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Katie looked out the window at the snowflakes that fell quietly in peace before sticking to a branch or the ground. The letter with instructions had been sent to Keith and Lance. Now she was left to herself and what she managed to find stored away. Shiro had some meeting to go to with the rest of his family and her own family was out in the snow. They rarely got snow, so it made sense that they'd play in it.

She didn't find it that attracting. That's whats she told them, but she longed to jump in the snow too. Sadly, she was developing a cold only a week before the Ghost Ball. To stop it from getting worse they reframed her from going outside.

It was her fault for being on the roof making snow angels every night because she couldn't sleep. It was just too tempting to keep locked away. She needed to appease her own desire to be a child again. Seeing her brother once more sparked that feeling. With a sigh, she watched Matt force the carrot into the snowman's head and turn to look at her with a goofy, accomplished smile. He waved and she returned it. They did that every now and then, aware of each other's presence. Matt had originally asked her to come play, forgetting her forming sickness.

She opened the window and leaned out, clutching the shawl around her. "Okay, I think that's enough snow for a while. You've been at it for hours! I've gone through three books, seventeen cups of cocoa, and a whole pie!" she called down to them. Matt waved a dismissive hand. His face was pale and his hand shook with cold.

"Naw, we're good! Now close that window before your condition get worse!" he shouted. Katie shook her head with displeasure and turned to grab the window's edge. She felt her hand slip on the snow beneath her hand. Suddenly, she found herself falling as she held the shawl close around her. The wind seemed to be everywhere, reminding her of the time she jumped out the window to escape the fire. 

Fear rose inside as she saw her life flash before her eyes. Just like before, arms wrapped around her, this time broader and more man-like. It wasn't Ezor who rescued her this time. She and her savior fell into the snow. The chest underneath her pushed upon her then sank down again in a sigh. 

"Thank god your safe. I would have to deal with a guilty Matt if you weren't," Shiro said and sat up. His chest hit her, hard, and she followed his example. That's when she realized the situation. She was in his lap and only wearing one, oddly thick, layer of clothing in the harsh cold. 

As quickly as she could, she scrambled up and muttered a thank you before rushing inside, leaving the shawl. The door closed behind her and she leaned against it, breathing heavily. She could feel her heart racing and the warmth entering her cheeks. 

Why was she like this? She honestly couldn't take the pain of being around him anymore. Katie can't deny the words that kept coming up. It was plain as day now. She was in love... with Takashi Shirogane of all people.

Keith couldn't believe what was happening. How had this happened? One moment he was standing, letting the cool wind from the open window chill him to the core. Next Lance was on top of him with a shaky breath and tears in his eyes.

"What the heck were you thinking? You weren't planning to jump were you!? I know your brother isn't here and that your marriage to that chick is still standing, but you don't try to do that!" Lance screamed. Oh, that's what happened. Lance misunderstood.

"Lance, I can't believe you actually thought I would jump over something so trivial! I was feeling the nice cool air, trying to think of a way to fix my predicament. How'd you get into my room anyway!?" Keith explained, trying to get Lance off of him. That wasn't doing anything good for his heart. 

"Oh, thank Voltron... I don't know what I would've done if you jumped. Also, I have a spare key, remember?" Lance said, the tenseness flowing from his body. Keith leaned forward, motioning to get up while hoping Lance noticed and did the same. However, Lance froze and their heads collided.

The two cried out in pain. Lance hunched over whilst still sitting on Keith. When he opened their eyes, their faces were only a few inches apart. Lance flew off him and raced out the door. "Lance wait- What did you have to tell me..." Keith died off, realizing that Lance hadn't heard him and wouldn't.

He wracked his head in frustration. Why did Lance had to be so cute!? They were trying their best to work on Three Trials by themselves, but something awkward always happened. Lance stuck his head back through the door. "I came to tell you that you should start packing for the Ghost Ball. We leave in three days to make it on time. We can't leave anything behind!"

Keith nodded and dismissed Lance, but he didn't go. His cheeks were flushed as he made his way over to Keith. It happened so fast that Keith had barely seen the male move. One second he was halfway across the room, the next they are falling to the bed, lips intertwined.

Before Keith could move, Lance flew off, covering his mouth. "Sorry!" he called and speed-walked his way to the door. Keith caught his wrist without thinking. All he cared about was that Lance had kissed him. Which changed everything Keith had originally thought.

"Lance, don't be. I was always told that actions speak louder then words, so...," Keith whispered nervously before pulling Lance closer and landing a kiss. He actually did it. HE ACTUALLY FLIPPN' DID IT!

Lance hesitated in surprise before wrapping his arms around Keith and returning the kiss. It was like fireworks had went off in Keith's body at the touch. He felt happy, pleased, overjoyed, and... something else. He felt the need for more. He felt lust.

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