Arc 1: Prologue: Fiction Becomes Reality

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Nice to meet you all! The names Kimi Garcia. Age 24, Otaku, gamer, huge fan of Magi, and the rest I will reveal to you in the future. I'm on my last year in collage, and I major in English and Graphic Design. I play the violin and much more.

And here is my story of How I was Reborn in the world of Magi.

It's was normal day. The sun was out here in Fresno and it was the middle of spring, and it freaken felt like summer. The sun beating down on us. Currently I was practicing dance with a few of my friends. Jazz and Ballet can be difficult, but once you get the hang of it. You get used to it.


I turn around and burst out laughing. My friend Caria just beat my friend in chest or checkers, Yup....can't tell the difference.
"Shut up...." he growled.
"Alphonse, no need to get upset. Besides, your still a champion in my eyes." I smile.
He nodded and put on a blank face again. Honestly, he's like the real life version of Ren Kouen minus the red hair, eyes, and psychotic blood lust and thrust for knowledge.
"I'll win next time for sure." He said as he stood up.
I chuckled. We're all in our last year here in Fresno State. I'm Mexican American, Caria is Indian, and Alphonse is white-Asian. We been together since Elementary School.

I look up to the sky and smile. It felt nice today. I look down and see Caria grinning like an idiot. I wonder everyone else is?
"Hey Kimi, who are you going to cosplay as? I plan to dress up as Kouha. Alphonse said he would go as Edward. And you?" Caria asked as she got out her laptop.
"Not sure........I have the cosplay for Kougyoku.....but I also have the cosplay of Mine. You know, the one from Akame ga Kill?" I said.
Both gave me dead panned looked.
"What?" I said.
"Go with Kougyoku." Both said.
"I don't want to go alone as one of Rens, so please?!" Caria said.

The things I do for my friends.....

We all headed home. Once I got to apartment, I switched on my computer and saw the new spoiler for Magi chapter 339. I read it and was surprised by Hakuryuu's answer.
I decided to go back to the past chapters of the Manga and re-read them. I have all the new volumes in English up to Volume 23.

I re-read all the volumes and all the chapters online. I sigh. I wander how things would be if Sinbad wasn't full of himself? Magi is really messing with our hearts right now, same with Kingdom Heart's. 
I decided to knock out. I took a shower and went to bed.

- Dream -

"Hic.....sniff.....whaaaa....." sounds like a little girl.


I walked throughout the pitch black darkness, searching for the owner of the voice. I kept walking.
I then saw a figure as I got closer. It was a little girl. She was hugging her knees crying. I knelt down.
"Hey, are you okay?" I said.
"Sniff.......I'm scared.....everyone hates me..." the girl whimpered.

I eyes darken. She she must be mistreated.
"That's not true." I said.
She looked up at me, but her bangs were covering her eyes. I smile and hug her.
"You're lonely, I'll be your friend. I'm Kimi. What's yours?" I smiled down at her.
"I'm sorry.....I can't tell you. can call me...Koug.." she said.
"Alright Koug. Nice to meet ya! Let's be friends!" I gave her a closed eye grin.
The little girl smiles and nodded. The darkness changed to a flower field.

- End of Dream -

I played with her. We made flower crowns and everything. I told her stories, about my life and so on. She told me about hers. Apparently she is someone royalty. However, next she was born from a prostitute, she was considered an out cast. It was sad. I would comfort her. She loved when I would sing and play my violin. I even helped her to read and write. I began to see this little girl as sister.

I had the seem where Koug and and I would meet everyday. I was happy. It's continued for several weeks.

But one day.......

"KOUG!!!" I ran to her.
She was hurt. Burn marks, cuts, bruises....I was horrified.
"I'm sorry.....I'm sorry...." she mumbled repeatly.
I hugged her tightly. Who ever did this to her........will pay....
" matter what......I'll always be with you......." Koug smiles at me as tears fell from her eyes.

Then....she a thousand lights...

I stood there stun......Tears began to fall from my eyes.....her kind smile...


After that, I never had that dream again. I didn't tell anyone what had happened, or what I was feeling. I just wanted to be alone. I was currently in my room, playing my violin. I wanted find songs that matched different anime characters.

I found the "Lost in Thoughts all Alone" from Fire Emblem, matched Sinbad perfectly.
"Mirror Mirror Part 2" matched Kougyoku.

I sigh......I switch on my CD player and put on the Madoka Magica soundtrack. I kept looking out the window. I then saw a small bird. I smile and open my window. It flew towards me and it landed on my nose.

I decided to go to sleep. Tomorrow was my test.

- Dream -

"Aaaaaaahh.....Aaahhhh...." I sang.
I was in a flower field. But it was different. There was water all around, it rippled. There were purple flowers all over. Pink spider lilies and purple chrysanthemums. I looked down at the water, my reflection looking back at me, except my hair was pink, and so were my eyes, I wore a green pink kimono.

I bent down and picked up one of the chrysanthemums and spider lilies. I began to sing.

Drawings on paper constructed of hope and stardust
Gathering memories long ago lost and forgotten in the void of night
Line up the pieces

Gathering pictures of friendship and journeys far away
Put the pieces together forever knowing that they will be entwined 
Linking the memories 

Caged is the bird with the pen and the paper of your heart
Casting shadows of memories of another time and another place
Onto the pages 

Purpose fulfilled, she no longer is useful in this world 
Now the puzzle of memories pieces are put back in their rightful place
"Thank Namine", someday


I hear the water ripple. Tears were falling from me eyes. They touched the surface off-the-wall water, causing ripples in the surface.

"Who are you?"

I turn around and see a man with gold eyes, tan skin, long purple hair, and purple white long robes. He must of noticed I was crying, because his eyes soften. I wiped a eyes with my sleeve.
I didn't answer his question. I felt safe.....but yet....a feeling of weariness.
"Miss?" He asked.

I backed away, and the flowers surrounded me, like to protect me. His eyes widened. I stared to sing again.

Lost in the shadow’s lonely embrace
I’m trapped in a web of my own mistakes
What was my light, fades away

My mind’s swarming with these memories
That still haunt me

Time and again
I call out your names
So hopelessly certain you'll do the same
Please, wait for me, my dear friends

Though I did what I thought I had to do
I still lost you

I broke down. I kept crying in front of him.
"I couldn't do anything...." I said in between sobs.
He looked at me confused. He wanted to help but didn't know how.
"I wanted to help her.....but I couldn't.....I spoke to her....she was my friend...." I cried as I buried my face in my hands.
"She died in my matter how much pain she suffered....she kept smiling...." I sobbed.

The man looked at shocked.

"How could I have been so blind?! Why couldn't I see the pain she was suffering?! Now...I'll never see her again..." I broke and fell to knees.
He slowly walked over to me. My eyes widened when I felt his arms wrapped around me. He gently stroked my hair.
"I may not know what happened...but I'm sure your friend wouldn't want to see you crying.....she want you to smile...and laugh...." He smiled down kindly at me.
My lips quivers and I began to cry loudly.
"It's alright....let it all out...." He said and I cried my heart out.

- End of Dream -

It's been three days since that dream. The man that appeared, I thanked him and told him I was sorry. He said it was alright. He asked for my name, I told him my name was Kimi. I hope to see him soon.

I was walking down the street, pass the light. I saw a little girl running. Trying to stop her cat. I pulled her back, before she ran after it. I couldn't leave her. I ran towards the cat and pushed it out of the way...but....


I was hit by a truck. Blood pooled the cement. I guess this where my life ends....
Too bad I'll never know how Magi, Kingdom Hearts, and several other anime and manga that aren't complete, will end.

As my life fades from my eye, I see a figure appear in front of me.
I smile....she was crying....

"I'll see you again....Koug...."

And everything fades to darkness.....

- 3rd POV -

A man with with  fair skin, dark blue hair (most of which he wore in a long, messy braid, with several wavy locks falling over his shoulders), and sharp sapphire eyes. A third eye lay situated in the centre of his forehead, his clothing is a lot more formal and regal: a cape flowed down his back, accompanied by an intricate white veil with a majestic crown similar to the ophanim resting on top of it.

He looked at sleeping spirit of the woman from another world. She held her knees together, she made herself into a cocoon position. Her short brown hair flowing. She was glowing. Her souls was pure. She floated in a bubble, surrounded by a warm light.
A little girl with pink hair, wearing a pink kimono looked down at the ground sadly. The man ruffles the girl hair and walked towards the woman. He observed her features.
He then turns back to the little girl.
"I want her to live....she was there for me...she was there for me when I needed someone...please! I want her to live! My spirit has left my body and can't go back....but at least..." the little girl turns to the bubble and placed her hands on it.

"I want her to have a happy life....that's why....I'll give her my body...." She turned back to the man with blue eyes.
The man looked back at the woman who was in deep slumber. He turned back to the little girl.
"Is this what you wish?" He asked and she nodded.
"I know....she can help my family...and maybe even help save my home...." the little girl said.

The man smiled. He turns back to the girl and breaks the bubble. She floats standing up, her eyes closed. The little girl glows and turns to the older version of herself 10 years in the future. She intertwines there figures, and lays her forehead on the sleeping Woman. The girl cried and smiled..

"Thank you for everything......I know you'll help them.....thank you...Kimi.." and both girls shatter together.

The man watched as their Rukh became one and held it in the palm of his hand.

" I give my body to her... so she may live on and have a happy life....please watch over her.....King Solomon...and guide her down the right path..." the girl's rukh said before it returned back to the great flow.

Solomon smiled sadly.

"I promise....Kougyoku...."

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