Night Gathering

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Chapter 7


POV: You

Part 1.

Been a few days since we killed the Eternity Devil. Today apparently, Himeno wanted to go out drinking. We were getting ready in Aki's apartment. Denji and I were getting ready in our shared room. Denji was going super casual with just a plain shirt and shorts. I on the other hand was blurring the lines between formal and casual.

"What's with the fancy stuff?" Denji questioned as I slipped my belt through my pant loops.

"We are going out with co workers, at least slightly formal attire is more suited for the occasion" I say to him and Denji shrugs.

"Sounds like more of a pain to me" He states.

"I don't expect you to understand Denji, you do you" I say to him.

"Hey, I get free food tonight so it doesn't matter what I wear. I'll be too busy eating"  Denji says with a grin on his face.

"Sounds about right for you" I reply.

"Ready for that kiss with Himeno? You deserve it after all" Denji says as he plops onto the ground.

"I guess, Himeno and I have known each other for a while. She's most likely like it more than me. A kiss between us would be nothing too special" I tell him as I buttoned up my white collared shirt "However, That's what I'd like to say anyway. It's a matter of situation"

"Sounds like a waste to me then bro" He says as he scratches his side "A girl offering me a kiss barely keeps me sane"

"That was evident when Himeno teased you" I stated.

"Human!" Power shouts as she swings the door open "I inquire your assistance!"

"With?" I question.

"Thy zipper won't zip" Power says as she pints at the zipper on her hoodie.

I walk over to Power and try to help her zip up the pink hoodie she was wearing. I mess with the zipper a bit as she stood there. I then hear her sniff as she leaned close to me while I focused on her zipper.

"What are you doing?" I question her.

"Hold there human" She says then sniffs more. Her face getting closer to my neck. Holding onto arm as she did "An enticing scent. I smell....Meowy?"

Power shoves me away, breaking the zipper and gasps in horror "You've been with Meowy!" She shouts.

"The cat keeps sleeping on me. What do you want me to do about it?" I tell her.

She gasps again then motions to Meowy as the cat was in the room "Meowy you traitor!"

The cat just stared at her from the other side of the room as it licked its paws. Being a cat. "Can you stop being loud? You're getting mad for no reason" Denji says.

"Of course a lowly human like you wouldn't understand" Power says before marching in and snatching Meowy up "You plebeians don't deserve to be in the presence of Meowy and I"

"We live in the same apartment you idiot. Kinda can't avoid that" Denji states. Using his brain a bit in the problem solving department

"Hey ,are you all ready?" Aki questions from the door.

"Yeah" I say.

"Alright Meowy! Let's go!" Power says.

"The cat is not coming with us" Aki says with a frown.

"I agree. The cat is staying" Denji says as he stood up.

"You are no I say" Power says then puts Meowy on the ground "To the food we go!!"

Part 2.

The four of us were in a hole in the wall bar and grill in downtown Tokyo. Himeno and Arai were there, along with a bunch of other people who I assumed are from the Bureau as well.

"I haven't had a drink in six months" Aki says after we cheered our steins together.

"That a fact? Don't really go out but I'll drink at home" A man next to Aki replies.

I sat at the head of the table with Himeno on my left. She already emptied her first mug. There was a table full of food in front of us. Well, I'm not drinking beer, just some tea. When it comes to alcohol I'm a go hard or go home kinda guy, give me some liquor rather than beer.

"Away with you thief! The sashimi shall all be mine!" Power exclaims while pushing Arai out of the way and hoarding the plate of sashimi.

"I don't know what this is but it definitely looks good" Denji says as he stared a plate of dumplings.

"S-sorry. I would have been here sooner but I got lost" Kobeni says as she comes up to the table.

With a glance she was in some sort of cute outfit and her anxiety level seemed low right now which is great. Kobeni glanced at me for a second before looking away.

"Hey, you made it, sit by me Kobe" A female co worker says from the other side of the table.

Kobeni then goes and sits down by her "Hey, that reminds me guys, Ms. Makima will be late too" Himenos says.

"Let's have some parfaits, three of them please, also three shiratama platters" A man with glasses says.

"I should probably try to learn these people's names at some point, seeming that they are apart of Division 4"

"Wow, so good, I've never had something so tasty..." Kobeni says with some food infront of her.

"Right, since you give most of your pay check to your family.  Go on eat your fill" The woman says with a smile.

"Not off my plate! The chicken is mine and mine alone!" Power says before beginning to devour some orange chicken.

"Go on, order what ever you want and put some meat on those young bones" A sturdy man says to Denji while Denji looked at the menu.

"I wish I could but I can't rest half this stuff" Denji states.

The man sighs "It's a welcome party, let's have the rookies introduce themselves state your name, age, and what devils your contracted with" He says.

"Don't state what devils your contracted with, only who your hand to those you trust, especially in public" Aki states.

"Do you ever take that stick out of your ass" The man states.

"Oooh, I want to know their hobbies too, it can tell you alot about a person" The woman says.

"Ahh, well. I'm Denji, I'm pretty sure I'm 16. I like eating and naps too" Denji says.

Arai shoots up in a nervous mess. Straight as a board "I'm Hirokazu Arai. 22 years old, I have a contract with the fox devil and I write Haikus!"

"Ain't that the same devil that your contracted with?" Denji questions to Aki.

"The fox devil is very companionable with human kind, as such it has formed many contracts with hunters" Aki explains.

"Since the fox is also a sucker for a pretty face, it won't let anyone use its head unless they're super hot" Himeno explains before slamming down more beer.

Kobeni then stands up "Umm, I'm Kobeni Higashiyama, I'm 20 years old, the devil I'm contracted secret...and my hobby is finding and eating yummy things" Kobeni says in a soft, and cute voice. I felt a bit of an urge to want to protect this girl.

"You look great Kobeni" I say with a smile.

She smiles a bit "'s a hand me down from my older sister..." She replies.

"I guess it's my turn" I say while slowly standing up, the chains on my wrists rattling a bit "(Y/n) (L/n). 23 years old.  For my devil, I guess I'll keep it a secret for now. No offense. And for hobbies, reading about mythology and heroes. I think in another life I could of been a historian or a history teacher"

"Always an out if this isn't for you" The man next to Aki says.

"Yeah, but killing devils is on my priority list" I say before sitting down.

The other began to talk "Psssst" I hear and I glance to Himeno who was trying to get my attention "(Y/n)~"

"What?" I state.

"Ready for that kiss?~" She teases.

"Depends, are you?" I question back to her and she frowns a bit.

"Noooo~, I'm too shy and sober to kiss know how bashful I am sober~" Himeno says while teasing an innocent and shy tone.

"Too bad" I say as I got close to her and put a hand on her chin, tilting her head back a bit while our faces are a foot apart "I know how you are drunk"

Himeno's face began go pink and the sable began to go silent as they watched the altercation between us. Besides Power, who was still chowing down on food "(Y-Y/n)" Himeno mutters while her single eye stared into mine.

"Stare deep into my eyes. Tell me Himeno. What am I going to do?" I question her as I looked at her.

Her body was relaxed, leaning into my hand as I held her chin, it's like she's becoming putty "You're going to make me yours....and protect me for eternity..." Himeno says with soft speech as she looked into my eyes.

"Wrong. I'm going to take the reward I earned from you. On my time" I tell her before pushing our lips together.

There was zero resistance coming from Himeno, if anything, she was actually trying to kiss back. I then force my tongue into her mouth. The reward being a French kiss. Her soft and warm tongue against mine, the taste of alcohol on her breath. This woman. She was right about one thing, I will protect her for eternity. I then pull away from Himeno, her face relaxed, showing a sign of waning more in her eye as she looked at me.

"Thanks for my reward. Himeno" I say to her then letting go of her chin.

"N-No problem..............anytime...." She replies.

"Pardon me, one draft beer when you get a chance" A familiar sultry voice says aloud. I look back and see Makima "(Y/n), are you doing well?" She says as she looks at me.

"Yeah, doing fine" I replied.

Himeno looked at Makima a bit before slamming down another stein of beer "More!"

"Is it alright if I sit next to you (Y/n)?" Makima asks as she folded up her coat.

"Go right ahead" I reply.

"That's odd...she has yet to acknowledge everyone else"

"Wow, Ms. Makima in the flesh" The woman says.

Makima sits next to me then immediately lays her left hand on mine as she picks up her newly acquired beer from the server and takes a sip of it. Her hand was soft, ready to clasp mine.

"Ms. Makima, you seemed to be friendly with (Y/n) there.." The man with glasses says.

A faint smile appears on Makima's face "I am, He is my husband to be after all. It's only natural to be"

"B-but he just kissed Himeno" The woman says.

"Is that so? Naughty boy" Makima says as she turns her attention to me.

"The agreement had no specifications on the relationship being only a one and one thing if either of us were to wish on something else. Only marriage" I reply to Makima then drank some tea.

"My, guess you know how to read between the lines as well. It is acceptable if that's what you wish to do (Y/n)" Makima says.

"I'm surprised she was that calm about it. I was totally expecting something more, violent in away. Not even an aura of heaviness. She's being truthful about it. That means. Whatever she wants from me, specifically has to do with me, interference from another woman is no dilemma to her. That begs the question of what she wants"

"Ms. Makima, more devils with the flesh of the gun devils have been cropping up. The recent one though was targeting Denji specifically, it can't be mere coincidence. Something has to be going on here and some how  Denji is at the crux of it all. You know that precisely why that is, don't you ma'am?" Aki says to Makima.

Makima finishes her drink before replying "If you manage to out drink me, then I'll tell you" Makima says.

"Excuse me sir, two more beers please" Aki says aloud.

"How about you make it three, I'm playing the game tooo!" Himeno exclaims.

"This isn't going to end well"

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