Unidentified Chapter 1: Sliver and History of The Spirits and the Past

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"Three, two, one! Ready or not here I come!"

Sliver watched from the bench. He watched Alibaba play with Crow and Kanna hide and seek. It's been three days since he's been saved. Kimi had to go to a diplomatic meeting and asked Alibaba of he could take care of the kids for her. He was happy to and decided to take them to the park. Sliver sighs....he wants to join but is scared. He's still getting used to this sudden change in his life. He remembers his home.

A island between the Kou Empire, Reim, and Sindria. The island was peaceful and people from all three kingdoms lived there. They believed in peace between the three kingdoms, and thus, the Island of Tri was born. Unfortunately, his family and him were on their way to visit Reim, where they were attacked by pirates. His mother and father were killed protecting him to get away. He was 6 years old. He soon was capture by slave traders, and sold the noble that was his previous master.

He was badly treated and hurt. Beaten and treated worse than a fly. He grew rage towards the world and his rukh on the verge of turning black. He walked between the light and dark. But, he chose to not kill or take anyone's life. He continued to follow his parents teachings, despite the hell he went through everyday. He remembers the times he laughed and smiled with his family. His older sister who passed away of a sickness. If she lived, she would be about 20.

Then the day he was saved. A girl with blue hair, pink eyes, gold jeweled crown, with a eye patch. She stopped his former master from hurting him, and almost killed the man. She healed him, and even fed him.

He remembers when she opened a strange whole in the air, and him Kanna and Crow go in. Of course he was afraid but, went in. There, he saw strange people. All of them had blue skin, minus the one in a orange dress, and had strange auras.
"Who is this precious little boy?! He's the same age as Prince Aladdin!" Eligos cheers as she fly's up to him.
He stepped back. Eligos was the splitting image of his deceased older sister.Vinea and Shido silently observed the new boy. For he had both black and white rukh.

The three children sat on the table and began introductions.
"Nice to meet you! I'm Crow! What's your name?!" Crow said enthusiastic and grins.
"Crow, don't be so direct. You're scaring the poor boy." Beleth said as he shook his head.
Glasya smiles and lightly nudges at Kanna.
"Nice to meet you Sliver. I'm Kanna, and this my aunty Glasya." Kanna smiled making Sliver blush.
"Ooooohhhhh, What's this? Pink rukh?" Kurumi said as she floated down near them.
Shido sighs.

Sliver didn't like the feeling Kurumi was giving off. It was something sinister. She looked down at him and sees black and white rukh. Her nose scrunches to that of disgust. But she likes the little kid. She cups his cheeks and looks into his eyes. The boy began to have tears welling up in his eyes, cause she was beginning to scare him. A small pink dust came on her cheeks and she did the unexpected.

She smiled kindly down at him like a mother.
"You remind me of my Tet. Falan's son. He was the only person I truly did care about. I've decided. I'll make you my household member." Kurumi declared boldly which sent, Eligos and Sitri into a fit.
Kurumi, Beleth, and Glasya, immediately covered the kids ears because the amount of cussing that came out was enough to send them to a hospital.
"Oh hell no! That little boy is not going to be a part of a sly, cunning bitch like you!" Sitri yells.
"I rather not him be with you two at all. Sitri is just as a womanizer as his brother and you Kurumi are a sadist! You will not taint the innocent one!" Eligos yells as her wings turn to black lighting.
"Hmp! What about you?! You and the men you like, you all them sugar daddies and your eye candy?! Who were they again, oh that's right! Spartos, Muu, Masrur, Sharrkan, Ja'far and Mistoras! I will absolutely not have you talking about them in front of Sliver!" Kurumi yells.

Well this surprised Shido greatly. Kurumi usually isn't the one to care for people or humans at all. Ever since what happened in Alma-Torran years ago, she's isolated herself completely. She fought David when he attacked their home. She did everything she could to save their friends. She watched as her friends were killed, the very child that Falan would force her to take care of, that she grew love and compassion towards the boy, and grew to see him like her own son, was burned to ashes before her very eyes. She screamed and raged towards David, so much black rukh surrounded her, she turned to her inverse form. It occurs when a Spirit is exposed to severe negative emotions. In this transformation , they undergo a radical change in appearance and emotions. This form also seems to cause a Spirit's Mana readings to go straight down into negative parameters. Shido remembers....Nia, His wife Touhka, his friend Oregami, Yoshino, and Kurumi, turned to those forms during the war against David. Each one saw something or something was done to them that turned them to that form.

Nia was forced to inverse form because her Sephira Crystal was remove. The Sephira Crystal is given to does that have proven worthy and given the power of it.  It turns a human into a Spirit, they simply need to touch it. The gem is then absorbed into the one who touched it and will turn that person into a Spirit. 

SandalphonTohka Yatogami
ZafkielKurumi Tokisaki
CamaelKotori Itsuka
Raphael - Kaguya Yamai & Yuzuru Yamai
Gabriel - Miku Izayoi
MetatronOrigami Tobiichi
RasielNia Honjou
Michael - Mukuro Hoshimiya

For they were chosen to become the protesters of their people. However......his brother......betrayed him.


He was the one responsible for his friends suffering and joined David. A cruel brutal man he was, and used various types of cruel physical, mental, emotional, and even sexual tortures that only the most twisted of individuals could think of to force his wife, and two other friends to their inverse form.  Qlipha Crystals, also the which it will turn into when Spirits enter their Inverse Form. They contain Demon Kings and serve as a Spirits' source of power while in their Inverse Form.

NahemahTohka Yatogami
Satan - Origami Tobiichi
Beelzebub - Nia Honjou 

They were forced to such a state. He can feel his brother is still alive, still trying to take and harvest the power of the spirits for his own twisted agenda. As for their friends.....

Setta used a forbidden magic, that used the last bit of his life force to save Guadalupe, his wife. Kimi's mother......
She refused to leave him, but he used his magic and put her to sleep, and forced her back to her world. She was 5 months pregnant of Kimi. And now that King Solomon brought back the girl to this world, he was happy that she is now his master. And he, As the spirit King and as her friend, will stand by her side to protect the world she loves so much.

"Muu, I suggest you shut up before I break your jaw....." Alphonse glares at his brother who was giving him a smile.
Currently, Muu was telling many childhood embarrassing moments of his younger brother to Caria, who was laughing her butt off, for revenge. Myron was snickering.
Alphonse did a side glare at his younger sister. Myron smirked and was just about to add more fire to the fuel when a brilliant idea popped up in Alphonse's head. He smirked and turned to the direction Muruko was coming from.

"Hi, Lady Muruko! So......want to hear some of my older brothers secrets?" Alphonse said cheerfully.
Muu's head snapped towards the direction. Myron, Lo'lo, and Caria, where ready to watch the drama start.
Muruko smiles warmly. She wished she could have been part of Muu's childhood.
"Sure. I don't mind. I would love to hear some." Muruko smiles warmly.
Muu was on the verge to go kill his brother when the door to Lady Scheherazade opened. Kimi came out with a sour look in her face.
"I hate politics but I'm an expert in them....bloody hell..." Kimi grumbles.
"Watch you language Kimi. If a child was present, you wouldn't want them to hear it." Myron snikers.

Kimi sighs.
"Anyway, I'm going to pick up my kids.  " she said.
The others decided to join her. Alphonse was telling Muruko Muu's embarrassing childhood moments, which was sending everyone else laughing. Muu was going to murder his brother when they get back home. On their way to the park, they were passing by many food stalls and other vendors. Something caught her eye. She stopped and walked towards it. Caria and Alphonse went with her. Kimi eyes widened. A pair of matching rings. Both had a light blue jewel. She smiled and decided to buy it.

"You usually don't buy jewelry. This a surprise." Caria said.
Alphonse nodded in agreement. Kimi just giggled. The rings looked cute and she knew the other ring she wanted to give it to someone but can't remember who. As they continue on, she spotted a familiar blonde horn. It was Alibaba. He was showing her kids a weapon stand. But she noticed something. Sliver kept staring a set of green bow and arrows sadly. She frowns. She used Kurumi's power to look into his past. His mother was from Kou and his father from Sindria. His older sister was a Archer. He's been through a lot and it will take time for him to open up.

Once she saw then leave, Kimi walked up to vendor and bought the bow and arrow set. His birthday is coming up in a few days, and she knows he wants to learn how to use one. She'll have Eligos help her out, she herself isn't a expert in archery.

"Out of curiosity, what's your guys household vessel?" Alibaba asked as all three of them were eating some rice balls for lunch.
"I thank Uncle Judar for teaching me magic. But I thank uncle Ja'far for teaching me the arts of on assassin. My household vessel are these chain scythes." Crow grins as he showed Alibaba.
Alibaba sweat drops. A little kid shouldn't have weapons like that.
"What about you Kanna?" He asked.
Kanna smiles and takes out a giant.......axe.........

Alibaba had a blank face. Just what the hell has Kimi been teaching them and who the hell taught the to use weapons that dangerous?


He immediately began to groan. For Kimi is only one that keeps calling him that. He turns around with a grin and angry tick mark, about to yell at her to get his name right, but froze when he saw two unknown people next to her.
"Yo! I wanted to introduce you to my friends. Alibaba, this is Caria and Alphonse. Caria is the Princess of Kina and Alphonse is a Prince of Reim." Kimi grins.
She also told them they are metal vessel users too.
They continued walking back to Kimi's house she bought in Reim. There everyone helped out to make dinner. For Sliver, it was a nice feeling. True he was shocked that the appearance she had when she saved him was a fake one, and the one she had is her true one. He's heard about her and the hardships she's faced from her djiins. Even Crow and Kanna were shocked. To think that their mother went through so much.

Kimi and Caria sang while cooking and Alphonse and Alibaba kept telling them to shut up. They were singing terrible on purpose just to make the boys mad.
"I came in like a wrecking Ball! I never so hard in love! All wanted to do was break your walls! HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!" Caria and Kimi burst out laughing at the boys faces.
Alphonse gags, he's not a fan of that song at all.
"Just stop, please!" Alibaba said.
Then Caria smirked.
"Then you sing Alibaba!" Caria grins.

"Hell no!" Alibaba said.
"Do it or I'll tell everyone about that one time Morgiana walked in on you. The poor soul." Kimi grins.
"Who told you that?!" Alibaba yells.
"We got our connections~" Caria and Kimi sang.

"Fine!" He huffed.
Unknown to him, Alphonse had a eye of Rukh with him and was recording him. Kimi grins, she'll definitely use it for black mail. Alibaba took a deep breath and begins.

No matter what I did or where I went
Escaping was all I had in mind
Though I knew that there are things I must do
I always lost confidence at the end

Our mysterious encounter lead me
To feel like I could do anything

Forging ahead, forging ahead so that my path may be bright
You keep encouraging me
Though the goal may be far ahead
I want to fulfil the promise we made that day

Something feels different, something seems different
I lost my way and kept deceiving myself
Only now do I understand
That I let everything slide with a stupid smile

The time I spent with someone as honest as you
Is irreplaceable and gives me confidence and strength

Forging ahead, forging ahead, fearlessly taking one step forward
It’s all right, it’s all right, you keep assuring me
Though the progress is slow
I will overcome that day and change myself

Even if we’re separated by destiny
We share the same thought
That this is not the time to stand still!

Forging ahead, forging ahead without fear nor hesitation
Along with strength even more certain that before
Though the goal may be far ahead
I want to strive for the world I believed in that day


Everyone stared at him. They never knew he had a nice voice. Yup.....
A grin spread on the trios face.
"I got it all recorded. Wonder how Morgiana and Aladdin will react watching this?" Alphonse grins while Alibaba has a face of horrified.

"Send it to them!" Caria yells.

"NOOOOOOO!!" Alibaba screams and charged at Alphonse but Kimi and Caria jumped and held him down.
Alphonse used Stolas, ready to send them to locations Aladdin and Morgiana are at. Alibaba kept begging not to send it while the girls held him down. Crow and Kanna were laughing while Sliver was shaking, trying to laugh.
"And it's sent!" Alphonse yells.
"NOOOOOOO!! How could you!" Alibaba cried.
The trio grinned at him just like when Hakuryuu, Aladdin, and Morgiana made fun of him to scare him when they left Sindria. Ah, what fun.

Yup.....definitely gonna use it for black mail.


Sliver couldn't hold it in anymore and burst out laughing. He had tears falling from his eyes, and holding his stomach. The others stopped, and looked over at him. He was laughing. A smile came onto everyone's faces and they couldn't help but laugh along with him. Kimi smiled. It has been a long time since he has laughed Like that. Last time, it was the day dinner with his family. Kimi walked over to him and bent down to his level. Alibaba had Alphonse in a choke hold, for even if he was getting choked, he was grinning like an idiot.

"You finally smiled!" Kimi grins at him.
Sliver couldn't help but laugh. He was happy to be with his new family and free.

- 1 month later -

Kimi, Caria, Alibaba, Alphonse, Kanna and Crow, slowly walked up stairs to Sliver's room. Kimi held a cake in her hands, while the others had gifts. They slowly open his door, and go in. Kimi lightly shakes him, and Sliver wakes up, and smiles when he sees its Kimi.
"Happy Birthday Sliver." Kimi grins.

These are the dawns

That King David sang about

Today because it is your saint’s day

We are singing to you here

Wake up my dear, wake up

See that already dawn has come

And the little birds are singing

The moon has already set


How pretty is the morning

In which I come to greet you

We all come with joy

And pleasure to congratulate you!

On the day that you were born

All the flowers were born

And in the baptismal font

The nightingales sang


Already dawn is arriving

Now it has given us the light of day.

Get up this morning

See what dawn has now brought


(I would like to be a little ray of sunlight

To enter through your window

And greet you with Good Morning

Lying in your bed)


Of the stars in the heavens

I have to bring down two

One is to greet you

And the other is to say good-bye


Four doves flew

From all the towns

Today because it is your saint's day

We want to congratulate you


(I would like to be a St. John

I would like to be a St. Peter

To come to greet you

With the music of heaven)


With jasmine and flowers

Today I come to greet you

Today because it is your saint’s day

We come to sing to you.

(A/n: This song is called Las mañanitas)

Everyone began singing to him. Kimi taught Alibaba, Crow, and Kanna a birthday song from her old world. She smiles began to panic when she saw him begin to cry, he grins at her.
"Thank you everyone!" Sliver grins and pounces at them for a group hug.
Kimi through the cake in the air, and used her power to catch with the shadows.

Kimi grins as they watch him open his presents. Alibaba gave him a pair of earrings, similar to his and Kassim's, but color blue. Caria gave him a box of sweets, which immediately Kimi put a limit. She will not have her kids get fat like Aladdin and Alibaba did in Sindria. Sliver pouted but understood. Alphonse got him a baby eagle. He himself, has a hawk named Dagger. It was on his shoulder and nuzzled to his cheek and chirped happily as it saw the baby eagle. Sliver decided to name it Blacke. Crow and Kanna began to whine how come they didn't get a pet on their birthdays. But Alphonse grins and takes out two more creatures, a baby crow and a baby white dragon, which cause Caria and Kimi to choke on air and Alibaba to make fun of them because they were chocking. It was Slica's dragon from SAO. Kimi sighs but smiles.

Crow and Kanna worked together and made him a scarf and blanket. And finally it was Kimi's turn. She summon out a green wooden box, and placed it on his bed. Everyone looked at her confused and she smiles and placed her finger on her lips. Sliver walked up and opens it. His jaw hanged. It was the Jade emerald bow and arrows he wanted. He was sad when he found out it was bought. He turned back to Kimi, where's smiling warmly at him.
"Happy Birthday Sliver!" She hugged him.
Tears fell from his eyes, and he hugged her back repeating thank you over and over again. Kimi's warmth, it was like his mother's. To the new friends he made, and now part of her family, he was happy to be part of a family again, and he bowed to protect them, and to stay by their side.

- 2 weeks later -

"Nice shot! Eligos is happy!" Eligos cheers as she watched Sliver hit near the red target.

Kimi watched from her eye of rukh because she was at a diplomatic meeting. She really wish she could be with her kids. Alphonse and Caria were watching over Kanna and Crow.
She summon out Eligos to help Sliver with his training today.

Back with Eligos and Sliver, the two were taking a break. She was telling him stories of the adventures she had when she traveled with King Sinbad and his household. When she first met them, and the man she feel in love with, Mistoras.
"You innocence reminds me of my son and my husband that passed on." Eligos giggled and Sliver looked her shocked.
"You're a mom?!" He yells.
She nodded.
"I was pregnant when his father passed away......the destruction of the first Kingdom of Sindria........he looks like a mini blonde version of his dad. I have him living in Heliohapt. I go vist him, three times a month. But.....you might meet him soon." She smiles.
"How old is he?" Sliver asked.
"14 years old. I raised him in my dungeon for 10 years. Time runs differently in dungeons. Four years ago, I let him explore the world. And like I said. You might meet him soon." Eligos giggled.

"What's his name?"


- Heliohapt -

A boy with short blonde hair, green eyes, blue sliver armor, a turban wrapped around his head with a red jewel and feather. He looked up a Ka Koubun with determination in his eyes. Ka Koubun had a blank face as he looked down at the boy. Suddenly the boys got on his knees.
"Please make your apprentice!" The boy bowed.
"No." Ka Koubun bluntly said.
"Please!?! I want to learn medicine! I know I don't look like much but please!?" The boy kept asking.

Ka Koubun sighs. He'll have to ask his queen about this. During his stay in Heliohapt, he's trained in medicine with the Carmen clan. He's learned so much and his knowledge in medicine had expanded. He now knows how to properly use his household vessel. But he also learned information on the organization. He wasn't happy about it. Plus, the boy troubles him. He looked like the Sasan knight in Sindria, except this one is a dork while the other one is serious.

He sighs once again and let's the boy come in the his small clinic. He had him sit down.

"What's your name?"

"I'm Kane! Nice to meet you Mr. Ka Koubun!"

(To be continued.........)

The next unidentified chapter will take place during Ka Koubun's time in Heliohapt and the a new character is introduced! Until next time!

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