Unidentified Chapter 2: Rivalry Among Friends

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Ka Koubun stared shocked at the boy. He wanted to test Kane in his knowledge in medicine. He was surprised his specializes in poisons. What's more, the boy has never been to Sasan. Kane said his mother gave him the armor. That it was an armor his father wore in the country he was born from. And the reason he specializes in poisons is because the Rukh of a woman named Seredine taught him. From what Ka Koubun has learned, Kane's mother is a magician that uses life magic, and able to call the Rukh when she needs to. She asked the Rukh of Seredine to teach her son.

Kane grins goofly at Ka Koubun. He remembers his master, Seredine's teachings. Thought the woman showed no mercy at him when it came to teaching, she still cared for him.

"I'll be honest, I'm impressed by your knowledge, but that doesn't confirm anything." Ka Koubun sighs.
Kane pouted but won't give up. He'll definitely show that cocky little bastard that he can do better in medicine and doesn't need magic to help people, even if he isn't a magician.
"I need to speak to my queen first."  He said and heads towards the soccer ball size eye of rukh.
He pours some of his magoi and here's it ringing.

"One moment!" Kimi's voice rang.
Kane walked and stood next to Ka Koubun, confused.
Ka Koubun's jaw hanged when he saw Kimi. Her hair was a complete mess with sticks and leaves, and there was mud on her clothing and face. And in the background you can hear Alibaba yelling in victory that he beat Caria in poker. And Alphonse making fun of Caria.
"Your Highness! Why are you like that?!" He yells.
"Sorry! I'm training near the forest. I was looking for some water and accidently fell into the lake. Haha..." Kimi laughed nervously.
"Sigh......I'm glad you are alright, but please be more careful next time. And changing the subject, this boy here----!!!" He was interrupted when Kane all of a sudden spoke up.
"Are you THE Ren Kougyoku, also known as Kimi?! My mom talks about you a lot! And you really are pretty!" Kane said excited.
His mother would always talk about her queen. A rouge Spirit she is and a strong one. She described all her appearance. Kimi blushed.
"T-Thank you? Ummmm.....who are you?" Kimi asked.

Honestly she almost had a heart attack when she saw him. He's a blonde version of Mistoras.
"My name is Kane Leoxses!  I want to learn medicine, since I know a lot about poisons. So I asked Mr. Ka Koubun if he could make me his apprentice. But so far.....he's said no.
Haha....." Kane scratched the back of his head as he laughed nervously.
Kimi stayed silent. His last name.......

"You're last name is......Leoxses......By any chance....gulp...are you related to someone by the name of....Mistoras?" Kimi said.
In the background, Alphonse and Caria ran and stood next to Kimi, the minute they heard her ask that question.
"You knew my dad?" Kane said.
"DAD?!" The trio yells shocked.
"WHO'S YOUR MOM?!" Alphonse yells.
"Pirpirika.....It's got to be Pirpirika.." Caria said.
"Since when the hell does Pirpirika have blonde hair?!" Kimi yells to her and the trio began arguing among each other.

Alibaba sweats drops watching and decided to take the kids out to a walk.
"Wait....you said your mother knows me and I am her master.......please tell me who she is." Kimi said once she made her friends shut up.
"My mom's name is Eligos. She's a djiin." Kane said.
And Kimi passed out from shock, and the eye of rukh turns off. Ka Koubun swear drops and turns to Kane.
"Alright, you maybe my apprentice. But you are going to have to train with the Camren Clan first, understood?" He said and Kane nodded.

Both leave his clinic, and to a mansion. As they walked there, Kane was covering his eyes because the women in Heliohapt, their tradition is topless. He was a blushing mess. Ka Koubun cackled inwardly as he was thinking of a way to mess with the boy. They finally arrived at the mansion and Kane eyes suddenly went cold, as he out of nowhere stabbed his lance to the ground and it turned to a shield, protecting both from a wind attack. Ka Koubun was completely caught of guard by this.

"Sup Kane! Looks like you actually manged to protect yourself from my attack this time."

Kane's shield turned back to a lance and he narrowed his eyes at the one responsible for the attack.


"Porcupine, it's been awhile." Kane smirked.
Sphintus frowns then smirks at him. Both get in a battle position.....and charge at each other. Each one dodging and attacking each other until...

"Household Vessel, Vinea Kiatara!"

A large water dragon suddenly appears between the boys, making them both jump back. They turn around and see Ka Koubun's green fan glowing and a water dragon coming from it. It return to him.
"Unless both of you want to meet my furry I suggest you both cut it out this instant." Ka Koubun said coldly.
Both boys nodded their heads rapidly.
Ka Koubun sighs and heads towards the mansion, leaving the two boys behind him. The two boys walked in silence as they went in. Sphintus grandmother welcome Ka Koubun and she and him needed to discuss some important manners.
"What are you doing here in Heliophat anyway? Shouldn't you be back at your school?" Kane said as they sat down on the sofas.
Sphintus sat across him.
"Its vacation right now. We got the week off. Wanted to see my family. Honestly, never thought you actually want to study medicine." Sphintus said as he took a puff of his pipe.
Kane sighs.
"I'm doing it for my mom and myself. I want to be able to save lives......I can do it without magic." Kane said as he looked at the ring he wore on his neck.
It was his father's ring. His mother gave it to his dad on their first anniversary. He never met his father, because he passed away. All he knows it was during a war and his mother harbors deep hatred to one's that caused the war.
Sphintus sighs and gives him a small smile.
"We may be rivals but your still my friend. I can help you but on one condition...." Sphintus said with a smirk.
"And what would that be?" Kane said.
"Will you hear my great story to why I left?" He said.
Kane sighs.
"Fine....." He said.
Sphintus had wanting someone to hear him Aladdin keeps falling asleep every single damn time and Nora just groans and walks away.

"I hear a thousand times already!"

He was shocked when she said that to him. As he began....
"DON'T FALL ASLEEP ON ME!!" He yelled at Kane who fell asleep.

The bubble that Kane was blowing when he fell asleep pops when Sphintus shook him.
"By the way, Aladdin keeps talking about his older sister. Kimi or Kougyoku her name was....I think? She's on the run. The Kou Empire declared the 8th princess a traitor. I wonder why?" Sphintus said as he sat back down and munched on a cookie.
Kane stiffened. His mother explained to him why her queen was on the run.

" I see.....so the witch is now empress...." Kimi said as she was talking to Ka Koubun using the rukh.
"I'm sorry princess.....but what I said and also able to gather....I don't think your going to be happy about this. Recently a black djiin attacked Heliophat and the King,
Armakan Amun-Ra, fought it. I was able to sneak into the palace and mange to steal one of the fragments of the dark metal vessel that was recovered." He said.
Caria, Alphonse and Alibaba were also present. She wanted them to be informed.
"I honestly want to get rid of it. I don't like the feeling it's giving off, and my household vessel wants to kill it." Ka Koubun said as he saw his fan admiring a aura of anger towards the fragment of a what was once a sword.
The other three stayed silent as they all looked at the broken shard. Kimi then takes out a black fan.

"Where the hell did you get that?!" Alphonse said.
"I went to the black market and bought it. Never would of thought they be selling a black metal vessel, but I got it for a good reason. I wanted to see if it can be purified. But looks like its not possible. So I'm keeping it for now. I'll admit, the power of the dark side is fun sometimes." Kimi said as she lightly laughs at the Star Wars reference she said.
Caria rolled her eyes and turns back to Ka Koubun.
"Dispose of it. We'll keep on eye out here." Caria said.
Alibaba looked over at Kimi, who was in deep thought. He then looked back at the fan on the table. Memories of Cassim coming back to him. Kimi was thinking about what Eligos told her.

A djiin is forbidden to leave their dungeon until it is conquer. She committed that taboo not only that, she didn't choose a king at all. Sinbad was worthy of her but she saw him boring. That's why she didn't chose him. She was tired of being in the dungeon and chose to break the rule. She turned herself to a human even if it was temporary. Her human body she made would have last her 6 years. Mistoras died in the destruction of Sindria in her arms.....

"I....don't care...if you're human...or a djiin.......I know.....you erased my memories.....to...protect me......
But.....no Matter what.....I still love you.......Eligos.......
I wish I could still lived longer.....and be there when you give birth to our child........I wish I could of spend more time with you.........
Eligos.....no matter what....I'll always be by your side......I love you.....Eligos....please....live....."

Those were Mistoras final words.....
Eligos showed her memories to her and Kimi cried......

Kimi turn back to the eye of rukh and saw Sphintus and Kane getting scolded by Ka Koubun because the two got into a fight again.
"Ka Koubun, I want to speak with both Kane and Sphintus." She said and the others looked at her confused.
"There will be many hardships in the future you two. And many difficult decisions. I trust you both will do your hardest and get stronger. Kane, train with Ka Koubun and I know you can do it. Sphintus you two. Please tell my brother, Aladdin thank you and that we will see each other soon. And Ka Koubun, thank you for everything. It's almost time. I'll see you all in 4 months. Good luck and may the Rukh guide you." Kimi smiled at them warmly.

Kane looked at her stunned. He smiles and brings his fist to his chest.
"I swear to you and my mother for when we meet in person, I'll be stronger. I hope to serve you and won't let you down Lady Kougyoku! I swear. I know I only known you for a little while, but I can you really are a kind person and put others first before yourself. And I thank also Mr. Ka Koubun for letting me be his apprentice. And this idiot porcupine for teaching me a little bit about medicine." Kane grins.
Ka Koubun smiles and ruffles his hair. Sphintus glares at Kane and gets him in a head lock.
"Who the hell are you calling a porcupine, blondy!!??" Sphintus said.
Kane was turning blue and Ka Koubun separates them.

Kimi smiles, she's glad to have friends like them. And she knows they'll all grow stronger and that their paths will cross again soon.

As the months went by, Kane trained under Ka Koubun and the Carmen clan. He learned so much about medicine and about antidotes to different poisons. Sphintus had to return to Magnostadt but promise to give Kimi's message to Aladdin.

- 4 Months Later -

"Kane wake up!" Ka Koubun shook Kane's shoulder.
The boy was asleep and waved him off. He then kicked him off the bed.
"What the heck master?!" Kane groans.
He was in his undershirt and boxers. He looked out the window and saw it was the middle of the night.
"Pack everything of yours. We're leaving Heliohapt. Word reached the king of Sindria is also hunting down Kougyoku's household. That means me. You don't have to com------!!!" Ka Koubun didn't finish.
"No way am I staying behind! You and Kimi done so much for me, you helped me out in so many ways. I'm going with you!" Kane said.
Ka Koubun looked at him shocked but nods. They packed everything and burned all evidence that they were there. They went through an underground tunnel that took them outside of Heliohapt. When they now gone, they continued their way to Reim. On their way, they ran into The Magi Yunan and Morgiana.

"Kimi and the others are no longer in Reim. They are in Zora's domain. We are heading there. I have business with the Prince. You may come with us." Yunan said.
For the next few days, the were now heading to their new destination.

"Your highness, I hope you are alright..."

(To be continued....)

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