Chapter 8: The Gates To Freedom Open

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"It's a pleasure to meet you Lady Kougyoku. I'm Ayato Pendrigo, I'm one of Lord Drakon's men. I've been assassigned to guard you while Lord Sinbad is busy." A young man with dark brown skin, hazelnut coloured eyes, short wavy hair, and wore a turban with red jewel at the center with a feather, bowed to her kindly. His clothing was floor length blue color cloth similar to Sinbad's, showing he was scholar. Kimi nodded to him as her right hand kept signing papers that need to be checked.
It's been two weeks since she was rescued, her eyes were no longer pink, but golden green color, with the symbol of the third eye on her forehead. She had her short hair in high bun and wore a simple maid dress, though Sinbad pleaded her not wear something so simple. She really wasn't in the mood to get into arguments with her husband. Especially since he's become overprotective of her and wouldn't even let her leave palace, let alone to the market place to visit the citizens. So now, finding out right now that he's even now put an escourt to watch over her, was getting to her nerves. So had to keep herself from groaning out loud.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Ayato. And please just call me Kimi. I'm around the same age as you." She said to him as he nodded.
"Ahaha! Forgive me, I'm used to speaking to everyone in a formal way because I was raised." Ayato chuckled nervously.
Solomon watched silently with Belanova as the conversation between the young scholar and queen went on. Both former magicians of Alma Torran noticed that Sinbad had seem to become more paranoid. Especially after the whole dungeon kidnapping. The both were just grateful that Kimi had not said anything at all about obtaining an 8th djinn then that would have sparked a whole controversial issue.

"Lord Drakon usually has me proofread his military plans to make sure there are no errors. But I do find a few and point them out. I'm glad he's trust me this much." Ayato said as Kimi had him sit down on a chair.
Ka Koubun also watched quietly as the conversation continued. One fact for sure is that Ja'far and Sinbad don't trust him one bit even though he is Kimi's viser. He served the two tea and watched the interaction.
"So you're a military general then?" Kimi asked.
"Sort of...." Ayato admitted, "Truth to be told, I'm more of mage, but I rather keep that a secret because I'm not a fan of Lady Yamuraiha's classes. I also tend to avoid Lord Sharrkan's training." He admitted.
Kimi giggled and nodded.
"Trust me I do the same! I think I rather learn on my own." She said and took a sip of her tea, lavender.
Ayato smiled kindly as he closed his eyes and took a sip of tea, and a soft smile remained on his lips. From what he had heard, the Queen was supposed to be woman with a fiery spirit and also terrifying. But also a kind, loving woman who was wiser than her years, thus, earning her the title of the Wise Queen of Sindria. She knew everyone's names, every single person on the island. She knew when it was someone's birthday, when a mother has given birth and sends her blessings. Truly, the people of the Kingdom of Sindria loved her.
"Lady Kougyoku, the next paper." Ka Koubun said politely as he handed his queen the next document that needed to be signed.
"Ah! Sorry Ka Koubun. Let's moment please Ayato." She gave the young man an apologetic small smile as her eyes went back to the document.
Her eyes scanned it and her lips turned to a frown.
"Why is Sukara still in the army training? I know he hasn't been well and I like him to get some rest. Please go inform Drakon about this and gave him excuse Sakara so he may be treated and rest. Also, please tell him I send him my congratulations to him and his wife having their 5th child." Kimi said as she handed the report to Ka Koubun.
"Right away my queen." Ka Koubun bowed and headed out the door, not before sending a small glare to the boy before shutting the door.

Ayato was surprised by the way the Queen responded to the report. Most royal would just dismiss it and continue onto the next one, but she takes her time to read through each single one carefully and make sure each citizen is doing well.
"Out of curiosity, what do study?" Kimi asked, making the boy snap out of his thoughts.
"I study ancient magic. I have my normal with me, do you mind if I show you?" He asked.
"I don't mind at all." She smiled and he nodded.
He took out a slightly beaten up journal and opens it, inside were strange lines written in some way but Kimi recognize them.
"Runes." She said and Ayato looked at her shocked.
"Y-You know these?!" He said shocked.
"Well, truth to be told, I only know what they are because a person used them once to protect themselves. Other than that, not much." Kimi said.
Ayato nodded and smiled sadly.
"These are ancient magic said to be from an older age. Much older than Alma Torran." He said.

"If it be alright, could you teach me about them?"

- Dungeon of MurMur: Room: Unknown -


Caria screamed loudly as Gilgamesh dodged a golden scarab beetle that came at him like a bullet. Semiramis waved her hand, black chains rose from the ground and attacked the individual that controlled the golden beetle, but the person quickly hovered to the left, and sent four more towards the Assassin.


A female voice boomed madly as Sayaka slashed at mummy that came at her in half. Caria looked to the owner of the voice, who was surrounded by black mist and shadows, showing she was in a Madden state and no talking will make her snap out of it. She wax dark-skinned young woman with purple hair, and wears very revealing clothing with Anubis-like ears, golden earrings, and an elaborate necklace. But her violet eyes glowed red with madness as she kept mumbling loudly frightening words of murder.

""Punishment, for disrespectfully playing with even the seat of the Pharaoh, who serves as the ruler and is worthy to be god!!" She boomed loudly and floated high in the air, a huge dark portal opened and out came out a coffin in the shape of Anubis, a mirror at the very top of it with six like wings.
"No you don't!!" Semiramis and Gilgamesh yelled as both summon their own portals.
"HIIISSSS!!" A giant monster snake came out of Semiramis portal and a huge sword out of Gilgamesh's, both had aimed at the woman.
"Why is Nitocris in a Madden shadow servant state?!" Caria yelled.
Karma still hasn't been able to leave the Room of Memories, all she could do was have faith in him that he could escape on his own and meet them at the treasure room.
"It's most likely Murmur!! He's also known as the djinn of Despair!! ONE of his abilities is to tap into a person's memories and show them their darkest time in their life! He must have done this to Pharaoh Nitocris!!" Gilgamesh yelled as the madden Nitocris screamed an Egyptian spell and aimed it at Gilgamesh.
The male Caster quickly flew back just on time because that attack...
"Holy......" Caria was in shocked at how that spell cut the bolder Gilgamesh was on before, to nothing but cubes, the size of pebbles.

"This battle isn't getting us nowhere!" Sayaka yelled as she summon several swords and clashed with armoured mummy.
Caria gritted her teeth but then noticed something as she secretly djinn equip to Forras.
"Gilgamesh, have you noticed?" She said telepathically to him, and made sure Semiramis and Sayaka also heard.
"So you finally noticed huh?" The King smirked as she nodded.
"Nitocris won't go any further from the mirror she had summon, what's more, she's a long distant attacker. If one of you could get me to that mirror...." Caria said.
"Are you crazy mongrel?! That's suicide!" She winced at the booming voice of the Assyrian queen, "That mirror is death itself. The souls of the dead will kill you!" She said as she sent another poison attack at the female Caster, who was protected by a barrier of sand.
"That's it. I need to go inside that mirror. If my theory is correct.....then the real Nitocris soul is trapped in that mirror. Trapped in her very own Noble Phantasm." Caria said as she reached into her pocket and took out a purple stone that had a very familiar marking of a certain Sin.
"Gowther, come!" She yelled and slammed the stone into the ground.
A tornado of purple dust formed and materializing was Gowther, the sun of Lust.
"I didn't think you summon me already. Humans then to have a strange tenancy of getting into dangerous situations." The male said as he fixed his glasses and looked around.
Caria created a barrier around them to protect them while Gilgamesh and Semiras held but Nitocris.
"Listen," Caria began, "I need you to help me enter Nitocris mind, A.k.a, the mirror." She said and Sayaka landed near them.
Gowther looked back and forth between the mirror and her.
"That's suicide. There's a .00001 % chance that you will live. The chances of you getting into a instant death 200%. You do understand what this will do? You will experience her life. You will become her them minute you enter that mirror, if you survive. You will live her life, her pain, everything. And if your heart and mind are not strong enough, you will lose yourself to her madness. You will lose your identity. Will you still go through with it?" He asked as he summon his bow.
Caria's throat went dry and she looked at her hands, the words of losing her identity....
"No way!! It's to risky!! Please don't Caria!" Sayaka said.
Caria closed her eyes and her hands turned to fist. She looked at the Sin of Lust directly and the eyes and nodded.
"Very well. I hope you succeed." He said and stepped back, aimed his bow at her chest.
Caria nodded, closed her eyes, as felt like something went through her chest, and her vision began to fade, as she felt drowsy.

"Caria!" Sayaka quickly caught her as Caria fell, she gasped.
She was cold, cold as a corpses. Gowther in his hands held a glowing electric blue arrow, and aimed it at Nitocris, then set it free. The shadow servant screamed as it was about to launch a spell, but froze as the electric blue arrow went through her neck. All he movements stopped as she stood there, still as a stone. Semiramis and Gilgamesh quickly turned to the one responsible.
"Amazing....she actually survived." Gowther said in aww.
"What do you mean she survived?! Her body is cold as ice!" Sayaka screamed.
"Sayaka, she's only and a death like state. If she didn't survive, her body right now would have turned to ashes in your very hands right this instant." Gowther said as he made his bow disappear and looked over to see the King of Uruk and Queen of Assyria quickly try to revive the girl, but Gowther merely looked back to the still as a stone Nitocris, and the single crack on the mirror.

- ??? -

"This place is......." Caria slowly opened her eyes as she found herself in a child form.
Her hair had turned purple, long, her skin dark, and her eyes purple, also with Anubis like ears.
"Nitocris, are you alright?" She turned as she saw a young boy older than her, who also had purple hair like her.
"Of course I am brother! I'm merely studying the spells that were given to me by father!" She said cheerfully.
"Alright Nito." Her brother chuckled ather and ruffled her hair.
Nitocris smiled cheerfully as she continued to write down spells in her scroll, but...
She heard the sounds of men chattering as they laughed and gave small quick glances to her and her brother.
"Even a fool can spot a rat...." Nitocris thought as she looked over to the snob of nobles who laughed and tired but froze once they spotted the smile she gave them.
Her lips moved but no words came out.

My beloved brother was murdered.

25 years passed and Nitocris had grown to a beautiful young woman. Normally she would be happy but today....she stood in front of a modified corpses of her beloved brother as she held her staff. Tears fell down her eyes as she slowly heard the words that were currently being spoke behind her back.
"How sad...." a few feet from her, were nobles that spoke in joyful tones, faking the pity that they felt for the young queen, "Now Nitocris-sama will become the next Pharaoh. But that is too much of responsibility for a young girl." One spoke as he chuckled.
Nitocris was silent as took in every single word that they beloved she couldn't hear, but how wrong they were...
"Yes, " the other noble said "we need to shoulder the burden of power in her stead." He finished.
They laughed in glee, now that the power was in their hands, they thought they could manipulate her but...


Darkness filled her heart as she slowly turned to the ones responsible for murdering her brother. Tears of pure hatred and rage fell down her eyes as she swore revenge through her reign.

Punishment to the blasphemous.

Nitocris would invite the murderers of her brother to feast down in a secret underground catacomb, where the water was shut till her order. They would have them feast and drink till they were drunk and passed out. She was only one still aware, and as she looked the ones asleep, she stood up from her chair and walk up the stone stairs to the top, and make the stairs disappear.

Death to the betrayer.

To the ones making light of the Gods.

To the ones mocking the Pharaohs.

She watched with cold eyes as the catacomb filled with water, the murders spewing curses and rage at her as she watched with cold eyes as they died a slow agonizing death, drowned by the water. The reward they gained for making a mockery of the Gods.



Right after that.....

Nitocris stood in a room and held a dagger to her chest. She had no regrets.

I took my own life. Not out of regret. As a Pharaoh, I accomplished everything I wanted to accomplish. Yet....

As was about to bring the dagger down to her chest....

It still losing the war despite winning the battle.....

"Wait...." Nitocris eyes were wide, her eyes wide with tears, a shaky smile on her face as the dagger only a millimetre from her heart, trembled, "W-Why am I doing this.....?" She spoke with a shaky voice, "I-I've forgotten something....S....." she spoke but soon....


Slowly but faint, she heard voice in the heaven's, almost yelling desperately.

"Caria!! Please wake up!!" Sayaka screamed as she held her friend in her arms, desperately wanting her to wake up.

"Ca...rai...Caria.....that name...." Nitocris mumbled.
Slowly, her eyes widened in realization and threw the dagger out the window, staggering back, clutching her head.
"RAAAHHHHH!!" She screamed as she stagger and used the wall as support, and notice a shadow in front of her, that glared with pure rage at her.
"Why didn't you take our life?!" It screamed furiously, "We accomplished our goal! We punished the betrayers who made a mockery of the Gods!!" It yelled louder.
She winced as she held her head, and glared.
"No.....I'm...not you...." she said back and the shadow was furious.
"THEN WHAT ABOUT OUR SECOND LIFE?! WAS THAT NOTHING OF REGRETS TOO?!" Nitocris suddenly screamed to the shadow.
That's right. Now she remembers.
"YOU KNOW NOTHING!" The shadow screamed but a hard slap met its face.
"I do know because I lived through you pain, sorrow and hatred!" Nitocris appearance slowly change to a girl with pure long green hair, light color skin, green eyes and was dress as a female Japanese samurai.
"YOU ARE PHARAOH NITOCRIS OF THE 9TH DYNASTY AND I AM CARIA, PRINCESS OF THE KINA EMPIRE!! I KNOW YOUR PAIN AND SORROW!" Caria yelled down to Nitocris as the world around them trembled and shattered like glass.

The Shadow Nitocris suddenly screamed out of nowhere and Sayaka flinched.
"What the hell just happened?" Gilgamesh said as he and Semiramis created a barrier over themselves and Sayaka and Gowther.
The Sin of Lust watched as the shadows servant screamed and rampages, punched walls, pulled it's own hair, the cracks on the mirror growing more and more.

Caria glared down at the shadow of Queen Nitocris who screamed furiously at her.
"YOU DARE HIT A PHARAOH YOU COMMONER?!" She yelled and both woman grabbed each other but the hair, this was now straight up going into a cat fight.
"YOU'RE A RECKLESS BITCH!" Nitocris yelled as her fist Caria's fifth cheek.
"YOU'RE A SPOILED RICH HOE!" Caria yelled back and grabbed both of Nitocris Anubis ears, and pulled them.
"KYYAAA!! BACK OFF!! " The queen yelled.

Back with the others, Gowther fixed his glasses and a sparkle came from a them as he turned to Gilgamesh, "I believe they are what is called "Cat fight." He said.
Everyone gave him a deadpanned face and then saw another shadow appear inform for the Egyptian queen, and now one can CLEARLY See, Caria was in a cat fight with Nitocris





And both woman rolled down as they punched each other in the jaws. Caria landed on top of Nitocris, even if both were shadows, she pinned Nitocris arms above her.
"Oh my..." Semiramis said.
"ARRGHH!! Let me go!" The Egyptian Queen yelled and Caria slammed her forehead onto hers.
"I WON'T LET GO!" Caria yelled as she looked directly into the void purple eyes, "What happened to the proud Queen of Heavens?! What happened to that short tempered attitude and wise mind?! Eh?! EH?!" Caria yelled to her.
The shadow Nitocris growled at her.
"Shut up shut up!" She yelled until one action.....froze her.
"I didn't want to do this but no choice!!" Caria said as she grabbed a bottle from her pocket, popped it open, drank the contents then slammed her lips onto the queen.
"!!" Nitocris froze.
Everyone's jaws dropped as they watched and saw the shadow mist around them disappear, and Caria even used her tongue to force the queen to drink the liquid. The poor queen was so flush, that it forced the corruption that Murmur had implanted into her out, and Caria's body turned to dust, and her soul glowed. On top of the passed out queen, was a young woman with pale blue short hair, red green eyes and wore a body tight clothing with a black coat.

"Who?" Sayaka said and the woman stood up and picked up the queen and threw her over shoulder.
"I'm sorry I worried you Sayaka. It's me Caria. This is how I look like, if I had lived in this world. Guess now this is my true appearance." Caria said.
Gilgamesh was left speechless as he stared at the woman before him, but smirked slightly.
Semiramis nodded and turned towards the sound of a door clicking. As they did, Karma came out with a pale look, unlike anything anyone has ever seen. He dropped to the ground on his knees, panting rapidly and Caria quickly handed Nitocris to Gilgamesh, and ran to her friend.
"What happened??!! Please tell you still have a soul?!" Caria screeched as she hugged the boy tightly.

"I'm sorry....I'm sorry...."

Caria looked up when she heard a soft female voice crying and instantly recognized the female Assassin.
"Serenity....." she muttered and the female Assassin cried.
"I had to obey...I had to do the Dance of Death...." the Assassin cried and Caria sighed, knowing exactly what she meant.
"King Hassan's Order huh? It's alright. He was only looking at the outcome of the battle. I'm sure you and Karma must had an intense battle." She said and Serenity sobbed but nodded.
Caria smiled softly and hugged the girl, making her freeze.
"I can touch you...Its Alright Serenity. It's alright...." Caria smiled sadly as the Assassin finally burst into tears of both joy and grief.
"Did he pass the judgment.....King Hassan....?" Caria muttered and everyone else took a several steps back except Semiramis and Gilgamesh, who stood in their place with th3 aura of kings.
Serenity gasped and quickly got on one knee as Caria stood up and gave a respectful bow to figure that stood before her. The Grand Servant, The First Old Man of the Mountain, King Hassan. Blue flames surround the servant who's very aura screamed death, his mask was skull.

"Thine has been brought here to this dungeon by force. Thist not furious nor wavers at my presence. The boy has shown skills that are equal to the Old Man of mountain from different eras." King Hassan said, looking down at them.
Sayaka was shaking as she was giving Karma some water to help him recover.
"If I may ask, what exactly did he see?" Caria asked.
"Thy boy faced his own guilt. His own hatred, his own rage. Close to become fallen he was, but that may have not been a bad choice also. Thou that has fallen, as not bound by the rules of King Solomon. Isn't that right, Princess of the Kou Empire?" He said.
Everyone looked around at that mention because only Kimi would be here, but no one saw anything, until Nitocris woke up and glared at Caria.
"YOU!! I SWEAR I'M GONNA--- KING HASSAN!!" Nitocris screeched when she saw who was in front of Caria and frantically apologized for her outburst.
"I'm very very sorry King Hassan! As an apology I shall do a favor." She bowed.
"Thou use your mirror to reveal what has protected the vessel of Kings." He ordered and Nitocris nodded.
"********" she muttered as her Mirror came out and small spirit came from it, circled around Caria then took shape of young girl, as it landed gracefully, and looked eye to eye with Caria.
Sakura color eyes gazed calmly at the cherry coloured ones of Caria.
"Hello Caria." Kougyoku stated calmly and then turned to King Hassan and bowed.
"You're......" The Kina princess mumbled.
"That's right. I am the real Princess Kougyoku. I gave my body to Kimigakiri as a thank you for being there for me when I was child. Even if we were ages apart, and different worlds, our minds would synchronize. The reason my body accepted her was because we possessed similar wavelengths. In a way, my body is her host. But as the years went by, my body has fully accepted her and they have become one." Kougyoku spoke calmly, the gaze of Empress of Kou.

"But, why? How are you still here?" Caria asked as Kougyoku gave her a small smile, and held her hands.
"I...chose to break away from the rukh till I see the end of Al-Thamen. I am not alone. Queen Sheba, King Solomon have chosen to do the same." She smiled sadly.
Everyone watched silently as the conversation between the two continued.
"I can't say much because that is not my role, but I'll be here protecting you, even I you can't see me. Until the time comes where you must face your own father, my role ends here. Take care, Caria." Kougyoku smiled and kissed her forehead softly.
The Kou princess turned to golden dust, showing she had returned to Guardian Spirit that will protect her dear friend.
Caria had so many questions running through her head, until a tornado of blue flames surrounded everyone. She had closed her eyes but when she reopen them, she and everyone were in front of the Treasure Room Gates. She walked up to them, and stared at the two right hand pedestals, where she and one other had to place their hands. She was unsure what to do. She gasped when Gilgamesh placed his hand on one pedestal and looked her.
"Do not hesitate." He spoke calmly and she nodded and placed her hand.
"Open Sesame!!" They yelled and the gates to the treasure room opened.


"My my, you kept me waiting human."

At the center of treasure room, the place reminded Caria of Buddhism Temple, and At the center of the room, a blue skin color djinn, that sat with legs crossed, hands in a praying position, and multiple arms (too many to count). His hair was tied back, and what he sat on was a lotus blossom throne. He merely gave her a smile, though his eyes were shut, his way of acknowledging her presence. Armor surrounded him.

"My name is Murmur, Djiin of Salvation and Inorny. But also known as the djinn of Despair, isn't that right, King of Heroes and Queen of Assyria?" He spoke smoothly as He did a small turn of his face towards them.
"Ah, and Queen Nitocris and The First Old Man of the Mountain, I must thank you for your role. Nicely done." Murmur said.
"Nicely done??! You bloody djinn made me nearly gone mad and this girl took my chastity from my lips!" Nitocris spat angrily.
"Whoa Caria, you took her virginity?" Karma half teased, looks like he's calm again.


"OW!" He yelled from the painful slap he got from Sayaka.
"*cough* By..."virginity*....she means I took her first kiss. *cough*" Caria coughed and that just flared the rage Nitocris had her.
Murmur merely chuckled.
"Seems things went well from my trails. However...." the smile on his face twitched, "Seems you didn't defeat those monsters made of black mud." He said, and only opened his eyes by a millimetre.
Caria really didn't want to deal with those things....ever.
"Do you want to know why I made one specifically the King of Seven seas?" He asked.
Everyone was silent.
"Because that man...." He opened his eyes and looked down at Caria, his eyes were the color of red, but cold as ice, "Will bring disaster upon this world, and because you Dauther of Ugo and Luna, fear him deep down." He spoke the truth.
"That I do not deny." Caria said, "I do fear that man because in a way, he has my friend as a hostage. I'm afraid he will manipulate her like puppet at some point." She said.
"You're not wrong, that time is approaching soon." Murmur said and Caria nodded.
"Changing the subject, Ereshkigal was not able to be brought here. Seems that Nerd chose to lock the doors of the Underworld, even if she is the Ruler there." Murmur frowned.
"Ugo......" Caria mumbled and looked over to everyone.
Murmur used one of his limbs to dig threw a pile of jewelry, with the tip of fingers, handed Caria a sword, a khanda.

"This is my preferred metal vessel. That sword was forged by your mother before she married that Nerd. Anyway, I will explain my reasons why I forced you here. Now," he turned to the queen of Assyria, "Turn this dungeon to your materials for your Noble Phantasm, along with the King of Uruk. Then head to the specific coordinates I had installed into your system. Caria of Alma Torran and the Old World, I now serve you. All treasures shall be age as through my power. Enjoy." Murmur smiled and disappeared to the Khanda, the eight pointed star imprinted.
"Thank you...." Caria smiled slightly.

- The Next Day -

"This is........" Caria couldn't believe her eyes, she truly was standing on it.
Even Gilgamesh watched with admiration from the balcony. King Hassan stood at a different area as Semiramis noble Phantasm floated over the sea.

"Impressive isn't it?" She stayed with a smirk, "Caria, since you have set all of us free from that bloody dungeon, you are now in contract with all servants present on my Hanging Gardens of Babylon. One of Seven Wonders of the Ancient world and one of the treasures that DO NOT and ARE NOT owned by the King of Heroes." She said with a smug tone while Gilgamesh just sent her a glare.
Caria giggled and looked over to Karma, who was chatting with Sayaka. Serenity watched silently, and two more Hassans stood next to her, Hassan of Hundred Personas and Cursed Arm Hassan. And she looked to her left arm, where she had multiple and right arm, and her chest. She had a full body command seals. It's been 15 hours since the have been flying over the sea, and she couldn't help but lean a bit on the balcony.
"To the gates of the Underworld huh.....?" She muttered and then walked back to inside the garden, and to her room that was set up for her.
She sat down on her bed, the room was truly for for a royal, the style was ancient but she liked it. As she placed removed her armor and sighed as she looked her new appearance. But she knew this was how she was meant to look like, the appearances of her birth mother and father.


"Hmmm........I don't like this." Semiramis said as she looked at the holographic screen displayed in the air.
Gilgamesh was also present along with Nitocris and King Hassan.
"Murmur may have given me the coordinates to the Underworld Gates, to make it more specific, the exact location where Luna is being held captive, but he didn't give me an idea how to destroy the bloody seal. Ugo is currently in a frantic state because he just realised that Saito had finally managed to escape Arba and is probably on his way to save his friend. And the fact that even Belenova was set free from David's grasp makes it more." She sighed.
Her pigeon familiars cooed as they watched and Nitocris sighed.
"Though we are all from the same world, our magic is far more ancient them those of Alma Torran. We can break that seal like toothpick!" Nitocris said.
"Thou incorrect." King Hassan said and the ears on Nitocris dropped.
"Lord Hassan is correct, the only way we are able to break that seal is if we combine all of our Noble Phantasms into one attack, and that includes IF it works." Gilgamesh stated.
He knows first hand how overly protective Ugo was with his daughter and wife back in their lives of Alma-Torran. The fact that he even separated Luna's soul and body, and in two separate locations.....
"Another problem we have is the Queen of the Underworld." Nitocris huffed.
"Unfortunately, she is on her own there. W----!!!" Before Semiramis could finish, the fortrues suddenly began to tremble and she made a swipe of the holographic screen, and gritted her teeth.
"DAMMIT!! I KNEW THE ISLAND OF THE GODS WAS HERE BUT I DIDN'T THINK HE REMEMBER!!!" She screamed furiously at the screen, and saw multiple....

"VALKYRIE!!" Gilgamesh yelled.

Semiramis already had a barrier protecting the fortress but she couldn't believe Ugo would go this extreme.
"Caria!!" Sayaka yelled as she saw the woman run out to the garden of the fortress and look up to the sky, eyes wide.

"Mama, what is this place?" A little Caria said as she and her mother, Luna, flew to a floating island.
"We're going to the island of the Gods. We'll, to be more precise, the island of Valkyrie. This is my original clan." Luna said.
"Lady Luna!! What are you doing here?" One valkyrie flew to her.
"Come on, I just want to show my daughter where I was born." Luna giggled.
"Sigh, Lady Luna, I know that. But I'm just worried because of how overprotective your husband is!! We know how he gets we you stray to far from Alma Torran." Another valkyrie said.
"Don't worry, I'll talk to him."

"This island......." Caria mumbled and saw many of valkyrie attacking, but they were protected by the barrier.

The body is in the place where her roots are, the soul is in the place where her tears are.

"THE OCEAN IS WHERE THE SOUL IS AND HER BODY IS ON THE ISLAND!!!" She screamed and jumped off the balcony.
"WHAT THE HELL?!" Karma yelled, horrified.
"Come Forras!!" She took out her sword, Siegfried, and djinn equip, and flew near th3 island.
The valkyrie's eyes all looked lifeless, showing that they were merely empty shells created by Ugo, similar to the Holy that protect the Sacred Palace. She swung her sword and cut several in pieces, but saw many still coming. Ugo was damn that no one would enter to hurt is wife. Her eyes searched the island until they came across a sole water fountain. Beneath the water, was a body with arms crossed over the chest. A woman with long flowing blonde hair, and a white dress.
"Mom!" She yelled and dove down.
But retrieving the body wouldn't be easy.
"Dammit....." Caria cursed as three Valkyrie in particular stood in front of the fountain.
"......." tense silence there was as they all stared at Caria, but the King vessel refused to leave.
"Sigh....." the blonde one sighed and moved out of the way, and gave her a small smile, "Destroy the island, and the seal beneath it. That will set your mother free." The black hair one said and all three left, as Caria gently took out the body from the water, and held it bridal style.
"Thank you." she mumbled and flew back to Hanging Gardens.


Gilgamesh: Draw your arrows, I will permit it! Witness the defense of Uruk, this greatest and richest of cities! The deluge of the land is my will! Melammu Dingir (The King's Signal Gun)!

Nitocris: Mirror of Corpses. Mirror of Darkness. Become a gate, and release terror... Anpu, Neb-Ta-Djeser!"

Semiramis: I will now show you the fortress of the sky that no humans can touch. The Garden of Vanity. "Hanging Garden of Babylon!" Be crushed, just like the ants. Fufu...ahahahaha!

King Hassan: Hearken. The knell hath tolled thy name. Feathers of death prophecies--- decapitate, Azrael [Angel That Foretells Death]....!

Sayaka: Come, my emotions of Love and despair, I who once bore a fate too cruel!! Oktavia von Seckendorff!!

Caria was shocked that so many were going this far to set Luna free. She flee high in the air as she saw the pillar of light engulf the island, and dive deep into the ocean. At the bottom of the sea, Ereshkigal screeched as the huge pillar of light hit the seal that locked Luna. The said woman was so shocked by this and tears of joy spilled from her eyes.
"Someone....Some heard my prayer!!" Luna cried.
The seal wasn't breaking at all...
"Let the power of the sun rise....." she extended her hands, she didn't care if the chains began to rattle, "Let my sight foresee the tomorrow in the next horizon..." she uttered loudly, the Chains of Heaven rose from the ground and began to surround her, "I am the sun itself and my light shall bring new life!! Sun of Utopia!!" She yelled as her eyes glowed a crimson red and she raise her hands at the barrier, also attacking it.

"Come...On!!!" Nitocris yelled as she focuses her magic at the attack, ignoring how tried she felt.
Karma watched, wishing he could at least do SOMETHING! Though he passed the Great Founders judgment, we still felt useless at this point. Told his own skills were equal to Ja'far, if not, surpass even him. He took out his dagger and stared at it, and clench his hand around the handle, gritting his teeth.
"Sensei......I'm just a normal assassin....yet others say otherwise.....I can't just sit here, and so nothing!" He said to himself as he saw Sayaka sending a wave of blue flames.

"Oh?" Murmur said as he awoke from his sleep in his metal vessel.
"Seems the time for a household to awaken." He chuckled and made a single red butterfly, "Fly to the one that seeks power. Seems he has finally come to peace with his own self." The do in chuckled and the butterfly chipped happily and flew out of the metal vessel and to Karma's dagger.
"As for me..." the djiin stood up, "My King it is time to use my power." He said as he saw not even Forras power was helping.
From Kou, to Sindria, Kina and Reim and all the countries, they all saw the pillar of light that came from the ocean. Kimi all could do was watch, along with Sinbad and the others.

"But...I haven't even mastered you!!" Caria grunted painfully as she kept focus her attack.
"Do not worry my king, just go with the flow." Murmur said and Caria stopped her attack and flew up to the sky, high above the pillar of light.
She unsheath the khanda and held it in front of her, eyes closed and took a deep breath.

"I am the source of my salvation......"

The winds began to pick up slowly.

"I am the despair of my mind...."

A small tornado began to form around her as her eyes turned a darker shade of red, and the white around it a pale blue.

"I am she who brings salvation to those who have suffer despair and Irony!! Spirit of Salvation and Irony, listen to my will and let your power surround this body!! Come Murmur!!" She yelled.
Her skin turned a bluish green with red, two small horns appeared on her lips, her clothing changed to that similar to a Hindu Goddess, she now had multiple arms, as each one held a different weapon, and her two main arms, she held in from of her the sword of Murmur, shaded like lance with a blade as deadly. Her hair turned long and pitch black on it was a headdress.

Caria looked down as all her arms moved in sync, she concentrated her power to her sword, the rukh flowing into her. From the sea, Ereshkigal watched amazed.

"I am the one that shall set they free....I am the mother of Liberation...Extreme Magic: Oṃ Tāre Tuttāre Ture Svāhā!!!" Caria yelles and brought down her sword.
"HHHAAAAAA!!" She yelled with all her might, pushing her power into the lance to break the seal.

"Just a little more!!" Luna yelled as she desperately unleashed more of her power.
She wished to be free, she wished to see her child, she wished to breath air once more. Ereshkigal watched and hugged herself, she could hear Ugo in her mind, ordering her to use her words to stop this, but....
"No....ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!" She yelled and ran to Luna and touched her hand, she was the last puzzle, needed to be set free.
"Get out of the way Luna!!" She yelled and her friend looked her shocked once she saw her summon her lance and began to twirl it.
Enough was enough, it was time.
"The Distant Seas on Heaven, the Prisons on Earth. My Heel represents the anger of Kur! Come forth, the Phyrexian Shrine! Repent. Kur Kigal Irkalla!!" Ereshkigal yelled with all her might and slammed her lance into the ground, mountains rose and pillars of lightening penetrated through the seal s they were the final acts to set her friend free.

"KYYYYAAAAA!!" A huge explosion took place, the size of an atomic bomb, vaporize water rose into the air, where once the island stood, was now nothing but a huge bottomless pit, the water falling down like a waterfall, and slowly began to fill up.
The once that screamed was Caria, who was barely able to escape from being blasted away, and was now at the Hanging Gardens. All those from all the countries, watched with great shock at the explosion.
"Well well, will you look at that?" From high above the sky, a young man with with black hair, pale Gray eyes, and wore black armor, had a small smile on his face.

"Lord Alphonse, aren't you going to see her?" The voice of a female djiin echoed in his head, but she shook his head.
"Not today. We shall all meet at the summit." He said and grabbed two black rukh, and ordered them to send his message to Caria and Kimi, Sheba watched silently, as though the boy had become purely fallen to escape Arba's grasp, she accepted it, and didn't look at him in disgust anymore but nodded.
"Alphonse, I shall remain with you till we all come to the summit. In the meantime, where will you go?" Sheba said.
Alphonse ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. If he goes to Reim, Titus will come at him because his rukh was no longer white. Sindria was also an option but then there was Yamuraiha and no matter what Kimi did, the fact that he chose to become fallen didn't help either. And Kou was the worst option.
"Yunan......We're going to the Dark Continent." He said and summon a black Pegasus with beautiful wings.
Sheba sighed and looked over to the Hanging Gardens and then to the Sky.

"Forgive Us Ugo, but we are all Sinners and have blood on our hands...."

"Ereshkigal!!" Luna cried as she held her friends hand, Ereshkigal lauded down on the sand, her body in agony, the life slowly leaving her eyes.
"Beautiful....." Ereshkigal reached out to the sky with her other hand, every single ,muscle in her body hurt, "How long had it been....since I've seen the sun....the blue sky...." She muttered.
"Please...hold on...why...why did you go so far to unleash all your power?! If I knew Ugo was to make you disappear if you disobeyed him....I--!!" She stopped when she felt a hand on her cheek.
"Its alright......" the goddess smiled weakly, "I could no longer stand seeing you suffer. I, who has been her for over thousands of years...could No longer bare to see her friend suffer. This Goddess has no regrets...." Her body began to slowly fade and turn to golden dust.
"Eresh....." Luna cried as she held the fading hand, "I promise....I'll do whatever it takes to you to be happy!! I promise!" Luna cried.
The Goddess smiled as a lone tear fell down her cheek.
"This Goddess, will wait for that promise to be fulfil. Take care...Luna...." Ereshkigal smiled and faded away to the sky.
"AAAHHHHHHH!!" Luna cried as she hugged the lone yellow flower Lily in her chest, swearing she would bring back friend.
She stood up, and saw the Chains of Heaven turn to dust, and saw herself fading. It was time to finally return to the outside world.

- 10 Days Later -

"So, how are things?" Karma asked Sayaka.
The two were currently in the garden of the fortress, sitting side by side on a stone marble bench, a small lake surrounding them, as they saw the lush green life that flourishes.

A few birds flew around chirping and Sayaka sighed.
"Caria has been next to her mother the whole time. Taking care of her. All that's left is for Lady Luna to wake up." Sayaka said.
"Also......" She turned to him, "Why is Serenity stuck to you like glue?" She huffed as she saw the female Assassin HAPPILY hugging Karma.
"Apparently my half awoken household has made me immune to poison, and thus. This is the result." Karma said he saw Serenity smiling.

Sayaka felt annoyed for some reason.


Caria looked down to the ocean and then to sky from the she if her window. She sat there, silently. A few valkyrie that were now under her order flew in the air, to protect the Hanging Gardens should her father chose to send the rukh to attack, it now that was no longer possible. Since he has become a djiin, he could only watch, that was all. A single rukh bird landed on her extended hand, and she spoke softly, hoping she would be heard. She was currently in her room.
"Hey dad.....Its me...Caria...I'm alive...I never died dad. Hope you can accept the truth soon." She said and the rukh bird flew away.


".....Where...??" In a lavished room she woke in, not being able to move her body well, a thousand years since she has actually been able to breath air, Lunadesca of Alma Torran, the former Priestess of the Sun, hesitantly tied to at least sit properly.
"Ayee!" She screeched as she was about to fall but suddenly felt hands on her back and was helped.
"Straight and lean in the bed frame. It will help." She heard a deep male voice and looked up.
She couldn't help but let a few tears fall from her eyes as she looked up the grown up child servant before her, the King of Heroes, now an adult.
"Gilgamesh.....its been so long!" She said joyfully and hugged the King.
"Ugghhh......" the King groans but hugged her back, "I'm happy to have you back Luna." He smiled to her kindly, which was VERY rare.
"Where are we??" She looked around her room and put the window, "Are those Valkyrie?? Did they break free from Ugo's control?" She asked.
She had hundreds if not millions of questions.
"Where's Dito?? And Camili? What about Opal or Brynhildr?! Sigurd, Mata Hari, Kojirou (Fate stay Night one) or Xhifi!?" She asked desperately.
Her memories before she was captured by Ugo and locked away, she had chosen two king vessels for small kingdom that was growing. Dito and Camili were lovers and Opal and Chiron were their children. Brynhildr, Sigurd, Mata Hari and Kojirou were their servants that swore to protect them. Gilgamesh averted his eyes from her and deep a deep breath.
"Luna, they...aren't here anymore....they...." he gritted his teeth and spoke bitter words that would bring pain to her heart, "The Kingdom of Azural was destroyed in war against Al-Thamen......2,000 years ago. No one lived....but Opal. That was all." He said.
The world around Luna came crashing down like a raging waterfall, and the waters flooding an entire town.
"I-I see......" She said with a shaky voice and her hands trembling as Gilgamesh gave her a glass of water to drink.
The cool liquid went down her throat. 2,000 years..........

The Caster knew she want to unleash her emotions, he watched grabbed a pillow, slammed it into her face and screamed everything she had into it. Oh how much he wanted to grab the damn djinn inside the Sacred Palace and slap the living crap out of and drill it into his damn mind the irreversible damage he has caused. IF the djiin was even still sane.
"Mongrel, get up. I'm going to help you walk a bit. Be honored, I, the Wise King of Urk, is showing you compassion. There is someone waiting to meet you." He said and he helped her get up.
Goodness she was stiff as a tree branch!!
"Thank you Gilgamesh.....Haha." She chuckled as she carefully took her first step, "Seems you still have that huge Ego." She said and the King just scoff.
"Be grateful I am not my Archer self." He cringed at the thought.
"Oh I know. Still cringing at you edgy teenage self and child self??" She smirked as she also referred to his child Archer Self.
"Just be quite." He said and helped her walk carefully out of the room.
The two walked down the hallway, and soon Luna was able to walk by herself. They continued down, until they arrived to the garden. There, Luna gasped as she saw the blue sky, and.....

"Lady Luna!!"

"Lady Luna!!"

"You're awake!!"

"AAYYYYEEE!!" She screeched as all the Valkyrie suddenly all came to a halt and instantly flew down to her and got into formation.
The three main ones in the front, one with long pink hair and eyes, one with black hair, crimson eyes, with a hood, and the last one, a with long blonde hair and also crimson eyes.
Valkyries, Ortlinde(Black Hair) , Hildr(Pink Hair), Þrúðr (Blonde Hair):

"Formation!!" Þrúðr yells and all the Valkyrie, along with her sisters, they all hit the floor with the buttt of their lance, the sound of shields as they moved in sync and all spoke with exact sync.
"Welcome back, Sister Lunadesca, True Name: Lunadesca Alruna!!" Ortlinde said, and they all bowed.
Luna facepalms, but she couldn't blame them, 2,000 years she had been locked away.
"yokata!! We're so glad to have you back sister!! I'm sure if Bryhildr was here, she would be overjoyed!!" Hildr flew to her and hugged her.
"We are glad you have returned. But...." Þrúðr said and looked over to the small lake where the bench was.
There, sitting on it, was Caria, as she was half dozing off. Luna was confused and looked at the three sisters puzzled, until Gilgamesh motion her to walk over there, which she did.

Caria heard footsteps approaching and heard a gasp, making her fully awake and looked up. Luna had her hands over her mouth, shaking, shocked, a wave of emotions filled her. Caria stood up, and smiled to her sadly. How long has it been, since she has seen her real mother? Not the mother that adopted her in her past life, not the mother that truly did love her when she gave birth to her in this world, But the mother that for millennia, believed she was dead? The mother that gave birth to her in Alma Torran, her mother of soul and blood.
"Hey mom. I'm glad I finally got to be here with you again." Caria said as she spread out her arms to her.
"C-Ca....aahhh..." Luna trembled as she took a few steps, and slowly those steps became faster as they ran to individual in front of her very eyes, the daughter that she beloved was dead, the daughter that she so desperately wished to see again, the daughter who was not able to feel the pure love that she had, "CARIA!!" Luna burst out crying and jumped into her arms, both twirled and Luna hugged her tightly, afraid that this was all an illusion that would shatter like fragile glass in her hands.
Caria also let her own tears fall, and hugged her tightly. Both dropped to their knees on the lush grass, all the individuals on the Hanging Garden, watching the emotional reunion.
"My sweet sunshine, my glittering hope, my life, my little sunflower, you're here, you're finally hear in my arms....hic...." Luna cried joyfully.
"I'm home Mom...I'm home.." her daughter smiled to her as her mother wiped a tear.
Gilgamesh couldn't help but let a small smile come onto his lips as he watched the reunion...but....

"Do this is where this flower soon to be in the Garden of Despair is.....?"

Instantly he frowned once he heard the female voice in his head.

"The Garden of Sinners awaits them soon Gilgamesh. It will soon be time for them to join."

"No they won't. I, The Wise King of Uruk, will make sure of that." He said loudly so that the voice could hear it, and only the Servants in Hanging Gardens could.
"I am the Mother of Time and The Father of Space in this timeline. The Scales of Balance have spoken unfortunately so I shall refrain from making my move. But here me Gilgamesh........" the voice smirked wickedly, " The Garden shall have three new victims if its the last thing I do." It hissed and disappeared.
Gilgamesh growled but then saw his former master talking with her daughter. A small smile escape his lips as he saw the two women speaking, making up for the time lost, what has happen and more. Yes, this was fine. If only the peaceful days could last forever.

- 3 Days Later -

"So, ready Mom?" Caria smiled as she turned towards the doorway that led to the balcony, there she could see her mother walking out.
"Ufufu~ Of course." Luna chimed.
She was new. Her long blonde hair was now cut short, her clothing now different.

"You look amazing." Caria grinned as her mother stood next to her.
"Indeed, but now we will begin the real training. You aren't exactly stable, also considering you have yet to control both the black and white Magoi inside of you. We're heading to different island of the Gods. One well hidden from Ugo's and Al-Thamen's eyes." Luna said
"Hey ever forgive dad for what he did to you?" She asked and Luna sighed.
"Believe me, it will take years for me to forgive him." She said, "and considering I have a short amount of time left....." she thought that part to herself.
"Semiramis, To the Valhalla we go!!" Luna yelled as pointed towards the direction of the North Star.
"But Valhalla was destroyed by Surtr!!" Hildr said.
"Sisters you be surprise. I may have been adopted to the family of Valkyrie but even I know much. One our sister's became a djiin and that Valhalla is the perfect dungeon for my daughter to catch." Luna said proudly.
"So it's a fake??" Ortlinde said.
"Yup! Now off we go!!" Luna said.
As the Hanging Gardens of Babylon began to fly Northwest, Caria looked to the horizon, at that same moment, Kimi and Alphonse we're also looking that way.

Caria, Kimi, Alphonse: The Journey Never ends, and soon, the Gates to the Future Hidden in the Truths and Lies, will open.

(To be continued......)

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