Chapter 2

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The sun was quickly setting in the sky, the sunset colors were starting to fade away as the dark sky and stars started to appear.

On the outskirts of the city, there is a large house that has three stories and is connected to a forest. It is quite the fancy house with the white and black modern-day colors and large glass windows.

A fancy car pulled into the driveway and drove into the garage. The garage door shut after the car was inside.

The door to the drivers seat opened and out stepped a tall young man who was no older than 24. He has short dark brown hair and brown eyes. This man is Ryker Reynolds, son of Ryan Reynolds.

Ryker took out a fancy black suit from in the car that was covered in a protective fabric casing.

He walked inside of his house and went directly to his room. He walked into his closet where he hung the suit up just as his phone started to ring.

Ryker took out his phone to see his father was calling, so he answered it.

"Hey, what's up?" Ryker asked.

"Are you ready for the premier? I wanted to make sure that you were able to get your suit done." Ryan responded.

"Yeah, they just finished custom making it today. I actually just got home from picking it up. The suit looks and fits great, so now I'm all set." Ryker said.

"Oh good, they are expecting this to be the biggest premier of the year, so I wanted to make sure that everything was working out for you." He said.

Ryan cares for his son deeply, so he calls him everyday to check in and see how things are going with him. Ever since his wife died, he has always wanted to make sure that his son is safe. He couldn't stand to loose his only son, especially after the brutal murder of his wife. That event had left him and Ryker traumatized, but they had each other and were able to work through that grieving process together.

"Yep, everything's good with me. Oh and I invited two friends to join me for the premier, I figured they would want to go and see it, especially since it will be such a big turnout." Ryker said.

"That's great, I assume you invited Zyran." Ryan made the assumption since Ryker and Zyran are the best of friends.

"Yes, I couldn't imagine him not going, he's the best." Ryker responded.

Ryker and Zyran had been best friends ever since they were really young. The two ended up meeting at a movie premiere for one of Tom Cruises movies. Right after they had been introduced to each other, they immediately formed a friendship together. Since then, they are inseparable and will be seen hanging out on different movie sets, or with Ryker constantly bugging Zyran one way or another.

"Who else did you invite?" Ryan asked.

"I decided to bring Peter, Tom Hollands son. I think this would be good for him to do, plus, I think he needs more friends, but that's just my opinion." Ryker responded.

"No I agree with you, I think it's a good idea. He needs this. Did he agree to come?" Ryan asked.

"Not yet, he said he wasn't sure if he will be able to make it. I know he's just debating on whether or not he wants to go, but hopefully I will see him there." Ryker said.

"Hopefully. I need to get going though, I still have a lot to do before I can head to bed." Ryan said.

"Alright, I will see you next week for the premier." Ryker responded.

"Sounds good, I'm looking forward to it." Ryan said.

"Me too, bye." Ryker said.


Ryker hung up the phone then he left his room to go relax on the couch.


The sun had finished setting and a certain nail salon had closed up for the night, or so the public thought.

This wasn't an ordinary nail salon, this place closed early, and that's because the celebrities would come to this place in private. The people who worked there kept it a sworn secret. They knew that the celebrities wanted to look great all the time, and this particular salon was the most well known one around.

The staff who work there are all highly paid professionals, and of course, they like to see the celebrities as well, but they never ask for photos or autographs, they're very respectful and treat them as though they are just normal people coming in to get their nails done.

Not every celebrity prefers to have their nails done at their dressing rooms by the same stylist that they always use. Some of them like to venture out, and Rebecca Ortega was one of those celebrities.

Rebecca was sitting down on a chair getting her nails done. She is the daughter of Jenna Ortega, her dark brown hair and brown eyes made her look very similar to her mother, so it was easy to tell who her mother is.

Rebecca, or more commonly known as Becky was getting her nails painted black. She always has them done the same way, it's very rare that she changes them. The nail stylists there know what she likes, and they are always ready for her when she comes.

Becky took a drink of her Starbucks coffee, it is her favorite place to get coffee.

"Are you recording a new album in the near future?" The nail stylist asked her.

She was trying to make polite conversation with the celebrity. They both know each other and usually talk for a bit while at the salon, but it doesn't go anywhere from there. She's just a kind and hard worker at the salon.

"I'm working on one now, I am going to the studio tomorrow to work on it again." Becky replied.

"That's good, I know your fans are excited for it." The stylist smiled.

"Yeah, I'll get it done sooner rather than later. It just takes time." Becky said then she looked at her phone screen that lit up. She wasn't fully invested in the conversation.

The stylist nodded as she started to put the rhinestones on Becky's nails. It was the last thing to do before she finished.

A few minutes later the stylist had finished. Becky's nails were perfect as always.

"Thank you." Becky stood up and grabbed her things. She stopped at the counter where she paid for the nail painting.

She then left through the back doors away from the public roads. She walked over to her car and got inside it.

Becky drove straight to her home as she knew her mother would be very unhappy if she stayed out too late. Honestly her mother was quite overprotective of Becky, and it weighed down on her.

Becky pulled into the driveway then she made her way up to the penthouse where she lived.

She pulled out her keys and unlocked the door. Once she stepped inside she saw her mother pacing around the room while talking on the phone.

This was normal for her to come home to. Becky's mother seemed to always be talking on the phone to someone. Whether it's a director, her agent, or a co-star, she seemed to always be talking business.

Becky put her purse down on the table then she walked over to the couch and sat down. She put her feet up and turned on the tv.

As soon as she turned on the tv she saw a preview for her mother's newest movie, Beetlejuice Beetlejuice. Becky smirked at the advertisement.

"Lame." She turned the channel.

"Don't call my movie lame." Jenna sat down on the couch. She had finished her phone call in time to hear her daughter's harsh words.

"You can't tell me that movie isn't going to be lame, I've seen the trailers, it's going to flop." Becky was harshly honest with her opinions.

"It won't flop." Jenna slightly argued.

"Yeah, it will. I'm not sure why you agreed to do that movie anyways, it's just weird." She said.

"The pay was good." Jenna admitted.

Becky rolled her eyes and continued to flip through the channels on the tv.


A car pulled in front of a very fancy restaurant. A beautiful woman stepped out from the car, she had long wavy blonde hair with stunning blue eyes that had hints of green in them. This woman was wearing a beautiful dress that had a modern twist to it, and she had gold jewelry on to complete her look.

Once she stepped out of the car, a man who worked with valet came over to her and shut the car door behind her.

"Thank you." The woman said to him then she gave him the keys to her car. The man left to go park her car as she walked inside the restaurant.

The woman walked up to the hostess stand.

"Hello, how may I help you?" The hostess asked.

"I am here meeting three others." She said.

"Of course, right this way." The hostess lead the woman to a table where two other people were already seated.

Those two people were Margot Robbie, the famous actress, and Tom Ackerley, the famous producer.

The woman sat down next to them and smiled. "Hi mom, hi dad."

Yes, this is the daughter of Margot and Tom, and her name is Scarlett Ackerley.

"Hey, it feels like it's been so long since I've seen you." Margot hugged her daughter.

Scarlett hugged her back then they parted. "How's my famous girl doing?" Tom asked.

"I'm good, I've been working on the movie everyday, and I'm officially half way done with it." Scarlett said with a smile.

"That's great, I am really excited to see it." Margot smiled as well.

A man walked over to the table and sat down with them. He has tousled brown hair with blue eyes that have hints of green in them, and he is wearing a tailored black suit. This man is the son of Margot and Tom, his name is Ethan Ackerley.

"Hi Ethan, I'm so glad you're here." Margot said welcoming her eldest child.

"Hey, I'm glad to be here as well." Ethan smiled.

The four of them all got their drinks and then they ordered their food.

"Well, how are you Ethan?" Tom asked.

"I'm good, I actually have an event coming up that I'm doing the photography for." Ethan said.

"Nice, what event?" Tom asked.

"It's a movie premier for Ryan Reynolds newest movie. I'm supposed to specifically take photos of him and his son Ryker. The news media and some magazine companies have hired me to do it. They want to buy the photos." Ethan responded.

"That's fantastic. I heard about that premier, it's supposed to be the biggest one of the year, so they should pay you really well for those photos." Margot said with hope.

"Yeah, they're willing to pay a lot, and I might be able to take the photos at the interviews for Ryan as well. If I can get those, they will be worth the most." Ethan said.

"Good, I hope you can get in there to do it." Margot said.

The waiter came to the table and served them their food.

"This looks delicious." Scarlett said as they all started to eat.

"What's new with you two?" Scarlett asked her parents.

"Oh just the usual, I have one movie lined up for 2025 and two more in development." She said.

"She says oh so casually." Tom narrated with sarcasm.

"Oh stop it, you have no right to say that, you have 17 movies lined up, so I don't want to hear a word from you." Margot snapped back.

"Now that's true." He admitted.

Margot rolled her eyes.

"That's a ton of movies, and you're producing all 17 of them?" Scarlett asked her father.

"Yes, each and every one." He smiled.

"I hope I'm just as successful as you two." Scarlett sighed. "You have such amazing careers, I could only wish to have something like that."

"I agree with that." Ethan said.

"Of course you will be, and I bet you both will be even more successful than we are, just you wait." Margot assured them.

"I hope so." Ethan sighed.

"I also want a marriage like you two have, it seems like it's so rare to find. Someone is usually divorcing someone else and it never ends well." Scarlett admitted.

"It will be hard to find someone, but I know that the right man will come your way, and if it's meant to be, you will know it in your heart." Margot replied calmly.

"I hope you're right." Scarlett said.

"I know I am. Just look at how lucky I am that I have your father. You will find someone just like I was able to, you just need to give it time." Margot said.

Scarlett sighed. "Yeah, but even if the marriages end really good, there are other possibilities, like with what happened to Ryan Reynolds wife, she was murdered. I would hate to fall in love and be so attached to someone then all of a sudden just have them ripped away from me."

"That was such a rarity though, you can't think of those stories and let that dictate your hope of love. Although I will say, it was very hard on Ryan, and his son, but I'm sure Ryan would go through it all again just to be able to have his son and to experience the love and closeness that he had with his wife." Margot said.

"I guess that's true." Scarlett admitted.

"Yes it is, now don't worry about it anymore. Just enjoy your happiness and look forward to the right man that comes your way." Margot assured her.

Scarlett nodded her head in agreement.


"It's getting late, we need to finish up!" A man holding a clipboard yelled out.

In the modeling studio, people were going everywhere in almost every direction. They were working on changing the props and background for the photo shoot that they were currently working on.

A young woman walked out from a changing room wearing Athleta sportswear. She has dirty blonde hair that is tied back in a ponytail, and she has beautiful brown eyes.

"I'm ready." The young woman said.

Her makeup was done professionally and her sportswear was a brand new line from Athleta. She is currently modeling the new line which should have finished two hours ago, but due to some prop issues, the photoshoot was held back.

This young woman is the daughter of Shailene Woodley and Aaron Rogers. She is a beautiful girl just like her mother.

"Woodley! You're up!" The man holding the clipboard yelled.

Mallory Woodley walked onto the set that had just finished being put together. She faced the cameras and started to pose in all different ways. Every time she changed her pose the cameras would flash and her photo was taken.

"Good good, now with the soccer ball." The man made one of the stylists grab a soccer ball and give it to Mal.

Mal put it on the ground and set her foot on top of it as she started to pose more with the cameras flashing.

"Now let's get some running poses!" The man yelled out then the stylist took away the soccer ball.

Mal changed her pose to some running ones and the cameras continued to take her picture while others videotaped the running sequence.

"Beautiful! One more and then we can wrap it up!" The man signaled for a change of outfit.

The stylists walked up to Mal and they gave her a different outfit to wear. Mal walked into the changing room and changed into the new outfit. This time it was a tennis themed outfit, which was right up her alley.

Mal loves to play tennis, and she is very good at it, which the public knows, so they decided to put her in her comfort sport for the last part of the photo shoot.

Mal walked out from the changing room and onto the set. The stylist gave her a tennis racket to add to her outfit.

"Let's start!" After the man yelled out, Mal started to do different poses that all related to tennis. The racket helped a lot with the poses, it made her feel like she was getting ready to play tennis again.

A few minutes later the cameras stopped taking photos. "That's it for this photo shoot, until next time, Ms. Woodley." The man said to Mal.

"Ok, I will see you next time." Mal said before walking off to the changing room.

She changed into her normal clothes then walked out to give the tennis outfit back to the stylists.

Once Mal had gotten her purse and water, she left the modeling studio.

This was a normal day for Mal, she is famous for her modeling photos of sportswear. Most athletic wear companies would ask her to model for them, and Athleta was one of those companies who asked her to model their newest line for them.

The photos would be out in their new magazines and on posters soon once the line is released.

Most people would assume that Mal is an actress like her mother, however, that is not the case. She has never wanted to be an actress, and that has caused challenges between her and her mother. Instead she became a model, and she is happy with her modeling career as it is, she would like to keep it as strictly modeling, nothing else.

This does upset her mother with the fact that she refuses to be an actress, but they try not to ever bring it up around each other. It would just end up in an argument and hurt feelings.

Mallory left in her car and drove to her home where she could finally just relax and watch some reality tv in peace.


A young woman who has dirty blonde hair that is styled in a braid walked into a large studio building. This woman has hazel eyes that looked exactly like her mother's. Her name is Isabella Jolie, and she is the daughter of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.

Isabella is a very talented actress, she has had several small roles in movies and a few larger roles. She also does voice acting and is well known for her talent in that as well.

The media loves to see Isabella in interviews with her mother, they find it to be a great thing for them to do together, so Isabella will often get interviewed and attend red carpet events with her mother.

Although, truthfully, she hates going to a lot of these events, and she does not like dealing with the media either. She would prefer just to go by on her own without having the paparazzi notice her and crowed her for photos.

This evening Isabella is going to meet up with the casting director for her newest movie. She was told to come meet him because there had been some changes to the script and to one of the actresses which all involved her.

Isabella made her way to the casting directors office. She stopped at his door and knocked.

"Come in." A male voice was heard.

Isabella took a deep breath before opening the door and walking inside.

"Good you're here, you are the last one that I needed to talk to." The man said to her.

"Oh alright, I assume it's about some of the changes." Isabella said.

"Yes. It turns out the actress who was going to play as your characters mother in this film had a scheduling conflict that she decided to not tell me until the other day. I have cast someone else to play the character, so don't be surprised when you see a different actress on set." The man explained.

"Ok, who is the new actress playing her?" Isabella asked.

"No one important. The only two actors that matter are the two main characters, and you're one of them, so that's all that matters in the end." The man was quite rude when it came to the actors that did not have a main role in the movie. He has quite the temper as well, and Isabella knows that, so she can handle the incoming angry situations with ease.

"There have also been some changes in the script. Here's the final version." The man handed her a thick packet of papers.

"What changed?" She asked him.

"A few minor scenes, we added an argument scene between you and your mom in the film, along with a few added scenes for the male lead, oh and we added two kiss scenes between you and the male lead." He responded.

'Two kiss scenes' Isabella thought in her head. Now she wanted to know who was playing the male lead in the movie.

"Did you cast the male lead already?" Isabella asked anxiously.

"Yes, it's Zyran Cruise. He is great to work with, I know a lot of people who have worked with him before and they all like him a lot. They said he's easy going, and I'm sure you two will have great chemistry on set." The casting director said.

Isabella thought about Zyran, she has seen a lot of his movies, and she is very familiar with his father and has seen a lot of his movies as well. She always thought he was a very attractive man, now she's looking forward to starting this movie sooner rather than later.

"Thank you." She smiled.

"That's all I have for you. Now go get memorizing and practicing your lines. We start filming asap." The man said.

"Of course sir." Isabella said then she turned and left the room.

She walked out to her car and got inside of it. She looked at the front page of the script then she started to thumb through it and briefly look at it trying to get an idea of how the movie would turn out.

Isabella was looking forward to this movie, especially since the producer and director of it are both very famous. They will put her career at the top of Hollywood, and everyone will be calling her to ask her to star in their movies and tv shows.

Isabella smiled at the thought.

"This is going to finally be my big break."


A young woman walked inside of her home from a long day at work. She set her purse down and got herself a drink of water. She then walked over to the couch and sat down.

This young woman who is only 18 years old, is the daughter of Vanessa Hudgens. Her name is Victoria Hudgens, she has red hair and light blue eyes.

"Glad you're home." Vanessa walked into the living room where her daughter was seated.

Victoria looked over at her mom and smiled. "Yeah, I'm back, but it was a stressful day once again." She said with a slightly irritated tone.

"Oh, why's that?" Vanessa sat down on the couch next to her daughter.

"The director demanded that I write in an argument scene, but it makes no sense in the storyline with how he wanted it. I tried to explain it to him but he is so stubborn, it agitates me so much." Victoria crossed her arms clearly annoyed at the situation.

"Plus he had me add in more kiss scenes, which was also against my will." She said sounding agitated.

"Oh I'm sorry, but unfortunately that's how this whole process works." Vanessa said calmly.

"The directors are harsh, and they are very particular on what they want in the script, which is why it's so hard on you as a script writer." Vanessa continued.

"I know mom, I've been doing it for so long, and working with this super famous director and producer has been great for my career, and even greater after the movie comes out, but sometimes I wish they would just give me full creative freedom with the script." Victoria said.

"I wish you could, but just think about the bright side." Vanessa smiled a little.

"What bright side?"

"After the movie comes out, everyone will see your amazing work once again, and even more directors will come to you and ask you to write their scripts for them." Vanessa said while trying to cheer her daughter up.

"I guess so." Victoria shrugged.

"Oh come on now. Lighten up." Vanessa suddenly smiled. "I have a great idea, let's make some popcorn and watch a movie, it will be fun."

Victoria hesitated then she nodded. "Alright, sounds good."

"Great, you pick a movie and I'll go make the popcorn." Vanessa walked off into the kitchen.

Victoria slightly smiled to herself. Her mother is always so kind to her and she always tries to cheer her up and make her feel better when she has stressful days, and unfortunately today was one of those days.


Author Note: I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Up to this point, all of the main characters have been introduced. I tied in a lot of the characters to each other so that in the next chapter they can all start to meet each other.

By now I do need your opinions and love interest forms in. They should be in by Sunday the 15th.

Remember, don't forget to vote and leave lots of comments. The more you comment, the odds are your oc will be featured more than the others, just keep that in mind.

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