31| A Villain Is Born

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A/N: Firstly dears readers, Eid Mubarak!

"Remember: Prayer is not about punishment or reward; it is about cultivating a genuine connection with God. The deep purpose of prayer is not to obtain a certain outcome; rather, it is about having an intimate conversation with your Lord." ― A. Helwa

Now coming to the story, I have to say having episode banks really help and now that I have run out of them, I had to actually sit on Eid to write this chapter! Once I thought, I would inform you all that I will resume writing from next Sunday, but then I saw I have an average of ~1K readers, and on the pious occasion of Eid, when the idea is to spread love, kindness & happiness, I cannot make 1K readers upset! So I pushed through and put on my writer's hat and freshly churned this chapter out of my head, just for you folks! You can consider this, my Eidi :)

Happy Reading on that note!


It had been a quarter of an hour since Manik was sitting here with Cabir, & Dhruv had been re-pitching his script to him. Manik had no clue as to what he was saying, or what the plot of his script was. He didn't pay attention the last time he narrated either; last time when Dhruv met him for a narration, it was just after he had come to know about his bloody family legacy & was going berserk while looking for Nandini. This time however things were slightly different. This time he couldn't focus on the unfortunate script owing to the same Nandini, who was now sitting opposite to him & hearing Dhruv's pitch with mild interest on her face.

Manik didn't let Cabir dilly dally too much before accepting Dhruv's invite for his script narration. He was dying to meet Nandini and ensure she was unscathed. He wanted to see how she was doing & more importantly how she was holding on from all her emotional losses and thereafter the ugly feud that ended with her character defamation in the press.

Cut to two days later, here they were, sitting in the narration room of the DV Films' production house & Nandini Murthy was sitting before him, in perfect poise and in absolute pink of her health. In more ways than one, Manik was happy to see her coping well, but that didn't stop him from being surprised. There was no trace of hurt, baggage or even fatigue in this woman & if anything, she seemed to find a new zeal for life, if her open laughter to some of the lighter moments of the script Dhruv was narrating, were to be believed! Nandini was already sitting in Dhruv's office when Manik had entered in a rush. His eyes had fallen on her charming laughter, as she responded to something cheeky that Dhruv might have shared just before he entered. Manik stopped in his tracks seeing her, as they both turned their head towards him acknowledging his presence. Manik could barely take his eyes off Nandini as he nodded to Dhruv's warm welcome & ever since then all Nandini did was nod at him once with a small smile and turned her attention to Dhruv, who decided to quickly start the narration without much explanation as to what was Nandini doing with him. Cabir had just motioned to address Manik's question, but Manik eyed him to hold on. Nandini sitting in Dhruv's office to hear a script that was meant for Manik didn't make any sense, so he realised he'd let them lay out their plan before he intervened.

"So, Manik, what do you think of this action sequence, it's the high point of the story and..." Dhruv's boring talks brought Manik out of his reverie.

"..DV, you know right, that Manik never performs action scenes since his spinal surgery after that action sequence went wrong in his movie one year back? We will need a body double here for the long & wide shots." Cabir chipped in with a professional tone.

"Sure, of course, we can manage that. However, in the close ups, the emot..." Dhruv only began to be cut short by Nandini.

"Umm, Dhruv, I would be doing all the action sequences myself. You can recommend me a trainer for that"

Manik's head shot up at that. "What do you mean, Nandini?" This was the first time he was addressing her directly. Dhruv looked tense, as if he was anticipating this moment of tension sooner or later.

Nandini looked at him for the second time in that span and responded in an unconcerned voice, "Never mind, my director has understood."

"My director?" Manik repeated in an odd voice. Wait, what was happening? Dhruv seemed to realise, there was no point stretching this suspense further, as he dropped the bomb on Manik, saying, "Manik, this is why I wanted to meet you with her. It gives me great pleasure to announce that Nandini will be debuting with us in this movie." His voice shook as he spoke, since he had no idea how Manik would respond to this preposterous idea!

"What?" both Manik & Cabir shot at the same time.

"Nandini have you lost it?" thundered Manik, as he gulped hard, trying to keep the panic in his voice in check.

"Excuse me?" she replied, raising an eyebrow at Manik, like she was talking to an absolute stranger. It stung.

Manik shut his eyes tightly as he let out a slow breath. No, he couldn't flip right now, it was downright risky for Nandini. She couldn't stand in the way of the Malhotra's ever again, not without consequences. His father & grandfather won't listen to his pleading this time. Nandini had to be tucked away in a safe corner of the country for her to live a happy life, she couldn't take centre stage again. Manik wouldn't let that happen!

"Dhruv, Cabir, can you please give us a moment?" he said, with a controlled voice, after some time. Cabir gave him a small crooked smile and nodded. Poor fool. He thought Manik was going to take this chance to make amends with Nandini. Only if he knew. Dhruv on the other hand looked reluctant, but was about to agree, when Nandini spoke.

"Umm, I'm not sure what you want to discuss with me Mr. Malhotra, that needs privacy. I would be more comfortable if my director stayed here." she suggested with an expression of vague confusion. Manik fumed.

Mr. Malhotra?

My director?


However, what choice did Manik have at this point, but to play along? How else could he talk to her in privacy?

"Ms. Murthy, I would like to address a PR concern that may arise with us working together since our public split & it will invariably take us back to a complicated yet deeply personal past. I am uncomfortable talking about that in front of your director, so if it's okay, I want to talk to you privately for a bit, before we go forward with the narration." He put forward his point of view, challenging her calmly. Both Cabir & Dhruv looked uncomfortable. Nandini glanced at their awkward faces & sighed before giving in.

"Very well then, Mr. Malhotra, you have five minutes." she commanded. Manik looked deeply into her eyes, they were oddly passive. Unlike all other times, the twinkle was gone. It was opaque in a strange way, like she had barriered the entry to her heart through her eyes. The closedness of her eyes made Manik panic. He felt neglected, unseen, unheard & it wasn't helping in settling his nerves.

"Okay, you guys take your time, I will be in my cabin." Dhruv muttered, before they both left the narration room, shutting the door behind them. The soft thud of the door broke Manik's eye contact with Nandini, and as much as he expected her to behave normally behind closed doors, in privacy, Nandini still held onto the express of polite interest.

"What the fuck is this Nandini?" Manik snapped, seeing she was not going to be making it easy for him anymore.

"Mr. Malhotra, I believe we should stick to decency in business." she replied with a firm frown on her delicate face. Manik looked back at her desperately. He could feel it that he couldn't reach through to her. It bothered him. It made him edgy.

Manik moved towards her. He bent down to her seated form on the couch and gently clutched her shoulder. He expected her to react, but she didn't. He felt like just another piece of wooden furniture that was touching her. "Nandini" there was a yearning in his voice, but she simply looked at him, ignoring the intimacy.

"What are you up to?" Manik asked again.

"Umm..nothing. I am here to act in a movie." she replied, calmly, maintaining steady eye contact.

"..and since when are you interested in becoming an actress?" he asked roughly, realising his patience is slipping by the minute.

"Forever, Mr. Malhotra, it's just that you never asked me." she replied, with a curt smile.

"Is this some kind of a sick game you want to play, because of what I did to you? Trust me you won't win this. I am far too powerful, you will end up hurting yourself!" Manik tried again.

"I don't know what you mean. I am here to become an actress." she replied, with an expression of mild confusion and that infuriated Manik further. Couldn't this silly woman see what shit she was about to put herself into?

"Nandini, stop with the drama" barked Manik in anger.

"Mr. Malh.." Nandini began, but Manik shouted again, "..also stop with the Mr. Malhotra! I'm Manik for you."

"You are no one for me." this time she replied quietly. Thank God, thought Manik, at least she was acknowledging him beyond a co-actor, even though it's in hate.

"Nandini, please listen to me. It is a bad idea." Manik implored this time, shaking her shoulders a little.

"On the contrary, I think it is a brilliant idea, even my director agrees..." Nandini began.

"..and he is not your director, for heaven's sake!" Manik snapped again.

"Oh, but he is, Mr. Malhotra. I have already signed his film." she replied calmly, eyeing him, unhassled by his proximity.

"You have what?!" Manik blasted this time.

"Signed-his-movie" Nandini broke it down to Manik like he was a child. She was enjoying infuriating him for sure. Manik stared at her. How was he to protect Nandini when she was so hell bent on digging her own grave?! No, this madness had to stop! He had to stop it! If not by persuasion than by whatever worked. He had to save Nandini.

"Alright." Manik spoke calmly, suddenly, irking Nandini. "That's great. You will be a heroine now. Wow. This has been your ulterior motive all the while, right?" he smirked, playing it cool. It broke his heart to say this, but what choice did this woman leave him?

"You're quite right there, Mr. Malhotra. God, it feels so great to own up to some truths now. I was so bored playing the good girl" Nandini replied coldly, with a smirk, nauseating Manik from inside.

"Nandini Murthy, you will not be coming into showbiz. I will make sure of that!" snarled Manik.

"..and how exactly are you going to stop me, Mr. Movie Moghul?" she asked him, testily.

There was a cruel smirk on Manik's face, almost resembling him with the devil himself, "You want to be Dhruv's leading lady, right? Okay, sure. Go make that movie Nandini, but without me. I'd like to see which film maker is willing to give you a chance with all the bad publicity on you, unless I am standing next to you in the frame! I will walk out of this door & reject the movie. My one step will trample your budding dreams forever, crushing your chance in the limelight. You will never be a heroine Nandini, so I ask you one last time, back out with dignity & grace & I won't have to destroy you one more time." Manik whispered manically. Deep inside he knew he was not destroying her, but himself, but if Nandini's safety required him to do this, he'd do this too.

"Oh, now that will be of slight inconvenience for me, for sure Mr. Malhotra, but I'm not sure if the impacts would be as dramatic!" Nandini answered, humouring him, with fake concern. Manik frowned hearing her. Nandini smirked this time before responding, "You know, I was only doing Dhruv a favour by signing his movie, because I thought you might want to share screen with me, and thereby do his film. It's okay if you don't want to. I still have this other movie with Aryamann Khanna signed. His home production. Now, you can't influence him, can you? Anyway, I was also being generous to you if we're talking. I mean all that bad publicity, I couldn't have garnered it without your generous help, so when I am going to encash that, I was hoping, I'd let you in on the fortune too, you know? To be fair & square? But if you're not interested then no problem.."

Manik gaped at her ghastly, manipulative mouth & shuddered. Who was this woman and what had she done to his Nandini?

"Khanna Productions is putting money on you now? Has Aryamann lost it?" Manik wondered aloud.

"Not really, Aryamann is still hale and hearty. Oh and I've not signed either of the movies as a leading lady, Mr. Malhotra.." Nandini replied, in a mysterious tone.

"Then what? You want to be in a supporting role in your debutante venture?" Manik asked, flabbergasted.

Nandini rolled her eyes murmuring, "So little imagination..tch tch." then added, "I have signed as the lead in a negative role for both movies."

"What!?" Manik spat, sitting down on his knees before her.

"I have decided to be honest, Mr. Malhotra. The audience are not fools. They know that I am the witch, this is me gracefully accepting it." Nandini replied with a smug smile.

Manik staggered at the revelation and his mind on overdrive calculated all the odds. Of course everyone was signing her, if she agreed to be a villain, it was synergy with her public profile. Each movie would give great revenue, the public interest in Nandini's personal life will pull them to the cinemas! Now how was he going to stop this madness? How was he going to save Nandini? Manik felt like the wheels of destiny were already in motion & no matter how hard he tried, saving Nandini was becoming more difficult by the minute.

"Ahem" Nandini's cough made Manik focus back on her words, as she added, "So as I was saying, Mr. Malhotra, it is perfectly okay if you want to opt out of this movie, maybe we can work together once I made a name for myself? After all, you are the superstar!"

Manik glared at the naive woman before him. If only she had any clue how dangerous this was for her, maybe she'd stay the fuck away? However, what good would telling her the truth do? Was Nandini the kind of person who'd let the Malhotra's get away with Abhimanyu's murder for the sake of saving her own life? Never. He'd put her in more trouble by fessing up now. He realised Nandini was mad at him & she was doing this to get a kick out of irking him by staying before his sight. What did she know she was doing him a favour but risking her life..what would Manik not give away to be around Nandini, if not be with her in life. However, he knew fate wouldn't ever let him afford that.

Staring at Nandini's beautiful yet stubborn face, Manik realised he had to find a mid-way however impossible it was to find. No he couldn't say no to Dhruv's movie, because if he couldn't stop Nandini from coming into the movies, the least he could do was keep her in his eyesight & protect her anyhow. Also, maybe if while being around him, he could make her convinced that he wasn't ever going to feel guilty about ruining her life, then maybe, just maybe she'd give up on this crazy plan and go back to the safety of shadow land where no one would hold malicious intent in their hearts for her?

"Now thinking of it, you are right Nandini. When I am the one who helped you earn the bad publicity, I definitely deserve a cut in the revenue you make out of it too! Plus am I not the one who taught you acting too? I will consider this fat pay cheque as fees." Manik retorted with a stiff smile, before getting up from his squat and turning around towards the door.

Nandini sat there observing Manik's gait, as he walked to the door and asked someone to call Dhruv & Cabir back. She thought she'd need more convincing, but that was pretty easy. Manik was onboard, now she was officially going to be a part of Dhruv's film. She closed her eyes and said a quick prayer, at this rate, she'd find evidence on Manik that'd lead to Abhimanyu's murderer, very soon.

"Wait, did you say you will perform your own action scenes?" suddenly Manik turned and asked her, as they waited for Dhruv & Cabir.

Nandini nodded. Manik sighed. He knew the more he asked her not to, the more she'd be convinced against it, but seriously, action sequence and Nandini? Did she have a death wish? It seemed to Manik that it was getting more difficult to save Nandini from herself more than anything.

"Cool. Although that's a bad idea, but, sure. Maybe once you break your back while you're at it, they will drop you from all the movies!" he sounded hopeful and Nandini seemed pissed.

"It's..erm..it's not final yet, I will train first and then take a call." Nandini replied indignantly and Manik hid a smirk and sighed in relief. It was nice to get a glimpse of his old, naive Nandini once in a while. All was not lost.


"Cabir, I need you to do me a favour." Manik spoke as they were driving off from Dhruv's. Now that he was satisfied knowing Nandini was safe & rather strong, he was slightly at ease. He now had time to focus on building a fortress of safety around her so no foul Malhotra men could touch her.

"Make a command, sire" Cabir replied dramatically, as Manik rolled his eyes.

"No, this is a request to a friend, which you are not obligated to pursue. It is personal." Manik replied.

"Alright, fine. I will do it. I will go to Nandini and tell her, even though you get a brain stroke every time you face her and that's why you spew shit, but from the heart you are a softie when it comes to her and that you love her and want her back. I saw this coming to be honest, our romantic hero somewhat lacks the spark in real life..but that's fine, I.." Cabir kept prattling, much to Manik's irritation as he snapped him shut.

"No Cabir, you will do no such thing. For the last time, I don't want Nandini back, I just want to ensure that..." Manik tried presenting his defensive case, and Cabir cut him short.

"Yes, yes. Saviour from the high heaven, demon guarding her angels, whatever twisted sex fantasy this is for you, mate. Tell me." Cabir shrugged, much to Manik's irritation.

"I want you to do two things. One, call Navya and appoint her as my PR & then guide her at the job." Manik began.

"Whattt?!" Cabir started protesting, but shut up seeing Manik's expression.

"..and secondly," Manik continued, ignoring Cabir's interruption, "I want you to call up your twin Ranbir & tell him I have a job for him."

"Whatttttt?" Cabir snapped this time. "Manik, just because I am your buddy and I joke around, it doesn't mean I don't do my job! You are going to sack me and replace me with my evil twin?" He looked horrified and continued the drama. Manik rolled his eyes in exasperation.

"No, that's not it, Cabira! Just call Ranbir!" he added.

"Oh. So you love me so much, that just me is not enough? You need double of me to be satisfied? Cute." Cabir responded with a smirk this time and Manik could help laughing before punching him this time. It felt nice to smile a little. Maybe this is what proximity to Nandini did to him? It made him feel lighter, happier.

"So why Ranbir?" asked Cabir seriously this time.

"I want to plant him near Nandini as her manager. I need eyes on her. Eyes I trust." Manik replied.

"..and why will Nandini suddenly hire my lookalike? Do you remember I had once kidnapped her upon your order?" Cabir asked, fighting a laughter, Manik looked annoyed.

"..because Navya will put in a good word for him." Manik replied, mysteriously. Cabir raised his eyebrows, "How? They don't know each other!"

"That's why Navya will join my team and you will start training her closely. Then when Ranbir comes to visit you seeking a job, Navya can be manipulated to play her role!" Manik replied thoughtfully.

"Can't we make Navya the double agent here? We can send her and keep tabs on Nandini? I mean we will tell her Nandini's life is in danger or something.." Cabir proposed, and Manik flinched at how close Cabir's assumption was to reality.

"Nope. For one, Navya is a woman, she can't be her bodyguard & protect Nandini, secondly, she is Nandini's old friend, and you never know when she rats us out & most importantly, I need Navya here so that she self appoints herself as Nandini's double agent and passes our information to her. That way we will have a direct source to feed Nandini any information we want, without her doubting the authenticity." Manik replied, in a calculative voice.

"Wow, you almost sound like your dad, when you are hatching a plan!" Cabir remarked playfully, but he had no idea how hard it hit Manik. He didn't want to be anything remotely close to the Malhotra men, if he could help it. "Just shut up, Cabir!"

Cabir realised something was irking him, so he changed the question. "Why will Navya buy the fact that we are hiring her for managing the biggest brand name in showbiz, brand Manik, when she has so little experience? Won't she realise we will have some ulterior motive?"

Manik looked thoughtful for a moment, then he replied, "We will tell her, we have fired Zubin on ethical grounds, and Mukti had snapped ties with us and apart from them, no one relevant knew about the pregnancy PR drama, we need someone who has the context of the history & someone we don't need to lie to. Someone we trust. For that we will pay double and train her too. I think this should suffice."

Cabir nodded. Yes, their logics were airtight and he knew they could pull this, what he was baffled about was why Manik was moving mountains and universes to keep Nandini secured. What was the threat on her? Who was the threat on her? Did Manik know something he didn't?

Meanwhile sitting quietly as he saw the passerby cars fly by, Manik recollected his interaction with Nandini. He couldn't get over her cold, unaffected stare. Had he truly lost her? Was the old Nandini truly gone? Was Manik indeed late? He knew he had to be unnecessarily harsh with her in the coming days & that wasn't going to help her improve from her current state either. He scorned fate or indirectly making him the cause for giving birth to a villain in Nandini. Who'd have thought that soft, innocent, vulnerable Nandini would be playing the role of a deadly sinful villain now & the world would easily buy her claim. It was all his doing.

"Manik, are you okay?" Cabir whispered, seeing his friend lost in thoughts.

"Yes, I was just thinking, I need to pay a visit to Jannat soon. Darji & dad need to know about Nandini's plans from me before they hear it from elsewhere." he said in a monotone bereft of emotions.

"Yes, that too. Else they will start their PR drama again. I will arrange a meeting for tomorrow." Cabir agreed.

"Please make sure, mom isn't around for it." Manik's odd request made Cabir thoughtful, but he didn't pester Manik just then.

"Sure, you go home and take some rest, mate. It's been a long day!" he said to Manik as the car finally stopped at his penthouse, and Manik nodded and walked out.


Word Count: 3,973

So, readers, how was the first MaNan encounter? I know it wasn't very fiery but you know I didn't want Nandini to go all out on Manik right at the first encounter, Manik should slowly realise the extent of damage he willingly or unwillingly inflicted on Nandini & this chapter was a mild trailor!

There is one more thing I want to address in this chapter. Readers, why are the votes dwindling? Are you not enjoying the story anymore? Is there a point of view you have? You must tell me what you're thinking cause it is very disheartening to see votes going down! I am putting in my best efforts to stay on schedule, so that you all enjoy this Sunday read, request you to show me some love and vote if you like the chapter! I mean, out of 1K readers, not even 300 votes? That's kinda upsetting :(

Anyway, I can't put a low face for too long, so let's move on to my questions. I would love for more of you to answer these, so that I really know what you're enjoying & what not!

1. Your thoughts on MaNan meet? What were you expecting?

2. Nandini holding onto her emotions, staying strong & manipulating Manik into signing the DV banner movie, did you like it? '

3. How do you feel about Manik's internal turmoil seeing Nandini out cold? Are you looking forward to them shooting together?

4. Did you guys like the small snippets about Nandini's vulnerability staying intact & Manik winning on them? (The action scene discussion, body double suggestion) - I feel like keeping some to lighten the mood of the otherwise super intense leg of the narrative that's coming. Let me know if you want to see these small MaNan sparks along the way, or you would like a complete lights out?

5. Manik trying to inflitrate Nandini's inner circle to protect her. What are your thoughts on that? Do you think Nandini will find out? Is it a good idea?

6. Anything in particular that you like or dislike about this chapter? How do you see it progressing?

I hope I have been able to give you your weekly dose of entertainment with this chapter & in return you will show me some love, by voting, commenting & creating some buzz around!

I will be back with my next update on 30th April (Sunday)

Until then,

Stay safe, blessed & loved!

Your writer,


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