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Chapter 15


POV: Makima

Part 1.

I sat in my chair behind my desk, glancing over paper work. I wonder. Is there a paper work devil? I'm sure there is. My door then bursts open, seeing Tendo and Kurose. Tendo was trying to hold Kurose back.

"Miss Makima, I respect you but you need to put your devil dog down!" Kurose shouts angrily as he slams his hands in my desk.

"Devil dog? And just who do you happen to be talking about?" I asked, unfazed, as I tilt my had a bit.

"He's speaking about the Warrior Devil, Miss Makima" Tendo tells me as she crossed her arms.

"The Warrior Devil? You're talking about (Y/n), did he do something wrong?" I question them.

"He attacked me, trying to choke me to death!" Kurose shouts "Talking about hating the Punishment Devil and those who make a contract with it"

"Tell me, Kurose, Tendo, what he told you. Was it true?" I say "(Y/n) doesn't simply instigate for no reason. However, I do know he does not like the Punishment Devil" Both Kurose and Tendo go silent as they looked at each other "You two must understand that (Y/n) is very protective and as you know, he does not like the Punishment Devil"

"That doesn't explain his hatred" Kurose states.

"It's simple really. (Y/n)'s view on devils is that of a moral grounds, either black or white. Either you are for humanity or against humanity. Either his ally or enemy. The Punishment Devil is against humanity" I explain to the two of them "The only reason the Punishment Devil isn't dead is because the higher ups thought of the Punishment Devil as a tool for devil hunters. That came at a cost however. The Punishment Devil only views humans as toys. The only think keeping it on our side is a contract. A contract stating that once a month, public safety must give it someone to make a contract with. As both of you know what the contract entails. You can understand how the Punishment Devil sees you as just a toy"

"And for the hatred towards us?" Tendi questions.

"Realistically speaking, the Punishment Devil made its contract in just a way where you aren't supposed to survive, unless you are one of two things. Already totally insane and mentally unstable, or, she breaks and bends you to the way she wants you to be" I tell them, they're anger seems to be withdrawing "As neither of you are insane or mentally unstable, she's got you wrapped around her finger. Now, with all this in mind. You both tried to get two people he's trying to protect, a contract with a random devil. He acted out of line but in an understandable way"

Kurose and Tendo look at each other, Kurose then sighing "You're right Miss Makima, Sorry for intruding like this, seems the both of us have been played by a devil"

"At least we only have to do it once" Tendo states.

"It's good that you understand, I'll talk to (Y/n) about this incident when I can. Also, did either Aki or Himeno agree to another devil contract?" I ask.

"Himeno declined, Aki accepted. The fox devil isn't responding and it seems like he doesn't want to use the curse devil again" Tendo explains.

"What devil are you going to have Aki contract with?" I ask.

"The Future Devil sounds like the best fit" Kurose states.

"The Future Devil..." I thought "If you think the fit works, make it happen"

"Yes ma'am. And again, sorry for intruding" Kurose says.

Kurose and Tendo then leave my office, closing the door behind them "Perhaps this is just a coincidence" I say.

Part 2


I walk with the pair from Kyoto, Kurose and Tendo. We were under the Public Saftey Building, where captured devils are kept, where I first met (Y/n), it's felt like yesterday, thought it's been about a month.

"Aki, you should be happy you have someone like (Y/n) watching your back" Kurose tells me.

"Why do you say that?" I question.

"To put it simply..." Kurose states before his sentence falls off.

"If we get you killed today. He's going to kill us, and he's serious" Tendo answers.

"He's got a mean grip too. Don't want that again" Kurose adds.

"He said that?" I ask "Didn't think (Y/n) thought about me like that...devils don't care about human lives"

"Yeah, though, the devil picked out for you should suit you well" Kurose says then we stop In front of a door. Door 108 "Hope 108 is your lucky number cause this is the devil we picked for you. We chose the future devil. Currently has contracts with two public safety agents. One gave half their life span, the other gave their senses of taste and smell along with their eyes. Hopefully it likes you and you get a bargain"

Kurose punches in some numbers on the keypad and flips some switches before putting his thumb over the scanner. The door then beeps as it opens "Well then, After you"

I look into the emptiness of the room. Darkness on the other side with only one ceiling light shining down. I take a deep breath before stepping inside the room. The door then closes behind me and locks. On the other side of the room, a large, golden eye, peered at me. Then, from the darkness, stepped out a large figure, looking like it was made from wood and roots and covered in white fur .The large eye I was looking at, was peering from a large gap in its torso.

"The future rules. The future rules. The future rules!" The Future Devil exclaims. The Devil then started to...dance.. "Yeah yeah, the future rules. The future rules. The future rules. Say it with me dude!"

"Do I have too? I'm simply here to make a contract with you" I tell the devil.

"Well, it's always fun to play along at least. Any who. A contract yes? Let me see your future then I'll know what I want from you once I've seen what you got in store" Future tells me as he motioned at me "Now com're, sticks your face in there. I can't see your future until you do"

I don't trust devils. I can't. But, this one is cooperative. A little too cooperative in my opinion. It's like....he knew whats about to happen. That posses the question of if the Future Devil can see his own future. I take a deep breath before inching myself closer to the Future Devil, it had its arms out wide. I then stick my head into the abyss which was the Future Devil's torso.

"Hmm mhmm mhmm mhmmmmm Oh?" The devil hums. The devil then pulls away from me, my head coming out of its abyss "This is rockin, shoulda told me you were in kahoots with the Warrior from the get go my man"

"Umm what?" I question.

"Yeah, The Warrior Devil is my man, my man" The Future Devil tells me.

"Okay...." I reply.

"Oh, right right, the contract. Yes. How about this? I give you the life span back that the Curse Devil took and some of my power. Get to see a moment into the future, nothing more nothing less. Honestly, if it was any more you'd risk death" The Future Devil states excitedly, like this was something he didn't prepare for.

"My life span? Why would you?" I ask him.

"Filled with nothing but questions. Did you not hear me before, You're working with the Warrior. That's good for me and you" The devil tells me, still leaving me confused.

"Not exactly seeing where you're getting at" I state.

The Future Devil grabs me and brings me close to his head before whispering "Between me and you chief, the future ain't doing so hot. The future isn't suppose to suddenly end. But it does. Kinda threatens my own existence if you get what I mean. No future. No future devil. The Warrior however, I kinda can't read him. Can't see him in your future, all I see is a blur. Only but one scene. Now that makes me think, he can change the future till that happens, Comprende?"

"Yeah...I think" I say.

"Good good. Fantastic. Now let's seal the deal then check up on your future? Getting them years gotta put a smile on that face. Seriously it looks like you got a stick shoved so far up your ass" The Future Devil tells me "Oh right. I need to take something from you don't I, how bout a hair"

"A hair? A single hair?" I questioned "There is no way I'm getting my years back and the power to see into the future for the price of a single hair"

"Yeah my dude. Go on. Pluck out one of them bad boys" The Future Devil states.

I pluck out a single hair, then handed it to the Future Devil. He takes the single hair then places it into the coat of fur it had "Alright! Life span back, got a fraction of my power, now let's see that future baby!" Future exclaims as he extends his arms out.

I come close, sticking my head into Future's abyss. He hummed excitedly "Ohoho! Now that's what I'm talkin' about!" He then pushes me away "Cute wife you gonna get there. Anywho. Seems the future changed. Just a little. Kinda shitty ending still in the horizon but no matter. The Warrior will change it"

"Cute wife?" I mutter.

"Yeah, I won't spoil unless you like. But hey, at least you ain't gonna die like the previous future I saw. You woulda died in the worst way possible" Future tells me then looks at me, six eyes appearing on his face "I need ya to do something for me"

"I guess I can..." I reply "It's the best I can do for what this devil has done to me"

"Need you to give the Warrior a message for me. Tell him, "Save the girl with the collar" He won't know what it means now, but he'll understand in the future" Future tells me "You can do that yeah?"

"Yeah. I can tell (Y/n) that" I reply.

"Good. Now, run along now. And remember. The future is great!!" Future exclaims loudly.

The door to the room swings open with the sound of the buzzer. I slowly turned around before walking out of the room, the door then closing behind me "As you are still alive and kicking, what did you sacrifice?"

"A single hair..." I say, still not believing what just happened "Devils only think about themselves..humans are supposed to be nothing but play things to them..."

"A single hair? Either you're extremely lucky or extremely fucked" Kurose says.

"Can you be any more insensitive?" Tendo questions Kurose while crossing her arms.

"What? It's gotta be the truth to get off that easy" Kurose states.

"I need to go. I have a message for someone" I state then began to walk away from those two.

"There is no way the Future Devil was telling the truth....right?"

Part 3.

POV: You.

"You wanted to see me?" I say as I stepped into Makima's office, she called wanting to see me.

"Yes, there were a few things I wanted to go over with you" Makima says as she stands up from her chair "I heard you got a little rough with our guests from Kyoto, Is that true?"

"Yes, I did get a little handsy with the guy. You know how I am when it comes to the Punishment Devil" I reply to her.

"I'm well aware. Despite your opinion on the Punishment Devil and its contractees, they were here on business to strengthen what's left of Division 1-4. We are now all one division after all now" Makima says to me.

I sigh "I can see how I let my emotions take over"

"Now, speaking of strengthening, I am going to have Power and Denji begin training with Kishibe. Their fighting capabilities are, lacking, in the best words" Makima states.

"Are you trying to break them?" I question "If so, I won't allow it"

"Breaking them is not my intention (Y/n), Yes, they will most likely die countless times during this training, but it is with a better cause in mind" Makima says to me as she walked around her desk before leaning against the front "However, I understand how cold that sounds. I tried to think of other ways, but physical experience is all my thoughts kept getting lead to. For the sake of a better world, I can't have trained dogs. I need trained wolves I can let off a leash and come back me, alive. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

I scratched my neck a bit. What she's saying sounds just, but morally grey at best. Thinking of it myself, There isn't a better way, Power and Denji are functionally immortal, why not use that to our advantage in training.

"I understand, however, I'd like to join them. I've got a few things the old man could probably teach me as well" I say to Makima.

"I'll let him know then. I'm sure he'd be delighted. Now, On to the last thing" Makima then walks up to me. Makima then grabs my tie "I wanted to taste your lips" She says then gently pulls me I. and presses her lips into mine. A few seconds go by before she pulls away "Your changing me (Y/n), I don't know exactly what is changing, but I keep getting an itch. It happens when I'm doing things. Things that could be seen as cold, unjust, or morally wrong even if it's for something beneficial. Is this love?"

Makima looks in my eyes with those golden orbs. There's....emotion...behind those eye, Lingering but not prominent. She's confused on about what she's feeling. Holy shit. I smile a bit then take her hand "That isn't love, Makima, that's humanity. A sense of being human"

"Being human?" Makima says. She's lowering her guard again.

"I'd say it's more of, you beginning to experience what it feels to be guilty. The pit in your stomach when doing something wrong. It's normal. It's human" I say to Makima "However, perhaps it's something more complex, I don't have a degree in describing people's emotions"

"I see. I am thankful for you are trying to understand it with me. Perhaps you are destined to be a good husband" Makima tells me.

"Perhaps" I say with a bit of a chuckle.

"You should get going now, I'm going to have the three of you up bright and early tomorrow" Makima says.

"Copy that. See you tomorrow Makima" I say. Pulling myself away from her before heading to the door.

"Later.................dear....." I hear Makima say quietly as I exited her office, it was like it was hard for her to get out.

I small smile creeps onto her face "Perhaps that dream I keep seeing, is the future. And if that's so. That's the future I want. I'll strive for that future"

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