Chapter 3

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Hello everyone. It's me again. I know it's been a while since I last posted a chapter. I've been in a rut, however, hopefully I'll be able to get over it this time. Anyways go on to the show.

When Saphira is speaking in thought: 'eragon'

When they are speaking in thought: ' '

It didn't take long for Eragon and his group to find themselves in front of Lord Eddard Stark's solar. On the walk there, Eragon couldn't help but think about what he would say. He highly doubted that the Lord would believe his words. Then again, who would? He and Arya are literal foreigners to their world.

'This is gonna be tricky.' he thought to himself as he heard Maester Luwin knock on Lord Stark's door. "My Lord, Kori and her guests are here." It didn't take long for them as a voice on the other side of door respond. "You may enter." Maester Luwin turned towards the people behind them and motioned them forward. Kori nodded before entering. Arya followed a few seconds later. He took a deep breath and followed suit, entering the office.

As they enter, they a decently lit room full of books and scrolls upon bookshelves and a desks in the back of the room. What drew their attention was the people behind it. Sitting in the chair behind the desk was a man who looked to be in his late thirties to early fourties with brown hair which almost look brunette with a beard which was beginning to grey.

Eragon noticed the look on the man's face was solemn, yet calculating. As if the man was observing and studying an enemy. 'This must be Lord Stark. He looked to be sizing me and Arya up, as if he's trying to figure us out.' He then realized that Lord Stark wasn't alone in the room. Standing next to Lord Stark was a woman who like Lord Stark himself, was in her late thirties to early fourties. She had Auburn, almost bright red colored hair was put in a slight ponytail. Her pale skin shown well with the light from the fireplace next to them, showing next to no wrinkles. Eragon admitted slightly that she looked attractive, even though she was double his age.

After Eragon and his group entered, Maester Luwin followed suit and then stood next to Lord Stark. "You stand in the presence of Lord Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell and the Warden of the North. The woman next to him is his wife Catelyn Stark, the Lady of Winterfell." Kori stepped forward and bowed. "It's wonderful to see you again Lord Stark and you as well Lady Stark."

Lord Stark let a very small smile appear on his face as he spoke. "It's good to see you again Kori Irons. I hope your travels have been faring well. You know as well as I have how the King's Road is to travel, especially up here in the North." She smiled as she responded. "I've been well. And you don't have to tell me twice about how rough traveling is. But coming to Winterfell is worth the risk." She then turned to Lady Stark. "How have you been my lady?"

Lady Stark smiled, though she quickly regained her composure. "I've been well. Also, I'm glad that to see you." She then tools serious expression as she slightly glared at the woman before her. "If only you stop trying to give Arya a weapon or something of the like. She's to be a Lady." Kori just smiled sheepishly as she rubbed the back of her head. "You know how she is my lady. She's a she warrior in the making. Her personality doesn't suit her to be a Lady. Besides, everyone should know how to fight, if only to at least protect themselves."

Before Lady Stark could argue further, Lord Stark cleared his throat, getting everyone's attention. "As much as I enjoy this nice conversation, I must insist on asking why you wanted to meet me, Kori. Also, who are your companions?" Kori's expression immediately changed as she looked at him. "Yes. You are right my lord." She then motioned toward Eragon, who stepped forward and bowed. "Allow me to introduce you my lord to Eragon Bronson." She then motioned to Arya, who did a slight curtsie and did a expression that confused Lord Stark. "And this lovely woman next to him is Arya Dröttning Islanzadisdaughter."

Lord Stark eyes widen as Lady Stark raised an eye brow. "That's...a long name." Eragon took this moment to speak. "My lord and Lady, where we're from, it's custom to take the first name of our parents and use them as our last name. My father is name Brom, so my last name is Bronson. Arya's mother's name is Islanzadi, which is why her last name is Islanzadisdaughter."

Lady Stark caught on to the part when he said where they are from and decided to speak. "Forgive me for saying this, but that's...a weird custom. Also, where are you two from, if you don't mind me asking? It's clear that you two aren't from around here. Also, why are your ears pointed?" Lord Stark looked at his wife confused, then looked at his guests and noticed that she was right. Their ears are pointed. He then noticed that they looked at each other and saw them sigh. 'why do I have a feeling that everything is about to change?'

Eragon looked at the ground and contemplated his words and thoughts. 'How are gonna explain this? They won't believe it at first.' Suddenly, a voice responded to his thoughts, startling him as he wasn't expecting it. 'Then speak slowly and carefully. Allow them to contemplate what you are about to reveal.' It took a few seconds to realize that it was Saphira who was speaking to him. 'I'm so sorry I forgot about you Saphira.' She snorted at his response. 'Little one.' He then nodded inward and spoke to her. 'You're right Saphira. But... you do know that you will have to reveal yourself to them, right? They may be terrified of you.' She snorted again as she retorted. 'As long as they show no aggression to you or Arya, they shouldn't be terrified. They should be in awe of my beauty.' He laughed at that. 'Didnt know you became a diva Saphira. But you're right. Well, here goes nothing.'

He let out a deep breath he had been holding and looked up. "To tell you the truth, you are correct. Milady." Lady Stark looked confused as she spoke. "What do you mean?" He rubbed his ears as he spoke. "Me and Arya here aren't from around here." He stopped as he looked at the fireplace. "In fact, we're not from this world."

Lord Stark's eyes widen as Maester Luwin let out a scoff. "What do you mean that you're not from this world?" Arya then stepped forward to answer the question. "It's as he said, Maester Luwin. Me and Eragon aren't from this world. We are from a land known as Alagaesia." She then decided to ask a question of her own. "Tell me Maester Luwin, are there any Elves in the Known Realm?"

Maester Luwin let out a light snort as he responded. "You mean the tiny people with pointed ears that lived for centuries? No. They are but myths and fantasies." Arya's expression went stern as she glared at the Maester. "Well, I guess I'm a myth then." Lady Stark looked at confused. "What do you mean?"

Instead of answering, Arya moved her hair back and revealed pointed ears. "I'm an elf. And despite what your myths and legends say about elves, we are not short. But we do live for a long time." Lord Stark crossed his fingers put his head on his hands. "And how old are you then?" She covered her ears again with her hair as she spike. I'm 105 years old." Lady Stark eyes widen as she let out a gasp. "But you don't even look to be in your twenties yet."

Eragon nodded. "That's the thing about elves as I have learn about them. Elves have a very long longevity cycle. In fact there are some elves who even reached the age of 1000 years old. Also about elves, they are ten times stronger and ten times faster than a normal human being." To prove is point, Arya went up to them and lift the desk in front of Lord Stark with one hand, surprising everyone beside Eragon.

As she put the desk back down, Eragon then continued. "Also, and before I continue, let me ask you a very serious question." He then looked at each of them before looking at Arya. She nodded as he looked back to them. "Does magic exist in this magic?" Maester Luwin shook his head. "Magic hasn't disappeared the day dragons died. Magic did exist at one point in time, but it's been a very long time since magic really had a presence here in the Known Realm. People say that magic exist slightly in the land across the ocean in the East called Essos, but they are most branded as lunatics or heretics."

Eragon nodded as he took off one of his gloves and prepared himself. "Well, in the land of Alagaesia, magic existed fully, and those who are trained well enough in the magic arts and control it. He opened his hand motioned towards the desk. "Reisa."

A second later, the desk in front of Lord Stark started floating the air, startling Lord Stark and his wife as well as Maester Luwin. Luwin muttered a word that only Eragon and Arya heard. "Impossible." Eragon held it in the air for a few more seconds before letting it touch the ground again. "Not impossible, Maester Luwin. This is magic. And in Alagaesia, magic has its own language. It's known as the Ancient Language that has existed way before me. Some day that it was the elves who created the language, but no one knows for sure." 

Lord Stark looked down with his head still on his hands, deep in thought. His reality had just changed as he realized that these two aren't from this world. But his guy instincts tell him that there is much more that Eragon has yet to tell him. As he looked at up at Eragon, he noticed that there was a weird silvery scare on his exposed hand.

"What's that on your hand? A scar?" Eragon stilled as he just realized that the hand he used to demonstrate magic was the same hand that held his Gedwëy Ignasia. He sighed as he put his gloves back on. "That is the Gedwëy Ignasia or Shining Palm. It is a mark that identified a specific kind or person." Lord Stark looked intrigued. "And what kind of person are you?"

Eragon looked at Arya, who nodded and spoke to him in his mind. 'Tell them. They will find out eventually.' He nodded back and spoke. "In order for me to answer your question, let me ask you a very serious question. Where is there a specific place that no one will hear what I'm about to reveal to you?" Lord Stark nodded as he stood. "There is. In Winterfell, there is a place called the Godswoods and at it's center is a Weirwood Tree, a white tree with a face on it. Is a sacred place, so it would be perfect for secret conversations." Eragon nodded. "How big is the Godswoods?" Maester Luwin answer that question. "Over 3 acres."

Eragon nodded as grabbed his chin and began thinking. 'Will that be big enough?' He sighed as he spoke. "That will be have to suffice." He then shook his head. "Very well. Lead me to the Godswoods. and bring your children if you want. They will find out eventually."

Lord Stark nodded as he turned to Maester Luwin. "Maester Luwin, go and gather my children and bring them to the Godswoods." Maester Luwin bowed and then left the office. Lord Stark then motioned Eragon and the others to follow as he left his Chambers, leading them towards the Godswoods.

Finally. This chapter is done. Been so long. Lol well, I hoped you liked it. I'll try post newer chapters as soon as possible. Anyways so long for now. :)-weeksjmj

Ancient Language:

Reisa- Raise

Gedwëy Ignasia- Shining Palm

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