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"His name is Leonardo Watch, the First Generation quirk user and the Third holder of the powerful quirk called Kamigami no Gigan, or the All Seeing Eyes of God. The Quirk can be passed down to generations, but not all can have it.

He was a great man, and a powerful vigilante of his time operating with a vigilante organization called Libra. He received the eyes unwillingly, resulting in grandaunt Michella's blindness. You have his sense of justice and lack of common sense." Izuku chuckled a bit at that.

"You look exactly like him when he was young, just with green and more curly hair." Hisashi continued. "There's a book passed down from generation to generation about the Eyes' powers, but apparently, you're the one lucky enough to receive it!" Izuku wouldn't call it lucky, but he was grateful at least.

"I'll bring the book and his photos to you next week when i return! Granfather was once quirkless like you, he only received the eyes when he's 20!" Hisashi laughed, successfully lighting up the mood. And now Izuku felt himself really lucky for that.

"Yeah, thanks, dad."

"See ya, Izuku!" The call stopped, and Inko suddenly embraced her son. They stayed silent for a while, until Izuku spoke up.

"Hey mom?"

"Yes, Izuku?"

"I don't want to be a Hero anymore." Inko looked a bit relieved, but surprised.

"Isn't that always your dream, Izuku?" He nodded.

"But then i had a reality check today. You would know if you saw the news." He scratched his neck nervously, half lying. Inko looked at him worriedly again, but didn't ask him to elaborate.

They seperated, and Izuku kissed his mom's cheek before going to his bedroom.

He frowned at the sight of All Might everywhere, watching -critisizing- him. He scrunched up his nose -though with his eyes closed, he looked like he's about to sneeze- and tore the posters off, not violently, but fast enough to rip. He flipped off all the action figures and accessories related to heroes, leaving a mess in his room.

"I'll clean later..." He muttered, flopping on his bed. That day's exhaustion hit him hard, and he fell asleep quickly. He never saw Inko looking in worriedly at him for the uptenth time today.

---The Next Day---

Izuku woke up early. It's Saturday, so he decided to go somewhere to do something productive.

"Mom, i'm going out!" He called, and mimicked his mom's wave before running Dagobah beach to train himself physically. Not for UA, no. He'd given up on that dream.

Unfortunately for Izuku, he passed by a dark alley, and found himself stopping abruptly. There, sitting against the wall bleeding and panting, is a teen not much older than him, with torn, bloodied clothes and black hair. The most unsettling thing though, were his scars. They were burn scars, deep in purplr colour and covered most of his face, arms and neck.

Izuku had a feeling he wouln't regret this later.

He helped the teen up, him being unconcious making it easier, and made his way home. Luckily, it was close.

Mom fussed about the injured boy and tend to his wounds like a mother hen. Izuku smiled, she's always the best person alive.

Izuku walked into the living room half an hour later, and as he predicted -well, with future vision from the eyes- the teen is already sitting up, wincing in the process.

"Don't strain yourself too much, mom put so much effort and care into treating those wounds." He spoke up, gathering the attention of the injured male.

"And you are?" His voice wary and held distrust, he spoke.

"Call me Deku. I found you there, nobody's helping, either too scared or they think those Heroes will do everything." He spat the words 'heroes' like poison rolling on the tip of his tongue, and had unknowingly gain the respect of the other person.

"I'm Dabi, and what you said about heroes? They're asses who think they can fool around with their titles."

"I know right?!" Izuku exclaimed.

They went on with their conversation, which quickly turned into Insulting Endeavor Topic™.

"I hope that asshole die by his own quirk. I don't tollerate that kind of assholery." Dabi smiled, happy to know someone would willingly insult the no.2 hero with him like this. But something came to his mind.

"Hey Deku, aren't you the one during the Sludge Villain attack? The one insulting the pros right to their faces right in front of everyone?" Deku hummed in content.

"Mmm, quite refreshing to say the least. I mean they were useless, and i helped Kacchan. And they called me useless." He scoffed, rolling his eyes, not that Dabi can see.

"For what, blind?"

"What makes you think i'm blind?"

"Your eyes, they aren't open the whole time." Dabi stated matter-of-fact-ly.

"Oops? I didn't open them because they hurt, but meh." He opened his eyes, and Dabi swore he saw an entire beacon of blue in there. It's just so blue!

"Nice eyes, Deku." He smirked.

"So, must i assume you don't have any place to stay, and that you ran away from home?" Izuku closed his eyes again, and Dabi's face turned into a growl.

"Where'd you get that information?"

"Sorro, sorry. It's just, i can somehow read your past by staring? It never happened though. Maybe it's one of the abilities i don't know of yet. I hate that man though, and i don't want you to wander without a place to at least rest. I also don't want him recognizing you, and mom would love to have another person coming over, or staying?-"

"Ok, ok, i get it. But what the fuck? You're muttering." Dabi said again. His face more relaxed than it was before. He felt as if he should trust this boy.

"Sorry again, and really?! It'd be amazing! You can share my room, the bed's big, until we can buy another bed. Sorry, i'm rambling again, i'm just so exited!" Izuku jumped up from his possition and made a break for the door.

"He's a nice boy isn't he?" A foreign voice broke through the atmosphere, and Dabi turned back to look at a short woman who looks exactly like the kid.

"I'm Midoriya Inko, his mother. I've never seen him this excited since he got his quirk yesterday. I think that's why his personality did a 360."

"Oh, thank you. Did you say yesterday?" Dabi looked at her in confusion.

"The pent up stress and anger he bottled over the decade finally snapped him. He's usually a shy boy, but i kind of understand." She smiled in sadness, and Dabi has yet another respect point to Deku.

"And about what happened to you, i won't ask unless you want to tell me." She smiled. Dabi now has all the respect in the world to this woman who's like his mother.

"You can stay here whenever you want, Izuku really needs a friend. He's only got me and Hisashi." She sighed.

"But... why put so much trust in me? I could be a villain trying to terrorize your family." He spoke quietly, but she only smiled and pat his messy black hair.

"You make me see the smile Izuku hadn't shown anyone in a decade, that's enough for me to trust you." She smiled a Midoriya Legendary Sunny Smile.

And that, the final straw, is when Dabi silently swore to protect this family with his every being.

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