Unidentified Chapter 5: Down the Path of Exile

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A figure in a black cloak sat on the bolder near the cliffs of Sindria. The waves crashing as he sat with his eyes closed, listening to the sounds of the waves. He looked up and saw a mother southern sea creature with its off spring. He smiles and thinks back to the days of the past. But then frowns.

"I saved your life. However, because of it, not even your mother knows that you are alive, you are walking the path of an exile. The possibility of never returning to your homeland. Are you willing to take on such path, such burden...you...and your...brother.....your siblings.....They at least deserve to know the truth! They need to at least know that you are alive!"

The voice of his wife rang in his head. He sighs and stands up. The sun casting down as its reach touch the surface of the ocean. But, he smiles because she is quite protective of him. She may used to be the Goddess of Parthevia, but she grew to love him. He chuckled nervously, remembering that he promised her that he be home soon. Plus, their daughter and twin sons will be happy to see him again.
He teleports to a hill nearby and walks down to the market. There, he buys a few trinkets and then teleported.

- ????? -

A Woman with pink hair with hair length to the point where her braids reach a length approaching her legs. Her eyes are a dark intense pink, almost red color. Her Astral Dress takes on the appearance of a purple clock with golden extensions on her shoulders and hips. The vast majority of her face is covered by a veil. At the top of her head, there is a decorated headdress with a golden emblem at the center.

She sighs as she sat on a rocking chair. Her swollen belly she smiles at. She is due soon and excited. But, she hope her husband will be home soon. It's been 11 years since Kotori brought those two to her. She used her magic to heal them and thus, things changed. She saw how people became greedy in her homeland. How they only had faith in the military. But, one village opposed war. It was that small spark that kept her wanting to stay. But soon, that village was destroyed because they opposed the ways of that man Barbarossa. She looked out the window and enjoyed the view of then new Kingdom.

The Kingdom of the Wind Islands. The Kingdom of Sorakou, The Floating Kingdom. The place was beautiful and looked like a Japanese palace. A total of 6 floating islands with a huge one in the middle, where the palace was placed. The Islands connected by crystal made Bridges and many more. Her knowledge from Alma Toran, she created air ships and more. People would travel using hot air balloons or Magic bubbles she created for them to travel in. Many of the children enjoyed having fun and she would allow them to come to the palace library and there, she would read books to them. Schools were established in each island for the people to be educated and also hospitals.

"Mom, you here?"

She turns to her bedroom door and sees her eldest daughter. A 6 year old girl with black hair and pink eyes.  Her hair was held back in a milk maid braid and wore a single pink jewel earring on her left ear. She wore a pink kimono with rose patterns on it. She looks down and two little boys, age 2, one holding the girls left hand and the other the right. The two boys have spiky pink hair and blue eyes. Both boys wore black and white male clothing that looked like the one wore by people of Kou. Th boy on the left wore a blue jewel tear drop chain on his forehead and the one on the right wore a white one.
She smiles at them and motions them to come. The two little boys run to her and places their hands on her stomach.
"I bet it's a boy!" Her sons giggle at her.
"No way! It's a girl!" Her daughter huffed.
She giggled as her children argued over the gender of their new sibling.
"Mom, are dad and Uncle coming home soon? Aunt Reine is starting to get worried. It's been awhile since we heard anything from S9 and B2." Her daughter said.
She smiles sadly at her daughter. She ordered her retainers, S9 and B2, to be with them. She was about to speak when...


She stood up and looked out the window. Up in the clouds, slowly moving away, a giant air ship flying.

The people of the Islands all began to cheer and wave, over joyed that their King and his brother have returned.
Up on the ship, the two cloak figures smile. The second one jumped on the rail and waved at the people, and maybe sent a few winks towards  girls. The first cloak figure sweat drops.
"Reine is going to have your head if she sees you flirting with other woman." The first cloak figure said.
"Come on brother! Loosen up a bit. Besides....," his eyes traveled to a man with black hair, it almost looked purple, his brown eyes, dazed as he looked out to the sky, looking down at the ocean. He wore a purple cloak and had a lantern in his hands. In his other hand, was a staff, "to think that woman had this man locked up underground. Why did she go so far to bind his soul to a staff?" He said.

The man with brown eyes memory travels back to when he was set free.

The two cloak figures ran down the underground stairs. They ran towards a door covered in tailsmen and entered. Their face turned to confusion when they see a golden staff, the top with a moon crescent and a blue shuriken in the opening of the half moon. A blue jewel in the center of it. It was covered in tailsmen and gave off a strange feeling. They walked towards it. S9's narrowed at it. It looked familiar.
"Why would Gyokuen keep this place so secured?" The second cloak figure questioned.


Everyone jumped back and saw the magician's of Al Thamen storm into the room.

"My,my....what do we have here? S9 and 2B it's been quite some time. However, I do not recognize the other two..."

Walking to the center of the magician's was Gyokuen. She had a frown on her face as she stares at them. S9 gripped her sword tightly to the point her knuckles turned white.
"I don't know what Rinne sent you for but don't think you are leaving with your life." Arba grins with malice.
S9 and 2B charged at her while the other two fought the magicians. The first cloak figure dodged to the left just on time before a fire attack hit. It went towards the direction of the stave and burned off all the tailsmen.
The rukh began to gather.
"YOU FOOLS!!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?!" Arba screamed as the eight pointed star symbol appears underneath them.
Both black and white were so thick it was visible. It began to take the form of a figure and it was a man. He held the staff and his eyes snapped opened. He raised and....


Hundreds of golden portals opened and hundreds of not millions of weapons came out of them. He aimed them all over the placed and quickly teleported the other four out of Kou to a safe place. He will destroy the entire underground place he was imprisoned in.


All the weapons came crashing down and Arba was barley able to defend herself. All of Kou heard an explosion occur in the palace. Those that were present, ran to the scene. His attack was enough to drive away the clouds and the sun's rays, touched the land. The civilians were amazed, seeing the sun for the first time in years. As the rays of sun touched the land, he looked up to the sky and tears began to fall from his eyes.
"After 1,000 years.....I'm finally free..." he smiles as tears kept falling from his eyes.


His borg activated as Arba came at him with Sheba's staff. She growled as he turned to her with a sad smile.
"I will save you, that's a promise." He said with a sad smile and her eyes widened.
She was pushed back and he disappeared. It began to rain and rage boiled inside of her. She screamed in rage as the black rukh gathered. Hakuryuu and Judar shocked by what they just witnessed.
"That Man.....he's no ordinary magician....(smirks) Hakuryuu, I think he would be a good asset to us. He was able to deflect Gyokuen like nothing." Judar smirked.
Hakuryuu stayed silent. Who was that man...?

"DADDY!!!!" The three kids pounced at their father as he got down the ship.
"I'm home! Ahhahahaha!!" The first cloak figured laughed as he hugged his children.
"Sakura, Haruka(blue tear drop), Haruko(white tear drop) !" The second cloak figure grins.
"Uncle!!" The threw squeal and tackle him in a hug.
He laughed and turned as he hears footsteps.

A unarguably a beautiful woman with pale skin approaches. She has long, unkempt, pale blue hair which is tied into a right-side ponytail and blue eyes which seems to always be sleepy. Her most distinct feature is the pair of dark circles beneath her eyes. She wears a pair of glasses with a circular frame. She is usually or always seen with a small blue teddy bear that fits in her breast pocket. She wears a long white lab coat over a pink shirt with a rather low V-neck collar, purple miniskirt, a pair of black stockings, and a pair of blue teddy bear slippers. She also wears a small silver ring on her silver chain necklace.

She held a sleeping baby boy in arms and smiles at him.
"Welcome home." She smiles.
He smiles warmly and lightly kisses her. He looked down at the sleeping baby.
"I'm home Reine. And I'm happy to see  you and our son." He smiles and he wipes a tear off her eye.
The first cloak figure smiles and it widened when he saw his wife approaching. Rinne, Queen of Sorakou, Goddess of Love and Faith, his wife. She smiles at him warmly and tried to fight back tears. He hugs her and placed a hand on her stomach. Both smile when they felt the baby kick.
"Welcome home my love." Rinne cried.
He bent down and kissed her passionately.
"Ewwwwwww....." their kids said as they covered their eyes.
Both chuckled.

"Reine, Rinne, it's been quite some time hasn't it?"

Both women turn around and their eyes widened in shock.
"Sai.....to?" The two were barley able to say.
The man now known as Saito nodded. The two cloak figures began to question how their wives knew him. He put his hand up as he saw they were about to speak.
"Let us head to the palace. We may speak there." He said and everyone nodded.


The kids went to play and Reine had a maid take her child back to his room. They were now in the throne room and Saito bowed to the two cloak figures.
"My name is Saito Ren. Former Magi of Alma Toran and former Priest of the Moon. I am in your debt for freeing me. I have been caged underground for 1,000 years. I don't know how I can ever repay you. I also want to thank you both for taking care of my friends. They've been through a lot. I'm forever over joyed that they have found happiness in Thia world with you two." Saito said as he straighten himself.
"How are you part of the Ren family?" The first cloak figure asked with narrowed eyes.
"I was married to Arba before she met your father. And Ren had always been my past name. I never expected your descendents to also have the same last name as me. Ahaha.." Saito chuckled nervously.
"Please, tell us about Alma Toran." The second cloak figure said and both women shot glares at their husbands.
That was a taboo subject.
"Sigh......I knew you say that but that is not my role. The one that will tell the works about Alma Toran will be Kimigakiri, and Solomon's son, Aladdin, not me." Saito said.
The two cloak figures sighed but nodded.
"What about Luna?" Rinne asked.
"Ugo has be locked up. But, do not worry. She will be freed, but not by any of us. She will be freed by the one person she never thought she would meet again. Her daughter, Caria." Saito smiles.
"I want you to tell us everything you know about Al Thamen." The two cloak figures said.

"Of course. But one question. Why haven't you told Hakuryuu and Kougyoku that you two are alive....
Lord Hakuyuu and Lord Hakuren?"

(To be continued......)

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