I Transmigrated Into Star Wars?!

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Here's the first chapter!
It's officially here!
This story is made for Halloween!
Get your spook on with a half Lycan and half human character!


I was driving to work; heading along the highway to get to my workplace, and whilst I was on the highway, I noticed sirens wailing, and I looked in my rear view mirror, and saw a police chase going on, and the driver that was being chased in a Mazda blue truck, was speeding towards me as it was trying to avoid police capture, but a driver behind me was not paying attention, and turned right in front of the speeding Mazda, and the Mazda collided with the driver that pulled to the right, and their collision caused a sandwich pile up, with my vehicle in the crossfire, causing my vehicle to be sandwiched under a semi in front of me, my front end smashed completely in, including the driver's side with me in it, my body contorted in ways that was extremely painful, me being crushed to death, and I was choking on my own blood, to where I completely suffocated, me dying on impact.


I open my hazel golden eyes, and gasp awake, and I sit up, me breathing hard, me looking around, me confused, as I was laying in a bed not my own, and the room I'm in was small, maybe the size of my room back home, in the home I shared with my mother.

I look around, noticing there were no pictures at all in this room, and I get out of bed, me confused, because I never seen this room I'm in before.
I walk over to a mirror that was hung up on the wall, and I see myself in the mirror.
My hair was boy short as usual, my hair black, my eyes a golden hazel color, my body still chubby, with big breasts, chubby kidney areas, a round ass, thick thighs, and a slight pot belly.
I looked like a plain person to me as usual.

I flinch as I felt a migraine go through me, making me put my hands to my head, and let out a painful noise, and memories flooded through me at a rapid pace, that I'm on a planet called Mabi, where the dark side people reside, them having a base here, and I work in a restaurant that serves some of their soldiers, and....wait....I'm half human and half Lycan, and can transform at will into a fucking Lycan?!
So I'm in Star Wars?!
Star Wars being my reality, though where I'm from, Star Wars is fictional?!

The migraine went away, and I stared at myself in a nightgown dress, and if I remember right, my shift starts in two hours, so I guess I'll get ready.
I needed a bath too, and I needed to eat something.
I do have rations in my cupboards, but I'll eat after I have a shower to clear my head, because it's really hard to believe that I'm in Star Wars, technically in the timeline Kylo Ren is a sith, which makes me wonder if Rey exists?
I truly wanted to know, to cure my curiosity, I decided to get ready quickly, and eat quickly as well, so I can go to work to interact with people, but I best keep Kylo Ren's name from ever leaving my mouth.

I quickly grabbed things to wear, and I turn my shower on, letting it warm up, and I started stripping out of my pajamas, and out of my underwear.
I get into the warm spray of water, and started washing my short hair, and my body.
I eventually rinsed off, and get out, and start drying off with a towel.
I dress in clothing, a black shirt, and black shorts.
I then set my dirty pajamas into a hamper, and my towel, and rag into the other basket for those things.

I walk to the mat I keep my shoes on, and I grab my shoes, and I held my socks as well, and I sit upon my bed, and I pull on my socks, and shoes, me tying my shoes in order.
I then leave my apartment, me locking it behind me, and I stick my keys into my short's right pocket.

I walk out of my apartment complex, me walking upon the concrete under my feet, and my restaurant workplace is only a short walk from here, which will only take five minutes to get there.
I enjoyed the lovely morning, it not too hot nor cold, and the scent of food cooking in the air was yummy too, and I did eat some rations before I left.

I walked through the door of the restaurant I work at, and I immediately greet my boss Pyra, who is human, but has that odd name.
Many aliens come to this restaurant to eat human food, them loving the human food, and in the memories I received earlier this morning, I realized the me here tries not to transform into her Lycan Form much, because it draws unwanted male attention towards her, so I will try to do the same.

The morning started off good, that is until soldiers from the....I'm guessing the dark side, soldiers in white visited the restaurant, and the alien visiting died down, but these soldiers were here and Pyra greeted them, as I stood and waited for Pyra to have me sit them down, and the other waitresses were doing the same as well.

Pyra then turned to face me.
"She will sit your party down."
I blink at her, realizing the person she's talking to was literally Kylo Ren, and his helmet was upon his head.

I could feel his eyes through his helmet looking at me with a disgusted look, which unnerved me to my very core, causing cold as hell chills to go down my spine.

I nod to Pyra and I say to Kylo Ren.
"Follow me sirs."
I turn around, and guide all five of them to a table, me setting menus down, and I watch them sit, including Kylo Ren.
"What can I get you?"

"Cheeseburger and fries, with a glass of water."
Kylo Ren says to me his robot voice of his helmet showing loudly, and I wrote that down on my notepad.

I say to him.
"What about your friends?"

"We will all have the same thing."
The soldiers say to me, so I point my pen at each of them, and write that many orders down.

"I will get you your orders."
I tell them with a warm smile, and I walk away.

I set the orders up for the cook Ohni to whip up.
I tended to other customers after I set their waters down at Kylo Ren's table, and as I came back to check on them, I ask him.
"Are you doing okay here?"

"The food is slow getting here, fat sow."
I clench my hand into a fist at my side, me trying to hold in my anger, but apparently being part Lycan makes your anger more intense than a normal human's.
Lycan emotions were more complex as well, including if we are horny I've noticed.

"I'm sorry; I'll go check on your food."
I slightly bow.

"Don't bow; it makes that disgusting belly of yours sag."
I heard him say in his robotic voice from his helmet.

I was trying so hard not to transform into my Lycan Form, because he was fat shaming me.
It took all I had as I walk away, and check on their food, me finding their food was done, so I brought their food, setting each meal down, and I set Kylo Ren's down last, and he says.
"Keep bending over and your stomach will fall out of your top."
I heard the sneer within his voice.

"That's it!"
White smoke formed around me, and the sounds of bones cracking hits my ears, and my body morphed, growing a snout, fur, and paw-like feet, black furry arms and fingers, with paw pads on my fingers and palms, and a black and white fluffy tail,  fluffy black ears, my face had a white in it, and blue glowing eyes, and I had hair that was to my shoulders, I wore a rainbow crop top, and blue jean shorts.

I lunged towards Kylo Ren after I threw his food upon him, fangs bared and with a wave of his hand, I was thrown against a wall, my arms spread out, and some invisible energy was holding me in place upon the wall.
Tables of clients were thrown every which way from Sunday, and he stood up, and walked over to me, and says to the soldiers.
"Seize her for trying to assassinate me!"

"Yes Lord Ren!"
The other four soldiers in white armor walk over to me, one of them holding energy cuffs, and the other two grabbed my arms, and bent me over, them cuffing my arms behind my back.

"You will be imprisoned for attempting to harm me."
Pyra gasped when Kylo Ren says this.

"Oh no!"
Pyra faints, and Rain, her husband, caught her in time before she hurt herself.

I was snapping my fangs at the soldiers in my rage, growling loudly, my growls sounding like a literal Chihuahua.
Kylo Ren chuckled darkly at me.
"You sound like a puppy who has no manners at all."

I glare up at him, as the soldiers held me bent over, whilst I was growling up at him, my fur on my black and white fluffy tail  was poofed out, and my black fluffy wolf ears were folded backwards, in airplane mode.
"Don't call me a puppy!"
I growl out.

"Well you are a puppy to me, with you snarling at me like an unruly hound, who tried to attack me."
He snickered at me in his robotic voice.
"I would like our orders to go, since she ruined them all.
And she will come with us, and receive her sentence of prison."

I growl more, and struggle within the soldier's grasp.
"Prison my ass!"

"We'll prepare you meals immediately and box them up."
Ohni glared at me.
"Take her with you if you wish, just don't harm us or our customers."


To be continued......

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