Chapter 2

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Hey everyone. I hope everyone's staying safe and healthy due to covid-19. But enough about that. I hope you enjoy this chapter.:)(btw, Sansa and Arya Stark are a year older than they are in the show. Are you will be 12 and Sansa will be 14.)

When Saphira is speaking in thought: 'eragon'

When everyone is speaking in thought: 'eragon'

It took them some several hours before the Capital of the North known as Winterfell came into sight. Eragon had a look of slight awe at the site. Compared to the capitals of Alagaesia, such as Urû'baen and Ellesméra as well as Tronjheim the capital of the Dwarves, Winterfell isn't as big. However, it was large and it was sturdy. When Winterfell came in site of the traveling group, Saphira chose then to fly off, but not without a stern warning to Eragon.

'I swear to you little one. If anything were to happen to you in there when I'm gone, I will tear down this fortress to get to you. Then I'm going to trap you under my paw for an hour.' Eragon gulped at that. He remember the last time he was stuck on her paw. Last time it happened, he was about to get into a fight with half brother Murtagh. He then nodded to Saphira as she flew away. 'Everything will be fine Saphira. Stay nearby and out of sight.' Eragon looked at the small group and nodded. Slowly as before, they began heading to Winterfell.

It took them almost an hour and the sun was beginning to set before they arrived at the gates. Eragon and Arya stiffened as they heard a man yell.  "Halt!" The carriage came to a slow stop as two men who appeared to be guards approach the carriage. One of the guards spoke as he stood next to Arya. "State your business and the reason you came to Winterfell." The guard he spoke was quickly silenced by the other one, as he recognized one of the visitors. "Jorgi, that's Kori. She's a well known merchant around these parts."

The first guard, who is now known as Jorgi, had his eyes wide as he spoke. "Ah, you're right Borvis. Welcome back Kori, how was Dorne?" Kori smiled as she responded to him. "Hot. Way warmer than up here. It's also a good place to work on my tan. But up here, Winterfell is like a second home to me."

Eragon watched as Kori spoke to the two guards. He couldn't help the fact that a smile was slowly creeping onto his face. He was used to people not smiling. To see this, even in another dimension, brought a warm feeling to himself. The guard now known as Borvis then notice her two companions. "Looks like our merchant friend has found new companions."

The smile that once was on Kori's face disappeared as a serious expression took its place. "Besides coming back the Winterfell for business, I came back for another reason." She then knelt down from the carriage, which caused Borvis to come closer, knowing that what she had to say was not for others to hear. "I need to speak to Lord Eddard Stark, it's a matter of importance."

Borvis nodded is he stepped away. "Very well. Go on in." Kori and the group nodded as they slowly entered Winterfell. At the gate, Borvis looked to Jorgi. "Stay here and guard the gates. I need to go speak to Lord Stark at once." Jorgi nodded as Borvis rushed past, heading to go notify the Lord of the arrivals.


Ned Stark was in the middle of watching his sons training with Master-at-arms Ser Rodrik Cassel when he heard Maester Luwin approach with Borvis, one the guards who was at the gates. "Lord Stark." Maester Luwin said as bowed slightly. "You know you don't have to bow to me, Maester Luwin." He then noticed Borvis. Before he could speak, Luwin spoke. "News from the gate my Lord. It appears our faithful merchant friend has once again return to Winterfell."

Ned Stark smiled at that. "Kori has returned? The kids will love that." He didn't notice the serious expression on the guards face. "But I take it that's not the reason why Borvis is here, is it?" Maester Luwin shook his head. "No my Lord. Kori told Borvis here that she wishes to speak with you. According to her, it is something of importance. Plus, according to Borvis here, she's not alone. She has companions this time."

Ned Stark look down as he began thinking. 'Kori wishes to speak to me. What would be so important that she would need to speak with me. And who are the companions she's traveling with?' He looked at Luwin. "She wishes to speak with me? Did she give Borvis a reason why?" Luwin shook his head as Borvis spoke. "No sir. She just said it was only a matter of importance." Borvis then looked at Luwin before looking back at Ned. "However, I have a feeling it is in regards to her new companions sir."

At that, Ned Stark furrowed his brows. "What do you mean Borvis?" Borvis looked down before he spoke. "I'm not sure sir. But these two companions of hers seem odd. It felt as if the very air was wrapped around them. At first I thought they were mercenaries given the fact that they were carrying weapons, but something just didn't feel right about them."

Ned Stark nodded as he looked at his children. "This does sound suspicious. Very well. I will speak to them. But it seems that the children will beat me to it." As he said, he watched as three certain people noticed that the carriage belonging to Kori had arrived. He watched as Arya, Rickon and Bran ran to the carriage as Robb and Jon stopped sparring and also went to the carriage.

Ned then spoke to Luwin. "I will be in my office. Once they have settled come and bring them to me at once." Luwin nodded as he bowed slightly and walked away with Borvis. Ned looked at the new arrivals with furrowed eyebrows. "What do I have a feeling that something big is about to happen." He shook his head as he went inside, making his way towards his office.


Immediately after the carriage stopped, the trio could hear small footsteps running towards them. Looking over the yard, Eragon spotted what appeared to be the young Stark children as they rushed towards Kori, which caused a smile to appear as he heard them call her name. "Kori!!!" He turned towards the person in question and she let out a laugh. "Children."

He watched as she knelt and held out her arms, to which the kids flew into arms. "My, have you kids grown." The youngest of the three giggled as he spoke. "Hey Kor Kor. Did you bring some new toys?" Eragon let out a laugh of his own at the name. Kori looked at him and smiled as she looked at the youngest of the Stark children. "Of course I did."

She went to the back of the carriage and pulled out a small box. Opening the box, she pulled out what looked to be a wooden wolf figurine. "When I was in King's landing looking for new merchandise to sell I spotted a woodcarver who's been selling bunch of wooden figurines. When I saw the wooden wolf, I knew you would like it." His eyes lit up with excitement as he took the figurine from her. While smiling, she then went back to the carriage and pulled out two boxes. She opened the first and then spoke to Bran. "I know you are at the age where you should be learning how to use weapons. So, I have a new bow and a quiver of arrows. The bow is made out of a stag's horn and the string was strung from the hair of a bear. The arrows are sharp and with practice, you'll be a great Bowman." He smiled as he accepted to bow.

She then felt a small hand touch her leg, causing her to look down and notice that it was Arya who wanted her attention. "What did you bring me?" Kori just smiled as she lifted the long box that she took out with the box that held the bow. "Your mother may not like this gift, but I'm sure your lord father will allow you to have it. From what I can tell, you rather have a weapon in your hand than a needle and string. You remind me of the sand snakes of Dorne. Which is where I got your gift."

She knelt down and opened the box. Arya's eyes went wide as she looked on in awe as she spotted her gift. Inside the box laid a short spear. The blade was sharp and took a third of the length of the entire spear. When Robb and Jon saw the spear, their eyes went wide as Robb spoke. "That weapon is twice her size. Don't you think that weapon is too big for her?" At that, Arya Stark turned around and looked at him with a mean glare, causing Jon to laugh. "Be careful Robb, she may be throwing it at you when she learns how to use it."

Kori just shook her head and she smiled at the half siblings. "Anyone can learn how to use a weapon. And this is Arya Stark we're talking about. With training, she'll probably best all of you." She then lifted the spear and gave it to Arya. Arya just gave her a wide smile and then thanked her. "Thank you." Kori smiled as she looked at her. "You're welcome, little warrior."

She looked around and noticed something. "Where is Sansa?" Arya just scoffed at that. "She's probably just working on her needlework." Kori nodded as she went back to the carriage and took out a small box. "This box is for her. I'll wait till later to give it to her." She turned and looked at Robb and Jon, who were watching as Arya tried lift the spear.

So distracted by the Stark children, she absolutely forgot about her new companions. Her smile instantly faded as she saw Maester Luwin making his way towards them. 'Here we go.' Kori thought as Maester Luwin stopped in front. "Excuse me, Merchant Kori and her companions. I'm Maester Luwin. Lord Stark has granted you an audience. If you will follow me, I will lead you to his office." Kori nodded as she looked at the Stark children. "I will catch up with you little ones later." Looking back to Maester Luwin, She and her new companions followed as he lead them to Lord Stark's office.

And that's all for this chapter folks. I hoped you liked it. The next chapter will be up as soon as possible. For now though, adios mi amigos.:)

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