Chapter 13: Marked

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Alphonse yells as he shook the bars of the cells.
Caria paced around her ceiling, trying to figure out how to get out. When both woke up, they found themselves in the underground dungeons of Sindria. All their belongs stripped from them, including their metal vessels.

Alphonse, being a Fanalis, special hand cuffs were out in him, to make his strength go to a normal human being. And the small cell was beginning to get to him. It felt like it was getting smaller. But how pissed her was.
Caria was still pacing back and forth but both stopped when Ja'far walked in along with Yamraiha. The two glared at the two generals, causing Yamraiha to flinch because of Caria.
"What the hell are you guys doing here? When our brothers find out, you guys are so dead." Alphonse growled as the ground slightly cracked a few inches.
"Brothers?" Yamraiha said nervously.
"The king of Kina and Muu Alexius." Caria smirked.
Ja'far rolled his eyes, but he came to do what he needs to do.
"Kimi better be safe or I'll be parking my foot up your asses!" Caria yells.

"Your friend is safe. But that's not what we're here for." He said as he turned over to Caria " You people been helping her hide from us, well more specificly, King Sinbad. And the way she acted, it's like she's never met him before, why?" Ja'far said with narrowed eyes.
"Why should we tell you anything? It's obvious you guys know the answer. You just want more information. Especially Yamraiha." Alphonse answered.
"Listen Jaffy," Caria said and he turned to her, "do not extract the bullet. One, we didn't put it in her, two, her djiin is the only one that can remove it. Unless you want Kimi to fall into depravity, leave it alone." Caria said as she leaned on the cell wall.
Yamraiha stayed silent. Oregami had already tried to extract the bullet but...

"I can't extract it. A magic seal was placed on her, connecting it to her entire body. If I try take it will kill her........Damn you Kurumi....."

"You tried to take it out already, didn't you?" Alphonse glared.
"Caria and I remember where I heard those names.....Kimi would always talk about her two best friends back then. That you guys.....went through some difficult times.....all three of you..." Yamraiha spoke.
The two looked at her shock.
"She did......I hope she didn't say anything embarrassing about us..." the two said with a sad smile.

Ja'far looked at them blankly. He can tell they truly care about Kimi. It also explains what lengths the two were going to to protect her. And what lengths Kimi also goes. All three of them......have been through something horrific in their's amazing they have their sanity. Caria eyes turn to that of a assassin like back when he was one. Colder than any winter, to that of the devil, if not beyond that. Alphonse personality changes from a kind to that of a monster, to one that was born with no soul or heart. And for Kimi, when there is something that angers or upsets her beyond, he blood lust becomes something beyond frightening. If she was left in check, her darkness would engulf her, and she's would kill everything and everyone in her sight in a single heart beat and she would enjoy it. Ja'far looked at the two, and then thought about Kimi. What did they go through, to cause them to become like that?

Back with Kimi, she was in her old room. There on her bed, her chest going up and down softly. Sinbad sat on a chair, watching her. He lightly caress her left cheek, where her eye patch was. He wonders what happened, and might ask her how she lost her eye. Then his eyes traveled to the fang markings on her neck. He blushed, remembering what he did.

"My king, when a male snake bites a female, it means he is marking her. He is making her his mate. My King~ you just made this girl your mate! Kyaaaa!! I can finally hear the wedding bells!" Vepra squeals and began gushing on and on about wedding plans.
The males groan and face palm while watching the female djiin fall into her fantasy.
"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I won't allow it to happen!" Sitri and Beleth wail but were held back by the women minus Kurumi.
Shido sweat drops and looks back to their eye of rukh. Sharrkan and Pisti were currently watching the children.

Kimi began to wake up, but her body, she couldn't move it. She wasn't chained or anything, so why? Then it all came back to her.

"You're awake!"

She turned her head and sees The King of Sindria looking at her both relive and worried.
"Who....are you......?" She asked.
Sinbad looked at her shock. So his theory was correct. Only memories about him were gone. It explains why she acted like she's never met him, that he was a stranger.
" I remember.....damn stupid King....what the fuck did you do to me....?" Kimi slightly glared.
"She still has that foul mouth.." Sinbad thought in his mind as his eyebrow twitched.
"I used a paralysis drug on you. You been asleep for three days." He explained.
"I'm surprised you didn't defile me in my sleep. After all, your name is the womanizer of the seven sea's." She bluntly said.
"I would never do that a lady!" He argues back.
"Yet you bit me on my neck to inject the drug in me, all while you groped my left breast. Suuuuurrrrreeeee...." she scoffed.
"It was an accident!" He argues back.
But he didn't regret accidently touching her there when he bit her. They were small but soft. Oh, just the thought of her begin bare was going to turn him on.

"Why did you want to catch me? I committed no crime." Kimi spoke,making him snap out of his sinful thoughts.
He smiles at her.
"I have my reasons. Also, you will be safe here." He answered.
Kimi narrows her eyes.
"Where are Alphonse and Caria?" She said coldly.
He frowns.
"You do realize Caria is the King of Kina's younger sister....right? And Alphonse is Muu Alexius younger brother?" Kimi said.
"Shit!" Sinbad cursed and ran out the door to order the guards to let both Caria and Alphonse out.
Kimi giggled but tries to move a little.
She sighs, and glad the drug is beginning to wear off. She can at least sit up now. She placed her hand on her neck and felt the fang marks that were left where Sinbad bit her.

"Did you sleep well sweety?"

And immediately Kimi backed away to the head board. There on her bed, was Vepra but as a ghost. Vepra gave her a closed smile and got closer to her, and touched the fang bite on her neck. Then Eligos also appears and smirks to her best friend.
"My king has finally found a mate! I'm so happy! I can just imagine the little children running around!" Vepra gushed and Eligos snikers.
"Eligos happy. Now if you excuse me, I'm going out to talk to Spartos. It's about his brother." She said and before Kimi could say anything, Eligos was gone.
She turned back to Vepra, who was still day dreaming.
"What do you mean "mate"?" Kimi asked.
"Isnt it obviously.....the mark of found is on you🎶, meaning, he plans to make you his wife, soul mate, and such~ but the mark is not complete until he makes you his." Vepra grins evilly at her.
Kimi shutters. Vepra then placed her index figure on Kimi's heart.
"Remember Kimi. He has taken your heart and you have taken his." She said and disappears.

Kimi sat there stun and her face exploded to red from both embarrassment and anger. She called each single one of her metal vessels, and put them back on her. She stood up, now fully recovered from the drug, her hair rising up, and began to grow long again.

"I'm going to fucken kill you Sinbad...."

Back with Sinbad, Caria and Alphonse were let out, however, a bracelet was placed on each.
"I already contact Reim and Kina that both of you are here and safe so no problems will arise. The bracelets are so we can keep track of you two. And you won't be able to take them off, only Ja'far or I can. So meaning, you can't leave Sindria at all." Sinbad said to the two who glared at him.
"Out of curiosity, how old are you guys?" Pisti asked.
"Recently turned 18." Caria answers.
"I turned 20 last month. And Kimi recently turned 17." Alphonse responded as he leans on the wall.
Pisti looked at them shocked.
"So by any chance you free tonight?" Pisti flirted with Alphonse, making Caria's eyes darken.
"No offense or anything Pisti, but I'm not into short women..." Alphonse said Pisti went to cry in the corner, making everyone else sweat drop.
Ja'far was about to talk but suddenly everyone felt a shiver go up their spine.


A bullet grazed Sinbad's cheek. His eyes slowly moved to were it made a hole in the wall, it sizzling.


Sharrkan, Yamraiha, and Spartos came running, with Hinahoho and Drakon behind them. Masrur looked at them blankly, but there was fear in his eyes.
"What's going on?!" Ja'far yells.
"Kimi!" They all said as they hid behind the wall.
"Sinbad, I don't know what you did, but She's pissed!!" Sharrkan said.
Caria and Alphonse paled. Kimi was the one person no one ever wanted to piss off.

They heard stomping and the floors cracking. Everyone paled once they saw Kimi at the end of the hallway, she had her gun in her hand, a murderous aura surrounding her, with her hair flowing up, like flames, like a lion mane........her eyes glowing red, like Kurumi.

Sinbad paled.

Kimi slowly began to walk towards him and then ran, her right hand, that had her gun, transforms to a lance, and her arms were covered in green vines. Spartos eyes widened. It was his brother's lance.

"My name is Eligos. Your brother was someone very important to me. I made a promise to him to watch over you. I think he's spoken of me before. He was quite an adorable one, like you. His weapon, is safe. For he entrusted it to me, and I have found someone worthy to wield it. You know this person. She is a friend of yours after all and my master. We'll meet again one day Spartos, I like you. Ufufu~"

His face then turns red at what Eligos did after. She kissed him....
She kissed him on the lips before she disappeared.

Back with Kimi......
"RAAAAAHHHH!!!" Kimi through the lance and Sinbad jumped on time.
It went through 28 walls. Everyone stared in horror. And Kimi charged at him, back Both Caria and Alphonse jumped behind her, and tried to hold her down.
"LET ME GO!! I'LL KILL THE SON OF BITCH FOR WHAT HE DID!!" Kimi thrashed around.
"What did he do?!" Alphonse and Caria both yelled, trying to keep their friend down.
"THE SON OF BITCH DEFILED ME!! THAT'S WHAT!!" She yells and Caria and Alphonse froze.
They let her go.

"Kill him."

And Kimi charged at Sinbad again.
"SINBAD!!!" Ja'far glared murderously at the king who raised his arms in defense.
"I didn't do anything I swear!" Sinbad yells, panicked.
"Oh yeah!? Then explain this to them!" Kimi yells as she ripped off her scarf and exposed the fang marks on her neck.
Sinbad paled, remembering what Vepra told him.
"You fucken marked me as your mate! Your mate, you Shit head! Basically, You FUCKEN JUST MADE ME YOUR WIFE!!! RAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" Kimi yelled furiously as she was now held back by Masrur and the others, from murdering Sinbad.
Ja'far slowly turned towards Sinbad, ready to kill him. For now he understood......for Sinbad's djiin, Vepra, told them about the mating marks when they conquered her dungeon.
"Hey....on the positive side......he hasn't bed you yet." Caria said.
"He's lucky the mark still isn't complete. The only way to complete it would be if he bed her." Drakon sighs as they finally let go of Kimi.
"WE JUST MET AND YOU ALREADY MADE A MOVE ON ME!! I'M LEAVING SINDRIA AND THAT IS FINAL!!!" Kimi screamed in rage as she gave back her friends their metal vessels.

Sinbad's eyes darkened.
"You are not leaving Sindria. You are at the risk of falling into depravity and I will absolutely not allow it to happen." Sinbad looked down at her with cold eye, and she glared back at him with the same ones.
"I need to leave Sindria......originally today...I was suppose to meet with the Goddess Queen! Do you realize how much in trouble I'll be if I don't meet her?!" Kimi yells at him.
"Sinbad......that's Oregami's queen!" Yamraiha yells, panicked.


And Kimi paled. Everyone turned to the balcony where a gorgeous white Pegasus landed. There was a person on it. A Woman with short red hair, red eyes, a Japanese short kimono. She jumped down and glare at Kimi, who shrunk away.

"H-Hey Hinoka! How's it been?" Kimi said as she ran behind Sinbad, to escape the woman's wrath.
Hinoka glared.

"Now now Hinoka, don't hurt my precious Kimi-Chan~"

Everyone then saw a wyren land next to the Pegasus. A Woman with long purple hair, black female armor, purple eyes, and.....Damn their huge!

"How is my precious Kimi? Did this imbecile defile you? Would you like me to kill him for you?" The woman cooed as she pulled Kimi towards her, and hugged her, lightly caressing her hair.
Ja'far and the others got in a battle stance. Caria and Alphonse sigh and walked towards the women.
"Camilla, please don't say things like that......and we're sorry for not being in Reim." Caria bowed.
"You should be sorry. Do you have any idea how mad Lady Touhka was?! I'm not about to deal with mood swings again!" Hinoka raged.
"Based on the way Muu explain it, it sounded like you three were kidnapped." Camilla smiles and Ja'far coughed.
Camilla gave them a closed eye smile, and her free hand began to reach behind her back, summoning out a battle axe.
"So my precious Kimi, Caria and Alphonse were kidnapped?(eyes snap open and are purple slits) Why you little......" she said sweetly.

All the generals began apologizing.
"By the way, who are you two?" Hinahoho asked.
"My name is Camilla and my firey friend is Hinoka. We are Queen Touhka's retainers. Originally, her and Kimi were suppose to speak in Reim." She emphasize on purpose, making Sinbad avoid eye contact with her " But now that she is here, Our Queen wishes to see Kimi, but also you King Sinbad. It is regarding....the organization.." Camilla said.
"Alright. I'll meet her, and looks like I have no choice to stay in Sindria now." Kimi glared at Sinbad, who sent her a smile.
Sinbad walked up behind Kimi, and wrapped his arms around her waist, making her blush.
"Tell Queen Touhka that she may come, and that both my queen and I, will speak with her." Sinbad declared boldly, shocking everyone.
Caria was holding back Alphonse from murdering the king and Kimi was fuming, and turned around, and socked him in the groin, like her mother did to Ugo.

Poor Ugo....

Sinbad fell to the ground on his knees, and Kimi's children looked from behind the wall, surprised by what their mother just did to Sinbad.
"Touhka will come in 1 week, along with the other goddesses." Camilla sweat drops as she watch Kimi nod and Sinbad in pain.


Everyone turned around, and Kimi was tackled by her kids.
"Kimi, I awaken my household! It's Eligos! My household vessel is my bow and arrows you taught me how to use!" Sliver said with eyes sparking.

(Kurumi and Sitri: You Bitch.....
Eligos:(smirking) OOOHOHOHOHO!!! For I am victorious! OHOHOHOHO!!
Shido: For the love of god.....GET OVER IT YOU TWO!!
Vinea: I still wish he became part of mine....
Glasya: Just be glad it wasn't Kurumi...
Beleth: I agree...
Kurumi: (glares and smirks) The next one will be mine.
Sitri: Oh hell no!
Kurumi: oh hell yes....Kihehehe.....
(Please excuse the extreme fighting going on, and let us continue the story)

"Congratulations, Sliver! I'm so proud of you!" Kimi hugged the boy and Kanna and Crow grin and congratulate their older brother.
"No, thank you Kimi. You saved me from my old master when I was a slave. You saved my life. You gave me a place to call home. And that place called home , is besides you and my family. Arigato, Kimi!" Sliver gave her a goofy grin, very similar to Aladdin.
Tears weld up in Kimi's eyes and she hugged the children tightly. She couldn't be more proud of them, they were her pride.
Alphonse and Caria walked up and grin at their friend, who gives them a peace sign.

Kimi stand up and wipes her tears and smiles at Hinoka and Camilla.
"I'm glad I'll be seeing Touhka again. Shido misses her." She giggled.
The two retainers chuckled and said good bye.
Kimi turned back to the other and apologized to them and said she will head the library. Her kids and friends followed.
Sinbad sighs in relief and turns back to his generals..... who have  frighting smirks on their faces.....he flinched
"So........that means you want Kougyoku to be your queen? Or more precise......"  Drakon smirked at Sinbad .
"She is the one you said you have in mind!" Pisti and Yamraiha squeal.
"And with the mark of belong you did on her already...." Sharrkan smirked.
"You just need to bed her to complete it." Hinahoho laughed.
"I feel extremely sorry for Kimi right now...." Spartos sweat drops and Masrur nodded in agreement.

"She isn't part of Kou anymore, so better not mess this up Sinbad. Reminding many djiins does she have?" Ja'far said.
" I asked the Rukh and I was able to confirm she has seven djiins my king." Yamraiha said.
"7?! Just like me?!" Sinbad yells shocked.

- The Next Day -

Because Sindria is a tropical island, Kimi always sleeps in her undergarments in the heat. She slept on her bed with her blanket covering her half naked body. Unknown to her........ Sinbad was sleeping next to her.

That was until he felt something warm and soft,and wrapped his arms around it. When he opened his eyes slightly, his face turned beat red and he quickly let go, once he realize he wasn't in his room, and the person he was holding Kimi, he turned beat red.
She was half naked in his arms, only wearing her lacy pink red bra with black lace panties......

He stayed up late last night to finish paperwork, and he was so tried,he must of wandered into her room. He gulped as he saw her shift towards him and his jaw dropped. The clasp of her bra came undone and her chest...was exposed. He gulped....
How he wanted to take one of her pink buds into his mouth and make her beg and squirm underneath him as he------!! He quickly snapped out of vulgar thoughts and quickly grabbed his clothing, but......
Kimi's hand grabbed his wrist and pulled him back down. She climbed on top of him, and rested her head in his chest, and her bare chest pressing against his. He turned beat red, the feeling of how soft she's killing him so badly. He wanted to do nothing but ravish her. If her memories were still intact, he would have done it a long time ago. He hears she hum in satisfication, taking in his scent. Lavender and cinnamon....

He tries to move, and successful(regretfully) mange to take her off and quickly grabbed his clothes and ran to the secret door connecting his room and hers, and ran to his room. And just on time, because Kimi woke up and groans when she sees her bra unclasp again.

- Time Skip -

"Why had the king been avoiding me all day?" Kimi asked as she was flying in the air with Pisti.
Pisti smirked. Oh she knows what happened, for she is the one that led Sinbad to her room.
"Oh don't worry about~" Pisti giggles.

"Hope the king makes you his soon~"

(To be Continued.......)

I have sinned. Not sorry.

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