Twelve: Remy

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Emile held his hand and Remy squeezed it. The two looked over at the door as it opened.

"What have you done?" Janus asked as he saw the blood that covered David.

"Oh, it's not mine." He giggled. "Though I do admire Linus for trying I actually dealt with the problem."

"What have you done!?" Tears started to form in his eyes. "Just answer me! Damnit..."

"I killed a pest." He walked closer to the two. "Linus of course got mad that he has one less toy to play with but his game has gone on long enough and in the end to be honest I just want my toy." Remy looked at Emile who shrugged.

"Y-Your toy?" Remy asked.

"Janus of course." He smiled. "That boy can really fuck."

"You disgusting pig!" The door opened and Remy glanced at it. Linus threw Janus and some other man into the room.

"Annoying ass." Linus grumbled. "You are lucky he survived that shit."

"Janus..." Remy put the pieces together and he covered his mouth. "Oh my god..."

"Ah here he is." The door opened again and Virgil was thrown down to the ground. He was holding his side. "Bye now." Linus dragged David from the room and Remy immediately ran for his cousin.

"No..." he sobbed as he saw all the blood. "Come on don't you dare."

"It's all my fault." Janus looked at Emile and then at David and then back at Remy. "I started an argument with him...I-I didn't mean for this to happen. Is he going to live?" Remy felt for a pulse and then looked up.

"He's alive right now but I don't know if he will be in a few minutes..." Remy held his cousin close. "Please don't die on me come on." Janus sat down and looked over at the two.

"Can't you do something?"

"I dont even have the proper shit to take care of Emile, trust me if I could I would." Remy sighed. "Only thing we can do for him is make him comfortable and hope he opens his eyes..."

"I'm right here." Virgil opened his eyes slowly. "I-I promise you I'm not going to die." Virgil turned his head to face Janus. "I dont know what the fuck you were thinking."

"I dont know." Janus walked over. "Are you okay?"

"I'll survive if that's what you are asking." Virgil closed his eyes. "Bad idea to rest isn't it?"

"No." Emile limped over and sat down next to them grabbing his hand. "You get your energy back up okay? We stopped the bleeding for now a-and we'll get you help."

"Alright." Virgil closed his eyes and Remy looked at him playing with his hair softly.

"I dont know what I'm going to do with you kid." He laughed as he looked over at Janus. "You need to rest too okay? He'll be fine."

"You better not be lying to me." Janus leaned against the wall and closed his eyes. Emile made sure he actually fell asleep before he turned back to Remy.

"Are you okay my love?" Remy looked up.

"I dont know." He laughed a bit. "I might lose my cousin, after everything he's gone through if we don't get him help he could die on us...I'm so fucking scared."

"You'll get through this." Emile squeezed his hand. "Virgil knows nothing but being a fighter. He'll survive a stupid stab wound."

"Good point." Remy kissed Emile. "Now get some rest my love I'll take first watch."

"Don't do anything stupid." Remy laughed as Emile laid down.

"No promises."

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