Main Show Predictions (I) & The Debut of Rock Fashion Inc.

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Up in the panel, there I was with my good friend, Rick C.

Me: Hello, C.E.W fans, welcome to Victory Road, this your CEW Commissioner, AND Non-stop GM, it is the one and only, Chard, and I am joined by my good old friend, Rick C here!

Rick: Yelloooooo!

Me: It's such an Honor to have my close friend here in the panel, and the first thing we'll be talking about here is, the match you're going to be in. The 4 way Ladder Match for the CEW Championship.

Rick: Ooooohooohooo! This is a good one!

Me: First off, congratulations on making it into the match, second, now I know you're in the match, but who else would you like to see walk out with the gold?

Rick: Weeeell, if I wasn't going to climb the ladder and become CEW's first champion, I'd have to go for either of my opponents. They're all top caliber guys and would deserve the title.

Me: Well you have guys like Lincoln Loud, and Danny Phantom, whom of course are two of the biggest names in The Nick Club

Rick: Mmmhmmm! The RCCW World & Television Champions respectively!

Me: And since no one knows these guys better than you do, do you think there's gonna be some tension between these two during the match?

Rick: Considering how well oiled the NC is, I don't see it happening. But crazier things have happened!

Me: That's a bold prediction right there. And finally, if in the event you are unsuccessful, will we see you in the Victory Road Match?

Rick: Maybe so, maybe not. I wanna keep ya guessing!

Me: Wow, very cryptic. *Looks into the camera* anyway that does it for us here, thanks so much for joining me, let's head down to the action.

The camera then switches to ringside inside Barclays Center, where Insanity Commentators, Vic Joseph, Nigel McGuinness and Percy Watson were ready to commentate.

Vic: And that is part 1 of predictions courtesy of Chard and Rick C! Hello everyone, I'm Vic Joseph, alongside Nigel McGuinness and Percy Watson, and this is the Victory Road pre-show!


Nigel: Well it looks like the action is about to start, let's head to it!

The names: "Blake Morris" and "Rex Lawless" pop up on the titantron, and out came two men, wearing matching black trunks.

One of them was a young man with shoulder length brown hair, the other was much taller than him, and he had long black hair, and a big beard.

*Bell Rings!*

Justin Roberts: This Tag Team match is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, the team of Blake Morris, and REX LAWLESS!!!

Vic: Let's take a look at this interesting team here, Blake Morris, the one with with the brown hair, a technically gifted young man from Aspen, Colorado, and big Rex Lawless, a downright vicious brawler with the strength of an Ox.

Nigel: Two promising talents looking to impress Chard here in the Pre-show, but to do that, they need get past the most awaited duo in CEW, and I'm talking about Rock Fashion Inc!

Percy: Well just by looking at these two men here, Rock Fashion Inc are gonna have a big Challenge!

Blake and Rex enter the ring, and they await their opponents.

Out came Luna and Leni Loud, to a rally of cheers.

Luna was wearing fingerless gloves, and a black Fedora with purple flames, which was the same design on her black and purple long shorts, and boots. But she did still sport her purple skull shirt.

Leni on the other hand, not only was wearing her trademark sunglasses, she was wearing some unique white and teal pants. One side was long, and the other was just halfway down her thigh with little tassels hanging at the end, along with a matching crop top, and a big fur vest.

It was then when Luna threw up her rock on gestures into the air, and Leni spraying her hair that they went into slow motion.

Justin Roberts: And their opponents, making their CEW debut, Luna Loud, and Leni Loud, ROCK FASHION INC!!!

Leni then propped her sunglasses up onto her head, and the two made their way to the ring.

Vic: And take a look at this! Some unique attires from Rock Fashion Inc over here!

Percy: Talk about making a first impression!

Nigel: Well they did say they were gonna rock like there's no tomorrow, and look good doing it, well they surely got the looks!

Luna and Leni then slide into the ring, and Leni removes her sunglasses and fur vest, and Luna takes of her fedora.

Leni goes onto the apron, and so did Rex Lawless, making Luna and Blake Morris the two to start the match.

Vic: And it looks like Luna Loud and Blake Morris are gonna start things off here.

The bell rings, and Luna locks up with Morris in the middle of the ring.

Blake Morris then gets Luna in a Side Headlock, Luna pushes him off, Morris hits the ropes, and Luna takes him down with a Hip Toss.

Luna then keeps his arm locked in an Arm Submission of sorts, keeping Morris on the mat.

Morris then counters out of it, and gets up, getting Luna in a Hammerlock.

Luna then tries to reverse it into a Snapmare, but Morris blocks it, and slams Luna onto the mat with a Release Back Suplex!

Vic: And Blake Morris! Tossing Luna into the air!

Nigel: Luna crashed down hard...

Blake Morris then goes for the cover, but only gets a 2 count.

Morris then tags in Rex Lawless, and Lawless shows off his strength by scooping up Luna, and slamming her to the ground.

Vic: And here's the big man, Rex Lawless.

Nigel: Quite a specimen this man is. Look how big he is compared to his partner!

Luna tries to reach for Leni, but Lawless pulled her towards him, and into a massive Clothesline!

Percy: Oh, man!

Vic: That is a Clothesline with a capital C!

Lawless goes for the cover, but Luna kicks out at 2.

Vic: And Luna has to battle out!

Luna uses the ropes to pull herself up, but Rex grabbed her by the shoulders, and propped her up onto her feet.

Rex then hits the ropes, goes for a boot, but Luna gets out of dodge, draping Rex on the top rope!

Vic: Oh, Lawless went for a boot, nobody home!

Rex frees himself, but he was stuck long enough for Luna to make the tag to Leni!

Rex turned around, and Leni sprung off the top rope with a Missile Dropkick!

Nigel: And here comes Leni!

Luna and Leni then hit a Double Dropkick on Lawless, this time it knocks him down!

Vic: Double Dropkick from Rock Fashion Inc, and the big Rex Lawless is down!

Lawless didn't stay down for long, though. He gets up, Leni goes for another big attack, Lawless popped her up into the air, over the top rope, but Leni lands on the apron.

Leni blocks a right hand from Lawless, connects with a Rope-assisted Enzuigiri, then drops the big man with a Springboard Meteora!

Vic: And Leni with the Double Knees!

Leni goes for the cover, but Lawless powers out at 2!

Nigel: Effective! But not effective enough though!

Leni then begins to measure Rex up. Once he was to his feet, Leni hopped onto the top turnbuckle, goes for a Moonsault, but Lawless caught her!

Vic: Oh, Leni was looking for a Moonsault, but gets caught by Lawless!

Leni tried to counter into a DDT, but Lawless blocked it, popped her into the air, and Leni landed face first!

Leni then gets to one knee, and Rex followed up with a big knee to the face, and a tag to Morris after.

Vic: And Lawless with a knee!

Percy: And now Blake Morris is back in...

Blake Morris then picks up where Lawless left off, and slams Leni with a Vertical Suplex.

Nigel: And now Morris, like a hyena picking the bones of a freshly eaten carcass...

Morris then picks her up, but Leni got him in a Small Package pin, but Morris quickly kicks out at 2!

Percy: Whoa, Leni almost stole the win!

Both Leni and Morris got up, Leni ducks a clothesline from Morris, and hits a Jumping Neckbreaker!

Vic: And Morris, missing wildly with that clothesline, and Leni takes advantage!

Leni then runs towards Rex Lawless, and knocks him off the apron with a Dropkick!

Vic: And down goes Lawless!

Leni then tags in Luna, Leni gets Blake Morris in a Gory Special, then Luna and Leni hit their signature Double Team move, the Jumping Reverse STO/Gory Bomb Combo they called the "Rock Fashion Disaster"!

Vic: And Rock Fashion Inc, with the Rock Fashion Disaster!

Leni goes to the apron, Luna hooks the leg, and gets the 1-2-3!

Vic: And Rock Fashion Inc, puts Morris and Lawless away!

*Bell Rings!*

Justin Roberts: The winner of this match, ROCK FASHION INC!!!

Nigel: What a start to the Rock Fashion Experience! Courtesy of Rock Fashion Inc!

Percy: Luna and Leni, from their performance tonight, have just proven that they have what it takes, to turn this company upside down!

Luna and Leni celebrate their Victory in the ring as Morris and Lawless walk to the back in defeat.

(UP NEXT: More predictions and CEW talk, coming up, and Team Weird N' Wild vs. Sammy Guevara and Austin Theory)

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