"i don't want to die.."

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Chad just couldn't believe that Ethan was Ghostface. Why Ethan? Why did his Ethan had to turn out that way? Chad wanted to save Ethan.

"E, don't do this...just put the knife down, okay?" Chad pleaded but Ethan eyes darted over to his father before looking back at Chad.

"I..i..you killed my brother." Ethan said and it was like he was debating on killing everyone or just giving up.

Chad knew that Ethan didn't really like his brother. He could just tell but Ethan wanted his father to like him and he would do whatever he could do to get his father's approval.

"Ethan, I know that you do not want to do this, okay? I know you, Ethan." Chad said, taking a step towards him

Tears streamed down ethan's face ,"s- stay back, Chad!" Chad didn't listen, he stood in front of Ethan. He noticed how much ethans hands shook.

Chad gently grabbed his wrist before taking the knife from Ethan. Ethan looked up at him ,"I'm sorry, Chad. My..my dad..he..I'm so sorry, Chad."

"It's okay, E. We're gonna be okay." Chad told him and Ethan smiled before his smile turned into a frown, his eyes widening and blood began to pour out of his mouth.

He stumbled back and Chad saw Tara pulling out a knife from Ethan. "C- chad?" Ethan fell to the ground

"No!" Chad yelled and Tara looked at him ,"he was going to kill you! I had no choice!" She told him but he ignored her as he rushed towards Ethan, his knees roughly hitting the ground.

He put ethan's head on his lap , and Ethan gasped, gripping Chad's hand tightly.

"You're gonna be okay, just hold on E." Chad told him and Ethan whimpered ,"do..do you think in another life...we..we would still be together...and we..we could be happy?" Ethan questioned

"I'm already happy with you, E." Chad told him , tears streaming down his face ,"I..i..I don't want to die chad..I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Ethan sobbed out

"You're not gonna die, Ethan. I promise you." Chad told him, "I'm so scared, chad. I'm scared...please..I don't want to die....I didn't..I didn't kill anyone...I saved anika...and..and..I tried stopping Quinn...I don't want to die..." Ethan pleaded

"Ethan, listen to me. You are not going to die, okay? Not on my watch." Chad told him,

"I'm..I'm so sorry, dad..i..I know..I know that you wish it was me and instead of richie..and I'm so sorry I wasn't the son you wanted...I'm so sorry.." Ethan was in shock and he was just ranting as he coughed up blood.

"Ethan, listen to my voice, okay?" Chad said, gripping ethan's hand tightly in his. Ethan whimpered, looking at Chad.

"I don't..." Ethan eyes were slowly closing and his grip on Chad's hand was loosening, "i..I don't..want to...die.." Ethan closed his eyes, he was no longer gripping Chad's hand but Chad was gripping his.

"E?" Chad stared at Ethan before a sob escaped him as he brought Ethan up, holding him against his chest, burying his face in his shoulder, rocking himself back and forth as he sobbed

"Not my Ethan." He cried ,"Not my Ethan." Tara could only watch as Chad sobbed into his lovers dead body.

Quinn heard Chad's sobs and she got distracted. She looked down and her eyes widened, "No! Ethan!" She screamed

Her baby brother was dead. She turned and glared at Sam but her eyes held sadness.

"Ethan was all I had. I can't live in this world without him." Quinn said before she ran towards Sam knowing that Sam was going to kill her.

She didn't care. She rather be with her brother. Sam hesitated to shoot Quinn but in the end, she pulled the trigger, ending Quinn life with a single bullet to the head.
- -
After ending Wayne's life, Sam walked over to where Chad and Tara where. "Chad?" Sam called out his name in a soft whispered, kneeling down beside him

"He didn't want to die, Sam." Chad mumbled,"I'm sorry, Chad but he was going to kill you." Tara said

Chad glared at her, "kill me? He was defenseless! I took his knife away! He didn't want to kill anybody! You killed him for no reason at all!" Chad spat out

"No reason at all!?" Tara yelled ,"he was Ghostface!" Tara shouted at him, "but he didn't kill anyone!" Chad yelled

"He didn't want to die, Tara! He begged! Do you know how hard it is to listen to the love of your life beg to not die!?" A fresh set of tears slid down Chad's face, but his glare never left.

"No, of course you fucking don't!" Chad scoffed as Tara stayed silent. "You never loved anyone but yourself."

"So, keep your fucking apologies to yourself and just leave me alone." He spat

Tears slid down Tara's face ,"okay."
- -
"Hey, how are you holding up?" Mindy questioned as she sat down next to Chad who had to be pulled back from his dead lover. He had to watch as they took Ethan away. His Ethan was dead and they took him from him.

Anika sat on the other side of Chad. She knew that Ethan wasn't bad. He saved her. Ethan was good.

"I want Ethan back." Chad said, staring at the ground , "he didn't kill anybody. He just wanted to get his father's approval and Tara killed him for no fucking reason."

Mindy and Anika didn't say anything and Kirby walked over. "It's over but they couldn't find Mickey altieri, Stu Machers and Billy's loomis mask." She told them

"Someone took them?" Mindy asked and Kirby nodded ," it seems like it. I'll watch my back if I were you." With that she walked away

"Chad.." Mindy started ,"I've always liked Stu Macher." Anika spoke up, "well, I think Mickey altieri was kinda cool." Mindy said

Chad looked at them ,"I guess that leaves me with Billy Loomis."

If Sam and Tara thought that Ghostface was gone then they had another thing coming

Revenge was the old fashioned motive and Chad was head on , on getting revenge.
Word count - 1051

Hope you enjoy!

Sorry for any spelling mistakes

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