Predictions (II) & Team Weird N' Wild vs. Sammy Guevara and Austin Theory

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Back at the Panel...

We were back up at the talk panel, this time, I was joined by Rick's brother, Cick R.

Me: Well that was such a debut for Luna and Leni, but right now, we saw Rick C, join me here on the panel, but look who's here, ladies and gentlemen, Rick's brother, Cick R!

Cick: Hello CEW Universe!

Me: How excited are you to be here?

Cick: I am very excited to be here. Thank you for having me.

Me: So, we've heard what your brother had to say about the match he was gonna be in, what's your take in this match?

Cick: I have to agree with him. Anyone in that match could leave tonight the CEW Champion.

Me: Well from all the matches we have tonight, from The Triple Threat CEW No Limits Championship match, to the Ladder Match for the CEW Championship, to the Victory Road Match, to the Non-stop Tag Team Championship match, what match are you most excited for?

Cick: Definitely the Victory Road Match! I love Royal Rumble-esc matches! So many shocks and surprises at every corner! Anyone could win it!

Me: Oh that's interesting. Anyone in particular you want winning, or wanna see in the match?

Cick: Win? It could be anyone! Hopefully someone nobody sees coming. As for who I want to see in it, hopefully someone like Kiazuki or Rook. Superstars like them could use more opportunities, in CEW.

Me: Sounds interesting. Switching gears now, we saw Team RWBY and oVe go at it for quite some time as of late, what's your take in this whole story here?

Cick: oVe are scum and that is that. I would take Those Guys over oVe any day of the week. Team RWBY has my vote.

Me: Honestly I agree with you on that, now onto the Triple Threat Match for the No Limits Championship, we saw Yang Xiao Long, Artemis Spencer, and Mark Andrews punch their tickets, who do you think has the advantage walking in?

Cick: THIS is gonna be a tough one. It all is gonna come down to who is in their element. And if we're talking No DQ, I'd say Yang may have the advantage actually due to her experience on a field where there are no rules to combat. But Artemis & Mark have got to have the experience when it comes to the combat we're talking about and if they can nutritive Yang or each other in a technical or high flying match, that's how they'll win it.

Me: Nods I see, now moving on ,I bet you're also excited about the Non-stop Tag Team Championships am I correct?

Cick: Oh absolutely!

Me: What's your take on that match?

Cick: I am putting my money on The Network. L.A.X. have a lot of experience as a team, but the Network always have something sneaky in their sleeves.

Me: That is something to look out for, but anyway that does it for us, let's head to the action.

And just as I say that, we go back to ringside, where Sammy Guevara's theme begins to play.

Mauro Ranallo then speaks as Sammy Guevara and Austin Theory make their way to the ring.

Mauro: Predictions at its finest courtesy of Chard and Cick R, but enough of that, here comes Guevara and Theory!

Mike Tenay: These two have been of a problem for a certain duo, and that duo would be Team Weird N' Wild, and it all started when Guevara used the bottom rope to secure the win, and then Mabel got even with a Small Package pin, and here we are.

Don: And I can assure you Guevara is not going to forget that.

Guevara and Theory enter the ring, and the wait for their opponents.

Out comes Star Butterfly and Mabel Pines.

David Penzer: And their opponents, the team of Mabel Pines, and Star Butterfly, TEAM WEIRD N' WILD!!!!

Mauro: And it has come to this. Just a couple Episodes in, and here they are!

Mike Tenay: Who would have thought that Team Weird N' Wild would be in a big stage such as this?

Team Weird N' Wild enter the ring, but then Guevara and Theory blast them with cheap shots!

Don: And look at this! Guevara and Theory just attacking the two ladies!

The ref calls for the bell, and the match officially begins.

Mauro: And there's the bell, this match is officially underway!

The ref breaks them up, and Guevara and Mabel start it off.

Guevara, right off the bat, socked Mabel with a forearm, then stomped away on the cornered Mabel.

Don: And there is that fury that's been building in Guevara!

Mauro: Guevara may be one hell of a talented star, but he can be one sore loser.

Guevara gloats a bit at the crowd, gaining a negative reaction.

He then turns his attention back to Mabel, where Mabel turns the tables with a kick to the gut, creating some separation, and tags in Star.

Star then hops into the ring, connecting with a Slingshot Hurricanrana on Guevara!

Mauro: And now here comes Star Butterfly!

Star then gets Guevara reeling with a Dropkick, and then clotheslines him over the top rope, and onto the floor below.

Star Butterfly then goes for a Suicide Dive, but then Guevara caught her with a Roundhouse Kick!

Mauro: OH!

Mike Tenay: Guevara with a big time kick!

Star slumps to the floor, and Guevara throws her back into the ring, goes for the cover, but Star barely kicks out at 2.

Guevara then tags in Austin Theory, and theory picks up where Guevara left off with some stomps on Star Butterfly.

Don: And now here comes Austin Theory...

Theory then locks on a sleeper to keep Star on the ground.

Mauro: And now Theory keeping Star Butterfly from gaining any momentum.

Don: And Theory is doing a pretty good job doing so...

The crowd then began to rally on Star, and after a few minutes on the ground, Star slowly rose to her feet.

Mike Tenay: Star now, beginning to feed off the crowd here...

Once Star Butterfly got to her feet, she elbowed her way out of the sleeper, then created separation with a Step-up Enzuigiri!

Mauro: And Star with an Enzuigiri to Theory!

Both Theory and Star were down, and they began to crawl to their respective partners.

Mauro: And now both sides are waiting to be tagged, who's gonna make the tag first!?

Then, Theory makes the tag to Guevara, Star tags Mabel shortly after, and Mabel takes Guevara down with a Springboard Clothesline!

Mike Tenay: Tags are made, and look at Mabel go!

Mabel begins to fire up with a series of clotheslines to Guevara, then follows up with a Springboard Back Elbow to top off the flurry!

Don: Mabel is on fire right now!

Mabel then measured Guevara up, and once Guevara got up to one knee, and Mabel struck with a Shining Wizard, goes for the cover, but then Theory jumps in to break the count at 2!

Mike Tenay: Oh! And Austin Theory breaks it up in time!

Star Butterfly then hits Theory with a Springboard Missile Dropkick!

Mauro: And Star with a Dropkick to Theory!

Mabel gets up, and then both Star and Mabel clothesline Theory over the top rope and onto the floor.

Theory lands on his feet, but was quickly knocked down with a Somersault Plancha from Star Butterfly!

Mauro: And Star! Launching herself over the top rope!

Mabel cheered Star after that, but then Guevara rolled her up with a Schoolboy pin, but Mabel kicks out at 2!

Don: And Guevara takes advantage, almost paid off there!

Both Mabel and Guevara get up, Mabel ducks a clothesline from Guevara, sets him up for the Renhei she calls the Mabelizer, and connects!

Mauro: And Mabel with the Mabelizer!

Mabel has the cover secured, and gets the 1-2-3!

Mike Tenay: And Team Weird N' Wild with a big win!

*Bell Rings!*

David Penzer: Ladies and gentlemen, the winners of the match, TEAM WEIRD N' WILD!!!

Mauro: That must be a big W for Star and Mabel!

Don: I smell potential for that team after that win!

Mauro: Indeed Don there is potential, and what a start towards it!

Team Weird N' Wild celebrated in the ring, and then the ref raises their hands to confirm their victory.


And with that, the pre-show is over!

What match are you excited for? Well whatever that match may be, you're gonna be in for some over the top action!

Anyway, I got nothing else to say here except, stay tuned for Victory Road, see you then!

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