Chapter 1: Reborn As a Princess

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"Princess......"'s to early.....


I groans because-wait.......



I scream as I felt myself pulled off my bed. I immediately stand up and look all around me frantically.

"What the hell if your problem?!" I glared a the person woke me up from my beauty sleep.
A boy with spiky brown hair with a line on his face. He was brown hair and is wearing a black kimono with a strange shape fan in his hand.
"Princess, language!" The boy screeched.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"If this is a game, please stop. The maids will dress you." The boys said and left.
I looked all around the room. This isn't my apartment! The maids did come in and dress me. I was put in a pink green kimono....

After they were done....I went to look in the mirror. I was shocked with what I was looking at.

Incredible........" I said as I looked in the mirror.
My name is Kimi, age 24, otaku, huge fan of Magi, and just recently got ran over by a truck for saving a cat and died. I expected to go to heaven but what I didn't expect was......

"Lady Kougyoku! What are you doing looking in the mirror like you never scene one?!"

And I immediately groan. Why was I reborn as THE Ren Kougyoku, 8th princess of the Kou Empire? Now I know for sure I'm screwed. Why? Cause I know everything that is going to happen! I look back at the mirror into my pink eyes. I sigh. Kougyoku is 7 here. So that means the great fire has already passed.
"Sorry. I saw a spider and killed it." I smile.
Koubun shakes his head.
"It's time for your lessons. Come." He says.
His back is facing me and I flip him off. We were walking down the hall way. From the corner of my eye, I saw Hakuryuu, and his eyes were wide. He must of saw me flip Koubun off. I sniker and put my finger on my lips. He grins. Now there is a smile I want to sees. Hell, I may have been reborn as Kougyoku, but I'm not the one the people in the manga and anime know. I don't know why I was brought to this world, but I'll do what I can to help and save it.

We got to the library and I saw Kouha there. Well, might as well mess with him.
"What are you doing pinky?" I said as I ran up to him.
Everyone in the room went silent. Kouha looked at me with wide eyes. I was confused.

" talked....." he mumble.
I tilt my head to the side confused.
"So?" I said.
"And your showing emotion." He stood up.
"Is it wrong that I'm happy?" I said.
He suddenly hugged me.
"You're back to normal!" He cried happily.
He let's go of me and runs out of the library.


I hear him yelling down the hallway. I was extremely confused.
"Ka Koubun? What's going on? Why is Kouha acting like I just came back from the dead?" I asked.
He looked at me shocked.
"Princess, you don't remember?" Ka Koubun looks at me shocked.

I shook my head.


Both of us turn around and see the library door burst open. There out of breath, was Hakuie, Hakuryuu, Koumei, Kouha and Kouen. I ran up to them, worried.
"What's going on? Did something happen?" I asked.
I saw tears forming in Hakuie's eyes and she suddenly hugged me.
"I'm so glad you're back! You're finally back!" She cried.
Koumei also hugged me saying I was back. I don't understand. What happened to Kougyoku before I became her? Kouen smiled at me and kissed my forehead. Tonight a celebration was held, in honor that I was "cured". I was still confused with what happened. But I can tell you this much.......

During the party, the empress kept putting on a fake smile. I notice she kept glaring at me secretly. I don't know what happened, but right's better to just pretend that I'm better. I played games with my siblings and I had fun. Even Judar was happy that I was normal. Though he kept calling me hag. So I decided to do the same.

"Peach Fuzz!" I yelled at him and he froze.
"What did you just call me?" He stuttered.
I smirk and run up to him.
"You're Peach Fuzz from now on!" I grin.
"Nice one Kougyoku!" Kouha laughed.
I saw Kouen had a blank face but you can clearly see laughter in his eyes. I grin up at them.
I then spot Hakuryuu and pounce on him from behind.
"Come in Blueberry! (Pinches cheeks) smile more!" I laugh.
"Whhaaaaa!! Stop!" He cried to shake me off and tears were forming on his eyes.
I grin and stretch them.
"Cry baby Blueberry! Be a man huh?!" I laughed.
He began to cry and I giggle. Hakuie was laughing hard and it was surprising. Even the emperor smiled.
I grab both Hakuryuu and Judar's hands and drag then with me to the middle of the room.
"Come on Kouha! You come too!" I grin he runs to us.

"London's bridge is falling down, falling down...

London's bridge is falling down, my fair lady🎶" I sang as we sang and spun in a circle.

The boys looked at me confused but smile. I mange to get Hakuryuu and Kouha to sing with me. I taught them the game and they were happy and liked playing with it. Hakuie chose to join us along with Koumei. It took all of my strength to make Judar sing with us, and all of our power to convince Kouen to play with us.

"En-ni.....are you to chicken to play with us?" I said sweetly.
Everyone else covered their mouths to keep themselves from laughing at what I said to him.
Kouen looked at me shocked and glared.
"No!" He said and stood up.
I squeal when he picked me up and put me on top of his shoulders. I laughed as we all played together. Even the emperor smiled at our childness. I was so happy to get everyone to play with us.

Soon it was time for us to go to sleep. I was in my room, humming a song happily. I sigh. I never would of thought I would be given a second chance in life, much less as Kougyoku. But I frown. The way they all acted, it was like I was in a coma or something. I asked Ka Koubun but he said not to worry about it.

I sigh......

I decided to go to sleep.

- Dream -

I was floating. The place was white, filled with beautiful flowers. Pink, red, white spider lilies. blue breath and all of her favorite flowers. Water was going on for miles, there in the centre was a beautifully grown cherry blossom tree. I smile and sit near it. I felt at peace. I closed my eyes and saw hum a song. As I did I heard the water rippling. I open my eyes and smile. It was the man from before.

"I never thought....I would you you again Kimi." He smirks kindly at me.
I giggle.
"Same here. I was hoping to see you again." I said as I watch him walk towards me.
He smiles and I motion him to sit down next to me. He sat down next to me.
"I never got your name. I also want to apologize for me crying all over you." I said.
"No need to worry. You were depressed. It's been a year hasn't it? And my name is Sinbad." He said.

I froze.


"Kimi? Are you alright?" He asked.

And what does he mean it's been a year?! I saw him 4 days ago!

I snap out of it

"Sorry. It's nice to meet you Sinbad." I smile.

Through the rest of the time, we talked and laughed. I was happy. I didn't tell him anything about Kou but I told him I had fun with my siblings and such.
Soon it was time for me to wake up.
"I hope to see you again." He said.
"Same here." I smiled.

- End of Dream -

I woke up to the sound of the birds chirping. I get up and dress myself. Thank god I payed attention to the maids as they dressed me. I put my hair in a bun and look out the window. I see Judar teasing Hakuryuu. I laugh at how cute they look.

Today was studying. Ugh..........
Lucky me, I already know how to read Arabic. So I knew all this. But it was interesting. Even when my lessons were all done, I chose to stay in the library. I found books about magic, medicine, and more. I may not be a magician but I understood magic really well. What's more, I was shocked I could read the language of Toran. I made sure to keep that a secret or else I may end up being a translator for Kouen.

As I left the library, I decided to head to the kitchen. When I got there, I was glad none of the servants were there. I got a stool and searched through the cabinets. I found everything I wanted. I mixed flour, sugar, eggs, vanilla, and other ingredients to make cookies. As I did that, I then warned up some sugar and added salt and butter. After letting cook till golden brown, I added milk. Once all combine, I set it aside. I placed the cookies in the oven and waited till they were ready.

When 15 minutes was over, I took them out and waited for the cool. I then drizzle them with the caramel I made. I was happy with what I made, I found a bento box and began placing them there.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the little rat?"

I recognized the voice.

"Good morning lady Gyokuen." I smiled at her.
She chuckled.
"What are you doing here? I could of sworn you were a soulless doll. But now seeing your ru-------!!!" She froze when she saw me walk pass by her.

- 3rd POV -

Gyokuen's widened as Kougyoku passed her. Three Rukh silhouettes stood around the girl, protecting her. Two she recognized. And a grin formed on her lips. However, she did not recognize the third one.
She did a side glance at the girl as she saw her walk towards Hakuryuu and Judar.

Indeed.......the girl was different. About a year ago, when Hakuren and Hakuyuu died in the great fire, the girl was also suppose to die. Just like them, she had over heard about Al-Thamen's agenda. That's why she also ordered the little girls assassination.

Her sons died in the fire, but she wasn't happy that the girl survived.
The girl was greatly injured though. She was in a coma for 6 months. Then she woke up again. She was there and hid her smile with her kimono's sleeve.

The girl was a soulless body. No life in her body. Not a single rukh surrounded her. This greatly disturb the magicians and more Judar. Kougyoku was nothing but a lifeless walking doll. Gyokuen was more than happy. Now the girl being a soulless doll, she can make the girl do her bidding.
Falan wasn't happy with this plan. True, she still cared for the child, but making her her thy was to far.


Now her plan were ruined. The girl now had her soul back. But something was different. The girl perhaps...had much older rukh....

As the months went by, Gyokuen saw this. Her eyes, it wasn't the look of a child. It was the look of a full grown adult. Even her siblings notice this change.
She was no longer a shy little girl. She was filled with confidante.

One day.....


Hakuie dropped the scrolls she was carrying. Even Kouen froze.
"Will you teach me the way for the sword?! Please!?" Kimi plead with puppy dog eyes.

The one weapon that breaks her older siblings every single time.

Judar was trying not to burst out laughing at this along with Kouha and Hakuryuu.
"Please Hakuie? You yourself are a warrior. Plus you capture Paimon's dungeon. Please?" Kimi said.
Kouen's eyebrow twitched.

This girl.....

"Well......I guess I can....but.....why do you want to learn?" Hakuie asked.
Kimi smiled sadly.
"I want to become stronger, so I can protect my family. I don't want us to loose more important people in our lives. That's why I want to become stronger. So please, will you teach me?" Kimi bowed.

Her siblings looked at her shocked. Kouen smile's.
"Hakuie will not teach you." He said as he stood up.
Everyone looked at him shocked.
"Because I will teach you personally. We'll start tomorrow. You can also train with Hakuryuu and the others if you want." Kouen said as he ruffles her hair.
Kimi looked at him shocked and smiles.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!!" Kimi jumped at him and hugged him.

"Your welcome runt." He chuckled.

- 3 years later: Kimi POV -

"Hey Peach Fuzz!" I yelled out in the garden.
It's been three years since I was born in this world and things have been....brutal......
First and foremost...I absolutely hate that bitch Gyokuen, aka, Arba, second....
Being Kougyoku was hard. Plus, changing from shy girl to one that is a free spirit.....well Shit....

During these past years, I been training with my siblings. Not only that, Once a month, I would have the dream were I was surrounded by water and flowers. I was the older version of Kougyoku. Sinbad and I would sit down and talk. I was happy. We become friends. But sometimes the flowers would surround me to protect me when he would try to pull a move on me. He told me about his adventures. I always wanted to hear his stories in person. No back to Peach Fuzz, aka Judar.

"Stop calling me that!" Judar yells from on top of a tree.
I grin and climb up.
"There you are peach fuzz. I'm in the mood to explore, so......maybe take me out to a dungeon?" I grin and he looks at me shocked.
"What the hell is wrong with you?! Kouen would kill me if I did that....but I can take you out to explore." Judar grins.

- Time Skip -

"Nice! Sindria!" I yell as we fly over the place.
"I know a place we can hang out!" Judar yells as we fly through the magic carpet.
I raise an eyebrow as we descended down. When I saw the building, I went pale.
"Judar, turn back....." I said.
He looks at me confused.
"Why?" He asked.
I guess he noticed my paling face as we headed towards the Kingdom of Sindria. I'm so dead......I pray we don't encounter anyone from here. Much less Sinbad.....


And I spoke to soon because the next we wires are coming our way.
"Move!!!!" I yelled and quickly move the carpet to a different direction.
I look down and I knew it, it's Ja'far, looking towards us with cold free slit eyes.
"This is why I said to go back!!!!" I screech as I kept moving moving the carpet.
Shit ,now Yamraiha is coming our way.
"Use an ice barrier now!" I yelled.
He nodded and Froze water around us. I can see through the ice, I can tell they are confused, but what I didn't expect was, to come in contact with gold eyes looking at us in shock, and confusion. I got in front of Judar to protect him. I know Sinbad holds a grudge against him.
I can hear muffle talking and Sinbad looking back and forth between us and hid generals. I motion Judar with my hand. He should recognize it. He nodded and slowly began chanting a spell.
Sinbad looked back at us and smirks. I felt a shiver. I out of the corner of my eye I saw Judar nod.


Sinbad touched the ice...


Cracks form on the ice.


"NOW!!!!!" I scream as the ice completely shatter.


A explosion of fog took place and everyone was coughing, and we made a run for it. We made a dash but I then felt something grab me by the collar of my kimono. I thrash and I see it is Sinbad.
"LET ME GO OLD MAN!!!" I yell and Sinbad looked at me with wide eyes.
I can hear the others snickering. I didn't want to do this, but I got no choice.


I screamed at the top of my longs, which sent everyone, especially Masrur, into covering their ears. Because of this, I kicked Sinbad in the groin, causing him to let go. As I fell, Judar caught me, and we got away. But I noticed my scarf was missing. I made it as a reminder of my old world.
"Shit......" I curse.
"You actually cussed?!" Judar looked at me with wide eyes.
"Shut up peach fuzz!" I yell at him.

I crossed my arms and think. I spoke out loud in English. And Judar is looking at me funny. Who can blame him?
Sinbad and Kougyoku weren't suppose to meet yet, plus, that shiver I felt....freaken pervert. I sigh.... much I miss playing the would help me relax.

- Time Skip -

I made Judar drop me off again in Sindria. This time, undetected. We his in the forest. There, I used my shawl and covered my hair and face. I brought enough money to buy am entire market if I wanted. I walked throughout the market place, amazed by the sights and smells.
I look around and see a stall selling wood. Wood carpenters! Perfect. I walk up to them.
"Excuse me, do you have Maple, Spruce, Ebony, Boxwood, Willow and Rosewood?" I asked and they looked at me shocked.
"Yes." The shop owner said.
I grin.
"My dad is a wood carpenter, and I was hoping to get him some as a gift." I said and the shop owner smiles. I bought a good amount, and wood carpenter tools and materials. I thanked him, and the to the magic tools Judar gave me, I can store them in a space. I was happy, I bought sweets food, even played games. It was so much fun.

I continue walking, skipping with my bags of sweets. Sindria is amazing. I didn't see Mistoras, so that means it's been 4 years since the destruction of the first Kingdom of Sindria......
I sigh.....these people...they suffered so much....

I kept walking until I felt a tap on my shoulder.


I froze. That's Masrur's voice........
I put on a smile.
"Hey, is there something you need?" I said as I turn around with a smile.
Masrur was there with Sharrkan, Ja'far and Yamriaha.

I'm screwed.......

Ja'far had his arms crossed as he glared at me.
"Is there something you need?" I asked again.
I shrug my shoulders and was about to walk forward when I ran into something hard.
"Oooowww! My nose!" I said as I rubbed my nose.

"Little girl, why are you here alone?"

Oh no......

I look up....Sinbad looking down at me with his smile.
Dear Solomon, whatever did I do to deserve this....?!
"Hey mister, why do you have gray hair?" I grin.
"What?!" Sinbad screeched and Began to check his hair.
I took that as my cue to run, but alas....I did not get to far, because Sharrkan caught me and swung me over his shoulders.
"Put me down! This is kidnapping! I will ruin you!!!" I screeched.
I used my bag of sweets and swung it at Masrur's face. He glared at me and I stuck my tongue out at him. I kept trying to get out of his grip as they took me to the palace but no avail.
"Dear God Solomon....what did I do to deserve this? Set me free...I do not want to deal with this bullshit right now at least till I'm 18...why....why....I'm to young to DIE....I'm not ready...." I kept mumbling over and over.
Everyone kept looking at me weirdly, but I felt Masrur trying to keep his laughter in.

We were now in the kingdom's meeting room. They made me sit down on a chair. Everyone surrounding me, and I puffed my cheeks and glared at them.
"So little girl, what is your name? Based on your clothing, I can tell you are from Kou. Not only that, you were riding a carpet with Judar." Sinbad said as he sat in front of me.
I kept my cheeks puffed and glared.
"Hmhp!" I cross my arms and turn around.
I can feel Ja'far wanting to strangle me. I hear Yamriaha giggling.
"Kimi." I said.
I will use my old name. They looked at me confused.
"My name is Kimi. I wanted to explore Sindria. I heard a lot about it, so I wanted to see what it was like here. I like the atmosphere here better than my home. There is Sun here, while there, it is always a gray sky." I said.

Sinbad narrowed his eyes at me. I can tell he wants to ask me something but doesn't want to say anything because the others are here.

"Hmmmm.....then why were you with Judar Kimi?" Ja'far asked.
"Easy. I asked Peach Fuzz to sneak me out!" I gave them a closed eye grin with a peace sign.
I see Sinbad and the others scoff at the nick name I gave Judar. I grin.
"I see. So your not a spy then?" He asked as he narrowed his eyes.
"Nope! This place is a awesome! I love the atmosphere here! Plus the food is divine!" I giggle as I went in my bag of sweets and munch on a lollipop.
Sinbad grins.
"Do you know who I am?" He asked.
"Yup! Sinbad, womenizer and airhead of the seven seas!" I laughed.
The life drain out of him and all the generals burst out laughing.
"Sinbad, I never would of thought a little girl could be this savage towards you!" Hinahoho laughed.
"Ahem! Changing the subject, anything else you want to say, Kimi?" Sinbad coughed.
"Yup, stop being a womenizer and settle down already! Cause you'll end up a lonely old man at this rate!" I laughed and everyone lost it.

"As a matter of fact, I do have some one in mind!" And everyone stopped laughing.
"Who?!" The generals all went to his face.
Sinbad smirked.
"I'll tell you guys is that she is quite a catch. However.......plants try to keep me away from her...." Sinbad said.
The generals sweat drop.
"She must be a life magician. That's the only reason the plants would try to keep you away from her." Pisti giggles.
"I agree old man! I may not be a magician, I do understand magic! Plants have life and they will protect their master!" I said and he sulks.
"How do you know about magic Kimi?" Yamraiha asked.
"I love reading about magic! I may not be a magician but I still love to read it as a hobby." I grin.

After that, I was shown around Sindria. I had so much fun, especially with Sinbad. He took me to many fun places.

Ahhhh....Such fun today. Soon I had to leave. and I went back to the forest, where Judar was waiting for me. He was shocked that I came back with so much stuff but didn't care. He was just glad I got him peaches. I smile. True, things are different.

For two years, I kept sneaking out to Sindria. I would talk and hang out with everyone. But I would spend more time with Sinbad. Even in the dream, I would talk to him and everything. I would play my violin in the forest.

"Kimi, I want you to be my queen." He asked me one day in the dream.
I smiled sadly.
"Sinbad......I wish I can....but I can't..." I said.
"Why?! Why can't you?!" He demanded.
I wanted to tell him but I can't.
" is forbidden..." I began to cry.
He looked at me with a hurt and painful expression.
"But........I promise we'll meet again someday...and will hold me in your arms for real. Until then, wait for me. Good Bye...." I smiled as the flowers began to surround me.

"Kimi....Kimi!!!" He ran towards me as I kept getting farther away.
I smiled.

This isn't good bye Sinbad. We'll see each other again one day.

But happy times.....and happy memories....don't last forever....

- 4 years later -

"So....ready for your first dungeon?" Judar smirked my way.
I stayed silent.

"Let's do this...."

(To be continued......)

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