Hospital Visit

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Chapter 14


POV: You

Part 1.

I stood beside the door to Himeno's room, there was a pair of voices inside along with Himeno. Denji, Power and I came to visit Aki and Himeno, after Aki woke up, I told them to go home, a hospital ain't really their place.

"Are you sure? It would be highly valuable as a devil hunter" A female voice says.

"I assure you, I don't need another contract" Himeno replied.

"After yesterday's incident, it shows that another contract is required from you" A male voice says.

"I have a contract with both the Ghost Devil and the Warrior Devil. I don't need another. What happened yesterday was just circumstance that lead me to this" Himeno replied.

"We understand, Good luck, we'll pass this onto Miss Makima" The male voice says.

Footsteps then move towards the door before the door slides open two people from the Bureau walk out, a scar across each of their faces. The man notices me as I stepped away from the wall.

"Sorry to make you wait, she's all yours now" The man says.

"So, contracted with the punishment devil?" I state.

"What the, who are you and how do you know the devil were contracted too?" The woman asks me.

"The scar across your face. She makes you cut your own face open with her nail. Watching you bleed in pain as you tear at your flesh with a dull finger nail. God she's a bitch. She probably would fit as the pain devil more than the punishment devil" I state to them.

Both of them give me an irritated look. The Punishment Devil ain't very pretty either, You want a pretty woman in black leather, what you get is a grotesque figure that barely resembles a human with wounds all over, keeping itself together with leather.

"You still haven't explained who the hell you are?" The man says in an aggravated tone.

"Me? Just the guy that brought the Punishment Devil to the Bureau after being asked too" I say then put my hand on the door to Himeno's room "You can call me (Y/n), and I'm the Warrior Devil"

I enter Himeno's hospital room before closing the door. She see me and cocks her head a bit "Something wrong? Heard you from in here?"

"It's nothing, I just really hate the punishment devil" I state as I sat down in the seat next to her.

"Well those two are from Public Saftey in Kyoto. Tried to get me to contract with an other devil" Himeno says then smiles "I don't need another contract when I have you"

I smile a bit "You're right on that one. So, what did the doctor say"

"Said I'll be out of here tomorrow, gunshot wound is a gunshot wound, through and through. What ever happened inside, Power seemed to of fixed" Himeno explains to me while feeling her side.

"What do you mean by that?" I questioned while raising a brow.

"Your blood, she licked a drop of it, when she did, the pain in my body went away, inside at least" Himeno tells me "The doctor didn't find anything wrong either"

"You're saying my blood enhanced Power?" I said then thought about it "Warrior's and blood do have a relationship depending on context so it's completely possible"

"Suppose they do, would be a good reason to make her your wife" Himeno says.

"Speaking of that, you wouldn't happen to know why she calling herself best wife would you?" I say with a curious tone and a raised brow.

"I might~, Power saw my ring, said she wants one. Told her she'd have to be your wife to get one. Then she started going on saying she'd be the best wife. Thats the jist of it" Himeno tells me then laughs a little "I think its cute really"

"Yeah, though Power is in need of some restraint on some levels" I sigh.

Himeno giggles "That's what you are for. She actually listens to you, somewhat, but that doesn't lack any meaning (Y/n). Power seems to either, look up to you, or desire something you have, one of those two"

"I think you're overthinking it" I say.

"Maybe I am, Time will tell though" Himeno says then boops me on the nose "And something tells me I'm right"

"Perhaps" I say then hung my head before speaking once more "Though, something's been bothering me about the attack. The katana guy, his healing factor was, in a lack of better words, insane. My own healing factor feels a step behind his, and my healing factor has actual meaning behind it as the warrior devil. What does a katana have?"

"I dunno. Withstanding the curse devil, Denji, and You, I can't say why. Katana's don't exactly heal" Himeno says then looks out the window "Maybe, there is a bigger picture. The katana was specifically after Denji, maybe it has to do with that"

"Heh, maybe I'm just over thinking it. That guy nearly beat me. I couldn't keep up with his speed. The Warrior is strong, doesn't mean it doesn't have a counter, like literally being a weapon" I say then buried my head in my hands "This day and age, people are too scared of tools then the people themselves. It's harder to fear someone as a Warrior when people act that way, separating them, seeing weapons over the person wielding them"

"Hey, don't act like that. You're a Warrior to me. Devil or not. The Warrior may not be in its prime, but that doesn't mean you can't live up to it" Himeno tells me. She then grabs me, dragging me towards her then burying my head into her chest "Where is the proud Warrior that has saved me countless times, are you really gonna let one fight bring you down. That doesn't sound like the (Y/n) I know"

"A warrior's pride means a lot to a warrior Himeno. Their way of thinking affects how well they preform in battle" I explain to Himeno. Her grip on me tightens as she hugged me.

"Have pride that you have me in your corner. Rooting for you. Supporting you till the very end. I'm not the only one either. Denji, Power, Kobeni seems to be coming around, and Makima has her own way of doing it too" Himeno tells me "Don't you dare give up and think your weak. Tell me, Who's the one that killed the Tsunami devil?"

"Me" I replied.

"And the Radiation Devil?"

"Me" I reply once more.

"What about the Drought and Plague devils?" Himeno questions.

"Me as well" I say, pulling my self away from her chest. A smile on Himeno's face as she looked at me with her gem like eye.

"Those are some pretty feared devils, and you killed them. No one else" Himeno states.

"You're right" I say then pressed my lips into her's "Seems like your two steps ahead in being ready to be my wife"

"Maybe~" Himeno sings then made out lips connect once more.

"Himeno-" We hear and jolt up a bit "Oh my god, I'm sorry for intruding"

I turn and see a woman, looking almost exactly like Himeno, long black hair and two ocean blue eyes "Aoi! What are you doing here?" Himeno questions.

"A lady named Makima called me. Saying you were in the hospital..." The woman named Aoi says "I didn't know you had a boyfriend sis.."

"Sis? You have a sister?" I questioned Himeno.

"Younger sister" Himeno says with a bit of a blush as she looked at me then looks at her sister "This is (Y/n), Aoi, and he's more then my boyfriend. He's my Fiancé"

Aoi puts her hands on her face "OMG! My-My sister is getting married!!!"

"H-Hey, you don't need to shout it. It's not that big of a deal" Himeno says.

"It is that big of a deal Himeno! Marriage is life long commitment!!" Aoi exclaims.

"Well, to me it simply means I don't get to lose the person I love" Himeno states to her sister.

"Oh, where are my manners. Off in the wind they went" Aoi says then grabs my hands "I'm Aoi, Himeno's little sister. It's a pleasure to meet you"

"I can see the resemblance, (Y/n) (L/n), your sisters love of her life" I reply, pulling a trick out of Himeno's book, making Himeno blush a bit.

"OMG!, she's blushing, you're making her blush! You two are perfect for each other!" Aoi squeals happily.

"Well, my perfect match, was just leaving, isn't that right (Y/n)" Himeno says with a smile.

Her face was telling me everything. Telling me to leave before I get caught up in the storm "Yeah" I say then pecked a kiss on Himeno's lips "See you tomorrow"

"Later honey~" Himeno says.

"It was nice to meet you Aoi" I say with a slight wave.

"Nice meeting you (Y/n)" Aoi says as I made my way to the door.

As I closed the door, the storm began "Himeno, you need to tell me EVERYTHING!-"

"Thank you for your sacrifice Himeno" I thought before walking away.

Now my attention changed to what happened before I stepped into Himeno's room. Those two from Kyoto. I don't like them. People who make a contract with the Punishment devil have to be a specific type of person. They hide behind a façade, acting somewhat normal on the outside, only to be completely insane on the inside, either that or they are turned into that having a completely broken mind then the one they had before. That scar on the face isn't the only thing the Punishment devil asks for when doing a contract, she then has them answer questions, if the answers are not the answer the Punishment devil wants, they receive punishment. So under those suits are scared bodies and inside that skull are broken minds. For those two to survive, either they had sheer determination, or were insane enough to know all her answers. You aren't meant to live through her questions.

I headed back to Aki's room, as I arrived, the pair from Kyoto walked out of Aki's room. I go in noticed, I get to the door and knocked "Aki, it's me"

"Come in" Aki says.

I open the door and walked in, closing it behind me. Aki was sitting up, his hair draped down "Aki, those two from Kyoto. They ask for you to make another contract?"

Her turns his head to me "Yeah, how'd you know?"

"They asked Himeno the same thing" I tell him.

"And?" Aki questions.

"Himeno declined. Told them she's got enough contracts" I explain "What about you "

"I said I'd take another. The fox devil hasn't been responding to me. Then there's the curse devil......I only have two years left to live" Aki tells me "I'll do anything to kill the gun devil"

"Damn it Aki. If you are in dire need of another contract, make one with me" I tell him with my arms crossed.

"I'm going to be honest (Y/n), I don't think your abilities would be good use to me. I just need a sword to do the job" Aki tells me.

I sigh "If that's what you wish, but I'll be honest with you, those two from Kyoto, they're contracted with the Punishment Devil, and I don't like the Punishment Devil or those contracted with it" I explain to him.

"If they suggest I contract with the Punishment Devil, I'll decline" Aki says to me "I trust you that much"

"Thank you" I say then put my hand to the door "Because trust me, wouldn't survive"

I exit Aki's room and started making my way out of the hospital. As I got to the entrance to the hospital, I see the pair from Kyoto smoking a cigarette. An anger from inside bellowed to the surface. My hate for the Punishment Devil and the fact that these guys wanted both Himeno and Aki ti make another contract, it got ahold of me.

I step up to the man and grabbed him by the throat while lifting him in the air "Tell me who you're going to make Aki contract with" I question the man.

"Let go of him!" The woman says while pulling out a short sword.

"I don't trust those who contract with the Punishment Devil. If you dare move another muscle, I'll crush his throat" I tell the woman "So answer my question. Who are you going to make Ami contract with?"

"T-The F-Future D-Devil" The man mutters as I squeezed his throat.

I instantly dropped the man to the ground "Are you insane?!" The woman shouts.

"You tell me. How did you survive your end of the Punishment Devil's contract?" I question.

The woman glares at me "Sheer will" She states.

"Is that so? Either you are the calculating type, or just lucky and I'm going to go with the latter as you don't seem like one to be methodical. Then with that, I wouldn't call nearly getting raped by a devil, Sheer will" I tell her then I see her clench her teeth.

I then looked down at the man as he clutched his throat "And for you, you are just trying to keep yourself together with pills, trying not to show the broken mind you were left with"

"You don't know anything about us" The woman growls.

"Yeah, I don't know anything, maybe what I said was all bullshit. Doesn't change what I know about the bitch that is the Punishment Devil" I state before starting to walk away "You guys get Aki killed. I will hunt you down"

"Fuck the Punishment Devil"

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