Chapter 18: War of Emotions: Part 1

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"Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!" Kimi yells as she charged at Kougyoku.
Kougyoku dodged to the left and smirked. She was in Vinea's djiin equip.
"Come on Kimi! Is that the best you can do?!" She mocked and in a flash, Sheba appeared behind Kimi.
Kimi barley had time to activate her borg when Sheba swung her staff at her, and sent her flying to the cliff.

"Is that the best you got?! Use the wind around you! Summon Beleth!" Sheba yells as she watched Kimi try stop herself.

"Spirit of the Four Winds and Equality, gather the winds and tears of the North, South, East and West! Give me control of the sky's and bring judgment to the wicked that disturb the balance of the four winds!! Beleth!!!!" Kimi yells.

The winds began to pick up and surrounded her, her eyes became red, black wings coming from her back, red wooden shoes and rose petals kimono. A red feather fanning her hands.

Her wings spread apart sending a powerful wind gust, making both Sheba and Kougyoku back away. Sheba grins at her proudly.
"Nice job Kimi! You mastered Beleth!" Kougyoku grins.
Kimi smiled and sighs. She then swung her fan at them, and a huge tornado form, perhaps a bit too big.
"Over do, OVER DO!!!" Sheba screamed and all three made a run for it.
Sheba then slashed it in half, making it stop.

- Kimi POV -

All three of us sat on the ground with leaves and twigs in out hair and clothing. It's been a week since we arrived at Zora's domain. I've been training my ass of with my merciless teachers. Sayaka is now Caria's household member. I've also been training with Kane. He's awaken his household. It's Eligos, and Sitri and Kurumi are throwing fits again. I already had to stop three fights. I finally mastered Beleth and Shido.
But damn....

Suddenly Sheba stood up. She looked towards the horizon. Her eyes narrowed.
"Why was his dungeon raised out of all people?" She groans.
I raised an eye brow at her, and so did Kougyoku.
"Sheba, what happened?" Kougyoku asked.
"Scratch that! Who the hell raised three more dungeons?!" Sheba flew towards one and we flowed behind her.
I chose not djiin equip, so I used floating magic and flew after her. Kougyoku is a spirit, so she can fly freely. We stopped in front of one. The dungeon looked like a Egyptian one, covered with gems and mirrors.
"soooooo.....are we going in?" I asked.
I hear Sheba cussing out so many words towards the one responsible. Solomon then appears, trying to calm down his raging wife. Good luck with that my King. A raging wife is one NO ONE ever wants to meet.


And me and Kougyoku sweat drop and we slowly backed away, dashed. Leaving poor Solomon to calm down Sheba.


And the both of us burst out laughing when we heard Solomon yell at us furiously for ditching him. Kougyoku smiles and said goodbye as I went back to where the others are. Caria and Alphonse can over to me.
"Did you see that!? Three dungeons got raised! I call dibs on the Greek looking one!" Caria said cheers.
"I already called dibs on the Egyptian one just to let you know." I said and Alphonse huffed.
"Fine.........I'll take the Aztec temple one...." Alphonse groans.

"None of you are going into those dungeons."

We turn around and see it was Sidon. He sighs.
"Why not?" I asked.
He sighs and takes out a sheikah slate.
"The dungeons belong to powerful djiins that hate humans. They have their own will and control their dungeons. So they can raised them and make them disappear when ever they want. What's more, they only let powerful people in. Well, more like they drag them in. (Turns to me) Kimi, you were near Vual, Spirit of Reflections and Friendships. I'm surprised you weren't dragged in. He must be looking down at you." Sidon said as he moved onto Caria.
"The one you want to go to is Murmur, Spirit of The Fallen and Truths. His power allows him to speak to those that have passed away. And last but not least, Decarabia, Spirit of Shape-shifting and Earth. And by the name, I'm sure you can already tell what her power is." Sidon finished explaining as he gave each of us a sheikah slate.
It took everything in Alphonse not to explode from excitement. Mifa already gave me one, but I'll keep quite because I want to take it apart and study it. I can make a blue print of all the parts and how to build it. Back in Kou, I have a secret room filled with scrolls, books, drawings and many devices been re-inventing from my world. I absorbed things like a sponge.

Back in my old world, when I went to depression after my mother died, books were my escape. For hours and hours each day, I would stay at the public library, reading and reading books, articles, and magazines. I would always look at blue prints of different inventions from the past. Blue prints of modern technology, from phones to computers, tablets, and more. My mind remembering from the tiniest details, to each detail of every single book I read. Book on math, medicine, art, and more. Book on survival, weapons, everything.
It was the same back in Kou. I would spend just the same amount, if not more than Kouen and Koumei in the library reading. From war tactics to the the unknown. I found that in my room, there is a secret hidden door that leads to a completely unknown area of the palace grounds. Not even Gyokuen knows about it. That secret area, was filled with books that I wrote. That Secret room in Kou I have hidden, only Hakuryuu and Judar know about it. They never been inside, cause I forbid them.

We packed all our belongings, ready to head out. It'll take two day to get to Magnostadt. Hopefully we make it on time. It's been so long since I seen my family. I wonder how Kouha will react when he sees how much I changed. My hair no longer long but short.....Yup....definitely going to throw a tantrum. I can already see it. And I wonder how Aladdin is? I hope Nora is taking care of him. What about Titus and the others....?

How will Muu and Lady Scheherazade react when they see me? Ggggoooooodddddd.......I don't even want to think about it.....
Worse would be Sinbad and the Seven Sea's Alliance.....

Pray tell, pray tell, what madness have I gotten into.
For the heavens look down at me with glaring eyes, for while I walk freely in this earth....

God I'm going Shakespeare now...

"How do you think the others will react when we appear out of nowhere?" Morgiana said as us girls sat on my magic carpet.
I have the boys on my other one. Yunan is flying next to us. He sighs and looks over at us.
"I recommend having you guys go head first. Me and Morgiana need to stay behind, waiting for the seven sea's alliance. Be careful. I'll teleport you guys to the nearest place." Yunan said and we nodded.
Me, Caria, and Alphonse stood up and turn to the others.
"Listen up! All of you will head to the city of Magnostadt and rescue and defend as many citizens as you can! Ka Koubun will be in charge of healing the wounded. Crow, you will fight off from the sky! Kanna, Sayaka, and Kane will be on the ground. All of you will fight the black djiins! THIS IS WAR!! FIGHT WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH AND MIGHT!! FIGHT FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN!!" I yelled as I fist my right hand to the sky.

Everyone nodded with a serious face. I turned to Yunan and nodded.
"Be careful guys!" Morgiana smiles and we gave good bye.

We were teleported right above the city. Black Djiins barley making there way to the east area. That's where Kouha is. I set out households down and they began to tell the magicians that a enemy is coming and stared to help evacuating people. I djiin equip to Sitri, and Caria and Alphonse to theirs. Kouen and Kouha won't recognize me. Gooooooddddd.....En-ni is going to have my head.

We flew towards the horizon and saw Alibaba already speaking with Kouen.
We heard a roar and all three of us turned and slashed three djiins away. The others looked up to us and their eyes widened.
"Kimi!" Aladdin yells.
He is accompanied by a girl with pure white hair, a white school uniform. Next to her is a girl that looks just like her, the difference is her hair is black with gold tips.

All three of them flew up towards us.
"Sis!" Aladdin jumped at my chest.
"Aladdin, Marina, Maria!" Me and Caria squeal and hug all three of them.
Apparently, Caria met Aladdin when he first came to this world. However, their first meeting was terrible. But I will tell you guys on another day. Maria is the one with white hair and Marina is the one with black hair. They are the twin goddesses of Magnostadt and Nora is their mother. Reminding me....

"Where's your mother?" I said.
All three of them pointed to the direction of Sindria. Ah Shit......
"By the way, don't tell Kouen and Kouha that it's me. I want them to figure it out themselves. Same with Alibaba. He's never seen me in Sitri djiin equip." I giggled.
Alphonse sighs and made half his dragon mask open. His pink eyes, red now.
"You know, I wonder how he will react when he sees Vinea?" He said.


All of us land down and we still remain in our djiin equips. We walked towards them. Everyone else looked at us with narrowed eyes, even Alibaba. I blink and walk up to Kouha. He stiffened. I made butterfly wings grow and they touch him like Phenex's wings. He glowed orange and his magoi and wounds are healed completely. He looked at me shocked and I smile.
"Pinky it's been awhile." I smile sadly.
Kouha looked at me confused and his eyes slowly widened to realization.
"K-Kougyoku?" He stuttered.
I felt everyones eyes on me. I undjiin equip. I really did change a lot these past 7 months. My left eye a djiin vessel, my once long hair now short to my ears with long side bangs. Currently I have it in a mini pony tail. My once pink kimono I would wear, now a red gold one with armor plates, and armor boots. I have a dagger on the right side of my waist, my gun on the left, a blue chocker, my hair pin holding up my pony tail. My anklet on my left leg, and king Solomon's crown on my forehead, with the seven deadly sin markings all on my left arm.
"The one and only." I said.



"IT'S BEEN NEARLY HALF A YEAR AND THAT'S THE FIRST THING YOU TELL ME?!?" I yelled as he held the bump on his head.
I am then pounced on my Rei-Rei, Jun-Jun, and Jin-Jin all pounce and hug me.
"Princesss!" They cried.
I wanted to cry so much but not now.

Suddenly the sky turned black. Aladdin turned around to Kouen
"Old man Kouen!" Aladdin yells and me, Caria, and Alphonse had to try and keep ourselves from laughing.
"Send back your Soldiers, I beg you!" Aladdin said.
"It won't matter if the people here are from Reim or Kou! If humans continue to fight here they will all die! Go back to your homelands!" The twins said.

"Prince Kouen! Don't bother-----!!!" Seishu Ri didn't get to finish.


Kouen immediately got a angry tick mark and he didn't even have to turn around to know who it was. Kotori landed behind him. She sent her retainers to the city to help the others.
"There is no time to explain! The djiins will tell you! Aladdin!" Kotori yells and he pointed his staff at your metal vessels and all our djiins came out.

I saw Foras and Stolas.......
Foras was angle with metallic wings,

And Stolas is a dragon.

They then turn to me, Caria and Alphonse. We stiffened when they bowed not just to us but to Aladdin. Kotori and the twins bowed to them.
"Our kings...,You have to close the dark spot. Otherwise this world will be annihilated." Amon said as he turned towards Magnostadt.
"In the far western skies a giant hole has been opened. From there the incarnation of evil will descend on us... Anything that its hands touch will have their white Rukh stolen and erased. Menfolk, animals, plants... even light and sound will die out, nothing will move, and in its wake would be a black sun, shining down on a world without life." He said.
All the djiins narrowed their eyes at it. A shiver went up my spine, and I suddenly felt a sharp pain go through my head. I held one hand on my head for support, but this didn't go unnoticed by Kouha or the others.
Leraje leaned forward, black tears running down her cheeks. Kurumi stepped forward and glare down.
"Don't let the world die, guys, or else it will be the same as Alma Toran!" Both yelled desperately.
"It is because of you humans and your different beliefs that caused the black sun to be born again. Unless you want to live what we have witness like back in Alma Torran, I suggest you all begin to get along. Kotori, why didn't you tell him anything yet?" Kurumi said with an ice cold tone that sent shivers to everyones spines.
"Leraje, Kurumi. That is enough." Astaroth cut off their words.
"That's a taboo. The humans of this world shouldn't even know of the existence of the other world." He said but his face turned to confusion when he Eligos snickering along with Foras.
"The story of Alma-Torran is well know in my queens world. A seer has written down the history of this world and had shared it in their world. Besides, you should see the troubles our queens have caused." Eligos grins mischievously.
"All hail the Multiverse theory," Sitri and Beleth said.
I face palm.
"The Medium?" Alibaba asked.
"The incarnation of evil, a high order being from another dimension that is originally not supposed to exist in our world," Amon explained.
"And the trigger to bring it into our world is the Medium, a crystallized body of an unbelievable amount of depraved Rukh and magoi." Amon said,
"Al-Thamen wants this to happen and thus they cause the abnormalities in the world," Shido finished.
"Children just destroy the Medium, then the hole in the sky will disappear. Granted, it will not be easy but we have to stall time until allies come. And also till the rest of the goddesses have come."  Vinea said as she flew down to me.
"Even with Solomon's proxy, the seers, and the goddesses here, it will be a difficult battle." Amon said.
The rest of us looked down and clenched our fist.
We nodded slowly then turned around when Kouen spoke up.
"What is this abut Solomon's proxy, I have heard about the seers, is it possible that this other world is King Solomon's destroyed world?" Kouen said.
Aladdin and the goddesses blinked surprised at him.
"Are you familiar with Alma Toran, uncle?" Aladdin said.
Shit............I'm slowly backing away with Caria and Alphonse.
Aladdin yelped when Kouen grabbed the front his magicians robes and lifted him  into the air, growling
"Tell me everything. Right now!" Kouen yells
"Lord Kouen, don't be so rude towards the Magis!" yelped his three djinn, panicking for the sake of the boy.
"LET GO OF PRINCE ALADDIN OR WE'LL KILL YOU!" Eligos and Foras yelled.
"No, you can't attack our king, he might hurt the Magi!" Agares yells and he and the other djiins try to hold back mine.
"It hurts already!" Aladdin yells as Kotori walked up to Kouen.
Jun-Jun, Rei-Rei, and Gin-Gin, quickly surrounded me, Caria and Alphonse, keeping us from running.
"I want to know your story. The truth. Out with it." Kouen growled.
"Kouen, let go of Aladdin, or I will tell everyone your most embarrassing moment in your life." Kotori said but he ignores her.
"That's right!" Aladdin yelled and glared back at the taller man.
"If you sent back your soldiers and help us destroy the medium I'll tell you everything!" Aladdin yells and Kurumi sighs.
"And that includes the forgotten history also." Marina giggled.
"WHAT?!"  All the djiins yelled while Shido and Stolas sigh.
"A-are you sure about that, Magi?" Leraje questioned nervously Amon nodded in agreement.
"If we tell them about Alma Toran the normal flow of destiny created by King Solomon will..." Amon panicked.
"The normal flow of fate doesn't exist anymore. The flow of fate has been changed. It has been define. My queen will not bow down to fate!" Kurumi snikers and Kouen's, Alibaba's, and Kouha's djiins look at her shocked.
"We are in an extreme situation already. We can't worry about that any more." Aladdin said.
"Alphonse, Caria and Kimi. You three will learn about your true origins and where you truly come from. All three of you are originally from this world. But that will be revealed in the future. For now, help and destroy the black son children." Vinea said.
The three of us looked at her shocked.

- 3rd POV -

"Lady Gyokuen, we can not see the Magi and all of the Kou Empire's metal vessel users have disappeared." One of the men from Al-Thamen said.
Gyokuen stood up from her throne and had a blank face.
"All of them? ........Hakuryuu...." she began to walk down to the rail and grins at the blacken sky, "Be That as it may, let us burn the arrival of the new world into our gaze." She grins at the sky but then.....

She gasped all of a sudden.
"A-Alphonse....Saito....?" And tears began to fall from her eyes.
"Haha....haha....AAAAHHAHAHA!!!" She began to laugh and clasp her hands together in a prayer.
"Our father has brought us back the three most powerful priests of Alma-Toran back! Caria, priestess of the Sun! My son, Priest of the Moon! And last but not least...." she began to gem wickedly at Kimi's rukh, "Kimigakiri, or Ren Kougyoku, Priestess of The Solar and Lunar Eclipse!! YOU THREE, WHO ARE ALREADY FALLEN HALFWAY TO DEPRAVITY, WILL FALL AND DESTROY THIS WORLD!!!" Arba laughed.

In the city of Magnostadt, The trios households were fighting the black djiins. Ka Koubun was healing as many of the wounded. Kane and Sayaka were helping evacuate people and Sliver was shooting down djiins. Kanna and Crow were fighting in the sky.

"Hyaaaaa!" Sayaka yells as she cut down another djiin.
One was about to get her from behind but....


Gun shots were fires. She turns around and sees the djiin about to attack filled with hole.

"Listen chick, you gotta pay more attention around your surroundings or else you're gonna end up loosing your head at this rate."

She turns around and sees a figure jump down. A boy that has pale skin, short red hair, and pale sharp eyes that appear as either mercury or gold in color. Behind his usual innocent-looking smiling face hides a torturous and rather sadistic personality. He has a slender build and has also been shown to have exceptionally sharp canine teeth. He wears a black blazer with a white shirt and gray pants. One gun on each hand.

Sayaka couldn't help but stare. He smirked at her and suddenly shoots at her, but it didn't hit her, it hit another djiin behind her.
"Like I said...." he grins as puts his aims behind him without turning around, "pay attention to your surroundings." His bullet hit the djiin head on.
"Who are you?" She asked.
The boy grins.
"That's for me to know and for you to find out. Now if you excuse me, I got to refill on more magic bullets." He said and walked away.
Sayaka couldn't help but stare to where he left.

"I hope to meet you again one day, whoever you are...."

With Kane, he just saved a girl.

"Thank you so much!"

"Ni, Ni!"

His mouth opened and closed like a fish. A girl that has straight, shoulder length platinum-blond hair green eyes, and fair skin. Her hair occasionally curls at the ends, and she is usually seen with a clip or headband in it.  She wears a brightly colored kimonos with equally colorful haori. On her shoulder, a baby green man.

"Thank you so m------!!! You're injured!" The girl shrieked when she saw his hand bleeding.
Kane looks down.
"Oh!(hides hand) don't worry about it!" He grins.
She takes out a paper with markings on it and grabs is hand. She placed it on it and before he can protest, it glowed green and healed him. He looked over shocked.
"I'm a doctor, so take me to any wounded. You protect while I heal!" She said and he nodded.
Both then took off and began to do just that.

A boy with slick black hair and brown eyes, light pale skin. He wears black pants with a black belt that had a large silver buckle, a black V-necked shirt that was worn underneath a black trench-coat with gray lining going down the sleeves, and black boots with silver plates to protect his shins. He has a silver plate worn on on the left side of his coat, and a pair of black fingerless gloves. He wears a strap that went over his right shoulder and under it to wrap around his left side. In each hand, he held a sword. His right one a blue one, and left one a black one.

He panted hard as he was surrounded by black djiins. He gritted his teeth.
"RAAAAHHHH!!" He yells as he sent his magoi to his sword and destroyed 4 djiins.
"I'll make you black djiins pay for what you did to Asuna and Yui! I'll make you pay for taking their lives you son of a bitches!!!" He yells.
Suddenly a bolder fell and about to crush him. He closed his eyes. Finally, he can join his wife and daughter in the after life.


His eyes shot open as a male voice yells his name. He fell to the ground and saw glowing blue lights all over.

"Don't always try to be the hero."

Kirito looked up and saw a sliver dragon, that used it's body to save him.

"Why did you save me.....I could have finally been with them...I could of finally been with my family...." Kirito said as the dragon got off of him.

His eyes widened when he saw it turn to a man. Alphonse looked over at him, and slapped him.
"I may not know your story in this world, but I know DAMN well Asuna and Yui wouldn't want to see you like this, nor any of your friends. They want you to live on and move forward. You're not leaving my sight. But for now, go and help the others." Alphonse said and djiin equips again and fly's back to the sky to join the others in the battle.
Kirito touched his cheek and looked up to the sky.
"Haha....I really am stupid, aren't guys wouldn't want to see me die........" Kirito laughed dryly as he remembers his wife and daughter's smiles.
Indeed, his wife would be scolding him. He gripped his swords and went to help those fighting.
From up in the sky, a small smile came on Alphonse's lips. A rukh bird came out of his metal vessel and entered Kirito's swords.

The battle against the darkness continues....

(To be Continued........)

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