7-New Faces

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"Class, i would like to introduce you to our new transfer students. Please step in and say something about yourselves to the class."

The teacher announced, getting one pinkette and ravenette's attention.

'New students at this time of year?'

The two said students stepped in, the male a burgundy redhead, and the female a platinum blonde.

"H-hey, my name's Midoriya Izuku.. uhh, i.. like quirks? I mean analyzing quirks! Oh god..." The boy -should they call him brunette or redhead?- nervously said.

"Aww, loosen up, Izuku! By the way, my name's Midoriya Himiko, and i'm adopted by the goddess who's named Inko. So if i hear you badmouthing our precious cinnamons, i'll make sure your body won't ever be found!!" She giggled maniacally, ignoring Izuku's yelps.

The class shivered.

"Ah, seems like the only available seats are below Kirishima-san and Ashido-san. Please raise your arms." The teacher looked at the two, a bit afraid at Himiko.

The two raised their arms, and the siblings made their way down to the empty seats.

School resumed.



The siblings looked up in sync to the face of Ashido dragging a nervous Kirishima.

"Ashido-san, Kirishima-san?" Izuku asked, unsure. Ashido beamed.

"That's us! You're really cool, Midoriya Himiko-chan! I'd totally do the same for Eijirou!"

Himiko blinked, and grinned at the alien-like pinkette, who's skin is pink, with horns on her head and black schleras (did i spell that right? My memory's so bad.).

"We're gonna be besties, girl."

"You bet we are!"

Izuku sweatdropped, used to it. Eijirou frantically tried to say something, but couldn't.

Elsewhere, all the students felt chills going up their spines, and one Bakugou Katsuki get the feeling he's doomed himself.

-Back To DekuSquad(TM)-

"Midoriya dudes, you're going to U.A, right? What're your quirk?" Kirishima asked curiously.

"Uhh... 360° vision?" Well, that really isn't a lie.

"Mine's Transformation, but more information will not be said." Himiko grinned.

Ashido deflated. "I can only create acid from my skin." She shrugged.

"Have you ever tried to create Fluoroantimonic Acid?" Izuku said suddenly.

"Floor-anti-demonic acid?"

"Fluoroantimonic Acid, otherwise known in chemistry as H2FSbF6, is one of the strongest Super Acids known to humans that can rip the molecules of everything (except Teflon) appart. It is said it has to be locked up in a 'prison' made of Teflon coated metal, and was put into the government lab, under high surveillance and security." Izuku said in one breath.

Himiko grinned. "That's cool!"

Ashido and Kirishima gaped at the redhead.

"Duuudes! Be our besties!" Ashido awed.

"You're manly as heck, Midoriya my man!" Kirishima breathed.

"Do you know what's the world's hardest rock?"

"Diamond was once thought to be the hardest and the most incompressible material on earth, either natural or man-made..."


"Mom! I'm home!!"

"Mamadoriya!! Guess what happened today!"

The happy laughter of Izuku and Himiko continued til sunset.

Dabi looked at his siblings with pride, and relief, as he doesn't need to cut a bitch on their happy day.

(Bakugou Katsuki sneezed.)

Once geared up, the three vigilantes smooched their mother and went for their patrols.

Inko looked at her babies with a happy and worried smile, and went inside to make snacks for their return.

"Ok, the first thing you need to worry about is the safety of the victim-slash-hostages. The second, is how much time in a fight is spent. The faster you get, the less damage you cause, the more people you save. The third, is yourself. If you want to help others, you have to help yourself first. If you fight with a small wound, there's no guarantee how you'll turn out after a fight, the bad thing would be that you'll be permanently scarred. Death won't be the worst you'll get when other lives are on the line."

The three vigilantes remembers every bit of word the former vigilante drilled into their heads throughout the spars.

"You ready?" Izuku whispered.

The two nodded.

And with that, they soared through the dark skies on the roofs of the houses in Musutafu.


"['Quirk trafficking ring in Musutafu stopped by Vigilantes-]"

"[-Who are these people? And what are their motives?]"

"[-The three Vigilantes saved a woman from being r-]"

"[-Local people have decided to call the vigilantes their own heroes-]"

"《They're so cool! They fought off that crazy guy with so little time, and without even a bit of damage to the city! And they didn't even boast or brag or anything! They just tied up the guys, called the police, asked if we were ok, then left!》"

"《Heroes be damned, i wanna be like those vigilantes!》"

Red bloodshot eyes stared at the News flashing on the televisions behind the glass window.

Mouth curled up into a terrifying grin, the man made a 'hn'.

'These kids... they're real heroes!'


"Argh! Some new rats just popped up and ruined my plans again! Heroes? What a bunch of bullshit! I'll kill all you shitty and disgusting heroes!"

"Shigaraki Tomura! Stop scratching your neck!"

"Fuck you, Kurogiri! I do whatever the fuck i want! And i want All Might dead!"

"We will weed out everything in our path to killing the Symbol of Hope." A new gruff and gravy voice said calmly.

"We will rid the society of those clowns and entertainers who calls themselves heroes."

"Soon, All Might will be no more!"

Cheers rang through the bar after the distorted voice stopped speaking through the small TV.


"Hey! Have you heard of the new vigilantes in Musutafu?"

"Them? They're no heroes, just fakers wanting attention."

"Hey! The one who helped me sounded way kinder than any hero i've seen, even All Might."

"I wish i could get their autographs!"

"Maybe i can ask my mom to make pastries based on them. They'll love the cakes for sure."

"Hey! Did you even hear what i just said?!"

"Who cares about stingy haters like you? You're probably jealous they're better heroes than your idol  Endeavor."

Izuku and Himiko grinned as they video taped the conversation. Dabi will love this, for sure.

"Those guys are sooo manly! I wish i could be as good of a hero as them, and Crimson Riot!" Kirishima, or Eijirou, gushed.

"Of course you will, Eijirou! I wanna be like them too, such genuine heroism!" Ashido, Mina, exclaimed.

The Midoriya siblings smiled in happiness that their new friends support their ways of vigilantism.

Maybe they could ask the classmate who support them where his mother's bakery is. They could buy Shizuki-san and Hitoshi some pastries.


"[Breaking News! There have been sightings of some of the Wanted criminals tied up in abandoned alleys, covered in blood, but not dead or critically wounded. This familiar sight, am i seeing this right now? If this theory is true, then this is the return of a legend!

The missing-or-dead Haemokinetic vigilante of 8 years ago, Akai no Shinigami! The Red Reaper!]"


Chapter is bad.

Tis the truth.

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