Eleven: janus/Linus/Roman/Virgil

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⚠️Trigger warning: Rape implied, Kidnapping


Janus placed the order down and walked behind the counter with the check. He turned to his coworker who was in the back cooking.

"I have another order for you!" He reached back and put the order on the tab. He turned back to speak to his coworker when he noticed it had gotten pretty quiet in there, and the order hadn't moved. "David?" Janus went to go check on his coworker when he noticed the group that was in the lobby were also very silent. "What the hell?" Janus checked his cell phone and no service, His eyes widened. "DAVID!?" He ran to the back and saw David being pulled against someone's chest, a knife being held to his throat.

"Hello again~" Janus turned to face them. Linus twirled a knife in his hands.

"What the hell?! Why are you holding an entire diner hostage?! You do realize you didn't have to do that?" Janus grabbed his bag and looked at his coworker worriedly. "You can let him go, he won't call the cops he doesn't care enough okay?" Linus snapped and the guy released David. David stepped away.

"I-I..." he wiped his face and then finished the food he was working on. He brought the plates to the customers instead of Janus.

"It took a very long time to figure out where you worked Janus." Linus walked closer. "Why were you even trying to hide this from your good old dads anyways?" Janus backed up a bit.

"Where is my dad anyways? The news reported you only took Roman..."

"First name bases again? Ooooh tell me did something happen again?" Janus rolled his eyes.

"And Patton?" Janus folded his arms across his chest. "Did you take him too?"

"No, just Roman for now." He giggled. "Well, Roman, Remy and Emile."

"And Virgil?" Janus asked.

"You don't get the answer to that yet." Janus paused hearing his phone ringing. Guess his service went back on then. He looked at it quickly then at Linus.

"It's my boss, he's probably wondering what's happening seeing as he can watch the cameras." Janus picked up the phone and Linus snatched it putting it on speaker.

"Hey sexy thing, how about I pick you up so we can have a little fun? I know your dads missing and all trust me, everyone's told me. So why don't I come over?" Janus looked at Linus and Linus looked up at Janus and Janus couldn't tell if that was a look of shock or intrigue. "Janus? Come on you know better than to ignore me remember last time?"

"Answer him idiot." Linus leaned against the counter.

"I-Uhm not tonight Justin, I can't, I picked up a shift at work." Janus bit his lip. Hopefully hinting he was at work would get Justin to look at the cameras for proof that he wasn't home right now.

"Janus, we talked about you denying me your company! Come on kid...not even for a few hours?"

"Jesus Christ! What the fuck?" David had stepped into the room. Janus muted the phone and turned to face him.

"David I can explain—."

"I told him to stay away from you!" David wiped the tears from his face. "After everything you had been through! Why would you ever let him hurt you like that!"

"Gross, I'll let you have a moment." Linus left the room and Janus immediately collapsed into David's arms.

"Is that why you were so afraid of me?" David asked. Janus nodded.

"I'm sorry I-I thought everyone here was like him." Janus was shaking and crying now. "But I need you to leave okay? Linus isn't a good person and he plans on kidnapping me again and I can't risk him killing you and everyone else around me just because he wants me."

"What the fuck!?" David shook his head. "You can't do that to yourself!" Janus sighed.

"I have to."

"Janus? Hey sexy thing, you there?" David looked at the phone in disgust. "I know you want to keep our relationship a secret, but if you don't answer me I'm coming back to the restaurant and I will take you right in the break room~" Janus glanced at the phone and then back up at David.

"Fuck him." Janus slammed the phone shut. "I have no clue how I even had a connection enough to keep that call open, but I don't care at this point." Janus stood up and David hugged him.

"I cant believe I'm letting you do this..." Janus sighed and wiped the tears from his face.

"You kind of don't have a choice." Janus left the back room and screamed. David ran out and gasped seeing the family who had been here was dead.

"I got bored waiting for you Janus." Janus stepped in front of David.

"Okay, well I'm here." Linus looked at David and then back at Janus.

"Would it hurt you more if I killed him? Or took him with us?" Linus stepped closer and Janus shook his head.

"Stop! Okay stop Linus! You cant just fucking kidnap him!" Janus held David's hand. "And I won't let you kill him either."

"I called that boss of yours as soon as you hung up on him, we had a nice talk." Janus looked back at David.

"Cover your ears." Janus pulled his hand away and David covered his ears.

"David's a full grown adult, older than you and yet...your boss chose you. Not only that but you don't want him hearing the truth?" David pulled his hands away from his ears. "He told me all about how he pays for your apartment as long as you let him fuck you like an animal whenever he wants." Janus backed away from Linus. "I don't see the appeal." He touched the scar on Januss cheek.

"Stop." David looked at them in horror.

"Then again, I've never actually had a fun time with you." Janus shook his head.

"Stop!" He shook his head as he was handcuffed and dragged out the front door of the building.

"Janus!" David had come running after them. "Please..."

"David please go!" Linus smirked.

"Looks like David's coming for a little ride." Janus screamed as he was knocked to the ground, his vision got blurry and he blacked out.


That David kid looked over at Janus scared out of his mind. Linus chuckled as they dragged him to the vehicle and threw janus down in front of him. His handcuffed wrist stopped him from trying to wake janus. He looked up at Linus.

"Before I leave, I did have some questions." Linus giggled as he crossed his legs like a child and sat in front of David pulling janus into his lap.

"Don't..." David panicked.

"So did you ever see him flinch around your boss? Anything to even cue in that that man was abusing him?" Linus asked. David shook his head.

"He never let on that anything was happening..." Linus sighed.

"Damn kids hard to get going huh? So you trusted this kid this entire time and yet he was so afraid of you?" Linus leaned forward. "How does that make you feel?"

"I will admit I was hurt that he didn't open up to anyone but after I did research I realized why..." David glared at Linus. "That man has no right to be anywhere near janus ever again!"

"He will be though, I invited him over for dinner!" Linus licked his lips and then reached down and started to unbuckle Janus's pants. "He's had what we are going to have for dinner for months now but each time man he says he savors the flavor. I think it's best when you grind it up and pound town it and then devour what's left."

"You sick fuck!" David started crying heavily as he tried to break the handcuffs. Linus smirked.

"Why wait until we get home for dinner?" Linus stood up and hooked David up to the chains in the van so he couldn't stop him. David shook his head. Linus knocked on the window and the van started moving.

"Stop! Stop!" Linus walked back over and smirked down at Janus.

"I bet this will be fun." The unconscious Janus looked so peaceful. "he looks so ugly like this too..." Linus immediately ripped off his uniform and began playing with him. "I bet he will look even better after I'm done with him."

"STOP! STOP IT!" Linus rolled his eyes and grabbed duct tape, walking back over to David. He taped his mouth shut and then smirked at the now naked form of Janus. He licked his lips and pulled out his own dick.

"I'm going to enjoy this."


Roman looked up as the door opened and he jumped off the bed running over and hugging Virgil.

"Has he touched you?" Roman asked. Virgil shook his head and sat down.

"They won't let me see my cousin..." Virgil looked at his hands. "They took my cousin and they won't let me even see if he needs me."

"I'm sure Remy is alright." Roman held Virgil's hand. "They ran off, said they had someone they needed to talk to..."

"Roman..." Virgil sat next to him on the bed and pulled his knees to his chest. "They want to get Janus."

"What use do they even have for him!?" Roman gasped.

"I don't know. I really don't." Virgil looked down at his hands. "They are probably going to try and use him against you..."

"Knowing Linus, that's exactly what he's going to try and do." Roman groaned. "You'd think he would have been keeping tabs on us to know that me and patt haven't heard from Janus since he moved out..."

"Wait I'm sorry, he what!?" Virgil looked at Roman in shock. "How did we not know this..."

"You know he wasn't going to stay with me and Patton for longer than he needed to after everything." Roman laughed. "I don't blame him, I mean he does still talk to us and everything but he doesn't just stay with us...he has a job he enjoys." The door opened and someone they didn't recognize stood in the doorway. He chuckled.

"I wouldnt say enjoys." The man entered and looked Virgil up and down. "Besides you really should keep tabs on your son there."

"Who the hell are you?" Roman asked.

"The names Justin, im Janus's boss." He smirked.

"Oh fuck..." Virgil looked horrified.

"Don't worry, I just met Linus recently." He chuckled. "But he knows me and Janus have...a sort of special relationship, so I was invited over."

"You sicko!" Virgil shook his head. "That's fucking disgusting!"

"You catch on quick." He laughed. "Also yes, I am paying for your son's apartment and I am also giving him as many hours as possible at the diner, as long as he so obviously gives me time whenever I ask for it." Roman looked at his hands horrified.

"You sick fuck..." he looked back up at the man. "This entire time he's been living on his own you have been hurting him!?"

"And he didn't want to ever mention me to dear old dad." Justin chuckled. "There would be no point to it after all, seeing as even if he did report me to the police he consented to being with me~"

"No!" Virgil shook his head. "There's absolutely no fucking way he did."

"He did, and besides that..." Justin walked closer to the two. "He won't turn me down if I tell him your pretty ass is on the line now will he?" He reached forward and Roman grabbed his wrist.

"Don't fucking touch Virgil." He slapped the man's hand away from touching Virgil's cheek. Virgil backed up.

"Linus said that Virgil should come willingly, or you know-"

"Don't." Virgil stood and put himself in front of Roman. "It's alright Roman, I'll be alright, I promise I will take care of Janus okay?" Roman nodded.

"Alright..." they left the room and Roman pulled his knees to his chest. He started crying into them. How did they not notice?


Virgil followed Justin into a room that looked like a dining room and he sat down at the table with Justin sitting across from him. Virgil looked towards the door.

"While we wait for them, why don't you tell me about yourself kid." Virgil looked towards Justin and glared.

"I won't let you hurt my friend anymore than you probably already have you bastard." Virgil folded his arms across his chest. "I don't understand why Linus wants us, or why he wants to allow you to hurt Janus, but I won't let you lay a finger on him." Virgil went to stand but Justin was suddenly pressing him against the wall.

"Linus said I can have some fun with you." He chuckled. "Just didn't think it would be so soon!" Virgil shoved him away.

"Don't." Virgil growled.

"He said you like to fight." Virgil tried shoving him away but he held him to the wall. The door opened and Justin laughed pulling away from Virgil. "Sorry Linus, Virgil was being a brat and not understanding his place here."

"As always." Linus said bored. "Also we have another guest." Linus threw someone down in the chair besides Janus and Virgil looked over seeing Justin look on in pure horror.

"What the fuck!?" Justin dragged Linus out of the room and Virgil immediately ran over to Janus. Janus held him in a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry." Janus held him as they both collapsed.

"It's alright, he hasn't hurt me and neither has Linus. I don't know why I'm here..."

"I'm so sorry Janus I-."

"Please stop apologizing." Janus looked at the man who was with him. "None of this is your fault."

"Janus you told me to leave." The man walked over and knelt besides Janus. "I wont let him hurt either of you." He smiled at Virgil holding out his hand. "Hi, I'm David."

"Get away from Janus." Virgil backed up from the man scared. "I dont trust you didn't hurt him."

"David's fine Virgil, promise." Janus wiped his face and then looked at David. Virgil looked back at the door.

"I cant trust that opinion Janus."

"Are you seriously upset with me over that?" Janus asked. Virgil folded his arms across his chest and turned back to face Janus.

"That opinion was what put us all in danger in the first place."

"Jesus Christ Virgil." Janus walked over to the wall and sat down. "I thought you were over this!"

"Janus, all of this put everyone in danger ONCE AGAIN! Do you even understand how long it's taken everyone to finally get back to normal? I didn't even know you had left Janus! I can't believe you didn't even go to your dads about this! Seriously what were you thinking!?"

"I wasn't! Is that what you wanted to hear!? I wasn't! I just wanted to put everything behind and disappear okay!? I didn't want to be around any of you!" Virgil looked away.

"Janus, you didn't put me in danger okay? I got myself here." He looked at Virgil. "And the kid is really trying okay? Give him a damn break."

"You stay out of this." David glanced at Janus and Janus rolled his eyes standing up and walking back over to the two.

"Virgil, don't talk to him that way." Janus pulled David over to the table and the two sat down. "I'd rather not go over this with you of all people so sit down and shut up for once."

"Janus what the hell?" David stared shocked.

"He has the absolute nerve to blame me for everything? News flash Virgil, nothing ever would have gone down in the first place had YOU not pissed off the health teacher." Virgil stepped back feeling tears threaten to fall.

"Janus enough..." David looked over at Virgil who shook the tears away.

"Seriously? Blaming me for wanting to protect you?"

"Using that as your excuse now?" Janus leaned back in his chair and laughed. "Damn, you could do better than that can't you?"

"Wait...the dude who kidnapped you was a health teacher?" David asked. Virgil started to shake.

"I mean come on Virgil, do you really think I trust Remus? after everything? I'm not stupid. Your father might be after all, aren't they still dating?" Virgil slapped Janus hard.

"Well, this was unexpected." Linus laughed. "I didnt know you two held so much hate for one another."

"What the hell was the plan here?" Virgil asked. "Why keep us together if you were only going t-." Virgil held his hand to his stomach feeling a slight stab of pain. Tears filled his eyes when he looked down and saw red.

"OH MY GOD!" Janus went to run for Virgil but Linus held him back. Virgil felt someone pull something from his side and he collapsed to the ground.

"Goodnight little one~" Virgil glanced at Janus as his vision got blurry and he passed out.

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