8-Calm before the Storm

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It's time.

Within half a year, their Vigilante trio has already been known widely throughout Japan.

Because apparently, they outsmarted Eraserhead.

The Eraserhead.

Hitoshi's dad.

And Izuku gained a very foul mouth, along with some very colourful vocabulary.

No thanks to vigilantism. And Shizuki.

"Are you ready, Izuku, Himiko?" Inko fretted worriedly as the duo went to the door in their school's P.E uniform.

"No worries, Mom! We're totally good!" Himiko grinned.

Inko still looked worried. "Well, if you say so, Himiko. But please, be safe. Both of you." She caressed their cheeks, and bid them goodbyes.


"Soooo... This is U.A.." Himiko breathed, awed. Izuku nodded dumbly. He covered his eyelids and opened them, just in time for one Bakugou Katsuki to walk through them obliviously. Izuku shivered.

'Good thing we're not going to enter the Hero course.' He thought in relief.

If Midoriya Himiko knew how Bakugou Katsuki looked like, she will hunt him down and murder him very, very slowly.

Katsuki shivered.

At that moment, Izuku tripped over his own foot.

'Well shit.' He thought calmly. He readied his hands to do a flip, but was surprised when he floated midair.

"Huh?" Himiko echoed his thoughts.

"Sorry for using my quirk on you without permission, but it's bad luck to trip before an exam!" A panicky bright voice piped up behind them.

The girl with a bob cut brown hair and rosy cheeks has her hands together.


Izuku's shoes touched the ground.

"See you!" And with that, the girl ran.

The Midoriya siblings stares at the retreating back of the strange girl.

"Well, that was interesting. Got her name, Izuku?" He nodded, closing his pure blue eyes.

"Uraraka Ochako, quirk: Zero Gravity."

"Hero hopeful?"

"Seems like it. Let's go."

They proceeded to make their way to the GenEd exam room.


Both Midoriyas turned to the source, only to blink when they saw a familiar face. Their classmate at the new school.

The guy who's family works in a bakery, with a lineage of fire breathing quirks. He has short, slid back and slightly spiky black hair, pinkish red eyes and a mole below his right eye.

"You're going to U.A too, Kamado-kun?"

The raven nodded.

"You almost made me get a heart attack." He mumbled. "My mom and dad wanted to give me better education." Kamado grumbled.

"They sound really nice." Himiko smiled. Kamado looked really proud at that.

"They are!"

The trio chatted their way to the exam room, and the Midoriya siblings now know how much of a tsundere their friend is.

This day couldn't go any better.

Oh wait, it can.

Izuku totally wrecked the exam. With ease.


"Hey, Kamado-kun, you live in a bakery, right?" Izuku asked their new friend once they got out of U.A.

Kamado nodded.

"Yes. It's called Kamado Bakery, original, i know. My mom made that up." He deadpan.

"It has a nice ring to it." Himiko hummed.

"I wanna see it, can we go with you, Kamado?"

"Yeah yeah, but call me Takeo. Kamado makes it confusing." Takeo rolled his eyes.

"Yay!! Thanks, Takeo-kun!" Himiko cheered. Izuku watched the exchange with a smile.

-5 minutes later-

"Hey Takeo, do you mind if we buy all of your sister's pastries?" Izuku asked in all seriousness.

"But there's only five?" Takeo asked, confused.

"Exactly." The Midoriyas echoed each other.

"You kids are so adorable. Takeo, you made such nice friends." His mother smiled as she got out the kitchen.

Takeo 'hmph'ed and turned away with a small blush.

"I'm home, mom!" A cheerful voice called, accompanied by the ringing of the bakery bell.

"Ah, welcome back, Tanjirou." Kie-san smiled pleasantly as she boxed the pastries. "Would you mind helping me with giving these to Takeo's friends? I have to check on your father."

"I'm happy to help!" Tanjirou grinned. He got behind the cashier and looked at the familiar desserts.

"These are Nezuko's pastries of the Fire Breathing hero, Dragon." He noted.

"Here you go, please enjoy!" He grinned brightly, blinding Himiko's eyes for a moment.

"Another Sunshine Child.." she muttered in bliss.

"Come again sometimes!" Takeo called after they exited the shop and made their way home.

"Mom, big brother, Takeo, i'm home!" Another voice called with the bell.

"Nezuko, welcome back!" Tanjirou smiled at his little sister.

Nezuko took a swift look at the glass shelves and blinked.

"All my pastries of Dragon are gone."

"Takeo's friends bought all of them. One of them is Dragon's son, he smells a lot like him." Tanjirou said while cleaning the trays.

"Huh... i'm glad." Nezuko smiled.

Their day continues normally.


The opening ceremony was boring. So very boring. They almost regretted going to U.A just to listen to Mr.Bear-Rat-Weasel-Mink principal give the opening speech about a good year and more of that bullcrap.

Getting chased and almost caught by Eraserhead was much more entertaining than this.

"Vol.19 already, Izuku?" Himiko shoved some of Inko's onigiri into her mouth. The redhead nodded, still staring at the Hero classes with open blue eyes.

He then closed them when he felt his power below average, which was right before one Bakugou Katsuki glanced at his direction with a suspicious glare.

"Your mentor's training literally saved my life and chance at entering the Hero course." Hitoshi breathed in gratitude. "Thank you."

Izuku shrugged absentmindedly, biting a piece of his mother's Katsudon.

"No prob, 'Toshi."

"Shinsou, man! I didn't know you knew the Midoriyas!" Mina called from her seat at the Bakusquad(TM), and the redhead beside her (is that Kirishima?) grinned sharkily.

'Midoriyas? Deku's an only fucking child!' Katsuki growled mentally in confusion.

The freak with burgundy hair turned in his direction, and even if his eyes are closed Katsuki could swear the freak pale and turned away sharply.

'Shit, he's there! If Himiko knew how he looked like she'd kill him, no questions asked! No, the whole squad's gonna kill him! Goddammit Blasty McSplodes!'

His internal turmoil and cursing Katsuki continued until the bell rang, signalling class.

Unbeknownst to him, Himiko already figured out who Bakugou Katsuki is in the canteen. She already has plans for the bastard.

And Midoriya Himiko doesn't easily forgive people who dares to bring harm to the Midoriyas.

Rules be damned, Dabi and Himiko are going to give the shitty Pomeranian hell.







"Can anyone tell them to stop their bullshit?" Izuku didn't move his eyes from the script for the next chapter.

"Let them stare, Izuku." Himiko said from her spot on the couch.

Suddenly, Hitoshi spoke. "Wait, is he sleeping? While staring?"

Dabi broke off the stare and looked incredulously at the snoring Shizuki.

"What in the ever loving fuck?"

"Guys, concentrate on the next chapter! We're making a new one tonight!" Katsuki called out from his voice practicing session.


"Pun intended."

"Izuku focus!"

"Alright, fine. See ya readers next time!"


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