Unidentified Chapter 3: The Apprentice, The Swordsmen, and The Magician

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"Big sis, why did Elder David call you?" Sheba asked.
"I don't know Sheba, but I am worried." The woman spoke.
She had long pink hair liver younger sister. Sheba was four years old.
"Why do you look afraid sis? I bet you did something amazing that impressed Him!" Sheba said cheerfully.

The woman smiled at her younger sister's smile. She left at the library and walked towards Elder David's office. The little white birds, we're talking to her. Telling her to be careful. She now strode infront of the door and knocks.

"Come in."

She hears, and goes in.

David turned around and smiles. A beautiful woman with pink hair, blue eyes, hair in a big bun, but part loose. She wore a white dress.

"Belanova, thank you for coming." He said.
"My lord, what is it that you need my assistance of?" Belanova asked, nervous.
He smiled and took out a staff. A blue butterfly staff with jewels and a blue vial of glowing liquid.

Belanova looked at him confused.
"I have noticed you are quite skilled in magic and have created many new types a magic that far surpass even our council." David said.
"Thank you, my Lord. But....is there something else?" She asked concerned.
"Yes, I noticed, you seem to posses knowledge that others are not aware of." He said and she twitched.
"I don't like to share my discoveries my lord. A magician never reveals his or her secrets." She said with a slight playful tone.
David chuckled.
"Which is why I have chosen you to be my apprentice." David said.
"Apprentice?! M-My Lord, I-I can't! S-Surely you are making a mistake! I'm not qualified to such a thing!" She screeched and tried to reason with him.
David chuckles. He has always had his eyes on her. She is a kind, smart, brave, however......very clumsy and dense. He's scene trip over her own feet, fall of the stairs, and thank the gods he always uses his magic to save her before she gets hurt. Sometimes trips over nothing. What's more, he's seen men try to woo her, even confess to her (which would result in him burning with jealousy), which would result in her thinking they want to join her in magic studies and creating magic tools and studying science?, some type of alchemy that doesn't need magic at all. And the men would end up with heart broken because she basically rejected them without even kn. In some way, she reminds him of Uraltugo Noi Nueph (Ugo).

"I already made my decision. Starting tomorrow, you will begin training." David said as he places the vial and safe in her hands.
Belanova was panicking and passed out from shock. David sweaty drops and picks her up bridal style. He placed her on his couch and called Arba to take her back to her home.

- A Few Hours Later: Library -

"Eeeeeeeeehhhhhhh?! So Elder David made you his apprentice?!" A Woman with short blonde hair, green eye, a giant with hat with a gray dress and staff, gasp in shock at Belanova.

"I'm just as shocked Luna. I don't know what I did to get chosen." Belanova sighs and sucked on a lollipop.
"At least you were noticed my your skills. My master still thinks I'm not ready for the next level in high advance magic." Luna pouted as she crossed her arms over her chest.
Bela looked down at hers and them at friends, mutters some curses. Why is she so flat and her friend so big?

"At least Ugo goes easy on you. Arba is heartless with me."

Both turn around and see a man with long black hair in a ponytail, brown eyes, a green male battle kimono, with a sword on his waist.

He sighs and sits with them.
"What do you mean Saito? Besides, isn't Arba your wife? I thought she go easy on you." Luna said as she served him tea.
"Just because she is my wife, doesn't mean she'll go easy on me. And I heard about the offer to Bela, be careful when you train with Elder David. We may be part of the church but remember, we don't agree with his teachings." Saito said and the two women nodded.

"Changing the subject, who wants to play poker?" Luna smirked.
"I'll definitely beat you this time!" Saito said.
"I'll play. Plus, there is someone else that wishes to join us." Bela said and her friends looked at her confused.
"Solomon, Arba, Ugo, Wahid, Falan, Setta, Ithan~" Bela sang and the two looked at her shocked.
"Hey guys!" Wahid smirked.
Luna glared at him. He was her rival when it came to gambling.
"Saito, I'm not going easy on you, just to let you know." Arba smirked.
Saito sighs but smiles.
"I know sweety....I know....sigh..." he smiles.
You can literally see the fluffy pink hearts around the couple and the men groan, plus Belanova.
"And why is Solomon here? you're to young to gamble." Ugo said.
Luna groans.
"Master, Solomon may be young, but he is quite good, if I say so myself." Luna said as she sat down next him.
"And you know this because.....?" Ugo raised and eyebrow at her.
"Because she always sneaks out to gamble late at night." Solomon smirked and she gave him a "Oh Shit!" Look.
Ugo glared at Luna who shrunk away.
"Geez, you guys act like a married couple, Aru." Falan said as she rolled her dice.
A blush came on Ugo's. Luna just looked to the side.
"I see a ship slowly sailing." Arba whispers to Belanova.
Belanova chuckles. The trio and the rest played till midnight.

"OHOHOHOHO!! WE ARE VICTORIOUS!! OHOHOHOHO!!" Luna cackled while Saito and Belanova had victorious smirks.
The others had a aura of gloom. Solomon crossed his arms and looked away.
"We let you win!" Ithan huffed.
Setta rolled his eyes but points at the trio.
"Next time we will beat you." He declared.
"So, can I get a reward tonight?" Saito smirked devilishly at Arba as he wrapped his arms around her waist.
Arba grins and whispers something in his ear, which turns him beat red.
"You're not lying are you?!" Saito said.
Everyone looked at them confused as they saw Arba grin and shakes her head.
"I'm going to be a dad!" Saito grins and picks up his wife and spins her.
Everyone looked at them shocked and grin.
"Congratulations!" Luna, Falan, and Belanova hug their friend and the men congratulate Saito.
"Have you decided on a name?" Solomon asked.
Arba smiles.
"I decided to name my child Alphonse. Nice name don't you think?" She grins.

"Alphonse? Sounds like wussy name to m--------!!"


"What the hell Luna!?" Ithan screeched.
She punched him for saying that.
"Rude! Do not insult my friend's child's name!" Luna huffed.
"Alright then, what about you? What would you name your child? And do you even have a boyfriend?" Ithan said.
Ugo stiffened. His student having a boyfriend?! Is he worthy of her, why is he feeling a bit angry hearing that?
Luna thinks for awhile and made a decision.
"Caria. I'll name my child Caria. Besides, the person I like is to absorbed in studying magic to even notice me." She answered with a sad smile.
Everyone turns to Ugo.
"Well whoever he is, He's fool. You're smart and a very talented magician and should recognize your skills." Ugo said.

"This idiot doesn't realize she was talking about him...." everyone else thought and sweat drops.
"I'm sure that idiot will notice sooner or later. Just be patient Luna." Arba enthusiasm those two words on purpose to see if Ugo would get the clue.
Unfortunately he just nodded and tried to encourage Luna to stay positive. The men face palm and Solomon sighs.

- The Next Day -

"Esparia!" Belanova yells a spell into the magic circle.
David watched as a huge tornado of Water and lightning appeared in the magic circle. A spell if 1,000 commands. He was impressed that someone could create such a spell, the next thing she did caught him off Guard. She spread her hands, and the tornado froze with ice blades going in all directions, and the ice dripping, and when the droplets touch the ground, a sizzling sound can be heard. Acid.....

Such a spell left him amazed. But he noticed she used to much of her energy to cast a spell. the longest she would last in a battle would be 10. He walked over to her.
"You are using to much of your magoi. You need to be able to cast a spell without using to much." He scolded her.
She sighs and nods.
"However, I believe it is because the limiter within your body." David said.
Bela looked at him confused.
"What do you mean my lord?" Bela asked.
"Magicians are not built for fighting. There is a burden on the body every time you use magic. The rukh inside the body subconsciously limits the output of the magic in order to protect the body. Because of this, it is limiting your use in magic and at the same time draining you. You are using the energy around you and absorbing it to support your attacks." David said as Belanova summoned out a water bubble and drank from it.

"Then is there a way I can get rid of that barrier?" She asked.
The little white birds began to tell her she's got a death wish. She looked them confused them turned back to David and flinched at the frighting smirk he was giving. Oh, he defiantly was going to have fun.

"You need to train your body."

And that's when Belanova knew he ment physical training. She slowly back away, ready to make a dash.
David summon his staff. He licked his lips. Oh he definitely was going to have fun, and he saw her make a run for her life.


- With Luna -

" with a combination of fire magic and alchemy, I should be successful in creating the first magic tool that will allow me to see other worlds!" Luna said as she placed her flowered staff onto the middle of a magic circle.

She began to chant the spell.

"يا النجوم القديمة من السماء، وفتح البوابات أن كل لي لرؤية النجوم التي تدخل السماوات القديمة. فتح الأبواب مشاهد من المعرفة والحكمة، ومنحني الوصول لرؤية العالمين التي توجد في هذا الكون. مخطوطات عالمية للآلهة!

"(oh ancient stars of the heavens, open the gates that all me to see the stars that enter the ancient heavens. open the doors the sights of knowledge and wisdom, grant me access to see the worlds that exist in this universe. Universal Scripts of the Gods!)" Luna yells and her magic activated.

Magic power spiked throughout the entire church and every single magician stood up and shocked, however, it was to much for them and made them passed out from shock. Ugo, ran to where the source was coming from, even if his body was in pain. It felt a gravity spell was placed on him. He was barley able to stand his ground.

Saito casted a borg on Arba to protect her. He was barley able to walk. He wasn't going to let his wife and unborn child get hurt.
"Saito!" Arba pounds on the borg.
Saito closed his eyes and sensed where it was coming from.
"That idiot of Luna is at it again!!!!" He yells.

Elder David stood unaffected by the immense of magic power that was being admitted. He held a tried Belanova, bridal style in his arms. Her body felt it was being weighed down.
David looked at the direction of the church with a blank face. Whoever the one responsible is, he was impressed.
"We need to go back now!" Bela grunted.
David sighs and they teleported back to the church. There, she said goodbye to him and ran to Luna's magic study.

"I succeeded! I succeeded! Ahhahahaha!!!" Luna laughed as she was surrounded by different stars and galaxies.

She moved onto the next stepped and transferred it all to a giant glowing glass ball. Once There, the magic power faded. She shrunk it to the size of a soccer ball and grins at her accomplishment.
"Ugo will be so proud of me!" She giggles.
The door suddenly slams open and she turns around. Ugo, Belanova, and Saito were a panting mess. She jumps up and down happily.

"I did it, I did it! M------!!!"

Ugo yells at her furiously.
"Eh?" Luna said shocked.
Ugo never has yelled at her before. Saito and Belanova looked at him shocked.
"Do you have any idea what you done? You knocked out each and every single magician IN the entire church minus, me, Saito, Belanova, And the others!" Ugo said furiously.

"I'm sorry! I-------!!"

"I don't care that you're sorry! You were beyond reckless and could have endangered your life and someone elses!" Ugo yells.
"Ugo calm down! She said she was sorry!" Saito tried to calm his friend down.
Belanova looked over her friend in worried.
"I'm sorry....I was doing a magic experiment and I succeeded! Look!" She shows him the glass ball.
Ugo was still furious.
"I don't care. This why I said you are not ready to continue onto the next level. You're reckless, unaware. I'm...disappointed in you. I thought you knew better, looks like I was wrong." Ugo sighs.

Luna stood frozen with a shocked face , her hands let go of the glass ball she had in her hands and Saito caught it on time. Solomon and the others stood at the door way shocked at what Ugo just said. Belanova walks over to her friend but....

"Ahaha....ahaha......ahaha......" and tears began to fall from Luna's eye.
She was still frozen in shock. Ugo looked at her shocked then....


His face went to the side and his glasses were sent flying that they cracked. Everyone was stunned.
"I'm such a fool. Why did I ever think you would acknowledge me.....?" She looked at him with sad smile and tears.

And she slowly walked out of her room. When she was gone, a murderous aura surrounded Belanova and Saito as they turned to Ugo, who flinched.
"You went too far........" Belanova growled menacingly.
Saito glared at him and left with Belanova to go after their friend, Luna must be breaking down.

- 6 hours later -

Luna disappeared into the deep part of the woods. She walked with that shocked smile on her face as tears wouldn't stop falling. She got to the pound and feel on her knees and broke down crying.
"That idiot! That idiot!" Luna cried as she punched the ground.
"That idiot......" she screamed and cried.
She made herself into a ball and hugged her knees.
"Why did I have to fall in love with someone like him....." Luna said.

Rain began to fall and it soon poured down. Ugo ran all over the church, looking for her but nothing. He then remembered her favorite place to hide. He ran to the woods and there he founded her, soaked to the bone with bottles of alcohol next to her. She was chugging them down. To make things worse.....

"If it isn't the fucken magic nerd....how are yaaaaaahhhhh...." Luna slurred.
Ugo sweat drops. The woman is beyond drunk.
"Come on Luna. Let's go back." Ugo said as he helped her up, and teleported back.

They were in his magic study and he was about to take her back to his room, when he heard clothes shuffling. He turns around and his face exploded to red. Luna began to undress herself.
"What are you doing?!" Ugo screeches.
"It's hot in here......" Luna whines.
Ugo turns around. Luna smirks. She walks up to him and pressed her chest on his back.
"Uuuuggggoooo....look at meeeee~" She slurred as she hugs him from behind.
Ugo was turning even redder and was about to pass out at this rate. She puffed her cheeks and forced him to face her. His jaw hanged when he saw she was completely naked. She crawled on top of him.
"Am I not pretty? Or am I just too plain for you?" Luna looked at him with sad eyes.
Ugo grabbed the nearest blanket and quickly wrapped it around.
"Luna, that's enough. You need to rest." He said.
Luna then began to have tears fall from her eyes. He began to panic
"It hurts you know.....you won't acknowledge me......I know I'm really reckless....I know I'm stupid......I know I'm just and idiot.....and it hurts everytime you say I'm not ready.....it feels like you're saying I'm worthless..." Luna cried.
Ugo looked at her shocked and guilt filled him.
"Sniff....and to make things worse....you won't even notice the small hints I drop....I...fell in love with the one person that won't acknowledge me or notice me.....it's you......" Luna said as she began to cry harder.

Ugo looked at her stunned. She loves him....
Him out of all people......
A smile came onto his face. He hugged her and she froze.
"I love you also Luna. Forgive me for earlier. I shouldn't have yelled at you. I'm sorry." He said and cupped her cheeks.
Luna smiled at him as he wiped her tears. She leans in and placed her lips on his. He was stunned and turned red but kissed back. He wrapped his arms around her and she took off his glasses. They break for air. A blush came on the two. Luna then smirks.
"Want to show me what a real man can do?" She cooed.
Ugo looked at her shocked and gulps.

Oh Luna was definitely gonna have fun tonight.....
That's what she thought.....
Because it backfired....

- The next Day -

Setta and Ithan were headed to Ugo's room to wake him up.
"Ugo usually doesn't sleep in. I wonder if he stayed up all night again with his research?" Ithan said as they were now in front of his door.
They knocked by no response. Both brothers looked at each other confused and decided to go it. The minute they opened the door, they immediately closed it, their faces beat red and their hearts pounding in their chest. And they ran, and sore not to say a word at what they saw.

- A few hours later -

"We've made up and are now in a relationship!" Luna said happily.
Ugo blushed as he held hands with her.
"About time, Aru! We've been waiting forever!" Falan cheers.
Belanova and Arba squeal in excitement, happy that their friend finally is with the man she loves. Solomon and Wahid, smile, happy their friend is now a man. Saito noticed Ithan and Setta are quite.
"Why are you guys so quite?" He asked and the two brothers stiffen.

No way were they going to tell them that they walked in seeing Ugo sleeping, laying his head on Luna's chest, both them naked, covered by their blankets.

(To be Continued......)

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