot up even more, you will be approached by a lot more directors after this movie is released. That's what happened to me when I was your age."

Zyran smiled. "Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. I'm just getting started, and I have a lot more acting to show the world."

"I know you do, now drive safe, I need to get back on set. I'll see you tonight." Tom said.

He was always busy acting and doing all sorts of other things. He is Tom Cruise after all, one of the acting legends.

"Alright, see you then. Bye." Zyran hung up and smiled again.

He was happy to land another major role in a movie, but this time with a very famous director. It will end up helping his acting career a lot, it can only go up from here.


Author note: I hope you enjoyed the chapter. The rest of the characters will be introduced in the next chapter. With that said, I will need all of the character opinions and love interests done a week after chapter 2 is released. So once I publish chapter 2, your opinions and love interest forms will all be due. I'll put another note at the end of chapter 2 with the specific due date for you all.

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