Fifteen: Remy/Roman/Logan

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"Thanks." Remy put on the extra clothes that they gave him and he signed out. He smiled over at Emile who was also signing out. "Guess we look like escaped lunatics together huh?"

"Definitely." Emile laughed. "Glad we get to leave, I hate hospitals."

"Don't you...never mind." Remy held his hands in the air. Emile laughed.

"Dork. Let's go say bye to the kids for now yeah? You can check on them when they leave this shit hole."

"Alright cool." They walked over to Janus's door and knocked.

"Come in." He called out. The two entered and Janus smiled at them. "Oh hey."

"How you feeling kid?"

"Okay, considering what went down. How are you guys?"

"Good, good." Emile smacked Remy who laughed. "Good enough to leave this shit hole anyways."

"Any word on Virgil?" He asked. Remy shook his head.

"They haven't updated me yet." He sighed as he sat down.

"You guys should go home, get some sleep." Remy laughed.

"Who's she? Never heard of her." He stood back up and hugged Janus again. "Take care kid, I'll see you tomorrow." He grabbed Emile's hand and the two left the hospital together.

"Hopefully I can actually get you to sleep this time." He giggled.

"Oh shush." Remy playfully shoved him. "As long as I'm with you, I think I'll be fine."

"Did you just..."

"Yeah I did shut up." Remy chuckled as the two got into the car they rented.

"Alright alright."


"Holy shit..." Roman sat up and smiled at Patton. "Hi..." Patton smiled.


"You can come sit down you know." Roman laughed. "I won't bite." Patton made a face and Roman laughed even more. "Oh my god."

"Hey!" Patton blushed. "It's not my fault you actually have done that!" He sat down next to Roman who looked over at him laughing even more.

"You are so red right now." Patton slapped his arm.

"Shut up." Roman sat up some more and looked at Patton again.

"So, you came to talk to me?" Patton nodded. "What brought that on exactly? Aren't you still mad at me?"

"I came to apologize actually." Patton stared down at his hands. "I am extremely sorry for how I reacted to everything. I shouldn't have just run away like I did." He looked up at Roman who smiled and held Pattons hand.

"You had every right to run away." Roman squeezed his hand. "And obviously I forgive you."

"Well, thank you." Patton smiled.

"Hey Patton..."


"You can kiss me if you want stupid." Patton blushed and laughed.

"You really know how to read my mind don't you?"

"Always have, and always will." The two leaned in and Patton kissed him.

"Oh gross." They pulled away and laughed seeing Janus leaning against the door. "Should I just come back later then?"

"Oh come here you brat." Roman held his arms out and Janus walked over. Patton pulled him into a group hug.

"Good to see that you guys made up." Janus laughed trying to squirm out of the hug.

"No leaving the hug until I say so!" Roman laughed out as he suddenly started tickling him.

"Alright alright jeez!" Janus snort laughed as he pulled away.

"Get some rest you two, I'll be back tomorrow." Patton kissed Roman one last time before kissing Janus on the forehead.

"See you." Roman smiled as he left.

"I'll just go back to my room then, see you tomorrow." Janus hugged him again. "Love you dad." Roman laughed again.

"Love you too kid." As soon as Janus left Roman wiped the tears from his eyes. Janus called him dad again. He smiled.


"Please?" Logan groaned. The nurse shook her head.

"No." She gestured back at the bed. "You are in bed rest for a reason."

"Why am I being treated like a child when my son was gravely injured and for all I know he could be dead!?"

"He isn't dead." The nurse sighed. "Look, they just want you to be rested up before you two see eachother. It's a lot to process."

"He almost died!" Logan frowned. "If anything I should be there when he wakes up!"

"You've been in the hospital for longer than he has!" She yelled back.

"Fair point." He mumbled. "But even then!" Logan sighed. "Can you at least tell me if everyone else is okay?"

"Oh right, you only saw what was reported on the news forgot about that." She sighed. "Yes, everyone else is okay. The only one that was gravely injured was Virgil but he's alright now."

"Again, I'm his father can I please go see him?"

"No." She left and Logan rolled his eyes.

"Well, I'll find a way anyways." He pushed himself out of bed and into the wheelchair that was beside him. As soon as he was in it he frowned realizing he had the door to worry about. "Fuck..." he sat there looking at the door with a frown on his face when it suddenly opened twenty minutes later. "Double fuck."

"Logan!" Another nurse scolded. "You need to call us if you plan to move yourself!" She ran over and checked him over. "Back in bed." She gestured at the bed. He shook his head.

"I need to go see my son." She frowned.

"Wait, they haven't taken you to see him yet?" She sighed. "Come on." She pushed him out of the room and they walked quite awhile until they reached another wing of the hospital. A nurse was arguing with someone and Logan looked over and asked the nurse to stop. She did and Logan whistled. The person stopped arguing and immediately ran over hugging him.

"Oh my god finally!" Remus pulled away. "Fuck..." he looked at the nurse. "Thank you for bringing him."

"He would have brought himself if I didn't." She laughed. "They apparently haven't let him up here?"

"That's why I was screaming at them!" Remus flipped off the nurses station. "It was their decision saying that he's a danger to himself or something."

"Uhm no he isn't." The nurse sighed. "Jesus do they not read files here? Yes it's true if a patient is under suicide watch we leave them in their rooms but Logan wasn't under suicide watch at all so I really don't know why they wouldn't just let him come see his son."

"Thank you for bringing me Mary." Logan smiled at her.

"I will bring him back to his room I promise." Remus told her with a smile. "I just need to let him see Virgil before visiting hours are over yeah?" She nodded and Remus brought Logan through the doors over to Virgil's room. "Heyyo." Virgil looked up from the book he was reading.

"Knock much?" Virgil saw Logan and he smiled. "Hey."

"Oh my god..." Logan looked Virgil up and down. "What the hell?"

"I'm fine." Virgil rolled his eyes. "It's just a small stab wound."

"Again, what the hell!?"

"Damn kids a tough cookie!"

"Tougher than me that's for sure." Logan laughed out.

"Learned from the best didn't I?" Virgil threw a pillow at Logan who caught it and threw it back.

"Okay rude."

"Suffer." He stuck out his tongue. Logan laughed.

"You are still such a fucking brat."

"You know you love me."

"Yeah yeah only sometimes kid, don't push your luck." Remus laid down at the end of the bed and looked over at the two of them with a smile.

"Now this is nice and all, but I miss my bed so I'm taking this one back to his room, we'll be back in the morning yeah?"

"Yeah okay." Virgil laughed. "Go get some actual rest will you?"

"Hey, don't tell me what to do." Remus stuck out his tongue as he and Logan left the room. Logan looked up at Remus.

"You really just won't let that one go will you?"

"I will never let that one go." Remus pouted. "Nobody tells me what to do."

"Except for me of course."

"Oooh kinky." Remus laughed as a nurse was walking by and made a face at the two of them.


"Yeah I know." Remus smiled and leaned down kissing Logan. Logan smiled into the kiss. For once, they were okay again.

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