Chapter 6: Cage of Memories: Part 1

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The sound of water droplets falling.
She slowly opened her eyes and slowly sat up. The sound of a river running was near by. The last thing she remembers, she was.....
She gasped when it all came back to her and quickly stood up.
"Sayaka,Sayaka!!" She yells loudly.
She noticed she was in some cave.
Suddenly, she heard a high pitch scream. It was Sayaka. She ran out the cave, jumping from wall to wall till she reached the place.


What she didn't expect was to walk in seeing Karma with a slap mark on his cheek and Sayaka hiding her chest. Caria stared at them with a blank face. Karma looked up to her.
"Your friend's chest is pretty soft for someone that is flat as a board." Karma smirked.
And awkward silence followed for 30 seconds then something went past his cheek and left a small cut. He sweat drops as he saw Caria hugging the the poor girl and trying to calm her down.
"Is it me, or did Koro Sensei rub off on you?" Caria said with a smirk.
He twitched at the mention of the name.
"I got a couple of questions for you Kina Princess. And you will answer them." Karma said as he pointed his blade at her.
Caria let's go of Sayaka and walked towards him.
"I will answer your questions but first we need to focus on getting out of this dungeon. I don't understand why the djiin of this place kidnapped us. But, if you even make one move against me or my friend, you will know what true death is." She gave him a glare that sent a shiver up his spine.
It was just like his one of his teacher's, Mr. Karasuma.....

He quickly shook of the feeling and began to follow after as he saw the two begin to walk down a cave. There were drawing of Greek Gods on the walls but legends written in the language of Torran.
"How did you know my name?" Karma began the conversation, well more like an interrogation.
Caria stayed silent by inwardly screamed. What was she supposed to tell him?! That she knew his name because she would watch Assassination Classroom?! That he's a made up character?! Hell no. Karma Akabane is real and speaking to her in flesh and blood. Many of the people they have met are either from different animes or video games her and friends have seen or played.
"Your name will told to me by my djinns." She lied.
Karma hummed and twirls his knife.
"Alright. Now my second question is, how did you know about my teacher, Koro-Sensei? Did Ja'far tell you about him?" He asked.
Caria gave him a confused look.
"Ja'far? Isn't Koro-Sensei your perverted yellow octopus teacher? and Ja'far never mentioned anything about him. I didn't even know he existed here until I saw you." She said and now he gave her a look of "what the fuck?", along with Sayaka.
"Look Princess, I don't know where the hell you got the idea about my teacher being a eight legged squid, but he is human. HUMAN you got it? He and Ja'far were comrades back in the day but different assassin guilds. My teacher left his assassin guild along with two others." Karma glares at her.
"I presume the other two that left with him were were Karasuma and Irina, correct?" She did a side glance at him.
He looked her shocked and gritted his teeth.
" much do you truly know......?" He growled and clench his fist, to the point his knuckles were turning white.
Sayaka looked at Caria worried. Caria turns to him as they stopped at a door.
"I know many things, but some things are better left unsaid. I won't question you where are Nagisa, Kayano and the others, but when you are ready, feel free to speak." Caria said with a sad smile.
Karma looked her shocked. Caria then turns back to door and groans.
"These are written in witches runes.....the ones from Madoka Magica....shit........" She groans.
"I can read these Caria. You're lucky you're with me." Bay, appears on her shoulder.
"Where have you been?! I've called you a hundred times and you never answered!" Caria groans.
Bay rolled her eyes.
"I was busy you know. Now changing the subject, the door says....

A witch slumbers
A witch cries
A witch is your own despair and sorrow.
Conquer the memory of solitude
Conquer the memory of--------!!!!"


Caria quickly did a djiin equip and slashed at the black figure that attacked Sayaka. The black figure dropped to the ground and rose again. It's snap changed to......Kyoko.
"Watch out....that's black mud....." Karma mumbled.

"So, will you fight this figure then?"

"WHO ARE YOU?!?!" Caria yelled furiously.
"I am Murmur, the master of this dungeon. I you have caught my attention and I wish to test your skills. So, will you fight the black mud?" The djiin said with a cocky voice.
More black mud monsters rose from the ground and took the figures of their friends. Also different anime characters. Sayaka pulled out her sword and blue flames surrounded it.
"Ready to fight?" Caria said.
"Quite some interesting and powerful people you have met. But, for you all, I will pull out the three most powerful." The djiin said.
Caria prayed he wouldn't pick Saitama, a.k.a One Punch Man, because they would be beyond screwed.

"For your first one....."

"Please not One Punch...please not One Punch....."


"SON OF A BITCH!!!!!" Caria screamed and banged her head on the wall.
That's still bad news. The black mud took the silhouette form of him, with glowing red eyes. A figure rose from the black mud and it took the form of.....
"No........Gilgamesh........" she gasped.
And lastly the third one took the form of .....Sinbad. It was in his Baal djiin equips.
"I have personally chosen these three to be your opponents but I did tone down their power. No way do I want this dungeon to be blown away. Have fun!" The djiin cackled and left them to fight.
"This isn't good......Karma, take Genos! Sayaka against Gilgamesh, and I against Sinbad!!" Caria screamed.
Gilgamesh charged at Sayaka, hundreds of their swords clashing against each other as Karma charged at Genoa. He aimed his blade to the left and quickly turned to the right as Genos swung at him from the left. Caria and Sinbad clashed sword to sword, powerful shock waves of electricity were sent out for each blow. Caria glared at the fake Sinbad, who smirked.
"Foras!!" She yells and quickly djiin equips, and slashed his arm off.
It fell to the ground and then reattached itself to him. Caria grimace and used Foras cold flames to freeze the entire room, making the Black mud monsters solid as rocks. Sayaka and Karma jumped back next to her, eyes narrowed. Her eyes scanned the room and smirked.
"We're in luck....I just spotted our salvation." Caria grins.
Karma also noticed and smirked. All three jumped as the black mud monsters broke free of the ice and sent fire, lightning and sword attacks at them. Sayaka clashed swords with Gilgamesh and was getting irritated by the cocky laugh he was doing.
"Raaaaahhh!!!" He yells as he made black chains fly at her.
She quickly placed her across her chest and the water in the air began to gather. She did a light tap on floor and then began to spin on one leg, while her sword began to glow.
"Household Vessel......." more water began to gather as also blue flames, the sound of a violin played quietly as the image of the Mermaid Knight appears behind her.
Cotton like creatures began to form.
"Foras Witchery!!!" She yells and created a huge water tornado and she spun at Gilgamesh.
He growled menacingly as the cotton creatures flew at him, the sound of a orchestra playing eerily resonated as her swords flew at him and water burned him. He dodged left and right, all over, trying to evade them. It realized that the water she made was holy water, and that was bed for him.
"GOT YOU!!!" She suddenly appears behind him.
The sounds of hundreds of swords stabbing him resonated. But he smirked as he manged to stab her on her shoulder. Her eyes became furious and she made a water tornado surround him.
"Begone." She said coldly and the tornado exploded.
She staggered as she landed on the ground, holding her shoulder. She looked around and saw glowing blue dust, like blue rukh, in the air. Where the monster stood, was now sizzling and a puddle of bubbling mud. But....
Her eyes widened as she saw a young boy with blonde hair, laying where the monster once was. She was shocked and quickly took off her cake and wrapped it around him.
"What is going on?" She mumbled as she slung him over her shoulder.


Karma growled menacingly as each deadly blow he did at Genos was blocked. He is a assassin and he's getting his ass whooped?! It was pissing him off! His dagger clashed with Genos arm and Genos fist punched him out of nowhere, sending him towards a bolder. His back made contact, knocking the air out of him and making him cough out blood.
"Karma!!" Caria yelled and tried to run to him but was black by Sinbad.
Karma growled and stood up, his fist clench.


His eyes widened as he suddenly heard a familiar voice. He quickly rolled to the left and eyes were narrowed.

"You abandon us...."


"What kind of friend were you..."

"Argh!!" He yells and held his head.
Suddenly, the scene changed to a burning hell. He stood in a village set ablaze. Ashes falling doing like snow. The scent of flesh burning and people running and screaming. He suddenly saw that his hands were covered in ashes, the blade in his hand, it was green steel knife instead of the one he had. A black djiin charged at him and he quickly slashed it in half, by sending his magoi into it.

"Karma!!" He turns and sees two of his friends.
"Nagisa, Kayano!! Where are the others?!" He yells as Kayano used to daggers and slashed at a black djiin in half.
"Koro Sensei, Bitch Sensei and Mr.Karasuma are fighting the magicians of the organization!! The others are helping and saving as many people as they can!!" Nagisa yells and quickly all three jumped back as a magic attack came at them.
They kept fighting and searching through the village for their friends and teachers.
"Kyyaaaa!!!" Kayano yells as blade suddenly stabbed her shoulder.
"Damn you!!" Yelled Nagisa as a male silhouette appears.
It was Issac. Behind followed to woman. Issac smirked and it widened more when Kayano began to scream in agony, blacl rukh surrounding her and she began to cackle madly.
"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?" Karma and Nagisa yelled as they destroyed the plant monsters that were growing from the ground.
"Kuyubay wanted to try to experiment again. I found the perfect test subject." Issac chuckled as Kayano's cackling became louder and louder.

Her body began to change shape, the black rukh surrounding her. When it dispersed, what stood there was no longer her, but a monster. Wings of a butterfly, roses surrounded her, and little creatures screaming.

Issac smirked and cut down one of the creatures and watch Kayano charged at her friends and attack them.

"Good luck killing her. She is no longer human."

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Karma screamed as he held his head and the black mud began to surround him.
Caria quickly ran to him but was blocked by Sinbad. She ran towards him and quickly slid underneath him and jumped towards Karna.
"Snap out of it!" She slapped him and he glared her.
"What you see is your past and and your regret! You mustn't let your own regret devour you when you are at your weakest! That is what this dungeon Is! This is the dungeon of regret!!" Caria yells and punched him in the stomach to knock him out and swung him over her shoulder.
"Sayaka!" She yells and both girls bolted before the black mud monsters manger to recover.

- 40 minutes later -

"Haaa....haa......" the two women panted as they hid in a cave, covered in crystals.
"Who's...haa....haa...that?" Caria collapsed down to the ground as Sayaka had the blonde boy lay down.
"After I defeated the monster, this boy was left. " Sayaka answered as she went into her bag and pulled out a water bottle.
She took a giant gulp and them passed it on to her queen, who drank.
"That boy..." Caria wiped off the leftover water on her lips, "I know him....." she said.
They see the boy stir and wake up. His crimson eyes stared at them in confusion and Caria spoke.
"Gilgamesh....King of Heroes. Why are you here....?" Carla said fully.
The boy blinked at her.
"This is my first time meeting you. Yet you know who I am. But to answer your question," the boy stood up and glowed gold, his clothing and some gold now on him, "You can say I'm a servant. Unless you were expecting the older me?" Gilgamesh said.

"Hell  no. I prefer your caster older self." Carla said and the Gilgamesh chuckled.
"Honest guy? Well, I have to agree with you on that. I don't like my older Archer self." He cringed.
"You didn't answer my question." Caria said.
His eye twitches and she knew, he wanted to strangle her.
"Well honestly, I don't know. I remember I was fighting someone...
Wait....." his eyes widened as it dawned him, "I was fighting Ugo."

"Wait what??" Caria said.
Sayaka was utterly confused at what was going on.
"Now I remember." Gilgamesh frowned, "I was fighting Ugo. I was fighting to free my master from the cage he put her in. That man already has lost his mind from being in the Scared palace for too long...." he muttered.
Caria stood up and walked up to him, extending get hand.
"You can explain later. For now, let's team up and get out of here." Caria said.
Gilgamesh sighs and shook hands with her.
"Agree. A temporary contract then. I'm Gilgamesh but call me Gil. And you are?" He asked.
"Caria." She said and his eyes widened slightly.
" can't be.." He said and shook his head.
Caria gave him a confused look.
"Never mind. Anyway, this cave leads us to spring we can camp in. When I get out, I swear I'm gonna make Ugo pay." He said with a smile that Caria swore it sent a shiver down her spine.
Sayaka sighs and walked up to him.
"Try anything funny..." she said.
"Now now. Even if I was in a rampaging state, I'm impressed you were able to defeat me. So your household allows you to summon swords? At least yours aren't like a certain faker I know." He said.

Caria had to resist her urge to tell him that Emiya whooped his older self ass in Unlimited Blade Works.
"My swords are something I am proud of. the same time, I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for my queen." Sayaka smiled.
Gil hummed and walked past them, to a passed out Karma.
"I know you're faking it ~" Gil sang and Karma clicked his tongue and sat up.
"Whatever." Karma huffed.
Caria sighs and shooed Gil away, while she went in one knee to check Karma's injuries.
"That hurt when you punched me." He said and she sighs.
"Sorry but it had to be done. At the rate it was going, you were going to get corrupted by the black mud if I haven't knocked you out." Caria said as she had him removed his shirt.
Sayaka blushed at the sight and turned.
"Ouch..." Caria said as she turned him to have his back face her, "this cut looks pretty deep. I'm going to have to sew it." She said and had Forras open her mini space closet and took out a first aid kit.
She opened it and took out a needle and a green thread. After she prepared the needle, she turned back to him.
"This going to hurt, but I'm going to bed you to bare with me. Once I finish, the green string will activate and heal it." She said.
"Right." Karma sighs.
She then began the sewing procured and Karma gritted his teeth and bit his lip as Caria sew the wound closed. Gil was silent, watching the whole time, while Sayaka was preparing an herbal paste to on him once Caria was done.

After 2 hours later after sewing the wound, Caria was finished and sighs. The wound glowed a faint green and began to heal itself and closed.
"Sayaka." Carla said and the girl handed her a small bowl with green liquid in.
Caria gently applied it onto the thing scar that left, and placed the bowl down.
"Done. The lotion should help healing any injuries from the inside also." Carla sighs and used her shirt to wipe off the blood.
"That green string.....the only string in the world to heal wounds. Made out of the sheded feathers of wind fae,  the roots of Crytamara trees, and then let to submerged in water from the spring hidden in the dark contentment. That not even the king of the Seven seas, and even Yunan could find." Gil said as Caria chuckled.
"I didn't make This string, my fiance Alphonse did." She smiled sadly.
She wonders how her friends are doing. She didn't notice that Gil twitched at her friends name.
"Once we get out of here, Kimi, Alphonse and I are gonna do what we can to stop a war." She said.
Again, Gilgamesh twitched. Karma was helped up by Caria and along with Sayaka.
"Lead us to the spring." Caria ordered and Gilgamesh lead them.
After 20 minutes of walking, they arrived to small water spring. A small waterfall flowing, trees and plants, the water was slightly warm.

"Murmur can't see this one area in his dungeon, which ticks him off because I've created several more to keep him from finding me, so this place we can rest here tonight." Gil said.
Caria smiles and they found an area they could set up camp in and sleep. Luckily, some the monsters they had found were edible and could be cooked. Sayaka set up the fire while she sweckwered the meat and set it up over the fire to cook.
"I wish Alphonese was here....he's better at cooking than me." Caria mattered as she had her hands a bit near the fire, to warm up.

"I wish we had real food." Karma said.
"Yet you still eating." Caria said back and he rolled his eyes.
"Yeah yeah, whatever." He said.
After eating, they went to sleep on a bed made of leaves but Caria just couldn't sleep. She quietly got up and went to far spring and undressed, removing her clothing to bathe in the water. She sighs as she went in and swam, looking at the sky.
"To think a sky exist....its nice...." she muttered as she floated in the water.
She thought for a moment. How much she has gone through, how much she has changed, how much she has discovered and people she met during her life this world. The man she loves, the friend who she loves as her much....
Her hand reached out to the sky, as if wanting to touch the stars.
"One wish.....if it could be granted...." she muttered..."I wish I knew who my parents were. And why I was abandoned." She said and sighs.

"You weren't abandoned."

"Gasp!" She gasped and quickly hid herself in the water.
"Gilgamesh, what the hell?!" She screeched and crossed her arms over her chest.
Gil smiled at the sight.
"Awww...!! And you promised you married me when we were older." He said.
"What?" She said.
"Oh that's right. You don't know. Your family didn't abandoned you. It's more like....they never knew you were alive. That you survived Alma Toran." He said.
Caria narrowed her eyes and made the water surround her and turn to dress.
"What are you saying? I never been to this world." She said.
Gil chuckled and smirked.
"Really?? Caria  Lunadesca Nueph. That is your true full name. But now you aren't that. You are Caria Takeruhiko, princess of Kina. Saved and transported to another world by Setta along with his wife, Guadalupe. Who was pregnant with their child, Kimigakiri. But died in the world you were sent to, along with the other two and reborn to this world." Gilgamesh said as he played with a leaf.
"What?" Caria narrowed her eyes.
"I may be child right now, but I know about other worlds." He said.
Caria made a sword of water appear and glared at him.
"You are dead wrong! I was abandoned by my family! I don't have a mother and father!" She said.
Gil frowns.
"Is that true? Or did you make yourself believe that?" He said and her eyes widened.
She bit her lip and before she knew it, Gilgamesh was cupping her cheeks.
"Let me show you....." he said as his crimson eyes looked into her emerald ones,

"Your real family......Caria....Daughter of Lunadesca and Uraltugo Noi Nueph."

(To be continued......)

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