Gothic (Historical) Romance

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The library was finally doused in a comfortable silence once more. Yesterday a new body had been found and the library had been full of people wanting to see the new sensation of Manchester. Or at least till something else would catch their attention the next day.

Eleanora had found the skeleton in one of the many closets of the building. It had probably belonged to a boy that had studied here almost two hundred and fifty years ago.

It had not been the first time someone had died here and was only found more than a century later, and would neither be the last.

The boy's body had been taken away by the gravediggers and would be lain to rest in a nameless grave.

That was where the body would go.

His memory and life would stay in the library just like the others.

'Some ghosts are so quiet you would hardly know they were there.'

Eleanora guessed that this boy would also be in that category. Always present, always watching but never speaking.

She didn't think that boy would disturb her in her work anymore than the other silent watchers did.

For the past two years she had been making a catalogue of all the books stored in the library. Every book was painstakingly measured, which then she would write down in Latin together with the subject of the book.

The whole process was slow and time consuming, but unfortunately a necessary evil. There were simply too many books to find the correct one without help of a catalogus.

The work fell on Eleanora's shoulders, as her father Thyer traveled around with a friend to extend the collection. Her mother kept the library clean and when she wasn't able to do so, because of another pregnancy, made sure others did the job.

Eleanora practically lived in the library, her natural pale complexion had become even paler as the years spent inside increased. She wasn't fond of the outside world, and if it hadn't been the case that she needed food like any other human being she would never leave. Even her sleeping quarters had been transferred from the house next to the library, to one of the many vacant rooms on the upper floors.

Yesterday Eleanora hadn't been able to catalogue as many books as planned, so today she had continued long past dinnertime.

Now she was climbing the stairs towards her bedroom for a well deserved night of sleep. Her bedroom here was absolutely smaller than in her parental house. A small bed and a desk to work on was everything she had been able to fit int it.

Luckily, this hadn't been the only spare room, the door next to her bedroom showed her own private library where she would spent a few hours every day to read.

The ghosts followed her up the stairs and down the first corridor. There she said goodbye to the group and continued her way, now only in the company of Enide.

Enide had followed Eleanora around from the first day she had set foot in the library and was decidedly not one of the quiet ones. She would start chatting and never stop, and as she was a ghost she didn't need to eat or sleep, what would interrupt her story.

'Did you talk with the new boy already, Ela?'

Without waiting for an answers she continued.

'I did, such a nice boy. Very enlightened, said he went to school here for several years. Maverick he said his name was.'

Enide asked after Eleanora's day who ensured her it had been splendid. Far too early they arrived in front of her bedroom door, where they said their goodbyes.

'See you tomorrow, Ela. Have a good night.'


Eleanora had assumed that after the initial fuss had died down, her library would go back to its usual calmness.

She had been utterly wrong in that assessment, that was quite clear.

There were kids running down the aisles screaming their lungs out. Careless parents would be sitting somewhere else to not be disturbed by their children's antics.

From time to time there would be a collusion, that would sent books flying everywhere. This did in fact not stop the children from doing it again and again.

Eleanora had thus, apart from her own work, a lot more books to put back where they came from. And as some were carried down the bookshelves to a completely different part of the library, was this extra work not to be ignored.

The parents didn't seem to see it as a problem and were completely unsupportive, when Eleanora came to ask for help.

Apparently the children's antics were 'absolutely harmless'. This may be true regarding the books, it was decidedly bad for Eleanora's nerves.

A new crash broke the silence and disturbed Eleanora in her writing down yet another book. It was a good thing she hadn't put the quill on the parchment yet, otherwise she would have had to do it all over again.

Now she merely sighed and stood up to put back another stack of books prowled on the ground.

She put the book she had been working up back and walked towards the place where the noise had originated from.

"Need some help?"

Eleanora looked up from where she was crouched down on the ground. A woman in a flamboyant red dress around her own age stood next to the bookshelf.

"Well I can certainly use some, so if you're offering I won't turn you down."

The woman walked closer to Eleanora and offered her an arm to help her stand up. Eleanora gladly accepted the courtesy, getting up from the ground became more difficult every passing day of winter.

"I'm Miss. Lott, nice to meet you."

Eleanora curtsied and introduced herself as Miss. Thyer.

"So where should I put these books back?"


The afternoon had almost past already before all the books were back in their original place. Eleanora had shown Miss. Lott the entire library and when asked even opened a few doors that were only opened for special guests.

Miss. Lott was especially interested in the ghosts that lived inside the building and asked questions after question regarding them.

"I have always found them interesting but our home is not old enough to have attracted any. That was why I came here, after I heard about the boy that was found."

That was a sure way to summon the more adventurous group that resided in the library. Surprisingly Maverick, the new child, was also present and carefully flouted closer to Miss. Lott.

"Hello Miss. it is nice to meet thee."

Miss. Lott didn't seem to hear him as she continued chatting.

"So you said there were several ghosts living here, do you think I might meet them?"

Maverick came even closer to repeat his greeting when Miss. Lott walked through him. The air convulsed around him and took several moments to calm down.

It took the boy longer, much longer. The first time a human wouldn't see you was usual a traumatic experience. Than the reality would settle in, that they truly weren't alive anymore.

The other ghosts comforted Maverick, while Eleanora Miss. Lott explained that that was not how it worked. You could see them or you couldn't, simple as that.

"So you're saying I will never see them?"

The disappointment could be clearly heard in her voice. Eleanora tried to comfort her but knew it was futile.

"Never is a strong word. Old people are almost always able to see them. It has something to do with your time left before you join them."

It wasn't the answer Miss. Lott was hoping for, but she accepted it as an unfortunate truth.


The unexpected encounter turned into a biweekly arrangement.

Miss. Lott would join Eleanora with measuring books and Eleanora Miss. Lott in her search for knowledge.

They were seated by one of the may tables in the library discussing Shakespeare's work, when Eleanora felt the cold hands of Enide on her shoulders.

"One moment Edith, Enide wants to say something."

'Thyer is coming back with new books. His friend wants to organize a ball, or at least a dance with musicians. You could call it your debut.'

Eleanora stared flabbergasted at her friend. A ball? But what about all the new books to categorize.

"Well what did she say, Ela?"

"Thyer is coming home."


"They want to organize a ball."

Eleanora did not share in her friend's elation. She didn't like spending time outside the library. It always left her in a weak state.


Nothing was stopping the ball from happening. Not even Eleanora's weakened fysiek. The many tailor visits had basically banned her towards her bedroom in her parental home. Far away from Enide's happy chatter and wonderful books.

The ball would be held at Byrom Hall everyone in the neighborhood was invited. Something that was really nice, but left Eleanora severely overwhelmed with the amount of people attending.

Every dance she reclined, her body was too tired for any dance.

"You don't look to well, Ela. Maybe you should go outside for a while. The fresh air will be good for you."

Eleanora grateful accepted Edith's invite and together they escaped outside.

The moonlight filtered through the trees and illuminated the path they walked on.

"It is truly beautiful during the night isn't it? I could watch the stars for a lifetime and never get bored of their beauty."

Eleanora looked at Edith's upturned face bathed in moonlight and softly murmured.

"But even the brightest star can't hold a candle to your beauty."

Edith didn't hear that soft confession and slowly steered them back towards the ballroom.

"I would like to make an announcement."

They had just returned in time to see Thyer standing on the stairs to catch everyone's attention.

"As you all know I'm getting older, so after long consideration I've decided to retire as librarian. Me and my wife are getting too old for the job. It's time for the younger generation to take over."

If Eleanora had been carrying a fan at that moment, she would have dropped it in astonishment. She had no fantasies about what this would mean for her.

From this moment on the library was no longer hers.


Eleanora's health quickly deteriorated in the weeks following her leaving the library. Her only contact with the outside world apart from her parents was Edith. The ghosts couldn't travel this far from their resting place and had said their goodbyes when Eleanora's room got emptied.

Enide's hug was still lingering on Eleanora's too thin body. They had both known the goodbye would not be for long.

"Hey Ela, I'm here again. Shall we go to the library in the afternoon when you'll feel better. I know how much you miss your home."

The strained smile on Edith's face hurt to look at. Her hands tangling in her skirt, scrunching up the expensive fabric.


Edith stubbornly kept her gaze on her hands.

"Edith please look at me."

Her eyes snapped up, tears threatening spill down her round cheeks.

"You know I can't stay much longer. I won't be sad if you continue with your life without me."

"I don't want to!"

Eleanora couldn't stop her mouth from smiling.

"I was living on borrowed time when we met. Let's just cherish every moment we are granted, nothing else matters."

Edith tried to smile trough the tears drowning her violet eyes.

"Oké, I'll try."

Their hands who had entwined somewhere during the conversation laid on the bedsheets. Eleanora lifted them towards her face and kissed Edith's knuckles.

"You know where to find me when it's over, remember."


"Grandma Edith, can we go to the library? Grandpa said you know how to find a book there."

Edith looked up from her book towards her grandson Jonah.

"Of course dear, let me get my coat."

They arrived at the library and only then did Edith realize what the library meant.

Ela's home.

"Well here's the library dear, I will just sit here by the entrance so you can go and find your book."

Edith lowered herself on a sofa. She wasn't as young anymore as she had been when she had strutted trough this library for days on end.


Edith woke up with a fright and looked around her to see what was going on.

"Grandma, I can't find it. Can you help me look? Please."

Jonah pulled her from her resting place and took her further into the library. The book finding was surprisingly easy, the placing system hadn't changed since she had last visited.

'Edith? Is that you?'

The soft whisper behind her, made Edith's skin tighten, but she did turn around.

The young woman that flouted behind her didn't look like anyone she had ever met before. But did match the description Eleanora had once given her of Enide.


A smile broke through on her face and with a happy squeal launched she herself at Edith.

'It's really you! I'll have to tell everyone you're back.'

"I'm not staying Enide, my grandson merely wanted to go to the library with me."


The ghost faded into the background, leaving Edith alone with her thoughts.


"The book is finished, can we get a new one."

"Of course dear, get me my coat please? I could use a walk outside."

The walk to the library was filled with Jonah's chatter and Edith's spoken encouragements.

Once inside Jonah ran of towards a section, leaving Edith to venter around on her own. The library had expanded to accommodate all the books that been acquired since Ela's passing.

Maybe she could also use some new reading material.

Edith tried to find a section with mostly poetry, but was unable to find something to her satisfaction. The librarian couldn't help her either and when she asked for the catalogue she was told there was none.

Ela's work had been forgotten and never finished.


Edith didn't know how it happened, but she found herself again and again in the library. Wandering the aisles, waiting for Ela's voice to call for her. Something she knew in her head wouldn't happen anymore.

But her heart hoped.

It hoped so much.

During her wanders she had ventured towards the door of Ela's personal library. The door was locked, but Edith still had a key.

Not knowing if the lock had been replaced, Edith carefully tried her key. The soft clang of a rusty mechanism being opened could be heard in the silent corridor.

The door was opened.

Edith swiftly went inside and pushed the door shut behind her.

Everything was coated in a thick layer of dust. Books untouched for decennia, with still the ghost of Ela's presence upon them.

But that wasn't what Edith was looking for.

The cushions by the window were in a similar state as the rest of the room. Upon them a bundled document with Ela's handwriting.

The catalogue she had never finished.


"Grandma, what are you still working on? I want to go home."

Edith looked up from the book she had been measuring, a quill in her other hand to write down her findings.

"Is it so late already?"

A look outside told her it was far past dinnertime already, they really should have been home for hours already.

"You're right dear. We should be going home, thank you for reminding me."


The visits with her grandson were no longer the only moments Edith could be found in the library. The bliss she had felt there with Ela had slowly returned and once more she spend every waking hour there.

Ela hadn't been able to finish the catalogue, but she could.

It was a lot of work, but the ghosts were eager participants. Looking for books still needed to be accountant for, and bringing others back to their rightful place.

Not a moment went unspent as Edith didn't know how much time she still had.

But at long last the last book was brought to her by Enide.

'Here Edith, the last one. Than we're finished. Well at least till there are brought new books. But it won't be as much work at that point.'

Edith gratefully accepted the book and wrote down its measures and content in graceful curls.

"Thank you Enide, you were extremely helpful during this all. I think I will take a short nap. I haven't slept well in some time already. My back hurts more than I remember it did."

'Of course Edith, I'll bring the book back. You go to sleep.'


This morning Mrs. Edith Lott was found in the Chetham's Library. It appears she passed away in her sleep.

A document was found on her table, featuring all the books in the library.

We offer our condolences to her family in these difficult times.


Authors note:

Edith and Eleanora are fictional characters. Robert Thyer was the librarian of Chetham's Library from 1732 till 1763 and outlived all his children. A catalogue with all the books was published in 1791 in Latin with the size and subject of each book.


November 10, 2022

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