4-Start Over

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Whelp... I'm winging it...

Finally deciding to finish this chap...

I added some OCs, i couldn't help it, i'm sorry...

Plz don't hate me now...



That was the first thing Izuku said as he looked at his newly-dyed hair. Hisashi beamed at his son, his kind, selfless son, is soon to be a vigilante.

'It runs in the family.' Inko sighed.

Himiko squeeled at the 'brunette', ruffling his burgundy locks despite his protests. Dabi kinda just did a thumb up -two thumbs up actually- to make his opinion known.

"Izukun, have you decided on your vigilante name?" Himiko suddenly asked.

"Huh, oh, not yet. I kinda want your opinions on this. Y'know, comrades have eachothers' backs, right?" Dabi snorted.

"Damn right you are. Now let's get to some name chosing activities." He dragged Izuku and Himiko to the 'brunette''s, now their shared room. Inko and Hisashi smiled at the retreating backs of their precious kids.

"They grow up so fast." Inko sniffed. "He grew up so fast."

"I know, sweatheart, i know." Hisashi comforted his wife.


"-How 'bout... Shiny Eyes?" Himiko chided enthusiastically.

"Really?" Dabi deadpanned. "Sounds a bit too exposing, don't ya think?"

"Boooo! It suits him, see?" She pointed to Izuku who's trying to hack with his eyes.

"No, Himiko. You just don't go around calling a vigilante with litteral shiny eyes, Shiny Eyes." Dabi pinched the bridge of his nose.

She rolled her eyes playfully, then turned to the brunette.

"Hey Izukun, why haven't you gone to sleep yet?"

A hum.


"Not sleepy, Dabi." He stuck his tongue out. "And no, don't you dare pull me to bed, i'm not insomniac." He glared at said teen, who begrudgingly sat back down.

"So, what are you up to tonight?" Himiko piped in.

"Researching about vigilantism and the past well-known vigilantes." Izuku finally closed his eyes to rest them for a few seconds, before opening them again.

"This is going to be a long night." Dabi muttered.

"Indeed." Himiko sighed in content.

That was 5 hours ago, now it's way past 3 in the morning, and we haven't fucking gone to sleep yet.

Dabi groaned from his late-night research on vigilantism and stole a look from Izuku, who's currently too facinated in his findings to notice. Based on his still-not-tired expressions, it's safe to say this happened way too often before he came here.

Suddenly, the brunette perked up.

"Wait... Why haven't we thought of masks?" Himiko lit up.

"Oh oh!! I can design them!" She offered quietly-enthusiastically. Dabi shrugged and handed her a few papers and a pencil.

Izuku stared at the duo working with their tasks, the task to become vigilantes (and to do some good to the society and take out The Trash -if you know what i'm talking about-).

Is this what it feels to have sibblings who will love and support you with whatever choice you make? He smiled. It's nice, i won't ever mind this.


"Hey, Deku's not coming to class anymore!"

"Loser finally realized he's useless!"

"Hah! Serves him right! Quirkless lil shit!"

Among the sneers and insults, only one stayed quiet.

'What's wrong with that shit yesterday? His eyes, they were...'

Bakugou shook his head, refusing to believe the quirkless twerp could ever gain a quirk after a decade.

'That shithead couldn't and will never get one.'

At that time, the teacher walked in. "Class." He said boredly. "I'm making a small announcement today. Midoriya withdrew from this school yesterday, and would be homeschooled by his parents."

The class cheered loudly, but the ash blonde didn't make a sound. Something's wrong. Something's seriously wrong. He couldn't put his mind around whatever's happening, but he can feel something. Something related to 'Deku'.

Bakugou, for first time in his life, wanted to know what the fuck's up with his once-childhood best friend.


"There are a few Vigilantes where we live, and we need to have somebody train us if we want to fend for ourselves." Dabi explained. "Unfortunately, Hisashi-san has to go back for his overseas work, so that's out of the list. Knuckleduster's already got The Crawler and Pop Step, and we don't know whether or not they'll take in more."

"Most likely not." Added Himiko.

"Our choises are very limited. There is only so much vigilantism in Japan, and most of those who are well-known or small-timed aren't anywhere near our territory." Izuku mused. "Unless we can find the long-lost vigilante, our chances of getting away from heroes is unlikely."

Suddenly, they all fell silent.

"Izuku." Himiko started. "You're not planning to look for him, are you?"

More silence.

"You know he dissapeared 8 years ago, right?" Dabi narrowed his scarred eyes.

"I know! But he isn't confirmed dead, 'cuz they couldn't find his body. There are so many clues on articles and information about him, there's still a chance he's out there-....." He went on rambling.

"Ok, fine. We're starting our career tomorrow night, see if we can find anyone with the name 'Akai no Shinigami' around." Dabi said sarcastically, cutting the rambling brunette off before he went on a mumbling spree.

Izuku's eyes snapped open, and the other two had to cover their eyes at the sheer brightness of it.

"So... pure..." Himiko gasped weakly.

"God, the innocence..." Dabi sucked in a breath.

"That's a great idea! Himiko, show me the mask designs, i'll send the designs to a friend of mine to make the costumes!" Izuku bounced off his bed and to his desk.

Himiko and Dabi both knew they're not getting any sleep tonight, might as well get on with it.


A week later, their costumes arrived in boxes with a logo 'Hatsume Corps.', Izuku sweatdropped. They immediately put the suits to use.

Izuku's was simple: The jacket was mostly black in colour, with dark blue sleeves, a nose-high collar and a big hood that covers a part of his upper face. Golden stripes ran along the middle line and the hems of the jacket. The sleeves were short, exposing his arms covered in bandages under the elbow guards. He wore black and blue military gloves that has blue touch pads. He has on blue cargo pants with big pockets, black knee guards and brown steel-enforced shoes, and there was a brown ultility around his waist right under the jacket for extra gears.

"This suits you, Izukun!" Himiko chimed happily, though frowned. "It's too bad i couldn't design a mask that suits you also." She sulked.

"No worries, these goggles will do." Izuku grinned as he put the orange-lensed goggle on. Himiko smiled happily. "Your's fits you."

True to his words, Himiko's design isn't one to be easily seen on other vigilantes: A big dark grey cape that reached her waist, with a big hood that has bat ears on it, buttoned right below her colarbone like Red Riding Hood. Under the cape she wore a vest to store most her small weapons, and a black turtleneck shirt. She also wears elbow guards, badages on hear forearm and a pair of black clawed gloves similar to Dabi's. There were belts drapped around her hips that held her ultility pouches and her black shinobi pants. She wore shin-high boots and knee guards similar to Izuku also.

Himiko inspected her gloves, then her vest, then her mask. It was a mouth-guard kind of mask, black in colour with a zipped-shut grinning mouth and long, white fangs that resembles a vampire, a zipper on the right edge of it's 'lips'. It covered half of her face, making her look ominous.

"Y'know, that mask and hairstyle makes it better on you." Izuku grinned. She beamed , then turned to Dabi. "Your opinion on your costume?"

"Hmm? Oh, it's perfect." He held the mask before his face. It's design was of a traditional fox mask, with a blue nose, blue eyebrows and eyeliners, and blue inner ears. It's eyes were almost slits, and it's short snout set in a cold frown. "This is better than i expected."

His vigilante attire was the most simple of the three: A black open short-sleeved jacket with a high collar was the outer layer, with a white v-neck under it. The hem of the vest's short sleeves were big metal cuffs with a blue line running through two circles on the middle. On his hip were dark blue bags with one of the small belts connecting it to his main belt, the other one around his right thigh. He wore dark brown cargo pants and black steel-toed boots. His gloves resembles a fox's claws, black in colour with cyan touch pads.

All traces of his burn scars are hidden underneath a layer of bandages.

"I don't know how these cuffs were openable nor who made it, but i love it." Dabi examined his shoulder.

"Oh, the friend i gave the design to was the heir of a big-shot support gear company." Izuku explained easily. "I usually go to her mother's workshop for things. They'd even sell to a villain if it means someone appreciates their talents, no offence to Hatsume-san."

"That's great!" Himiko beamed. "Now we can make our debut tonight with these awesome clothes!"

"Hope we don't come across heroes on our first night." Dabi snorted.

"That'd be great! It'll be the Starting Line of our lives!!" Izuku beamed brightly.

Tonight, we're starting the beginning of our new lives.



Izuku beamed brightly.

Tonight, we're starting the beginning of our new liv-

"Ahhhh!! It's too bright, too pure!! The cinnamon roll!!" Himiko gasped dramatically, fake-fainting onto their shared bed.

"God, don't ever save me from this madness." Dabi clutched his heart.

Izuku stared at thm with closed eyes, a comical sweat drop forming on his head.

"Uh guys?"

"*Gasp!* The cinnamon bun spoke!" Himiko gasped dramatically, again.

"I'm ded, blegh." Dabi made a sound and fell limb.

Izuku rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"This is why we never finish the shooting in time for a new chapter."


(Were the descriptions too long? Too complicated? Too confusing? Plz tell me so i can learn from my errors.)

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