Chapter 2: Dungeon of Vinea and Sitri

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I touched the dungeons door and was engulfed in a white light. When the light faded I was amazed by the sight. It felt like we were underwater. There were fish swimming in the air, the creaks of sunlight filled the place. I smile at the beauty of it. It's been 7 years since I came to this world I'm 14 years old. Only three years left till the emperor tries to marry me off. Sorry, but that won't happen in the future.

I made Ka Koubun and Judar only come with me. I didn't want any of the other soldiers to come because I didn't want them to loose their lives.
"Peach Tart, guide me." I said and an angry tick mark appears on him.
"First Peach Fuzz now Peach Tart?" He drummed his fingers on arms.

I giggle. I turn to Ka Koubun.
"Please be prepare if any of us or you get injured, alright?" I said.
"Yes princess." He nodded.

He stared walking. There were drawings on the walls. I know people used to live in these dungeons in the past. We stopped at the first door. Markings on it. Wait....

I burst out laughing at this. Judar and Ka Koubun looked at me weirdly.
"What the hell is so funny?" Judar said.
"Ahaha.....sorry! We need to find the instrument that will allow me to play the song that will open the door." I said as I wipe a tear from my eyes.
"Those are notes to play an instrument?" Ka Koubun said.
I nodded.
"Yup. A ocarina to be precise." I said as I turn around and jump onto a pillar to get a better view.
"What the hell is a oca---how ever the fuck you say it!" Judar said.
"A ocarina" I emphasize the word "is a small hand held instrument that is made out of either clay, wood, or...plastic....(Judar: What's Plastic?) And can have up to 4 or more hole on it. Depending on the instrument itself.  We need to find it." I said.

Suddenly the room began to shake. A giant blue crab emerges from the water. All of us get ready to battle. If my guess is correct, the ocarina will appear once we beat it. I take out the dagger I got from Balbadd. It's one similar to the one Alibaba will get in the future. I felt blood lust spike in me as the crab attacked us and we all jumped back. I smirk.

"KYAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" I laugh hysterically as I charged at it and slash.
It stopped my attack. A grin came on my face.
"Sorry Crab! I'm making you dinner!" I said as I jumped back and and slashed it's leg.
It screeched and Judar threw ice shards at it. Ka Koubun then took out three vials and ran past me. The through them at it. The vials broke, and the liquid evaporated. It began to make the crab irritated and I saw it's she'll melting.
"Acid with a combination of poison! Nice!" I said as I ripped a piece of my kimono and use it cover the lower part of my face, so I won't smell or breath in the poison.
"Thank you princess!" Ka Koubun smirks.
I charged back at the crab again an manged to cut off one of its legs. Judar then threw a lighting attack from behind it. It screeched in pain as it swung it's pincers at us. While it was distracted by Judar's and Ka Koubun's attacks, I ran towards it and on my knees, I slide underneath it. I take my dagger and stabbed it.

I thrashed around and I manipulated my magoi into my dagger and made a magoi sword stab completely right through it. I ran out of the way quickly. I saw it fall dead and burst Into blue flames. I breathed in and out trying to catch my breath. Judar lands next to me and Ka Koubun stand next to me also.
"Your covered in black blood...." Judar grimaced.
A grin was still plastered on my face. Ka Koubun sighs. As the flames disappear a triple hole Ocarina was left. I walked towards it and pick it up.
"Be careful with that thing princess!" Ka Koubun panicked.
"Don't worry about it. This is the instrument we needed." I smirked as we walked towards the door again.

I cheek the notes. I know this song. I see to play it all the time to Koug. I take a deep breath and begin. This...
Was Cassim's character song. I remember when I first heard it. I was filled with so much emotion. The loneliness, the pain, sadness, It became my favorite song. As I played the song, I remembered the lyrics, and Cassim singing it.

Judar and Ka Koubun were looking at me with wide eyes. I felt tears falling from my eyes. But I didn't care, I kept playing it. When I was done, I mumbled.
"You have a great friend Alibaba...." I said and wipes my tears.
The door glowed and it opens.
I put the ocarina in my bag and walk forward.

"How the hell did you know hell did you know how to play that thing?! I never seen anything like that before!" Judar said as he floated on top of me.
"Pay attention where you are going." I said.


He ran straight onto a ice cycle. I laugh and Ka Koubun is trying not to.
"It's not funny!" Judar said as he rubbed his nose.

The next one there was a tablet that had the language of Torran.

Sadness and sorrow is not the answer to all.
My tears become my hope and my wails become my voice.
My Isolation is my morals and my sorrow becomes my cage.
The river flows and shows to those the path of pain or hope
The serpent sleeps where the siren cries, there the oath of the fallen shall open the path to river of beyond the clouds of sorrow and Isolation.

I read the riddle out loud.
"One of the must be the path to the treasure room. But, the question is which one." Ka Koubun said as he looked around.
"Why don't I just destroy the entire place?" Judar smirks and got his wand ready.
I stretch out my hand to stop him.
"What?" He looked annoyed.

I was in deep thought. What would I give to have Kouen with me right now......


I traced my hands on tablet again.

"Tears become my hope......
And my wails become my hope....." I mumbled.
I walk behind the tablet and see a path that takes me to middle of the river. I walk down the path and to the middle of the river. There underneath me, was what looked like a serpent's eye that was closed.

"The serpent sleeps where the siren cries......." I said as I sat on my knees.

The siren.........

"'re giving me....
To many things....lately....." I sang.

- 3rd POV -

"You're all I need....smiling at me..."

Kougyoku sang softly. Judar and Ka Koubun watched. Judar eyes narrowed her. The rukh have been acting strange. He saw how its been reacting to her ever since she came back. She's not a Magi, but the Rukh protect her. Especially since that accident that happen two years ago. She went in deep depression. She became half fallen. This greatly surprised Judar. But part of him was glad she didn't become full fallen.

All of a sudden, the eye underneath Kougyoku began to glow. The serpent's eye opens. Kougyoku began to sing louder lost in a trance.
"Kougyoku, get out of there!!!" Judar and Ka Koubun ran to her.
She stood up and turned to them. She began to sing louder, tears falling from her eyes. Her eyes lifeless as she spread her arms.

Water beam to surround her and images began to appear. The men froze. They saw a woman with brown pink eyes and short brown hair, talking to a girl and boy. Different images of this Woman kept playing. Unknown to them, these were Kimi's memories of her past life.

Images kept replaying, and as they did, she was in a trance, singing and crying.

Child......the are your past memories..

"Correct..." Kimi answers in her mind.

Do you blame yourself, or are you lonely?

"I'll be honest, it's both. I was there for my friends and they were there for me. And when I met Koug, I was so happy. I became her friend yet......."

The images changed to her and Koug talking. Both the shadows covered their eyes so their identifies would remain secret. Judar and Ka Koubun saw them them talking and smiling.
"What the hell is this?!" Judar said.

Then Kimi began to sing a song filled with anger and sorrow. Black rukh began to show. They began to surround her. you know who the girl was?

"I found out a year ago, and I found out.....what Gyokuen did......." Kimi said.

The images then changed to that of the great fire. These were now Kougyoku's memories. Ka Koubun eyes widened in horror. Kougyoku ran through the palace, looking for her siblings. She found Hakuryuu, but he was injured. A pillar was on the verge of falling on top off him. She ran and pushed him out of the way, the pillar falling on her.
The image then changed to the flower field, where Kimi held Kougyoku in her arms. matter what......I'll always be with you......." Koug smiles at her as tears fell from her eyes.

Then....she a thousand lights...

"How could I been so Blind........but....I won't let what happened repeat itself!" Kimi said back.

Her singing changed to filled with confidante. The black rukh pushed back.
"I may look like a child in the eyes of many but these are my words. I want to help and save this world, I will fulfil my promise I made to Kougyoku!" Kimi said back.

The men looked at her in shock.
"AWAKEN THE PATH HIDDEN IN THE RIVER!!" She yells as she channels he magoi into the sword and stabs it into the eye.

The eye glows and a door appears. Kimi drops to her knees breathing heavily. She nearly became fallen.
"Princess!" Ka Koubun ran to her and began to heal were injuries.
Judar stared at her. Who was the woman that they saw? Does....she know something....?

"Hey...." Judar began as he helps her up, "who was that woman we saw, much do you remember about the great fire?" He said as he looked at with both sadness and anger.
Kimi smiled sadly.
"About a year ago," Kimi began as she touched the door and it opens.
They began to walk down the hallway, and as they fought monsters along the way, she explain to them everything.

"I found out about what had happened during the great fire. Gyokuen wanted me dead along with Hakuyuu and Hakuren. The two died and both were barley able to save me with my life intact. I ran and ran through the palace, searching for a way to escape. I found Hakuryuu, but I pushed him out of the way to save him. He's like a older brother to me. I then went into a coma for 6 months."

She sang as she controls the water. Using it to her advantage. Ka Koubun was enraged that the empress wanted to kill the princess, and Judar was furious.

"I was a lifeless walking doll. And she had plans to make me do her bidding. But her plans were ruined, when my soul returned back to my body. I'll do what I can to help and save the Kou Empire. Ka Koubun, though you can be sneaky sometimes, I still trust you. You helped me in many ways. And I thank you for that."

They were now in front of the door to the treasure room. Kimi turned to Ka Koubun and he nodded. Both placed their right hands on the door.

They went into the room. Gold and silver filled the place. Jewels and scrolls filled the shelves. She looked around and spotted a tritant with silver jewels. She went up to it, and touched it.
Blue smoke filled the place. A serpent color of the ocean, red and gold jewelry on it. A gold sun like Crown it wore on its head. It looked down at Kimi.
"My name is Vinea, Spirit of Sorrow and Isolation! Who shall be my king?!" Vinea bellowed.
Kimi stepped forward and looked at the djiin with fire burning in her eyes.
"I am Ren Kougyoku, 8th princess of the Kou Empire! I wish to become stronger and help my people and friends! I wish to save this world and protect it! I will fight the darkness that threatened to tarnish this beautiful world. The world is not perfect,and true there will be bloodshed, but that is because, we do not accept our own flaws and mistakes. I'm not god, and I will never be. I am a normal human being who wishes for you to lend me your strength, to protect those important to me! Vinea, will you stand by my side and help me protect the ones I treasure?!" Kimi said.

Everyone looked at her with wide eyes. Vinea narrowed her eyes at the girl. When she saw her in the second trail, she was surprised that a girl at such a young age would choose to come to a place extremely dangerous. But the fire and spirit in her eyes, reminded her of the former queen of Alma-Toran. Her eyes then widened. Three Rukh silhouettes surrounded the girl. Two she recognized the third one....

"I I understand...." Vinea said as she closed her eyes and smiles.
She opens them and looks down at the girl.
"Child, you are worthy. You have been blessed by the rukh. Not only that, you remind me of an old friend of mine. Ren Kougyoku, I choose you as my queen. Choose your metal vessel." Vinea said.
Kimi nodded and went Into her bag. She took out a gold hair pin with a pink jewel.
"If it be alright, I choose this. It was given to me by my mother." Kimi smiled.
Vinea nodded and went into the hair pin. Kimi put her hair in a bun and put her hit pin on.
They began to pack treasure and soon went onto the magic circle.

"Listen, not a word about what I said to you guys. This for your safety." Kimi said as they sat together.
"To think.....the empress went this far..." Ka Koubun fist were shaking.
Kimi placed her hands onto his. He stopped and looked at her shocked.
"It's alright Ka Koubun. I know you'll be there looking out for me. After all, you're my second big brother right?" She giggled.
"Princess!" He began to cry.

Judar rolled his eyes. She answered their other questions but never the one of who the woman with brown hair was. For right now, he chose to ignore it.

- 3 months Later: Kimi POV -

It's been three months since I captures Vinea's dungeon. I been training with  Hakuie, to master our djiin equips. One more year before Kouha goes after Legare. Four more, until the rebellion in Balbadd, and till Aladdin comes to this world. Kougyoku the story line possesses only one djiin. I doubt the story will change much if I catch more than one dungeon.

During these months, I trained with Hakuryuu when the Yambala clan passed by Kou. I improved my magoi manipulation.

It was the middle of the night. I made up my mind to conquer another dungeon. I packed everything I needed and headed out. I get on the magic carpet and fly towards the nearest dungeon.

Sitri: Djiin of Seduction and Desires

She sighs.........

"God, may you spare my soul....I am not ready to loose my minds innocence...." she prayed.

She spotted the dungeon and landed at the door, but what she didn't expect was.....
"Oh hell no!! Not Zagan 2.0!!!" She screamed because small arms came out and dragged her in. was dark....and I

My eyes snapped open and I see I am in the treasure room and my clothing...

What the hell?!

I was put in a red belly dancer dress.

"Welcome girl."

I turn around and see the djiin sitting on a sofa. I fucken swear......he looks almost like Focalor. Except his hair brown red, his eyes are blue, tattoos like snakes cover his body. He was in a human form.

"By any chance......are you related to Focalor?" I asked.
"So you know my twin brother? Interesting." He smiled but then his face went serious.
"You may be blessed by the rukh, but I still want to see if you are worthy of being my queen. That's why I chose to bring you here directly. I have three questions for you. The first will test your wisdom. The second your strength, and mind. Will you give in the deadly sins of a human or will you chose to walk on the righteous path? Also.....The clothing suites you!" He grins at the last one and I face palm.

"Now for the first one, if you have the knowledge of the entire universe, what will you use it for? Will you use it for power and authority, or destroy the darkness that comes to this world?" Sitri asked me.

"Neither." I said.
"What?" He narrowed his eyes at me.
"Even if I had the knowledge of the entire universe, even if I used it gain power or to stop the darkness, I fear I will be swallowed by greed. I rather aid." I said and he looked at me confused.
"What do you mean child? To be swallowed by greed?" He said.
"There is someone very important to me who's greed  far surpasses anyone. And because of this, it will be his undoing. I do not wish for knowledge or power. I do not wish for riches. All I ask is to live a peaceful life, and watch over the important people in my life. So to answer your question, I will not use the power of the Universe at all. Well...maybe sometimes, but only in case of emergency, because I will only use it to hint and give a small push to my friends to the right direction." I answered.
"Interesting answer. Most humans would have chosen to use it to become king, rule to world. Now onto the second question." He said as he summons out a lacrima ball.

Two kingdoms were shown that were at war. I immediately recognized them.
"Hoshido and Nohr!!!" I said and
Sitri raised an eyebrow at me.
"There three paths in that world. One, the path of Hoshido. Corrin chooses his birth family. The second path is the oath of Nohr, his adoptive family. The thrid path, is where he chooses neither kingdom and chooses to save both of them. Even if he chose one kingdom or the other, pain and sorrow would have been brought to both. But why are you showing me this world?" I asked and he looked at me with wide eyes.
"I was planing to ask you which side you would have chosen, but I can tell you would have chosen neither. You would risk being hated by both sides to protect them. To be cursed and not being able to speak to truth, because you would disappear. But are still willing to take the risk to save both families and defeat the true enemy. Impressive." He nodded.

Honestly, if I had to compare Magi to Fire Emblem, Hoshido would be Sindria and Nohr would be Kou. And the the invisible Kingdom would be Al-Thamen.
I sigh.......Fuck my life right now....

"Now the final question." Sitri said and the scenery changed.
I paled.......I quickly made Vinea change my appearance. It was how I looked like in my previous life. We were back in that place.......

The water ripples....a thousand cherry blossoms float in the in the water....and Sinbad....Looking at me with wide eyes.
"Ki-----!! Wait ,who are you?" Sinbad looked at me coldly.

What do I do?!

"My name is Melanie. I am a friend of Kimi." I said.
His eyes narrowed.
"Kimi wanted me to tell you.......sigh.....
Just wait for her a little while longer. You'll meet her again soon, and....that's it's not your fault...." I smiled.
His eyes widened and he ran over to me but it was to late. Sitri made the scene disappear and I was back at the treasure room. I changed back to normal and glared at Sitri who had a pleased smile.
"You lied......." he mused.
"I did what I had to. But at the same time I am not lying. I will meet him again one day, Until then...I will wait. Even if destiny says no, I'll find a way. Because that is who I am. I will save him, even if he hates me." I growled.

Sitri hummed.
"Alright. You will be my queen. And I choose your dagger as my metal vessel. Plus, I will teach you many sword styles. You will be able to access my treasure with me power. Farewell my queen." He said and went into my dagger.

After that, I was transported out. I was outside my room. I went back to my room and I passed out from shock when Sitri told me who raised his dungeon......

"WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE YUNAN!?!!?" I screamed into my pillow.
I'm so gonna get killed. I won't let anyone find out that I now own two djiins. Not for right now.....

- 4 Years Later -

I stomped furiously to my room and slammed the door shut. I knew Kougyoku was to be married off but that bitch of Arba....GRRRRRRR!!!

I began to pack my belongings.

"Looks like its time for the Rebellion Arc...."

(To be continued......)

Anime Soundtracks I was listening to while writing this are..

Sword Art  Online: Ordinal Scale

Magi: the labyrinth/Kingdom of Magic

And Magi Openings and Endings

Magi Characters Songs

Blue Excorist Character Songs

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