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Prologue Start!

Take note Kylo Ren is heinously evil in this story, but later down the road his heart will soften.

I heard the signature buzz of the door down the hall, allowing personnel in charge of prisoners like me within this heinous, yet hellish base, to unlock the door to this place, and I heard the familiar gait of a walk with my black fluffy wolf ears, that strides towards my cell, and those boots belonged to the very human being, who is a sith lord, that locked me within this very prison cell I share by myself, who I want to sink my fangs into, and escape this very place.

Since I was reborn here; after I had died in the real world, things have turn upside down for me completely, that has become the norm as well for me entirely, though this seems all a dream, it is in fact not a dream.
How though?
Well I pissed that very sith lord I'm talking about off, by throwing food into his face, in my Lycan Form, and it was a grave offense, leading to my ver untimely arrest, and imprisonment, under his very dumbass  order.
He demands that if he travels; that I go along with him, so that he can make sure I don't escape, because I've tried escaping with my Lycan mighty as hell strength several times, and he was the only one who had the power to catch my wolfy ass, and he locked me back within the confinements of my very uncomfortable cell.

However; he makes sure I am well fed, me fed better than any other prisoner in this hellhole, and it's like he treats me differently than the other prisoners here, which is beyond my control, causing other prisoners to become jealous of me, and try to harm me.

No joke; I was literally  shanked by a prisoner last week, that caused officers to tackle the other prisoner, and I was carted away to the infirmary, and that very sith lord, immediately came to the infirmary to see my condition, when the nurse told him I was beyond fine, because my body regenerates at a fast pace, he was indeed shocked yet fascinated that I could heal that fast, but I can only heal that fast in my Lycan Form, and not my human form.

Technically I'm only half human, and half Lycan, so since I'm half Lycan, I have the fast regenerating abilities of a Lycan.
Lycans are a very rare species, which I found out not too long ago by that nurse, and that most of my species was wiped out, and only a handful remain.
I never met another one of my kind in this new reality of mine, that was a fictional show or movie, that is until I was reborn here, and found out, this place was my new reality, as well as my new hell, so I figured the universe was punishing me for some fucked up reason.

Typical I would be reborn into a movie series I barely watched the movies of, only seen like snippets of, and know very little about to be honest.
All I know is that Rey don't exist, that Luke Skywalker and Leia Skywalker are in hiding, thanks to this very sith lord, that has me under lock and key as a captive here, and that he killed his own father Han Solo, go figure, and even Chewy was a prisoner here, and I hear him in his cell alot, because he's only about ten cells down from me.

Our cell doors are metal, but are reinforced with an energy field, and the energy field reminds me of Star Trek to be honest.
If I try to kick it, or even claw at it, I get shocked with intense volts of electricity.

Before I was captured; and imprisoned here, I was in my Lycan Form, because I transformed in front of him out of my anger of him calling me a fat sow, and I threw his order of food at him, when he was on the planet I was on, him doing some mission, and he stopped at the restaurant I worked at, since then, I have stayed in my Lycan Form for my safety, because my human form could be killed by him easily, but not this form.

I was pacing in my cell right now, because I could hear his boots heading towards my cell, me knowing he has the metal door everyday opened, and he sits in a chair in front of the force field, and watches me for hours on end, which creeps me the hell out, because it was like I was a side show freak on display for him.
But when he stares at me, I have noticed his eyes glaze over with hunger and lust.
I do not understand why he lusts after this form of mine, when he called me a fat sow.
My Lycan Form is quite beautiful though, and not chubby, and my human form is in fact chubby.

His boots were getting closer, making my anxiety kick up, and I stop walking, to turn and face my cell door, just as I heard beeping noises of him imputing his password into my metal cell door, and I heard the door buzz, and I watch it creak slowly open, and he stood in front of the force field, and two guards stood by each side of him as usual, and they had in their hands holding large stunning pistols, just in case I try to attack him.

I growl at him, my fur in my neck standing on end, including my fluffy black and white long tail, my growl sounded like a Chihuahua's growl, and it always amused him highly, because he usually smirks at me when I growl.
I watch as he slyly smirked at me, and I curl my black lips of my snout more, me showing my pearly white canines, and I so wanted to bust through that force field, and rip out his jugular, and escape here.
Oh how I have daydreamed about it quite often; I mean I do daydream about it everyday, and to be honest I don't know how long I've been in this cell, but I figure it's been many many months.

"Hello Puppy."
As usual he calls me Puppy, which makes me growl more at him.
Calling me a Puppy is an insult in my opinion, making me feel like I'm his pet dog, and I'm no fucking pet.
I watch him press buttons, and the force field disappeared, which was weird, because he never takes down the force field, and he tells the guards.
"If she so much as tries to bite me, then stun her immediately."

"Yes Lord Ren."
Both the guards in white armor and helmets say to him.

I stiffen, my anxiety kicking up more, my tail immediately going between my thighs, as he walked through the doorway of my cell, making me back away into the metal wall of the cell as he approached closer to me, making me growl louder and louder as a warning that I will attack, yet he didn't care.

I now stood on my paw-like feet, staring up at him with such loathing as he stood an inch in front of me, my back was now against the metal wall of my very prison cell, since he intruded upon my cell, within my boundaries of my space, as his lips soon went to be near my black right wolf fluffy ear in my Lycan Form, him saying to me.
"It is quite hard to not ravish you in this form as if lately.
My mind is filled with such thoughts as well."

I swallow hard as his hand slides down my right hip, to which I heard the guards clear their throats uncomfortably, but he ignored them, and when his leather gloved fingers met my fluffy black and white tail, his hand gripped my tail in a much painful way, making me yelp loudly, which is a sign that really hurt, and I whimper next, and he pulled me with much force by my tail, that it hurt like hell, him spinning me around by using my tail, and shoved me to the wall, my back was against, chest first, and my wolf ears folded to the side, them trembling, because he just showed he was the alpha over me, so I could not disobey the one person who shows their dominance over me, making him the alpha of the pack of people here in this base, and yes Lycans are pack animals, and our instincts don't ever waver.
My fingers that had fur on them, and black claw-like nails were plastered upon the wall.
My heart pounded into my very chest as my tail once again tucked between my thighs, which throbbed harshly from him manhandling it, which my tail indeed showed my submission, and I closed my blue eyes, me awaiting what he would do.
I felt a warm breath upon the back of my neck.
"Tell me; do wolves mate for life?
And if so; can a creature like you handle human anatomy inside you?"
I open my eyes, me entirely shocked he said that, because when he first met me, he called me a fat sow, so I know he wasn't attracted to me by far, so why was he being like this.

"Um.....I never tried it in this form."
I tell him honestly, because when I was reborn here, I was reborn a complete virgin, which scares me right now due to how he was acting.

"It seems we are going to find out this very minute."
I go wide eyed, as I stared at the metal wall in shock, shock that he was insinuating what I think he's insinuating!!
That he wanted to have sex with me, who is a fucking virgin!
A wolfy virgin at that!
He then says to the guards.
"Put the force field back up, and leave this cellblock."

"Yes Lord Ren."
The guards say to him, and I heard beeping noises, and I heard the static charging noise of the force field going back up.

"Now Puppy; let us have a little fun, shall we."
I gulp loudly when he says that, and I felt him slide his hands up my rainbow crop top shirt, and cup my tiny breasts that were covered by fur.
"Though tiny they are perfect."
I close my eyes, as I felt his hard on through his robes rub against my jean shorts, and yes as always, he's wearing his helmet, and he has a robot voice.

I felt his fingers pinch my nipples under my shirt, making me stiffen, and dig my claws into the metal wall, causing metallic scraping noises to occur.
"Please stop."
I say to him.

"But your nipples are getting harder the more I pinch them Puppy.
Why not enjoy this?"
He murmured into my right wolf ear.

Instinct took hold, and I quickly bite his right arm, and blood started dripping to the floor, and he roared out.
"You bitch!"
I felt his other hand grab the back of my neck, and give it a painful squeeze.
"Let go of my arm Puppy, unless you want me to break your neck!"
I slowly let his arm go, and he let out a strained noise.
"You ruined the mood I felt.
I'll punish you next time.
Stay against the wall."
He says rather calmly, though he's breathing hard within his rage, and I did as told, and I heard his boots clomp over towards the force field, and I heard the force field stop working, making me wonder how he did that, because the only way you can do so, is by the other side of the door, and I heard him walk through, and the force field went back up once he exited my cell.
I heard him yell.
Escort me to the infirmary immediately!"

I heard running boots approach him.
"Milord what happened?!"

"Don't just dilly dally!
Take me to the infirmary immediately!"
He roared.

"Yes Milord!"
Both guards say to him, and I heard all three of them walk away quickly.

I slump to my knees, me tasting his blood upon my tongue, and I sigh in relief that my virtue was intact, but how long can I hold him off before he takes my virtue against my will?
I guess I'll just hold out, until he tries again, and defend myself.


To be continued

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