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Im so sorry I forgot to write some basic details in excitement
For those who never watched kudca a small brief
Amrit used to live in lahore with her family in sahani household ....randheer raizada , an acclaimed editor and the owner of the leading newspaper , nav hind samachar came to live with them ......amrit and randheer fell in love and were going to be tied in the beautiful relation of marriage on 15th august, 1947 . Yes, the day when partition happened... riots broke out and trying to save their lives they all started to leave lahore however before they could leave the place their car got attacked ....all the members of sahani family except amrit, her paternal cousin, uday and his lover and amrit's best friend, vashma who was pregnant at that time, died in the hands of rioteers.....however randheer's parents safely reached india

During the riots a molestor kidnapped amrit and tried to marry her....he even engraved his name in her wrist ...randheer, who stayed back to rescue his amrit and her family saved them in the nick of time and the four got shelter in vashma's house where vashma delivered a baby boy, kabir ......randheer and amrit got married in their presence but as soon as they got married the goons suddenly appeared and to save themselves they started their journey to india

On the journey, amrit got gravely injured losing lots of blood and vashma with her baby got seperated from them

Uday who shares amrit's blood group has to part with vashma in order to save his sister ....randheer begged him to save his love and promised him that he'll soon return with vashma and kabir

Randheer soon found vashma and kabir who were in an almost unconscious state ....he somehow lifted them and tried to find help but has to surrender himself to the pakistani police in order to save them
Vashma who was unconscios didn't knew randheer's whereabouts but got rescued by some tribal people who gave her a lift till india

After reaching India amrit and uday found randheer's parents and soon got joined by vashma and kabir but randheer never returned.

Amrit started living with raizadas
For those who watched kudca

Amrit and randheer got married on the day of vashma and uday's engagement

Vashma and kabir safely reached india however vashma didn't knew about randheer's whereabouts as she got unconscious at that time

Uday and amrit who were waiting for vashma and randheer in a camp met raizada parents ...on their insistence they started living with them in their haveli in amritsar waiting for their love's arrival...uday soon found vashma however amrit didn't got any clue of randheer she tried a lot to locate him but then got unsuccessful in her every attempt..., however she never lost her hope to get him back

After a year vashma and uday got shifted in another house

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