Another Way to Die

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Chapter 6


POV: You

Part 1.

It's been some time since we decided not to feed Denji to the eternity devil. Right now we've been trying to figure out how we are going to deal with our current situation without making a contract. Himeno, Aki, Denji, and I were in the hall looking at the eternity devil as we tried to concoct a plan. Aki sat against the wall, Denji sat in the middle of the hall, I sat against the other wall and Himeno decided to lay her head in my lap.

"Do any of you happen to have a vaguest plan to get us out of here?" Himeno says as she looked up at me.

"If what the devil told us is true, killing it is off the table, but Denji isn't dying either" Aki says.

"So the plan is for us to sit around and starve?"Himeno says with a sigh.

"At least you'll have a nice death bed" I tell Himeno and she rolls her eyes.

"I'll use the sword if worst really comes to worst" Aki says, Himeno shoots up from my lap.

"Like hell you will" Himeno tells him in a stern voice.

"If a couple swipes from your sword can fix this then use it" Denji states "Am I right?"

"Nope, we aren't using it, even if we have no other alternatives. I'm sorry Denji, but your toast if it comes to that" Himeno say teasingly.

I stand up and stretch a little "Just let me at'em it might take a while but violence has its merits. I'll become as blood thirsty as I have to" I say aloud.

"No" Himeno says as she moved quickly to me, almost like she could of teleported "And just what will you do if you fall too deep"

"That's what I have you for. You've pulled me back once, you can do it again" I tell Himeno as she stares into my eyes with her singular eye.

"That's not the point (Y/n). Giving into the warrior like that can still affect your sanity" Himeno tells me in a concerned tone.

"I'll be fine Himeno, unless you got another plan" I tell her. We then hear the sound of both Arai and Kobeni screaming and yelling. The eternity devil immediately starts growing rapidly "Fuck, run!"

The four of us then start running down the hall away from the eternity devil. As we neared the end of the hall, the floor below us starts tilting upwards. The entire floor was tilting. The eternity devil was trying to make us slide into its mouths.

"Holy shit!" Denji shouts.

"Get in!" Aki shouts as he opens up a door.

Denji and I get in, I grab Himeno and pull her in before the entire floor goes vertical. At the bottom was the eternity devil with many large massive mouths. This was one completely fucked situation. It was like a looking at the devil version of a sarlacc.

"Relinquish Denji's heart to me!" The eternity devil shouts.

"Someone please! Anyone! Just kill him, either he dies or we all die!" Kobeni shouts from the other side with a the knife from earlier in hand.

"Deliberation time has come and gone, feed him to the devil and get it over with!" Arai shouts.

"I'm using the sword, are you okay with that Himeno-?" Alia asks, turning to Himeno only for her to be holding her hand out.

Himeno uses her powers from the ghost devil to restrain Aki "Woah, not cool. What's the deal here lady" Denji questions.

"The sword is very handy and yes we could escape if we used its power, but it cuts Aki's life span every use shaved off a huge chunk of it. He's got way too much to live for to get short change like that. So I'm sorry I really-" Himeno says before being cut off by Arai tackling Denji to the ground.

"Get off me! C'mon man!" Denji groans as he tries to get Arai off of him.

I grab Arai with one hand and slam him against the wall. Kobeni was running at Denji with the knife. I grab the knife's blade as Kobeni charged at Denji and ripped it out of her hand with pure force. I then threw the knife down into the pit below. The eternity devil laughing from its many mouths.

"W-Why did you do that!?!" Kobeni cried as rivers of tears came from her eye "We're going to die here!"

I grab both her shoulders "Kobeni, look at me!" I shout at her. Making her freeze up a bit and look at me.

"What do you see?" I question her as I looked into her eyes.

"I-I-I don't know" She cried in an anxious frenzy as she looked at me.

"Look harder. My face, what do you see?" I question.

Kobeni's eyes dashed around my face before locking into my eyes. Looking into my eyes "Y-Your eyes" Kobeni says, her body shaking less from the anxiety while beginning to calm down.

"Good, good, now, look deep into my eyes, tell me, what am I going to do?" I ask her.

Kobeni stares hard into the abyss which is my eyes. My abyss staring into her eyes. Kobeni now completely stopped shaking, her expression calm, the tears, no longer flowing down her face. Her brown orbs not moving a millimeter as her gaze fixated solely on my abyss.

"You're going to save and protect me...." Kobeni says to me.

"No, wrong answer. I'm going to save everyone, then slaughter the eternity devil and send it back to hell" I tell Kobeni simply.

"You are?" She says.

"Yes, I am-"I say to her. I let go of Kobeni and stepped back everyone watched as a small smile formed on my face. Kobeni falls to her knees as she looked at me "Because I'm the warrior devil, and I enjoy killing devils"

"Hold on (Y/n), if you give in too much...none of us will be able to stop you.... Not even me.." Himeno says to me, worry wavering in her shaky voice.

"Do you have a better plan?" I question her.

"I-...N-no" Himeno says before falling to her knees, looking at the ground.

"The eternity devil seems to fear Denji in a way, that's why it hasn't faced him directly. Most likely  the chainsaw" I say then turned to face the pit "What he doesn't know is that I'm not trapped in here with him. But he's trapped in her with me"

"(Y/n)" Himeno says and I turn my head to look at her "You better not die on me"

A grin forms on my face. The warrior's grin "I promise"

I jump off the ledge. The many mouths of the eternal devil open up as I fall through them. I then break the chains on my wrists, transforming into my devil form letting out a war cry as I did. After being swallowed, I bring a chain out from my hand and began to whip it around.

"No it can't be. The warrior devil!" The eternity devil shouts as it tries to take bites out of me. Fear in its voice.

Many mouths lunging at me, trying to bite me and tear me apart. Some mouths succeeded in bitting me, but didn't hang on for long before a chain tears it off. The eternity devil making a painful shout at every lashing of the chain. The heavy sound for clanking of chain echoing in the air.

"It hurts doesn't it!?!" I shout at the devil as I tore and whipped at its endless attacks "Now image this pain for eternity. I may not know where your heart is now, but you'll want to give in to the pain and die soon enough!!"

A mouth gets past my defenses and latches onto my shoulder, taking a huge chunk out of it. The devil laughing "When did you get so weak? I remember you being stronger" eternity devil says.

"You want stronger? I can give you stronger!!" I shout with a laugh.

Then, with my mouth a bite massive chunk out of it. Tasting the horrible taste of the devils flesh and blood before it went down my throat, it was like if I was eating rotten flesh. Two gauntlets formed on my arms at the edges, three large claws going over my fists that could tear flesh with ease. The three large over hanging claws that almost resembled talons in a way.

"These will do. The gauntlets of the outraged amazonian queen Penthesilea. Made from the anger she had for Achilles after her humiliation in there battle with one another. With these, she turned herself into a beast, a maddened warrior" I say aloud before letting out a blood curdling war cry.

I lung at the many faces ripping and tearing into the flesh. Blood spraying every where. The devil screaming and shouting in pain. The taste of its horrible blood being digested over and over , bite after bite. A feeling washing over me, the yearning for ever lasting blood lust. Some times the warrior's heart wants violence and carnage, the taste of blood, to bathe in it.

"I want to hear your screams! See your blood spill! Taste your disgusting flesh!! For eternity!!! I shout as a blood thirsty laugh echoed out of my mouth "Deliver me your heart or suffer the eternal consequences!!!"

I swing at one face after another tearing into the flesh of the eternity devil. The screaming, the pain, the blood. I wanted it all. However, the blood lust faded a bit as I hear the sound of a reeving chainsaw. A figure lands beside me, chainsaws coming out of its arms, a chainsaw coming out of the head, sharp spiky like teeth, the head reminiscent of a chainsaw body.

"This must be Denji's devil form" I thought coherently as Denji's entrance  seemed to break me out of the trance for blood "What part of Denji being here pulled me out?"

"Sorry for the wait bro. I thought it'd be pretty fucked up to leave this all to you" Denji tells me in an amped up voice.

"So, that's your devil form" I say to him.

"Yeah!, sick ain't it!" He exclaims as the chainsaws revved "Let's fuck this devil up!!"

POV: Himeno

(Y/n) jumps into the mouth of the devil while transforming into his devil form, a war cry being let out. He landed at a bottom of sorts with his chain, whipped at the devil.

"Holy shit! That's his devil form?, I don't remember it being that cool!, granted I was barely there last time" Denji exclaims.

"H-He really is a devil, he wasn't lying" Arai says with a shaky voice.

"Is he...a fiend?" Kobeni asks as she peered over the edge.

"No, he's a devil hybrid, a cross between man and devil" I say then looked at Denji "I assume Denji is the same way"

"Yes, a hybrid with the chainsaw" Aki says as he looked down at (Y/n) "However, I think (Y/n)'s different in some way. He's fully embraced what he is, a human and a devil, and had made it his sworn duty to kill devils"

"Sounds like (Y/n), one second he's human, the next second he's a devil" I say, I didn't mean it in the literal way with his transformation but the metaphorical way.

I looked back down at (Y/n), he had gauntlets with large claws. He tore through the devil over and over, a maniacal laugh echoing out of his mouth. Ever since I first met (Y/n), if there was anyone who could take on the gun devil, it would be him. Compared to the rare ones that devils fear, who just have a few screws loose, (Y/n) can willingly rip his screws out and pull the door off. Then he can put the door back up and put the screws back and everything be fine. Though, the screws never being completely tight.

"If there is anyone who can kill the gun devil, it will be him" I said as I watched (Y/n)'s carnage. my worry intensifying as his bloodlust took over.

"You're sure of that?" Aki questions, he's always looking for allies who are willing to kill the gun devil.

"Yes. I'm sure" I state to him "I've seen (Y/n) kill many devils. He's the only reason I'm even alive today"

"Welp, I ain't an asshole and gonna leave (Y/n) to all the work" Denji says while standing up. He puts his hand into his shirt and pulls out a rip cord "I'm gonna help my bro out, See y'all on the flip side"

Denji jumps into the devils mouth while yanking on the rip cord. Chainsaws rip out of his arms and a chainsaw emerges from his head. He lands at the bottom of the pit, his appearance seemed to shove some of the screws in, (Y/n) crazed bloodlust being surprised a bit. The screws then get ripped out again as both of them began to shred through the flesh of the devil together.

"RIP!!" Denji shouts cazily as he shoves both of his arm saws in one of the faces and rips them out.

"AND TEAR!!!" (Y/n) shouts in a blood lust fueled voice as he digs his claws in and tears a face in half.

{Time Skip}

" are they still going?" I question to myself as Denji and (Y/n) are still fighting the eternity devil.

Three days, that's how long it's been, roughly speaking. Blood, everywhere. Agonizing groans. Chainsaws buzzing. Manic laughs. I lied. This was no longer a fight, just torture. The eternity devils wasn't even fighting back anymore. It was over now.

"I can't take it anymore. Here's my heart" The eternity devil groans.

"You're done already! I was having so much fun in this blood bath like a kid in a pool!" Denji shouts.

"I knew you'd give in, it was just the when" (Y/n) says then swiped at the heart of the devil. Tearing it into shreds.

In the blink of an eye, the floor orientation was back to normal, the flesh and blood of the now dead eternity devil still everywhere. Denji's transformation begins to melt away, like if it was wax of a candle. I jog my way towards them, worried about (Y/n) with just how blood thirsty he got when fighting.

"Hey, bro that kiss is all yours" Denji says to (Y/n) in his devil form and punches arm.

My jog slowed to a walk as I neared them, (Y/n)'s transformation then melting away. Putting my worry at ease "I guess it is" (Y/n) says.

(Y/n) then falls to one knee "Bro you okay?" Denji asks as he tried to see what was wrong, waving a hand infront of his face.

"Move Denji" I tell him while scooting Denji to the side, I kneel down infront of (Y/n), his face was pale, eyes blood shot "Hey, can you hear me?it's Himeno"

"Hey..guess I over did it huh, probably should have controlled it more" He tells me.

"No no, you did good, we'd be dead if it weren't for not" I tell him as I grabbed one of his hands.

"The only reason why I didn't go completely over the edge...was because...I kept thinking about-" (Y/n) says before falling forward and I catch him.

A smile graces my face "Me? You were thinking about me...even if it wasn't...I'm glad you're okay. Get some rest"

"Found the piece of gun flesh" Aki says while holding onto a bloodied gun devil flesh piece.

"Only one piece?" Denji asks.

"Yeah, it's not a lot but even one piece can do a lot for a devil" Aki says.

I look at Denji "How are you holding up Denji?" I ask him.

"Felt like I just took a fat shit, walking on air..." Denji says then face plants into the ground, out cold.

"They'll do" Aki states as he stared at the gun flesh piece.

I looked down at (Y/n) as he slept in my arms "Yeah...he'll do...I just don't want him to die doing it"

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