Chapter 3: Part 1: The Rebellion in Balbadd

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I bet you're wondering what's going on. Well you see, the Emperor has chosen for Kimi to be married off to the King of Balbadd. Of course she knew this was going to happen, but what she didn't expect was Gyokuen rubbing it in her face.

"It is your duty as a Princess and it will bring great power to the Kou Empire. Do your father proud Kougyoku!" Gyokuen said it and a sweet tone with her signature smile.

Which sent the princess into a rage fit like any other.
"What happened?" Kouha asked as he and Hakuryuu walked up to Judar and Ka Koubun.
The Magi and her household but sigh.
"The Emperor has chosen to marry her off to the King of Balbadd( in the background, They can hear Kimi cussing through her door, making them extremely shock and Judar trying not to burst out laughing) and apparently the Empress decided to rub it in her face. That it was her duty as a princess and it would benefit Kou." Ka Koubun said as they all turn to her door.
They can here her cussing out and maybe some parts of the wall being destroyed.


All four men back away as they saw a crack appear on the wall, and more raging forbidden words coming out of her mouth.


All the men sweat drop and hear vases and glass shattering.
"No way am I going in there...." Hakuryuu said.
"Yup. We'll get killed...." Kouha said as he and his cousin back away.
"I'll go, since you guys are to chicken!" Judar smirks and walks towards the door.
"Don't, don't, don't, don't!!" The other three men wave their hand frantically, trying to stop the Magi, before his life is ended by the girl in rage.
Judar went in and shut the door.




Judar was sent flying out the door and crashing into the wall, making a dent of him. Cracks were all over the wall and his soul flying out of his mouth.
And they all turn when they hear the door slam shut.

Not too far away, Kouen and Koumei witness everything that happened. Kouen groans and pinches the bridge of his nose. His sister has never been the type to listen. Both of them walk up to the others and Ka Koubun just finished healing Judar.
"Let me guess.......She's beyond furious?" Koumei said and the group nodded their heads rapidly.
"And the Oracle made it worse." Ka Koubun said as he glared at Judar.
Judar rolled his eyes.
"All I said was that she needs to obey!" Judar said and everyone gave him a dead panned look.

"Come me what I can do!" Kimi said as she was looking at her tarot cards.
Yes, she developed a nac for fortune telling. She is known as the seer of the Kou Empire. She sneaks out of the palace and like to go into the town. She owns her own Fortune Telling tent, and keeps her identity a secret.

She sighs and used Siri to fix her room. She left the place a disaster after her rage fix. At least she had all of her belongings packed and decides to eat some sweets. Well.....chocolates with sake in the middle....
Yes....she developed a drinking habbit like Sinbad. But at least she knows her limits. 12 cups and she's drunk. She put a limit on herself. Only 6 and not more.

She took out the ocarina from Vinea's dungeon and began to play the theme from Legend of Zelda.

She finished and put her ocarina back in her bag. She takes one chocolate and plops it in her mouth. She gets up and walks to her door and opens it. But sees her older brother about to knock. She raised an and looks behind him. She sees the others hiding behind Kouen's household members.
"Sorry about my rage quit. I need to let some steam off." She smiles.
Kouen ruffles her hair and says it's alright.
"When do you leave?" Kouen asked her.
"Three days. But I know the marriage won't happen." She said and everyone looked at her confused.
She smirked.
"The cards have spoken. That bitch won't get her way. Kehehe....heheh...." she laughed creepily, which sent shivers down the men's spines.
Kouen smirked. Indeed his sister was quite a rouge Spirit.

- Three days later: Balbadd: Kimi POV -

"This is so cool!" I yell in excitement as we flew over Balbadd.
"Princess, not so close near the edge!" Ka Koubun panicked as I looked over.
The sigh of Balbadd was amazing, but it was sad at the same time, sad. So many people are suffering because of what the King chose to do.

Once we got to the palace, all my belongings were put in our room. Ka Koubun and Judar are going to be busy, so while they were gone, I'm going put to explore. Luckily, I came prepared. I brought man bags of food for the people and money also. I put my hair in a bun, and put on a brown commoners dress with a brown shawl around me. I jumped out the window and began exploring the city.

As I walked, I gave the bags of food and medicine to the people. I made a stand and many of the people were thanking me for what I was doing. Thanks to Sitri's power, I'm able to store things in space. And thanks to Vinea's magic, I was able to preserve all the bags of food I made. I began making them, 4 months ago, and made enough for the people.

"Next person!" I said.
Suddenly all the people began to make a path. I had my back turn while it was happening because I was looking for a certain medicine a mother needed.

"Hey you. What do you think you're doing?"

"What does it look like? I'm helping the people. The fucken nobles won't do Shit because they're greedy bastards. I'm not gonna stand around and watch people suffer....Found it!" I said as I finally found the medicine.
"If you got a problem, Then l-------!!!" I froze when I turned.

Brown eyes glaring at me.

Cassim and the two other leaders of the Fog trope..........
With Alibaba, who was trying to calm down his friend not to murder me.
Alibaba isn't hiding his face, so that means they already met Sinbad and the others. Then that means Aladdin and Morgiana are here.

"Listen girl.....who the hell do you think you are?" Cassim growled at me.
I looked at his left hand and instantly my eyes darken.

Black metal vessel....

"I'm sorry for the way my friend is acting. It's just, we saw all these people and saw they were getting food, medicine, and money. So, we got worried. How did you get all this?" Alibaba asked.
From the corner of my eye, I spot green on top of a roof. Ja'far must be keeping a look out.
"I'll tell you this much, sole them from caravans!" I laughed and Alibaba and Cassim looked at me shocked.
"You stole all this?!" Cassim said.
"Yup! And no fucks given of the nobles I stole these from. The people here need it more than them." I said as I grabbed four bags and threw one  at each of them.
They caught is and looked inside.
"Hassan, look! There's even sweets in here!" Zainab eyes sparkled.
Hassan couldn't help but blush at the cute face she was making.
"If you guys need more I got plenty. Make sure to share it with your family and friends. Eating with your friends, it feels nicer. Because you share all of your emotions. Love, happiness, everything." I smile at them.

Why is Cassim red?

I then turn to Alibaba.
"Hey blondey." I said and he raised and eyebrow at me.
"You look single. Basically you haven't gotten laid." I smirk and he looked at me shocked.
"Sadly that's true!" Hassan laughed.
Cassim was trying to stifle his laughter while Zainab was laughing her butt off.
"Shut up!" He yelled at them.
I giggle and gave them each four more bags.
"Go share the food with your friends. And Blondey." I said and Alibaba turned back to me.
I take you a card and show it to him. He looked at me confused. It was the bubbles.
"Your fated one is closer than you think. However as time goes by, the feeling of friendship will change to something more." I smile.

They all said good bye, and I continue to give food to the people.
As I packed away everything, I turn around to pick up some crates when a flash of blue jumped at my back.
I turn my head and meet blue eyes.

"Big Sis! Your Rukh is strange!" A veeeerrrrryyy  familiar laugh and goofy grin.


I smile.
"Don't jump on me like that Blob!(gently takes him off) are you here for the food?" I bend down to his level.
Forgot to mention, I changed myself to my old appearance.
His eyes sparkled when I mentioned food. I remove my shawl and let my brown hair fall loose.
"Here," I handed him a watermelon, "Go and share it with your friends. And the names Melanie!" I said and stuck out my hand.
"Hi Melanie! I'm Aladdin! I'm a traveller and thank you for the watermelon!" He smiled and we shook hands.

I smile and wave goodbye. I walked around and over heard some people talking. Tomorrow, Alibaba will go speak to the King. I frown at the arrogance of the King. What's more, tomorrow, the battle between Judar and Ugo will happen.
I jump from roof to roof and I found where Aladdin and the others are staying. But I also found the fog trope hideout. Luckily it was late at night. I saw Cassim walk out of the building.

He jumped from roof to roof, and I followed him quietly. When he stopped, he sat down at the edge and began to smoke. It irks me everytime I see someone smoke.

I then heard him humming.....and he began to sing softly.
Dammmmmnnnn.....the guy has a nice voice in person.

A voice crying out someone's name
A voice entrusting the last wish to heaven
A voice unfocused in hatred and sorrow
A voice that melts away in the wind 

A hand reached out to where you were, Believing with out a doubt something will grasp me too.

Why can't I reach you, 
Even though everyone was born in the same way, I'm once again the only one struggling in this dark despair

Today, softly going towards illuminating the morning
Towards the guidepost by the name of hope
Towards the overflowing innocent laughter
Towards gentle love that envelopes everything
Why from the time you were born, were you the only one living in the light?

How much longer do I have to walk to reach that place?
I will change this fate with my own hands, even if it costs me my life.

You were in the light crying and calling out to me.
The strongly strongly entangled thread unraveled

Inside the light that nostalgic place draws me in 
 I will always continue to live in you forever.

"If only I would have properly spoken to you more huh"
"Hey, Alibaba, you know, we..."

I sat down listening, I looked over the edge of the wall and he was gone.

Oh no......

Suddenly I was pinned to the wall with a sword at my neck. I looked up and meet his cold Amber eyes.
"Why the hell are you spying on me?" Cassim growled.
"I swear to you I wasn't spying! I saw you jumping on the roof so I.....decided to follow you...." I mumbled.
He clicked his tongue and releases me.
I let go of the breath I was holding in. I look over at him.
"You have nice voice you know." I said.

A huge blush formed on his face as he looked at me shocked.
"S-Shut up!" He said.
I giggle and take out a candy cigarette. I hand him one and he looks at me confused.
"It irks me everytime I see someone smoking. It's bad for your lungs." I said.
He smirked and took one. We both sat down on the edge.
"Why were you following me?" He asked.
I shrugged my shoulders.
"Your eyes......." I said as I lightly swing my feet.
"My eyes?" He looked at me confused.
"Tell me....." I said as I look down," Do you.....hate yourself for being who you are?" I said.

The question caused him to choke choke on the cigarette. I patted his back to make him calm down. Why are his cheeks red?

"What kind of question is that?" He glared at me.

" the shadows......lonely embrace......" I sang softly.
He looked at me with wide eyes.
"You shouldn't hate yourself for who you are, or for being different. We are all unique in our own way. In my eyes, even if we are all poor or rich, we are equal. I may sound like a naive child, but it's what I believe in." I said and look up to the night sky.

Cassim looked at me shocked and chuckles.
"You remind me of Alibaba in a way. He sees me as an equal....even if we are different." He smiled sadly.

"By the way you owe me." Cassim smirked at me.
"I don't owe you anything!" I said.
"(Chuckles) yeah you do. It's for hearing me sing. I don't like when people hear me singing. So, payback!" He smirked at me.
I groan but smile. I grab his head and make him lay down on my lap. He was about to protest but my glare shut him up.

I take a deep breath and begin.

- 3rd POV -

Sinbad was tried and was walking around. Yes, the man was trying to escape work...again. he was surprised Alibaba and Aladdin brought food. At first he thought they stole it, but Alibaba told them that a girl was giving free food and money to the people. Ja'far also reported a woman giving out food. But that wasn't what was bothering him. It's the woman's name that Aladdin mentioned.

"She said her name is Melanie! She was so nice! Plus, she had average size b------"

He faced palm at the Aladdin's way for remembering. He doesn't have a problem with woman that aren't very busty but still! The brat is to mature in the mind for that kind of thinking!

We walked with our small shoulders lined up 
Laughing together about nothing in particular, we saw the same dream 
If I strain my ears, I can hear, even now, 
your voice in the midst of this orange-dyed town

He froze.
"Singing......" he whispered.
The voice......he recognized it......

When you're not here, it's really boring 
But I'll get laughed at if I say that I'm lonely though 
I'll confirm the things you left behind as many times as it takes 
Without any of them disappearing, we'll shine

"Ki...mi....." he whispered in shock.
He began to walk fastly and then began to sprint through the place.

Like the sky just after it's rained, as if my heart's cleared up, 
I remember your smile; as I recall it, it brings a smile to my face as well 
We are surely just as we were that day, still both innocent children 
rushing through the passing seasons, seeing our own tomorrows

He looked all over. She was close. She was near by. He has to see her. He has to apologize for what happened 6 years ago. She always sang that song.

As I become anxious when I'm alone, 
we continued talking through the night when I didn't feel like sleeping

And the woman named Melanie. Both girls were the key to finding her. The one that would appear in his dreams. Six years ago, the dream stopped. He doesn't remember her face, or what she looked like, but he remembers her voice. The sound of her melodic voice coming from does rosy pink lips, he wanted to taste.

I wonder what you'll see from here on out 
I wonder what I myself will see here 
The falling sunset in the town dyed orange, 
I'll softy try to entrust my tears to it 

He remembers her tears, but he can't remember her name. Why....Why couldn't he remember her name?! He wanted to find her, to hold her in his arms.

A single love is born among the hundreds of millions things dispersed in the light 
If you don't change, and even if you do change, you are you- don't worry! 
One day, once we've grown up, met lovely people, 
bringing our irreplaceable families along, it'd be nice if we could meet here again

Then the dream came back, but it was a different person. A Woman with short brown hair and brown pink eyes. Her message, he remembers, but her name was blurred out when she said it.

Like the sky just after it's rained, as if my heart's cleared up, 
I remember your smile; as I recall it, it brings a smile to my face as well 
A single love is born among the hundreds of millions things dispersed in the light 
rushing through the passing seasons, seeing our own tomorrows, 
choosing our own dreams

Her smile.....he wants to see her smile again. He searched for her, he searched for Kimi......the child that he grew to love more than just a friend. Like her, that would appear in his dreams. He fell in love with both woman. But he feels some sort of connection to both them.

The singing stopped. He looked around but nothing. He then saw someone jumping from roof to roof. He went after them. Once they stopped, he hid behind some crates, as he looked up to the roof top.
He gasped. It was the woman with brown hair that appeared in his dreams. The one that gave the message. He has to talk to her but....

He saw her looking directly to where he was. Her eyes glowing the moonlight. The then turns and disappears  before he even made a move to stop her.

"Sigh....haha.....I insaning..." Sinbad laughed bitterly as he placed his hand on his forehead and leans onto the wall.
He licked his lips. The thrill of the chase and hunt......what excitement..

- The Next Day: Kimi POV -

Through a rift in space, I was watching the discussion between Alibaba and his brother. My eyes dead and my face emotionless as I continued to watch. What's more Sinbad is there, and they are unable to do nothing. And Judar walking in. I take out a needle and through it right at the king. He froze as he felt the needle scrape his cheek. Everyone in the room froze. And I through another one at the Banker and one at Judar. The needle was sticking straight up at the Banker's Staff, which made Sinbad shocked. And my other one, pinned Judar to the wall.

"Princess, you shouldn't be watching this...." Ka Koubun said worried.
I wave my hand to make the rift disappear. I sigh.
"Ka Koubun, prepare a carpet for tonight. Looks like Judar is going to cause some problems again. Also, have your household ready for anyone that is injured. Trust me, we'll need it." I said.
"Yes princess." Ka Koubun bowed.

I walk out of my room and glare at the guards given to us by the banker. The froze as I walked past by them. I make Vinea change my appearance again and go into the training. Sitri has been training me in the sword style of Heliohapt. Honestly, I feel like Sharrkan right now.

"Djiin Equip, Sitri...." I mumbled.
White orange flames slowly began to surround me.
I then opened my eyes. They turned orange. My hair grew extremely long and white, with two moth antennas. I smile. I then change back to normal. My brown hair, former brown hair falling back.

I walk back to my room, and noticed its late.
"Shit......" I ran to my room.
As I did, I saw the magic battle that was going on. I changed my appearance back to normal.

"KA KOUBUN! GET THE CARPET NOW!!!" I yelled and he immediately nodded.
We ran to it and hopped on. The three guards in the back. We immediately began flying towards the battle.
"Please get there on time!" I yelled.

We made it right on the verge of Ugo about to hit Judar, and I quickly used Sitri to teleport him to us.
I was breathing heavily, and I was so glad I saved him on time. I looked down at Ugo, Aladdin, and the others.
"I'm applying first Aid," Ka Kouban said as he used his household vessel.
"Good. Now....I'll take care of the djiin. You take care of Peach Tart. And you three guards in the back, leave This carpet, and you won't live for tomorrow." I said and I felt them Shutter.

I need to calm down Ugo. I know how. He's never met me, and will most likely be shocked when I say what he thinks the others don't know.

"Princess!" I hear Ka Koubun yell as I jump down and land on one knee.
I'm a few feet from Ugo. Everyone is looking at me in shock and horror. I put on a calm face. Ugo runs towards me with his fist surrounded but heat magic.
"Get away!" I hear Aladdin yell but I don't move.
Just when Ugo is about to hit me.
"Enough Ugo!" I yell and he froze.
His fist a few inches from my face. Everyone is looking at me shock.

- 3 rd POV -

"(Ugo, that is enough. I know you are upset with what happened, but that didn't mean you had to go as far to almost killing Judar. Return back to the Holy Palace. Believe me, it is better this way. Aladdin is almost ready to obtain Solomon's Wisdom.)" Kougyoku spoke in English so no one can understand her.
Sinbad looked at her shock. One she spoke in a language no one has ever heard of, not to mention she stopped Aladdin's djiin. But something about her looked familiar....

Ugo began to do different signs with his body.

"Who are you? And how do you know all this?"

"(That I can not tell you. Sorry. But listen to my advice. I'll help you.)" Kougyoku said and she jumped and touches Ugo on his cheat, who turned beat red.
He then returns back to the flute, and the eight pointed star was missing. She smiles and picks it up. She walks over to Aladdin, who looked ready to attack her, which he did. He sent her a fire attack but she just moved to the side a bit and evaded the attack.
"Stop Aladdin. I don't want to fight you." She said as she approached him.
He his eyes widened. How did she know his name. She handed him his flute.
"I know you have many questions, but I will answer them in time. Ugo is alive, all I did was drain him of magoi so he would go back to the flute. He's alright." Kougyoku said.
She then turn to Everyone.
"My name is Ren Kougyoku! Eighth Princess of the Kou Empire! Though, I can not apologize for what my Empire has done to your country, I'll do what I can and help aid the needed. And I apologize for what our Magi has done!" Kougyoku bows
Everyone looked at her shocked, what's more the life drained out if Ka Koubun. She then turns to Sinbad.
"King Sinbad of Sindria, and Prince Alibaba Saluja. Though the actions here have spoke more than my words, for everyone's safety in this Country, Evacuate. The Kou Army is coming soon, so I do not want anymore lives to be lost. Also, I since a "certain" organization here. Evacuate Balbadd because, something big is coming." Kougyoku spoke with the voice and look of a queen.
Alibaba and Sinbad were shocked. How did she know who they were? Sinbad narrowed his eyes at her.
"I am currently staying in this country as a king of another country for a reason. If you are the same, the I like to meet you in a place more appropriate." Sinbad said.
Kougyoku closed her eyes and thought.
"Ka Koubun!" She suddenly yells.
He flinched and looked down from the carpet.
"Yes, your highness?" Ka Koubun said nervously.
"How is Peach Tart?" She looked up.
Ja'far couldn't help but scoff at the name she gave Judar, same with the others.
"I'm giving him emergency treat him, but we'll need standard facilities for full recovery." Ka Koubun said.
She nodded and snapped her fingers. A small green gem appears in her hand. Sinbad looked at her confused. She then threw the gem and shattered it. Green light filled all of Balbadd, healing and curing the sick and wounded.
"What did you do?" Alibaba asked shocked as he saw his injuries healed.
"Easy, all I did was combine the magic from the magic tool with Life magic.(turns to Sinbad) King Sinbad, we'll meet again soon. (Turns to Aladdin) Little one, do not send your magoi to your flute. It's is dangers and can put your life in danger." She said as she ruffled his hair.

"Thank you princess." Sinbad sent her a smile.
Kougyoku stares and narrows her eyes. She puts her fingers on her chins and nods to herself. Sinbad looked at her confuse.
She looks up at him and smiles.
"It's amazing what puberty can do to men. Puberty hit you like a Fanalis punch!" She laughed.
Everyone's jaw hanged when she said that and a blush appears on Sinbad's face. Kougyoku jumped back on the carpet.
"I look forward to seeing you all again soon. Ta, ta~" she sang and they disappear into the night.

Silence filled where everyone else was. That was completely unexpected, especially for Sinbad. He found her...interesting.....

They flew back to the palace and Kimi ordered all the medics and Doctors to start healing Judar. Not only that, she drained Ugo's magoi by absorbing it I to herself. She needs to release it, fast, or her body will give out.

She quickly used Sitri's power to teleport to the middle of the desert. There, she undjiin equips, and falls on her knees.

"Ahh.....Ahh.....AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" She screamed in agony as she realises all of the magoi, creating a huge explosion.
From Balbadd and at the palace, everyone can see the pillar of light that happened in the desert. Sinbad and everyone was beyond shocked.

"Argh!" Aladdin grunts as he held his his head.
Sinbad and the others ran up to him.
"Hurts! It hurts! Why are crying?!" Aladdin yells as he clutched his head.
"Aladdin!" Alibaba and Morgiana worried for their friend.
The light disappears and Aladdin was breathing heavily. He saw the Kou Princess, she was in pain....she was crying.....why....she was the one who caused the pillar of light.

He breath in and out....

Masrur watched and walked over to Ja'far, who was checking others for injuries.
"What's wrong Masrur?" Ja'far said.

"The Kou Princess......She has the same scent as Kimi...."

(To be Continued......)

Anime Soundtracks heard while writing:

The Adventures of Sinbad

SAO: Ordinal Scale

Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance

Madoka Magica: Rebellion

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

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