Chapter 17: Fragmented Memories and Zora's Domain

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she escaped to the her memories are trapped inside shards of glass floating in the void

- Dream -


The sounds of chains can be heard in the pitch black darkness. She sat curled up in a ball, chains in her arms and wrist, and on her neck, like a collar. Her eyes, void of emotions. The darkness around her, fragments of glass floated in the air, each one playing a different part of her memory, and some becoming blank.

Foot steps can be heard, she just sat still and waited for the person to come to her. The foot steps now in front of her. She slowly looked up, void of emotions.



He looked down at her with sad eyes, his lips quivers and he falls to his knees. He buried his face in his hands, and he couldn't hold it in anymore.
"I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm so sorry......
I couldn't protect's my fault you're like this....all because of me..." he cried in front of her.
She looked at him void. She was silent, like a doll, that had no soul. But....


Sinbad's head snapped up. He felt her hand on his lap. She looked at him with void eyes. Something inside of her, she didn't want to see this person cry. Why was she feeling this way? Why didn't she want to see this person cry? Who was he? Tears began to fly from her eyes, even if they were void.

Sinbad looked at her with a pain faced and intertwines his hand with hers. He placed his forehead on hers and looked deeply in her eyes.
"No matter what, I'll make things right, and save you my love. So please, hold on a little longer, Kimi." Sinbad said as he gently placed his lips on hers.

He felt so warm....

He breaks the kiss and is about to stand up but stops when he sees she won't let go of his hand. He looks back up to her. Her tears falling and her mouth opening, trying to say something.


His eyes widened.

"" she said barley above a whisper.
He was shocked and quickly hugged her tightly. He let's go of her and holds her hands. He couldn't stop his own tears from falling.
"I swear on my life I will restore your memories. I promise!" Sinbad said.
Kimi felt something inside of her.
"Sin....bad......" she said his name.
A smile came on his face as he caress her cheek and wiped a tear with his thumb.
"Yeah....that's my-----!"

"Womanizer of the seven seas...."

And he sweat drops. Not expecting her to remember that, but hey, it was a start....he thinks? Kimi stared at him and stood up. The chains on her clinging like chiming bells. Sinbad also stood up and followed her she walked to a floating peace of glass. It was playing the memory when she first met him.
"" She said and instantly Sinbad sulked.
"Why....?" He said depressed.
Next he saw her turn to a another glass shard. It was when he snuck out to a brothel, let's just say, Ja'far was pissed. Kimi went to look for him and found him drunk. She ran at him and fly licked him in the face.
"Pervert Bastard...." She bluntly said and Sinbad laughed nervously.
She walked to another glass shard. This one different. It was her birthday. Her brothers and sisters giving her presents. The sliver anklet, given to her by Kouen. A sword similar to Kouha's metal vessel was given to her, which was immediately confiscated by Ka Koubun. After a few hours, she snuck out of Kou and went to Sindria. Kimi watched as Sinbad handed her a blue box. She opened it and it was a blue jeweled chocker. A small smile came on her lips as she placed her hand gently on the blue jewel on her neck.

"Hmmmm....hmmm...lalala.....lalaaa.." She suddenly began to sing softly.
She turns to Sinbad and he smiled at her.
"That song just now, you used to sing it all the time. You told me it was a song your mother taught you. When we would both sneak out, you would let me sleep on your lap, and you would sing softly." Sinbad said as another memory played on the glass fragment.
Kimi touched it and the chains on her slowly began to have cracks. Her eyes had life again and some of her memories of Sinbad began to return. Tears fell from her eyes as she turned to him.
"Sin...bad.....Sinbad...." She said with a shaky voice and with shaky hands, cupped his face.
"'s me..Sinbad." he said with a gentle smile.
She suddenly slammed her lips on to his, which took him by surprise but instantly responded back. He kissed with so much passion and love. He licked her bottom lip, asking for entrance. She opens her mouth a bit, and he wasted no time in inserting his tongue. He explores her wet cavern, she tasted sweeter than any other wine, sweeter than any honey. She was his, and only his. Both break for air, but continue to do kisses down her neck, a small moan escaping her lips. She froze and Sinbad stops and smirked against her skin.

"Shall we continue....further..?" He rose up and looked into her pink eyes.
Kimi giggles and shook her head.
"I think it be better in wait! Forget what I just said!" She panicked but too late.
Sinbad heard and had plans ready alright. He chuckles and hugs her.
"Comeback with me..." He said.
"Not yet....just wait for me a little more. Not all my memories are recovered." She said.
"Why can't you come back yet?!" Sinbad said with a pained expression.
Kimi smiles and gently flicks his forehead.

"Be patient. The time for you and I to see each other is near. So please hold on a little while longer. Besides..." Kimi motions the chains on her,." These chains that bind me, and take time to come off. The cracks on them for me regaining some of my memories is a start. So please..(takes his hand) wait for me. And I'm still pissed off you declared that I should marry you. I am to young to be with a old man like you." Kimi giggled at the last sentence she said and Sinbad pouted.
He sighs but smiles. White light began to surround them.
"Looks like its time for us to go." Kimi said with a sad smile.
Sinbad leans down and kissed her on her on her forehead.

"We'll see each other again soon. Good bye...."

- end of dream -

- Kimi POV -

The sound of birds chirping softly....
I felt the sun on my face and open my eyes. I turn my head and see Crow, Kanna, and Sliver, sleeping on the next bed together. Where am I? I sat up and felt the blanket I had on me slide down. I had bandages wrapped around me that we're slightly bloody.

"Oh good, you're awake."

I turn to the source of the voice and my jaw nearly fell. She gave me a genre smile. It's was Mifa from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild!!
Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!! I wanted to fan girl scream so bad, but I'll look like a complete idiot if I do. Reminding me.....
"Where am I? And where are Caria, Alphonse, and Sayaka?" I asked.
Mifa smiles has she handed me a cup with tea.
"Your friends are alright. They went to buy some herbs for me. As for you, you been out for a week. I had to preform surgery to remove the black shard near your heart. It's been safely remove, so you should be better now." She said as she motioned me to sit on the edge of the the bed.

She slowly removed my bandages, and began to put on new ones.
"You are in the Kingdom of Hyrule, northern part of it, Zora's Domain. And my name is Mifa." She said as she finished putting on my new bandages.
"Thank you Mifa. I am in your debt." I bowed to her.
She smiles and said it that it was alright.
"Is this like, a different place or" I asked.
"Different world? Hyrule is a bit father from the Dark Continent. Why?" She asked.
"I was just curious. So, what building am I in?" I asked as I stood up.
She handed me a red female armor dress. I thank her and go change. I summon out a pair of scissors and cut my hair short again. I liked the armor, gold plates and easy to move around in.


I turn around only to be body slammed to the ground by my little trio.
"Careful you three! Her badges!" Mifa giggles as the kids got off me.
"We're so happy you're aaaalllliivvvveeeeee!! Whaaaaaaaa!!!" They cried as they hugged me.
Bend so to their levels.
"I won't leave you guys, that's a promise." I smile at them.
They grin and nod. Mifa helps me outside but....


"GHUAAA!!" Caria and Alphonse body slammed me as they hugged me.
I see my soul coming out of me.

"You're just as reckless princess!"

"Kimi, how are you!!??"

"I'm glad you're alright."

"I'm glad to see you are doing well Kimigakiri."

I looked up and my eyes widened. It was Ka Koubun, Kane, Morgiana and Yunan!
"Hi Aunty!" Kane said and instantly my smile fell.
Why did I feel offended when he told me that......? I wonder if this how Sinbad felt when he was called Uncle by Aladdin. Eligos came out of her metal vessel and hugged her son.
"My sweet son, you grown so big!" Eligos said as she hugged him.
I turn to Ka Koubun.
"How are you guys here?" I asked.
"Kane and I left Heliohapt and we ran into the Magi Yuna and Morgiana. The Magi said he had business with the Prince of Zora and also knew you were going to be here." Ka Koubun said.
Kane walked up to me with a very nervous face.
"I-It's an honor to finally meet you in person! Thank you so much for taking care of my mom!" Kane bowed.
I giggled and he looked up.
"It's an honor to meet you as well. When your mother told me she had a son, I was shocked. But she explained to me everything. Would you like to accompany me, be part of my household?" I said.

His eyes sparkled and he salute me.
"It be an honor Lady Kougyoku! Thank you so much!" He saluted.
Morgiana giggles and walks up to me. She hugs me and I hug her back.
"I'm so happy to see you again. You left us without saying goodbye. We were so worried, especially Aladdin and Hakuryuu." Morgiana scolded me.
"Trust me, she had her reasons." Alphonse said.
He extended his hand to her.
"It's great to meet another Fanalis. I'm Alphonse, nice to finally meet you Morgiana." Alphonse grins.
"You're a Fanalis?" She said shocked.
"Alphonse may not look like it, but he is. He's also a metal vessel user like me and Kimi," Caria and as she walked towards us with Sayaka and Sliver, "Nice to meet you Morgiana, I'm Caria and this is Sayaka. I rescued her. And this white fluff ball (ruffles Slivers hair) is Sliver, a friend of ours and Kimi's household. Plus the new addition (points at Kane who is arguing with Sphintus on the eye of Rukh) Kane." Caria grins.
"Wasn't I suppose to introduce them?" I said to Caria and she giggles.
"It's nice to meet you all. I'm so glad." Morgiana grins.
Alphonse ruffles her hair.
"I just found myself a little sister!" He grins and Morgiana puffed her cheeks.
"I'm not little." She said.

He just grins and pinched her cheeks, which resulted a punch in the stomach. Me and Caria burst out laughing.

"It's seems you were right Yunan. They are a happy bunch."

We turn around and it took everything in me, Caria, and Alphonse to fan scream. There before us, was the Prince of Zora, Sidon.

Immediately me and the others bowed. Sidon chuckled as he walked towards with Yunan.
"No need to bow. My name is Sidon, The Zora Prince. You three must be Kougyoku, Caria and Alphonse. It's an honor to meet you. I heard from Yunan you three are quite the trouble makers." Sidon laughed and all three of us glared at Yunan.
He just shrugs.
"Changing the subject, we'll all be staying here for awhile before we head to Magnostadt. It'll be a good opportunity to train and improve." Yunan said as he did a side glance at me.

I am feeling extremely offended right now but I don't know why. After a bit more talking, Caria decided to go help and train Sayaka in using her sword. Alphonse, Morgiana and the others will be training together. I said I needed some time alone. I used Sitri and teleported out side Zora's domain.

On top a mountain, where I can see all three kingdoms, the places I call home. Kou, Reim, and Sindria. I sat down near the edge of the cliff, and took off the crown I was wearing.
" I making the right decision in changing everything?" I said as I layed down and looked up to the sky.
I summon out my staff and trace my figures on it.


I never would of thought he was my real father. It's been awhile sense I sang.....
I sat up and took a deep breath, about to sing but....

"Why are so so sad?"

I quickly turn around and point my staff. I froze and a smile came to my lips as the rukh came together and created a spirit.


"(Giggle) you're mom was like this too. When she felt down, she would always disappear on us and go sing. In my sister....and her friends.." Sheba smiled sadly as she floated around.
I looked up the sky.
"I never knew you had a sister."  I said as I sat down.
"She was an amazing person. She was the one that taught me to master my signature spell. Her friends, one was Arba's Husband, the other one Ugo's wife. The three were a crazy trio like you and your friends." Sheba chuckled.
"Arba had a husband and Ugo a wife?"  I asked.
Sheba chuckled and ruffles my hair.
"You really do look like my sister when she was your age." She said and we both stood up.

She then walks a few feet away from me and summons her staff.
"I will be training you to control your magic this whole week. Plus one more to help you master your Beleth and Shido's djiin equip. Kougyoku!" She yells and the Rukh gather around.
"Kimi!" And once again I am body slammed.
"Guuuaaaaahhh! My ribs!" I yelled.
"Sorry! (Let's go of me) I'll be helping you with mastering djiin equip!" Kougyoku giggles.
Both grinned evilly at me and I slowly back away. Oh I know where is heading to.......

They are going to show no mercy to me at all.

"We got a long week of ahead of us Kimi~"


- Kou -

Kurumi swore not to go to Kou for awhile but she wanted to make sure her Master's family was safe.  As she walked through the shadows she spotted Kouha. He was with his three servants and.....well those two are new.
"Have three heard anything about my sister?" Kouha said.
"No prince Kouha, nothing yet..." Jun-Jun said.
Kouha stops walking and turns to the two guards. Kotori's retainers, Rin and Yukio Okumura.

Kurumi smiles and slowly makes her way to the twins.
"Rin, Yukio, have you guys heard anything from Kotori?" Kouha asked.
"Other than the news......Lady Hakuie said....(Kouha's eyes darken) we were reported that there has been spotting of strange activities going on a bit father from the Dark Continent." Yukio said as he pushed up his glasses.
"Yeah, how much do you wanna bet she's at it again being rouge?" Rin snickers.

"You are right about that."

"Aaaaahhhhh!!!" Rin screams and jumps up, and clings onto a pillar.
Kurumi giggles and everyone looks at her shocked.
"What are you doing here Kurumi?" Kouha said panicked.
"Am I not allowed to visit my Master's family?" She smirked and Kouha narrowed his eyes at her.
"What do you mean "Master"? He said.
Kurumi just smiles and twirls around, as she watched Rin get back down and grumbling that it was the 100th time she's scared him. She just remained silent and Kouha was getting impatient.
"You're sister is safe. The fragment of a tainted soul gem was removed. So she is no longer in danger of becoming a black djiin." Kurumi said as she stopped twirling.

Just when Kouha was about to speak, the doors to library burst open, and out comes Kotori fuming, and Kouen behind her with a triumphant smirk.
"I can't believe that son of bitch beat me....grr...*grumble* *grumble*" Kotori cursed.
She stops when she sees Kurumi.
"(Kurumi, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Kimi)?" Kotori said in English.
"(It's alright Kotori. I just wanted a little time to walk around. Aaaaahhhhh~ you should of seen the terrified look on Rin's face when I scared him. Hmmmmm~ Such a delightful look.)" Kurumi licked her lips.
Rin pouted.
The others are looking back and forth between them and wondering what they are talking about.
"(Kimi is alright. Sheba is training her along with Kougyoku. It's so funny watching her run for her life.)" Kurumi cackled.
Kotori rolled her eyes
"Changing the subject, What are you so mad about?" Kurumi said.

"She lost a bet with My Brother and is now joining the Kou Empire." Koumei said as he wakes out.
Kotori glared at him, making him flinch and back away. Kouen smirking down proudly at her. She turns to him.
"Just because I am now part of the Kou Empire, doesn't mean I will help you achieve your goal. I want to a world ruled by multiple people. Not one king. Because if one rules, the ones closet to him, will betray him, and you will loose everything you care about to the black sun." Kotori growled as she walked to the rail and flew up. 

A two tail cat appears on Rin's shoulder and jumps. It turns big and the two brothers get on it's back.

"We'll comeback in one week. Good Bye Stupid Goat." Kimi said and left.

Kurumi snikers at Kouen, who's eyebrow was twitching.
"By the way, Judar has you on his hit list." Kouha smirked at Kurumi, who went went pale.
"You're lucky Judar was able to make his hair grow back, or else he would kill you. He still won't forgive, and is still after you." Koumei said as he and his brothers went back to the library.
Kurumi sighs and about to take a step when.....

"Got you Kurumi~"

Kurumi didn't even have a chance to turn around, when Judar froze her in a chunk of ice. Judar landed in front of her, smirking at the froze paled, face of the woman on his hit list. He licked his lips and had plans to make her talk. Hakuryuu walked by and froze when he saw Kurumi.
"What did you do?!" Hakuryuu screeched.
"I froze her in a anti magic ice. So she won't be able to escape me and I'll make her pay for cutting me hair." Judar cackled as he teleported away with a frozen Kurumi.

"What was that about Lord Hakuryuu?"

"Don't worry about it's just Judar...again....." Hakuryuu sighs as he turns to the man with red sliver armor.

"I hope Nia will inform us soon on how your sister is. My sister is forgetful sometimes." A girl with blue hair in two braids, she wore a black dress and a small crown, said as she walked to him.

A blush came on Hakuryuu when he saw her.
"I'm sure she's alright Lady Mordi. Be patient." Hakuryuu said.
Mordi nodded and looked up to the sky.

"The war...Reim and's near...."

(To be Continued.....)

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