Chapter 7: Truth of Acceptance

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- Vision -


The sound a child's cry was heard through the place as a woman crying tears of joy. Her emerald eyes held tears as she saw her friend cleaning the child with a warm damp cloth.
"Congratulations!! It's a girl!" Arba smiled as she handed the child to the woman, gently placing her in her arms.
"What happened to Ugo...." Luna said weakly while Arba sweat drops and pointed to the floor.
"Bwhahah!!' Luna burst out laughing, seeing her Husband passed out on the floor.
Arba sighs along with Sheba, as they watched the males pick up Ugo, and Guadalupe using some magic to wake the poor man up. He was pale as a ghost but smiled weakly to his wife as their friends helped him walk over to her. He couldn't keep tears falling from his eyes once he saw daughter in his wife's arms.
"She's....beautiful....." he whispered as she nodded to him.
"Welcome to the world Caria..." Luna said as she kissed her daughter's forehead, who giggled.
"She's so cute. She has her mom's eyes and Ugo's  hair." Sheba squeals.
The magicians of Alma Torran gathered around their fellow friends, and congratulated them on becoming parents. Guadalupe smiled, even if its been 3 months since she arrived, she was more than happy to be here to witness the birth of a life.
"So, who's the Godmother???!!" Sheba asked, excitedly..
"Obviously me." The sound of Belanova' s voice was heard from Guadalupe's  staff.
A holographic image appeared and showed Sheba's elder sister.
"Bela.....I'm So glad you're alright..." Luna smiled and Saito waved to her.
"Me too...I discovered I'm able to do magic without a staff." She said.
She walked up to Luna and Ugo, smiling seeing their child.
"I'm an aunt!! Kyyaaa!!" She squeals.
Falan chuckled and saw Tess and Arba's son, Alphonse, peeking in through the door.
"Come on you two. Come meet the new member." Arba smiled.
Tess came in excitedly while Alphonese shyly walked in. He was a young boy with blue hair and blue eyes. Saito smiled and picked up his son while Wahid did the same. He brought her closer to Luna, and smiled when he saw his son grinning, and Caria giggling.
"Uncle Ugo!! I'm gonna marry Caria when I'm older!" Alphonse declared boldly with a grin.
It was if lighting struck Ugo when he heard that while Luna burst out laughing and everyone else was shocked.
"It's too early for my son to become a ladies man......." Saito thought in his head and sweat drops more as he saw fire surround Ugo, like the fire of rage.

"I'll think about it." Luna giggled while more fire surrounded Ugh.
"Come on Ugo, they're just kids." Saito chuckled.
"But still......" Ugo said.
Luna rolled her eyes. She would smack him on the head if she could but is currently tried and is holding her daughter. She turned back to her daughter and smiled. She thanked the gods that her daughter was born healthy.

- 5 years later -

"Come back here you!!" A young boy with blonde hair, some golden clothing and crimson eyes raged as the five year old girl and a boy ran, each carrying a basket of fruits and sweets.
"Run Carria Run!!" The boy laughed as the girl.
"Got you Alphonse!" She giggled.
"If Gil catches us, were doomed!!" Both laughed and summon their staff's, flying off through the town, many of the citizens laughed At their actions.
"Alphonse, you got the giggle water?!" The girl giggled they soon arrived at a beach area, they landed on the sand.
The boy now known as Alphonse grinned and took out two bottles.
"I managed to steal a grape juice one and a strawberry one! Did you get the candies?" He asked.
"Of course I did!" Caria giggled.




Anger and pure sadness flowed through Caria like a raging storm that was out of control. She hugged herself and cried uncontrollably as she dropped to her knees in the water, as red hot tears flowed down her cheeks. Gilgamesh rubbed his cheek where Caria had slapped him to break the connection he had forcefully made with her. But he smiled to her sadly. That one memory that was entrusted to him by his master, was enough. Caria was shaken to the core. Every emotion that she had locked away deep inside her was running wild. She denied what she saw. She denied it.
"That isn't true, that isn't true!!" She screamed and from a bit afar, Sayaka and Karma were woken up by her screaming.
"This is the truth. Ugo is your father and the Lunar Priestess, Luna, is your mother." He spoke.
"No no!! I don't have a mother and father!! I was abandoned by my real parents!! I was only shown pain growing up until they died in that flood!! Ugo and that woman aren't my parents!!" She cried and Gilgamesh was beginning to get frustrated by her constant denial that she had no family.
Karma watched silently and gritted his teeth.

"You're nothing but a problems child."

Suddenly, an image if his own childhood came to his mind.

"What was the point of raising this brat if he isn't going to be any use?"

"He's too intelligent. He knows things."

"Leave and never come back!! The only reason we took you in was for money!!"

"What are you doing?" Sayaka said as she suddenly saw Karma stomp over to Caria, furious.
He didn't care if the water was freezing cold or anything else. He loomed over her and the Archer watched in silence in the interactions that were about to occur between the two.
"Get up." Karma spoke but Caria didn't hear anything until...


Sayaka covered her mouth in shock while Gilgamesh watched, amused. Caria slowly turned her head towards Karma, ready to scream at him, but saw the pained face he held. The same emotions of sorrow and anger she held, were the exact same ones he held in his eyes. He grabbed her by her shoulders and shook her, and said what needed to be said, no matter how much she didn't want to hear.
"I......was taken an old assassin couple...." He gritted his teeth and looked down the water, "For years I believed my real parents sold me off for money. I was constantly told I was a problems child, a devil. That I brought nothing but misfortune...." He smiled sadly as his own reflection looked back at him with sorrowful eyes.
"That was how part of my life was........constant suffering....until I teacher...Koro Sensei, also known as the God of Death in the Assassin world. I wanted to escape my I ran away. Koro Sensei took me and quite a few others in. He, Bitch Sensei and Mr.Karasuma all taught us many things. There were days where we argued, days we cried, we went through hardships. But most of all....we learn about ourselves." He says and then looked her directly in the eyes.
"I learned that my real parents, never sold me. I was taken away from them and sold into the slavey system as infant. Since then....that old couple bought me to train me into an assassin. But...." he sighed and smiled bitterly, "I constantly denied that truth. I didn't want to believe it......I later found out that my real parents died of starvation...but....they never stopped looking for me." He said and silence followed.
He stared into the water, letting his own sadness take over, a few tears fell and made the water ripple. Its true. When he learned the truth, he constantly denied it. He didn't want to believe it because of how he was raised. But....


He got a good slapping from Nagisa, which ended in full blown fight between the two. Nagisa won and because of this, he was able to tell Karma what he needed to hear, and now, he will say those very words to Caria. He looked up to her and smiled sadly, and hugged her. She stiffened and was deeply lost.
"The world is a cruel place, and destiny can bring many hurdles, But never denied the truth that has been within you the whole time. You know the truth, you always knew. So stop lying to yourself." He said and let go of her.
"*hic up**hic up*" Caria sobbed and hugged him tightly, and began bawelling her eyes out.
Sayaka amiled sadly and nodded while the young Archer smiled, and noticed the corrupted air round Caria, fade away, to a pure white aura, that only he could see. The three got out the water and Caria used a spell to wrap herself in a towel.
"Hey...." she mumbled and Karna looked towarda her, "Thank you. I needed that...also...that slap..." She said.
"Ahhh...yeah.....A friend of mine did that to me to make me snap out of it. Sometimes a good slap is needed to make things go through, only once." Karma chuckled lightly.
Caria giggled and nodded. It reminded her how Kimi had slapped her one time to make her stop accusing herself for her adoptive parents deaths.
"Well, now you know!!" The child archers giggle made all turn to him.
Caria glared at him, with crossed arms.
"So, care to explain to me more, Gilgamesh?" Caria asked in a voice of authority making the boy flinch a bit.
"Right....well good for you, you are my official master, since your mother said if anything were to happen to her, I would serve you. Though I'm stuck in this form, unfortunately." He grumbled that last part because he hated his child self.
Caria chuckled and nodded.

Today was a long day.

- The Next Day -

"I see....." Sayaka mumbled as she looked at the map that Gilgamesh provided.
It was full map of every room in the dungeon, but something else concern her.
"Gilgamesh, what exactly is the djiin after my queen? Those monsters of black mud are still alive. Unless we want an early death, we need a way to avoid engaging battle with them." Sayaka said.
The young archer frowned at her but nodded in approval. As he continued talking to Sayaka about possible ways to get get the treasure room without encountering those monsters again, Caria was busy using Forras on Karma's injury. His back was facing her while he sat on a boulder an she sat on one that was a bit higher than his. Now all that was now left, was thin red scar.
"That should do it. Alphonse's medical skills in making that string is amazing." She said and Karma nodded.
"Yeah, but now let's go. And...thank you." He smiled to her and she nodded.
Gilgamesh turned and saw his new master walk up to him, and handed him a stone book tablet, making the boy puzzled as he took it.
"Open it." She and once he did, the book began to glow, as did his form.
A bright flash blinded everyone and once it was gone, Sayaka and Karma looked the once child, now an adult. His bare chest was shown as he wore a very short blue navy vest with red and golden trims. He wore regal pants that also had jewlery. His right hand held the ancient mage stone book that Caria had given him and in the other, a golden ancient axe. On his head, he wore a strange headpiece that resembled a turban sporting blue-accented adornments, which sat firmly on his blonde hair that was short but straight down. His crimson eyes opened and looked at Caria blankly, who was currently smiling.

"To think that you, would make me, The Wise King of Urk, show myself this way." He stated calmly while Caria just smiled.
"Would you have preferred if I made you back to your Archer self, Caster?" She smiled and he scoffed.
"Very well, I, The King, shall allow it. You already know I am not fond of my Archer self, not my child self." Gilgamesh said.

"I know. But now," she spoke seriously, "Tell everything you know from this dungeon and the best way we can get to the treasure room. I need a conformation." She and he nodded.
Sayaka handed the map over to him, making him frown at reading it.
"Mongrel, seems my young self did a terrible part at making this." He bluntly said.
"I SWEAR to you I wanted to say something to him but I didn't want to risk getting killed!!" Sayaka bowed to him, sorry.
He sighed and shook his head.
"It's alright. For now, I need to fix these mistakes but we can do this." He said and pointed to the map at room that seem to be filled with ancient artifacts.
"That room another room that Murmur isn't able to look into because he is forbidden. He can't make any attacks in there." He stated.
"A neutral zone." Caria mumbled.
"But from the looks of it to reach it, we need to go through this area." He pointed to another area, which instantly made Karna pale slightly.
"The room of Memories, also known as the cage of souls. I fear also there may be more than just I, the King, here in this dungeon." Gilgamesh said bitterly.
Caria had a worried looks. From what she was able to confirm, with those fights she had, the black mud had the power to shape anything that was in that person's mind. To be more precise, into one thing she admired the most, and the other, something she fear. The first one became Genos because she was a fan girl of him, but the second one turned into Sinbad, which scared her. But what scared her wasn't his power, his strength, none of that. What scared her was how he viewed her friend, herself and Alphonse. She clearly saw that Sinbad not only saw Kimi as valuable pawn, but as a tool, not just his own wife. She could she the deep envy Sinbad had towards Kimi because she was able to do things he couldn't. Compare to Sinbad, Kimi actually was careful. She wasn't manipulative, sly or cunning like Sinbad. Well, something's but that was when she pulled pranks. But in her case, she actually got to know the people. She learned about their culture, their beliefs, their ways and views in life. She understood that change took time. The same case was with herself and Alphonse. All three of them are royalty for three drastically different countries yet understood and respected each other.

And Caria saw that as the problem in the world and the same that went on in her old world. People didn't want to try and understand other people's belief or opinions. They tried to force their own beliefs on others. That was the problem. Caria, Alphonse and Kimi have worked together in their past lives to try to come into understanding others. And they did.

"I'm not just sticking to one religion. There's a little bit of everything I believe in. From the Karhan, to some Christian beliefs, to Buddha and more. There's a little bit of everything and that's what's so feel helps me understand other people. I don't want to force my own beliefs or rules onto someone. No! They have their own opinions and have mine and I respect that. That's the way things should be. Respecting each other."

Alphonse said those words. And three of them were honest with each other. Sometimes they would question if God even existed into the first place. They also believed in facts from science. But now back to the subject, that is what Sinbad and many others in this world didn't understand, it's as if they didn't want to. Then there was the Magi system, which Kimi, herself and Alphonse often questioned. They remembered when Yunan caught them one time talking about and how it's possible that world could live without such system because of their knowledge of the future to a certain degree.

"If Ugo heard you all say such things, he wouldn't be happy at all. Especially coming from ones he sees as abnormalities."

Those words rung deep into their heads. What's more it scared Caria more now that she knows that Ugo is her father. She's basically a child in a rebellious stage! Then the problem also came with David, consider the fact that Sinbad is his incarnation. They can't separate the two because David was able to successfully revive himself within Sinbad during the battle of the Medium, which Kimi wishes she knew at time. Her friend was able to have a successful connection with another person in a different Magi world and bother informed each other of what was going on and how things are taking a turn of events that shouldn't be happening at all. People that were supposed to die are alive, certain events aren't taking place, and because of that, they themselves are abnormalities in those worlds. Now the next question...her real mother. She's surprised at Ugo was ACTUALLY able to find a woman to fall improve with, considering how he normally acts around the opposite gender except Falan, Sheba and Arba. If she and her other friends were originally from this world, then it was no surprised how the rukh accepted them quickly, which Alphonse saw as unnatural.

"Just what exactly is in that neutral zone?" Caria asked the King of Uruk.
"Precious artifacts from the age of Alma Torran and also scriptures of Babylon. If my guess is correct.....then she might be there, and in the other room, he might also be there." Gilgamesh explains.
"And that would be......?" Karma asked with a raised eyebrow.
Gilgamesh gave him an irritated look but spoke.
"I, the King, will not say anymore. You will see for yourselves." He said and everyone nodded, understanding.


"Everyone, be careful when walking, a few parts of the floor are falling apart." Sayaka said as she was the one leading the group this time. Her sword glowed with flight blue flames around it, with Gilgamesh next to her, opening a few other portals, where different staves peaked out and created light.
The room they were going through was very much pitch black. Caria at some point was expecting they run into some monsters at some point but nothing was happening. Karna on the other hand, felt a strange chill go down his spine, like someone was watching him.
"How much longer?" Caria asked, noticing the slight color that had left Karma's face.
"Be patient Mongrel, ah. We're here." The King said when they shortly arrived to door with small, crack of light.
Carefully they opened it and went least....that was the original plan, for one of them, but fate had it's twisted ways.
"Incredible....." Caria said as she looked around the entire place, amazing by the amounts of books there were, from scrolls to tablets.
The but the room looked strangely familiar.....from somewhere......

"It's seems my guest have finally arrived. Wise Sage of Urk, I must say, it's an honor to meet a fellow King of Babylon."

Everyone's attention turned to the direction the voice came from, looking up at a huge stairway that was in the center of the room, and at the top, a throne, a woman sat on, with sly smile on her face. She was a beauty of the night with long brown hair that touched the floor beneath her. She had pointed ears, a black dress that scream a beauty of darkness. Gilgamesh quickly had golden portals open to protect them.

"I though four of you would have come, but looks like not." The dark beauty smirked and instantly Caria began to look around.
"Karma!! Karma!!" Caria yelled as she saw the door to the room now gone and the woman chuckled.
"Child, only those who have faced judgment may come into this room. Your friend was not able to leave the Room of Memories because he has chosen to judge him." She said and Caria glared at her.
"Who is he?!" She yelled at the woman, now fully remembering who this person was.
"Oh?" She raised an eyebrow at her, "You should know by now, Caria of Kina, who the Grand Servant is. He, who Rings the Evening  Bell." The woman said.
The gears in her head slowly began to turn as Gilgamesh's eyes went wide and then it clicked.
"No......." Caria slowly felt her energy leave and collapse on her knees, now knowing who it was.
"Not even the most feared and coldest Assasin can escape judgement from his eyes." The woman said as she stood up, a giant purple portal opened behind her as she raised her hand, but then gritted her teeth as she made it disappear, remembering she can't exactly attack in this place..
"Caria, Caria!! Who is it?! Who trapped Karma?!" Sayaka said, panicked.

"The Old Man of the Mountain.....King Hassan......"


"I know I was next to Caria!! Dammit!" Karma growled, annoyed that the fact he SOMEHOW managed to get separated from her.
Since that day he saw her in Magnostat, it has been running through his mind why he chose to stick with her. He followed her to her Kingdom, even tried to assassinate her to see if she was just some weak spoiled princess but that wasn't the case. Something about her made him feel admiration towards her. Like a fellow knight who had deep respect for his king.
"Nope nope, I'm an Assassin. I'm suppose to walk the path of Shadows!" He said to himself out loud and lightly slapped his cheeks.
He smiled bitterly as he kept walking unknown to him that the eyes of Death Watched him. Three other shadows watched from the darkness, waiting for their leader to give the order so the boy may face judgement. Karma suddenly felt something strange and suddenly out of instinct, his eyes turned a deadly cold, and the dagger he held dearly, clashed with another. He came face to face with a strange skull mask, but her noticed the owners features. Purple short hair that covered part as the mask, those were her vangs. She wore the clothing of an assassin and could tell her skin was a dark color. On her head, was a violet flower ornament.

"Ugh....!" She made a noise of struggle as his own strength seem to grow because he was defending  himself against her.
"HAAA!!" He yelled a battle cry as he poured his Magoi into the dagger and the girl screamed as the blade went up and cut through the flesh of her shoulder, but also, breaking part of her mask.
The minute her blood began to seep, he smelled poison and quickly jump and made sure none of her blood got on him.
"That scent......" He said slowly as he bent his knees and had his dagger in front of him, pointing towards the girl, "It's poison. Somehow it's even in your blood...." He spoke coldly as the girl held her bleeding shoulder.
His eyes slightly widened has he saw the part of the broken mask that revealed her face. Violet innocent eyes looked him in pain as she held her shoulder.
"I'm sorry, but this is where you shall die. I'll make your death painless." She said softly.
both charged at each other, the sounds of multiple blades clashing at inhuman speed, cause sparks to show themselves as they clashed. Their own diggers in their hands clashed with each other, and he noticed that she kept trying to touch him. It made no sense, but it was assassins job to make a kill silently. That's when he slowly began to put the puzzle piece together and he had a flashback of history lesson his Sensei had given.

"This here...." Koro-Sensei said as he picked up a strange old skull shape mask, "Said to have belong to the first legendary Assassins, Those who had been given the title, Old Man of the Mountain." He said.
Koro-sensei was handsome young man with dark eyes, pale skin, black hair and wore a black trench coat, on his neck was tie with the shape of a moon.
"Old Man of the Mountain??? What kind of name is that?" Karma laughed but fit smack from his teacher on his head.
"Respect this history Karma!! This lesson is actually related to the world of Assassins." Koro-Sensei said, making everyone question what her ment.
"There were very few who received the title of Old Man of the Mountain but only the true leader of them was the most respected and well know, King Hassan. The there most know as Hassan of a Hundred Face Persona, Hassan of Serenity and Cursed Arm Hassan." Koro-sensei began to explain.

Karma jumped back and them towards the woman as he charged his dagger at her and managed to make another cut at her.
"Ugh!" He growled and glared at him.

"One of them is Hassan of Serenity. Her she was well known for her assassinations because of poisonings. It was said her skin, her blood, tears, even her touch, her entire body was poison."

"Your true name is Hassan of Serenity and the reason you are trying to touch me is because of your Zabaniya!!" Karma yelled as he blocked her attack and her eyes went wide, but that moment of distraction was enough for him to take the rune stone Caria ad given and him quickly forced swallowed it. Once her felt it go completely down his throat, his eyes glowed a slight green hues, and charged at full power at Serenity.
"AAAHHHH!!" She screamed as he brought down his blade her, right across her chest and managed to straddle her, and his blade at her neck.
" you not have killed you by now...." she said weakly as some of her blood was on his skin.
"Anti poison rune from the age of the Gods....a friend of mine gave it to me....originally I was suppose to throw it at you...." by he smirked, "I found it more effective to swallow it." He said with a toothy grin.
She smiled weakly but nodded.
"Guess the new generation still had it after all. Go ahead....finish me...." she said and waited for his blade to pierce her heart but....

"What the hell? No." He said and her eyes went wide.
"I have no idea why the hell I got stuck here but I'm keeping you alive so you can help me leave this place. Also, I can tell, you never had the intention to kill me, Hassan of Serenity." He said and got off her, and put an arm over her shoulder to help her up.
"Why....why did you chose not to kill me??" Serenity said and he thought for a moment.
"Because my Sensei had a different view of Assassination." He smirked her as a small blush came on her face.

"Now let's get out of here."


"Semiramis, the Wise Queen of Assyria." Gilgamesh said while the black beauty, now known as Queen Semiramis, nodded in approval.
"I'm glad to know that someone knows of me in this world. Though we ourselves are not supposed to be here usually. But then again, the law of Time and Space is constantly broken." Semiramis said.
"Then I presume this place is a room in the Hanging Gardens of Babylon?" Caria said and the queen nodded.
"Though this area is my domain, I'm not exactly in charge of this room, nor is Murmur." She sighed and stood up, and waved a hand across in the air, making screens appear in the air.
"Seems that Magician of Alma Torran can't look inside of this room either. That's good, means I can tell you exactly what I want to say." She smirked, making the other tense until her face went serious.
"Destroy the Scarred Palace, the Magi system and set free Luna." She said and Caria's eyes went wide as did everyone.
"L-Luna?! You fool!! Do you have any idea what Ugo will do if Luna is freed?! He isn't right from his mind because he been in the Sacred Palace  for more than a millennia!!" Gilgamesh roared.
"And?" Semiramis said.
"What?" Gilgamesh growled.
"Though Luna has long been dead, her soul  is sealed away in a area under the sea, 200,000 ft below sea level. If you can set her free, I can create an artificial body for her out of a puppet. So...." Her eyes landed on Caria, who looked her emotionless, "Will you stay still and watch the system your father created make the world become a mess, or will you act on your own and do what you believe in?" The Wise Queen asked and Caria chuckled, and sighed.
"Kimi, Alphonse and I have long made that decision. We aren't trouble makers at all for nothing." She grinned and Gilgamesh and Sayaka looked her shocked.
"Wise choice." Semiramis smirked her but then gave her a small smile.
"You wanted to know who are the other servants here, there are three more you see. The Egyptian Queen who worships Anubis, The Goddess of the Netherworld and a Knight of the Round Table who wields Excalibur Sister." She said and instantly Caria knew who they were.
Though she herself wasn't so much into the Fate Franchise when she was alive, she learned quite a bit of history from doing Kimi a favor of playing her game for her while her friend had to go away, which soon got her more interested into historical figures. And this is where Kimi loses to Caria, because Caria since her elementary years, had always passed with an A+ in history. The first one Caria recognise was Gawain, a Knight of the Round Table from Arthurian Legends. Legend is that his stronger during the day, related to the sun. Also called a gorilla in the Camelot Singularity in Fate Grand Order.


The next one she figured out was the Nitocris, from a Egyptian myth. Her legend was that she took revenge on the ones who murdered her brothers by first inviting them a feast, getting them drunk, and then drown them. She was also a worshipper to Anubis, the God of the Afterlife. She has two noble Phantasms. Finally there is the Ruler of the Underworld. Now this can go in either culture in different myths but only one popped up in her head because Gilgamesh is here along with Semiramis, who are both Demi-gods from the final Era of the Age of the Gods. The final one must be Ereshkigal. Caria silently thought for a moment. Nitocris and Gawain she was positive she could get them to join her, but Ereshkigal was another thing.

- ??? -

Her emerald eyes looked into the endless Abyss, the sand at the bottom of her feet were a deep blue color, strange cages with blue crystals on them filled the place, strange skull like ghost floated through the the place, and at the strange cages, the cried of trapped souls could be heard.

"This place is my word. I'm sorry Luna, but you can't leave."

Luna turned to the owner of the voice, a young woman who wore a red cloak to conceal her identity, but you could still see a few golden locks of her hair and her crimson eyes.

"Why?...." Luna question her.
The former Alma Toran Magician no longer held the same appearance she once had. Her blonde hair had grown so long that it spilled beautifully on the sand, her dress was a simple white dress, showing that she was bodiless spirit, her emerald eyes held pure loneliness. Ereshkigal looked down to the ground guilty.
"Because I can't......those chains are a combination of the Chains of Heaven (Enkidu), and the power of the Sacred Palace. My role is simply to keep an eye on you. That's all....." the goddess said sadly.
"Just keep an eye on me.....? Just keep an eye on me????" Luna said lowly as the shadows covered her face, her emerald eyes held a dangerous shine on them, but the goddess could not look her in the eye.
"I......!!!!" Before the goddess could say anymore a burst of magic came from Luna that had a color of  red, her pure anger.
"ENOUGH!!!" Luna boomed furiously.
The sound of chains rattling began to grow louder as the wrapped around the magician. She screamed pure sorrow and rage and didn't care about the Chains on her body becoming tighter. She wanted to leave, no, she must leave.
"I WILL LEAVE THIS PLACE NO MATTER WHAT!!" Luna screamed louder.
Ereshkigal watched, astonished by such power she was releasing. She noticed the cracks that formed on the cage that trapped her friend. How much she wanted to help, how much she yearned to help her. But she just couldn't...

"Why do you hesitate?"

"I can't....I'm not allowed to...." Ereshkigal said, but...
"Just a little more!!" Luna cried out as she reached her hand out.
"Why won't you help Her? Are you afraid, or are you jealous that she will gain the freedom you so desire? To see the outside world?" Her consciousness said.
"That's isn't it!" The Goddess cried back.
"Is it?" It said back.
Ereshkigal hugged herself tight, trying to keep tears from falling.
"I want to help her...I don't want her to be trapped." She said.
"Then you know your choice." It said and faded away.
Ereshkigal looked up to her from, seeing her struggle, desperately trying to grab that thin string that will set her free. The Goddess hesitantly stretched out her hand to give her friend that final push but....

A hand suddenly grabbed her wrist and she looked up in shock and met void pale blue eyes.
"U-Ugo!!" Ereshkigal said shocked, seeing the djinn of the Sacred Palace, looking as he once did when he was a Magi of Alma Torran.
The former Magi was silent and then turned to the glowing cage, where his wife was desperately trying to escape her cage but...
"That's enough Luna, please go back to sleep." He said and tapped his staff on the sand.
The Chains of Heaven received a burst of power and Luna' s power was suddenly completely gone, and dropped to the ground, cold, unconscious.
"Ugo....why...?" She mumbled as a single tear fell down her cheeks, and the Magi walked into the cage long with the goddess, and both carefully put her on the woman's bed.
"Why.....?" Ereshkigal said as Ugo began to leave but the man stopped once she began to ask her question, "Are you so desperate to keep her to yourself  that you locked away her soul and also her body in separate locations...?!" She began to raise her voice.
"Ereshkigal please keep your voice down." Ugo said nervously.
He still wasn't very good with women.
"NO!" The Goddess boomed and stomped her foot down.
She clenched her fist and glared at him with tears threatening to spill at any moment, making the man even more nervous.
"Have you ever thought of what Luna wants?! What she knows is better for her?! She ain't a child!! The way you're acting now is completely outrageous!!" She said to him.
"Ereshkigal, I know this looks bad to you but I'm keeping her safe! I'm not risking David getting a hold of her soul!" He countered back but that just made the woman more furious.
"That's your excuse every time!! This goddess is getting sick and tired of constantly watching my friend suffer!! This goddess doesn't want her friend to go through the same loneliness as me!!" She yelled to him.
He looked her worried and then look back to his wife and then back to her.
"This goddess can see that you are treating her like some valuable artifact and locking her away! Not only that, you say you are protecting her from David but you doing the opposite!! This goddess can see many things even if my spent was mostly in the Underworld!! You locking her up is just like David locked up Belanova!! Plus you separated Pluti from Aladdin because of your own personal grudge when that child is innocent!!" She said and at the mention of Pluti, Ugo frowned.
"Don't bring that.....spawn...Into this nor Aladdin!" He said back but Ereshkigal glared back.

"I will bring them into this because they are also part of this problem!!! Were  you so upset how you saw joy in Luna's eyes when she secretly took care of Pluti and Aladdin?! Did not want her to smile?! To move forward in the world?! Did you want her to remain broken forever?! To remain grieving over your daughter?!" She said.
Ugo  was now starting to get angry because she was now bringing his dead daughter into this.
"Don't you dare bring Caria into this!! She no longer lives and is part of the rukh!!" He said back.


Ugo slammed his staff into the ground furiously, making the entire ocean floor shake. Ereshkigal quickly yelled out" End!" To stop the earthquake before it created a tsunami and destroyed a country or two. Ugo panted and glared coldly at the goddess, even scaring her. She had never seen Ugo this furious before. He walked up to her and looked down to her coldly, shaking her to the core.
"Don't ever compare me to that Man ever again. This conversation is over. You have a debt to pay me back for and this is it. We aren't discussing this any longer and that's final. " He spoke coldly and disappeared to a shower of golden dust.
"Oohhh.....AAWRRGHHHHHHH!!" Ereshkigal screamed and stomped her feet multiple times into the sand and kicked it furiously.

"This is what happens when you hesitate."

The voice in her conscious came back and she this time let herself cry, dropping to her knees.

"Anyone....Anyone...." She looked up to the dark abyss of the ocean, her tears falling..


(To be continued.....)

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