Chapter 14: Arrival and Sensing A New Dark Force

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All the goddess flew through the air towards the Kingdom of Sindria. Each one, nervous. For one, it has been 1,000 years since all have been summon.

Natsumi was already waiting at palace, sitting on a bench near the garden, Masrur watching her from afar. He looked down at her nervous figure. He wanted to ask her why her queens presence made her nervous, and also, because all the others generals just recently learned of her existence. Sinbad tried to question her why she kept her presence hidden and maybe try to woo her, but it ended with Kimi punching him, and Masrur wrap his arms around Natsumi, protectively.

Goddesses have no scent. They shouldn't be admitting one, yet, Natsumi was admitting a sweet scent that was alluring to Masrur. The same with Muruko, and Muu.

Masrur was about to walk over to her but hid when he saw Kimi wave at friend and sit next to her.
"Trust me.....I'm just as nervous as you are. But....I never expected I would return to Sindria so soon....." Kimi sighs as she removed her eye patch.
Natsumi gasp when she saw her left eye.
"Is that the contract with Kurumi?" She asked and Kimi nodded.
"It's funny really.......The idiot king.....
I feel like I've known him for a long time....yet........sigh....I just.....feel....
Something towards him. heart beats faster...when I'm near him. I guess I'm sick, that's what." Kimi said.
Natsumi mental faced palm at her friends density. How on earth....never must be the bullet Kurumi implanted into her. Kimi will have to summon Kurumi later when her queen arrives. Kimi goes in her bag and takes out some homemade pocky she made. She offered one to Natsumi, who looked confused at the strange stick her friend was eating as she took it.
"It's a chocolate covered biscuit stick." Kimi smiled.
Natsumi stared at it, took a deep breath and took a bite. Her eyes sparkled at the goodness in her mouth and devoured it. But sadly the goodness ended. Kimi chuckles at her friend and gave her a small bag which contained more.
"Don't eat it all at once alright. And when you get a boyfriend, I'll teach you the pocky game." Kimi said as she munched on a stick.
"Pocky game?" Natsumi said.
Kimi was debating to tell her more about it, but.....

"It's something like this."

Kimi turned around only to be met with Sinbad diving in, and eating the dessert off her lips, and his on hers. Kimi turned beat red along with Natsumi. Kimi froze but snapped out of it when Sinbad leans away and licked his lips and smirked at her.
"Thank you you for the meal." He smirked.
"MY EYES, MY EYES!! HOLY WATER! I NEED HOLY WATER TO CLEANSE MY EYES!!" Natsumi screamed and transforms to her child form and ran away.
Kimi raised her hand to slap him but Sinbad caught her wrist and pinned her down on the bench.
"Get off of me Perverted Eggplant!" Kimi glared and kicked at him.
But he placed his other leg in between hers, keeping her kicking. He grinned down at her, who had puffed cheeks. His eyes traveled to the two dots from the fang markings her left, and saw they were fading away. His face turned to confusion.
"The mark of found is fading! You have to bed her my king! I want to see children ru-------!!!" Vepra's rant was interrupted by Vinea, who punched her to shut up.

Sitri glared menacingly down at his younger brother, Focalor. And Focalor, had a amused smile on his lips.
"Bet you 500 she looses her virginity to him." Focalor said which ended with both his brother AND Beleth beating the crap out of him.
Shido sighs and watches along with his friend, Valefor and Baal.

Sinbad leans down and gently kissed the bite mark. Kimi froze. Her heart began to beat faster.

"Ne, Sinbad?"

"What is it?"

"Why are you so old?"

"Bahahahaha!!! Nice one Kimi!"

"Shut up Sharrkan!"

"I think you will end up a lonely old man at this rate."

"Why don't you marry him then Kimi?"

"No thank you Hinahoho. I am a young soul and I don't want to be defiled. After all his name is the womanizer of the seven sea's."

"Kimi! You're so mean!"

"I think it be nice when you get older, you marry Sinbad. He actually does his work when you're around."

"Really Ja'far? Alright then, how about I become his concubine instead?"



"Bye the time that happens, Sinbad will be in his late 30's"

"What the hell Drakon?!"

Tears began to fall from Kimi's eyes. She huffed and glared at him.
"I can't believe I said I wanted to be your concubine! Stupid!" Kimi glared, her cheeks flushed.
Sinbad stared at with wide eyes and smiles. She's regaining her memories.
"So I do know you.....but like I said, I'M NOT GETTING MARRIED TILL 25! NOW GET OFF!!" She yells and kicks him in the groin.
Sinbad falls off her in pain, and she sat up and fixed her shirt. The mark of found should fade in a week. And she plans to make sure it fades. She will definitely not be bed.

Natsumi watched and couldn't help but smile at the scene before her. She then felt strong arms wrap around her waist. She turned around and saw it was Masrur. He layed his chin on her head. She giggled. She doesn't understand why Masrur does that. She remembers the first day she met him, 5 years ago.

Natsumi was walking through the forest, planning to get some marine herbs. She was in her child form to avoid attention.

As she walked to bed lake, she knelt down and smile as she was about pick some sea sweet when...


A man with pink hair and pink eyes, shirtless, and wearing a white cloth around his waist, suddenly came out from under the water. His hair was dripping wet, and he ran a hand through his hair. He heard breathing and side glance, a little girl with blue green hair dresses in a witches costume. Natsumi looked at him in shock and horror, her face turned red.


And she ran for her life. Masrur stared blankly as he watched her run. He turns away but froze, his eyes widened slightly. A sweet scent......
He sniffed the air again and saw the girl dropped her costume hat. He dries himself and put on his clothing. He then walked towards it and picked it up. He then looked towards the path that the girl ran.

"Huff....huff....(poof! Turns back to normal form) My eyes....whaaa....I'll never get married now....." Natsumi wails.
But on the positive side, she mange to grab the sea weed she needed. She sighs. She remembers when Kimi would always come to vist her and both would you herb hunting together and the fairies would help them out. She stood up and dusted herself but smiles when she sees a familiar blonde along with a white  head, waving at her from up in the air. It was Sharrkan and Pisti. She then continues walking down the forest path to the market place. She put on her green hood and went to buy more things. And also in her normal human form.

She was all upset that she dropped her hat. As she walked through the market, from far away she spotted the boy from the forest. A blush made its way to her face and looked down, but she looks back up and found him scaring back at her. She quickly began to walk away, not wanting to draw attention.

Masrur picked up the sweet scent again, and looked towards the direction it was coming from. He saw someone with a green hood, it was the girl. He saw her eyes widened when their eyes met and she quickly began to leave. He walked, and then began to run after her.

Natsumi felt she was being followed and ran. She did a a side glance and saw it was the Fanalis.
"Crimona!" She yells and summons her staff.
Her footsteps sped up more, and Masrur was surprised she was out running him. She then made a sharp right turn, to a cliff, where she jumped off. His eyes widened and she got on her staff and flew away.

The game of cat and mouse continued for two months, and Masrur was getting a bit frustrated. Ah, how lucky he was today. He found her hanging out with Sharrkan and Pisti. Pisti turns around and grins.
"Natsumi, I want you to meet our friend, Masrur! He's a Fanalis." Pisti giggles as she pushed Natsumi towards Masrur.
Natsumi tried to fight back but failed. She was now in front of Masrur. He looked down at her blankly, and took out the witch hat. Her eyes widened.
"I've been trying to give it back to you. You dropped that day at the pound. But you kept running away." Masrur said.
"I'm sorry.....I'm not used to being chased. And thank you. It's my favorite hat." She smiles at him.
A small smile came on his lips and he placed the hat on her head. Sharrkan and Pisti had a Evil grin on their faces. Looks like now they have a ship and they plan to get them together. The sweet moment was interrupted when a sudden explosion happened near the palace. Sharrkan groans because it was Yamraiha again with her experiments.
"We're gonna go and check if Yamraiha is okay. Have fun you two!" Pisti and Sharrkan said as they got on Pisti's bird and flew away.
There was an awkward silence between the two.
"If you want, " Masrur spoke first "I can take you to explore the market place better?" He asked.
Natsumi grins and takes his hand, and runs.
"Let's go then Masu!" She giggled.
As both ran as she held his hand, a faint blush came on his cheeks.
He smiled and couldn't help but laugh with her. When she heard him laugh, a huge blush came on her cheeks but she grins.

This was how they first met.

Back to our current time......

Kimi and Natsumi stiffened when they felt the wind shift. Sinbad and Masrur noticed this.
"What's wrong?" Sinbad asked now that he recovered.
"They're here." She said.
Everyone went to the docks. Kimi summon out both Shido and Kurumi.
Shido was nervous while Kurumi rolled her eyes.

Suddenly something landed on the ground with a loud gust wind. The dust cleared and there stood a girl with dark purple hair,

Begin her the other goddesses. Then men were entranced. Kimi walked forward and bowed.
"Welcome Queen Touhka. It's been awhile hasn't it?" Kimi said.
Touhka looked down at her blankly. The silence was killing everyone. She turns her head and her eyes widened when she saw Shido.
"S-Shido...." tears began to fall from her eyes.
He smiled and she ran towards him.
"Shido!!!" She cried and punched him, which sent him flying into the ocean.
Everyone looked at her shock, minus Kurumi. Shido came out of the water and was tackled in a hug.
"Shido, Baka,Baka,Baka,Baka.....whaaaaaaaa!!! I'm so glad to see again! UUUhhhhhhh!!!" Touhka cried.

"Oniiiiii-Chaaaaannn!!" Kotori began to cry as she ran and hugged her brother.
All the goddesses smiled and tried to keep themselves from crying but failed. They all ran to him and hugged each other and saying how much they missed each other. Kurumi gave a small smile but was pulled into the group hug by Nia. They all break apart and grin. Touhka turns to Kimi, Caria, and Alphonse, who was were grinning like idiots. She smiled at.
"Unfortunately, Nora and her sister could not come. But, thank you, you three. You reunited me with me husband. I am forever grateful." Touhka bowed to them.

Kimi smiles. Sinbad stepped up.
"It is a pleasure to have you here Queen Touhka. I am King Sinbad, and these are my eight generals. I welcome you and the goddesses to my Kingdom." Sinbad smiles.
Touhka narrowed her eyes at him. She them looks at Kimi and back at him. She then points her index finger at him.
"So you are the one that marked Kimi! I've been trying to get her to get a boyfriend for a while! My prayers have been answered!" Touhka squeals and Kimi immediately groans.
"I told you I don't need a man to survive!" Kimi said with a angry tick mark.
Sinbad coughed, Yup.....definitely...he has to take the long way to win Kimi's hear back. The other goddesses giggle but one. It was Kurumi. She hid her smirk behind her hands. Sinbad will have a difficult time trying to get her master to remember him. As time goes by, the bullet in her heart will make the seal grow stronger, until her memories are erased completely of him. If he can make her fall in love with him by the end of year, he's lost her forever and Kimi may fall into depravity. She can extract the bullet if she wants to, but chooses not to. This will put Sinbad in the ultimate test in love. Does he truly care for Kimi, or is he just using her like in the other world she traveled to? For now, she will watch how things will turn out.

Reminding her, she wonders how the people in Kou are doing, especially Judar. The two were on bad terms when she left. The idiot magi was all like "you are MINE" to her. Acting like he owns her. To hell with it, she says. Both got in a fight and left on bad terms. She won't admit it, but she is worried about him. Plus, Judar himself is looking for her. One, because the reason they left on bad terms was because during the battle the two were having, she "accidently" cut off his ponytail, meaning, she cut off his hair. Never trust Kurumi with a staff, now he knows. And when he gets his hands on her, he'll tie her up in the darkest room, punish her for cutting his fabulous black hair, make squirm and scream his name, as he ravished her senseless. He licked his lips and had many plans of what he could do. Kurumi felt a shiver go up her spine, and swore not to go back to Kou for a long time.

As the day continued, Touhka, Shido, Kimi and Sinbad discuss what was happening in Magnostadt and reports on the organization.
"The Emperor of Kou is dead. And the new Empress is Ren Gyokuen, the witch of the Kou Empire." Touhka said coldly.
Instantly Kimi's, Caria's, and Alphonse's eyes darkened. Kimi gritted her teeth. Sinbad noticed this with the trio.
"Any information regarding of my brothers and sisters?" Kimi said as she intertwine her hands.
"Kouen won't give up in making me join him. It's getting on my nerves." Kotori huffed.

"Or you are just playing hard~" a girl with puple hair, a yellow dress sang.

"Shut it Miku!" Kotori yells.
Shido sighs and turns to Caria.
"Sorry to ask you this but and you summon Kyubey?" He asked.

Alphonse and Kimi froze and turn their heads to Caria like robots, with horrified faces. Caria gives them a crooked grin. She's never wanted them to find out that she is raising Kyubey, the alternative one of Madoka Magica. All three of them seen the anime and know what happens. This Kyubey she has, she found is as a small kitten and raised it. It's not evil....but it does have magic powers.

"You called me Caria?" Kyubey appears on her shoulder.
Kimi and Alphonse both jump back and hide behind Sharrkan and Pisti, who were closet. The others looked at them confused, to why they were afraid of a cat? A speaking one to be precise.
"This is exactly why I kept it a secret! I knew you guys were going to react like that!" Caria groans.
"CAN YOU BLAME US?!" The two yell at her.
Caria sighs. She doesn't blame them.
"Kyubey, can you sense the Rukh around Magnostadt and Kou please?" She asked her friend.
"Sure. I don't know what's going on, but I'll help in anyway I can." Kyubey said.
The rings on her it's ears glow.
"This is bad........the rukh around Magnostadt is becoming darker and with Kou.......what the........WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!?!" Kyubey yells in shock.
"What's wrong?!" Kimi yells.
"I saw that the organization summon out some weird looking thing. It was filled with black rukh. They forced this girl to turn into something terrible, but I don't know what it is!" Kyubey said panicked.
"What does it look like?!" Alphonse yells.
"Metal things all around it......Ummm....and A LANCE!" Kyubey yells.
Kimi, Alphonse, and Caria went pale.

They know EXACTLY what it is.

Everyone looked at hem worried.

Suddenly Alphonse and Caria ripped off the bracelets that were placed on them, and the trio bolted out of the castle, and out of Yamraiha's barrier, thanks to Kurumi, that secretly created a hole.

"Just what the hell is going on......."

(To be continued.......)

The nest chapter will mostly be focus on Caria. Until Next Time!

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