"Finding Billy loomis and stu macher."

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Part two of "I don't want to die..."

Ghostface Chad meeks Martin
Ghostface Mindy meeks Martin
Ghostface Anika kayoko
Ghostface Billy loomis
Ghostface stu macher
Trans stu
Trans Ethan
The funeral for Ethan was held two weeks after his death. The twins plus Anika were planning their attack. They couldn't just attack Sam and Tara just like that.

Those two had the final girl strength and survival instincts. Chad didn't care if he lived or not, but he cared about Mindy, and he couldn't let her die.

So, they needed a good perfect plan. It was after ethan's funeral that Kirby and Gale came up to them.

"We need to talk." Kirby told them ,"about what?" Mindy questioned, "about Ethan." Gale spoke up

"What about Ethan?" Chad questioned, narrowing his eyes at them. Kirby and Gale shared a look before Gale started to speak up.

"Ethan wasn't Wayne Bailey biological son. He wasn't related to Wayne, Quinn, or Richie at all. "Gale told them

"What?" Anika asked, sharing a look with Mindy, "Turns out, Ethan is the biological Son of Billy Loomis and Stu Macher." Kirby told them

"What? But that's impossible! Billy loomis and stu macher died like 26 - 27 years ago." Anika said

"Yeah, we couldn't believe it until we saw the DNA. It matched with Billy loomis and Stu machers." Kirby told them

"So, we went back to woodsboro, and we dug them up." Gale said, 'You what?" Mindy asked, raising her eyebrows at them

"Their bodies weren't there." Kirby said ,"What are you saying? That they just came back to life and had Ethan? Abandoning him with some fucked up family?" Chad questioned, his hands clenching in anger.

Mindy noticed and grabbed his hand. "That's a possibility." Gale said, and Chad sighed ,"I'm not listening to this bullshit anymore."

Chad walked away, and Anika followed ,"Hey, you okay?" She asked, and Chad looked at her, "Right, stupid question to ask at your boyfriends funeral."

Chad sighed ,"What..what if what Gale and Kirby are saying is true? What if Ethan's parents are Billy Loomis and Stu Macher?"

"It could be possible. Them coming back from the dead and then having Ethan probably by complete accident." Anika said ,"but like how?" Chad questioned

"I mean, aren't they both men?" He asked, confused ,"you've been attacked by Ghostface like so many times and never bothered to do research on the other Ghostface killers?" Chad just stared at Anika

"Right, another stupid question. Anyway, I very much did my research on Stu Macher cause that dude is my favorite." Anika said, "He's transgender just like Ethan was. Born a female but transition to a male." She added

"So, it's possible that they're still alive and created Ethan?" Chad asked, but it was more to himself than Anika

"It's pretty fucking possible," Mindy said, coming up to them ,"fucking voodoo shit and other paranormal stuff we don't even understand are out there. Dead people coming back to life is probably one of them, but not like in a zombie kind of way." She added

"We have to find them." Chad told them ,"You want to find the original Ghostface? Are you insane? Clearly, they're gonna kill us." Mindy told him

"They deserve to know their son is dead." Chad told her, and Mindy sighed ,"Alright, fine."

"Let's go find Billy loomis and stu macher."
- - -
It took them several weeks to find Billy loomis and stu macher. They had done a lot of research, mostly Chad, since he barely slept. He kept seeing Ethan and hearing his pleadings, and he just couldn't sleep.

"Wait, isn't Camp Crystal Lake like where Jason Voorhees lives?" Anika questioned as they arrived at Camp Crystal Lake.

"You're barely remembering when we arrived already?" Mindy asked, looking back at Anika, "Uh, yeah!"

"You guys can stay in the car if you want." Chad told them, "No way! I want to meet stu." Anika said before getting out of the car and the twins followed.

"Okay, do we search the whole place or what?" Mindy asked ,"Yep." Chad said as he walked away from them.
- -
They searched for hours but they haven't found anyone yet. Mindy and Anika were ready to give up, but Chad wasn't.

A twinge snap caught their attention, and the three turned and saw a tall man with a hockey mask and a machete. "Holy shit.." Mindy started ,"that's jason Voorhees." Anika finished

"We're looking for Billy loomis and stu macher. Have you seen them?" Chad questioned, "chad!" Mindy whispered, shouted.

Jason just stood there before he turned around and walked away. Chad didn't hesitate to follow. Mindy and Anika followed soon.

They walked for a while until they reached a sort old mansion of sort in the middle of the woods. Jason stomped up the stairs before slamming the door open.

Chad followed, "I swear this is how we're gonna die." Mindy mumbled, and Anika interlocked her hand with Mindy, "let's go."

Chad, Mindy, and Anika waited by the front as Jason seemed to disappear off somewhere.

It wasn't long until Jason was dragging a tall, lanky teenager with scars on one side of his face down the stairs. "What- who are they?" He questioned

"Holy shit!" Anika yelled in excitement, "You're stu freaking macher! And you haven't aged a day! Like how? You still look like what you look like back in'96." Anika said

"Uh, you a fan or something?" Stu questioned,"I'm like a really big fan of yours!" Anika said

"I'm Anika kayoko, and that's my girl Mindy meeks Martin, and that's her twin brother Chad meeks Martin, and we're because..." As Anika ranted, her smile faded, and her excitement died down ,"right." She mumbled

"Wait? Meeks? As in Randy meeks?" Stu questioned, looking at the twins with an intriguing look.

"He's our uncle." Mindy replied, "Man, Billy is gonna love this." Stu chuckled

"Wait, why are you guys here? I'm pretty sure Randy would've warned you guys to stay far away from me and Billy as possible?" Stu questioned

"Our uncle doesn't know we're here extacly." Mindy told him, "we're here because of your son." Chad spoke up

"Um. My son? I don't have a so -" stu cut himself off as he realized and his eyes saddened ,"What happened?"

"He was killed by a close friend of ours. He..he wasn't hurting anyone, and he didn't hurt anyone, but..Tara she didn't care and killed him anyway." Chad said,

"W- what was his name?" Stu questioned,

"Ethan. His name was Ethan."
Word count - 1097

Hope you enjoy!
Part three coming soon!

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