Chapter 8: Close to the brink of Insanity

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They turn around and see girl with now short pink hair, wearing a blue short kimono. She grins at them and spreads her arms. Caria begins to feel tears in her eyes. Alphonse lip quivers.


They ran to her. Alphonse hugged her normally but Caria....pounces on her, knocking her down and her life.
"Kyyyyyyyaaaaaahhh!!!! I'm so happy you're okay!" Caria hugged the life out of Kimi.
Ka Koubun, Crow, and Kanna were confused at who the other two individuals were. Kimi was so happy to see her friends again.
"Where are we anyway?" Alphonse said as he looked around.

The place had a castle, supplies and other things. A river, lakes, fields, and more.
"KYAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! We're actually in the astral planes!" Caria squeals and jumps in excitement.
"Goooooodddd......I'm beginning to regret bringing her....." Alphonse groans.

Kimi then introduced Ka Koubun, Crow and Kanna. Alphonse was ready to go kill Sinbad, thinking that he got his friends pregnant, when Kimi told them they are her kids. But calmed down when she told them they are adopted.
"I swear if he had gotten you pregnant, I would have gone and murder him." Alphonse grumbled as they all sat down to eat.
"Yeah right! More like your as would of gotten whooped by Ja'far if you even tried to get near him." Caria said as she pointed her fork at him.
"Shut up Spoiled princess!" Alphonse yelled at her.
Kimi sighs but smiled.
"Almost forgot! Where are you heading to Kimi?" Caria asked as she took a bite of her chicken  leg.
"I'm heading to The Kina Kingdom. Ka Koubun will train in Heliohapt. And Crow and Kanna will come with me." Kimi said as she finished her fish.
"Well lucky for you," Caria pointed at herself, "I live in Kina!" She laughed.
Kimi's eyes widened.
"I'm the King of Kina's younger sister! And you should see Alphonse! He he's Muu's younger brother! He's a prince of Reim like Muu and Nervana!!!! Haaha!!" She laughed while Alphonse groans.
"You had to say it!? Yeah, I'm part Fanalis, and the reason my hair is blue not red is because a mutation in my DNA. Other than that, I still have the eyes." Alphonse sighs.
"And how do they treat you in Reim?" Kimi asked.
"I'm known as the blue Fanalis. And the Blue Flash. But, even if I look different, my family, everyone accepts me. And Muu finds it kind of annoying that more ladies are attracted to me, but reject every single one of them. And Scheherazade is pissed that one of the dungeons got stolen. (Narrows eyes at Kimi) it was you, wasn't it?" Alphonse smirked.
Kimi began whistling a tune, while Ka Koubun looked like he was about to strangle her.

"Kimiiiiiii..........Just admit it......" Caria smirked and Kimi broke.
"I'M SORRY!!(Slams face on table and bangs fist on the table) but I had to! It's so boring and not being able to do anything!! Can you blame me?!" Kimi wails while the others sweat drop.
"Uncle Kouha and Uncle Kouen thought Uncle Judar was my papa and almost killed him." Crow suddenly said.
Everyone went silent and both Alphonse and Caria broke out laughing their butts off.
"What would I have given to see that!" Caria laughed.
"And Uncle Ja'far thought King Sinbad was my papa, and almost killed him also." Kanna chirps and Caria and Alphonse laugh harder, the point tears were falling from their eyes.
"SHUT UP!!!" Kimi yelled at them, blood red her face.
"Pft!" Even Ka Koubun was trying to keep himself from laughing and Kimi glared at him.

"Alright, off to bed, now!" Kimi pointed and the kids whine.
But immediately ran when there mom gave them a sweet smile. Everyone could of sworn the room dropped a few degrees.
Kimi sighs and Ka Koubun excuses himself. She turns back to her friends and they all get serious.
"We did back at home. And we will still do it. Report!" Kimi said in a serious tone.
"In Reim, negotiations between Sindria are going. Muu isn't happy but we can't go against Lady Scheherazade orders. I also recently conquered a Dungeon. Stolas, Spirit of Birthrights and Conquest. Alibaba should arrive in Reim in a few weeks. My metal vessel, RYOMA'S SWORD RAIJINTO!" Alphonse said as he announced proudly and did Ryoma's pose.
Kimi and Caria face palm. The man had been a hardcore fan of Fire Emblem since he was born. Not to mention a hardcore gamer and otaku.
"As for me, I too have conquered a dungeon. Foras, Spirit of Determination and Lust. Oh.....just thinking about the pairings we did together.....(wipes drool from mouth) THE LIFE OF A FUJOSHI MUST LIVE ON!!! JUST THINKING OF THE PAIRINGS GETS ME EXCITED!! AHHAHAHAHA!!" She said with a crazy expression that sent shivers to every man's spine.

"And my metal vessel is Xander's sword, Siegfried. Other than that, everything is going fine in Kina. And you Kimi?" Caria finished.
Kimi took out all her metals and her friends all spit eyed.
"5?! And one of them is Bloody Rose?! Daaammmmmmnnn Kimi! Back at it again with the rouge-ness!!" Caria said.
"Two are from Yunan and Two from Judar. Eligos, Scheherazade." Kimi said.
"I stole Stolas from Kouen." Alphonse said bluntly and the life left Kimi.
"Mine I stole from Yunan." Caria giggled.
"You just need one more dungeon to complete the set." Alphonse laughed and Kimi sweat drops.
Indeed her and her friends are crazy.
But that's what she loves about them.
"Yaaaawwwwnnnn.........well, time to hit the sack. Night guys." Caria said as she stood up.
"Agree. Night Pipsqueaks." Alphonse said which was was responded with,
"Night Fucker." Which he flipped them off at.

Kimi sighs and went to her room. She changed into her night gown, went to bed, and off to sleep.

- Dream: Kimi POV -

"No, no, no, no......" I yelled as I saw where I was.
The water going on for miles, the flowers floating in the water, the cherry blossom trees..


I turned around and saw Sinbad. I began to back away. This place.......
I just......
His eyes darkened and we walked fast towards me. The flowers surrounded me and hissed at him.
"How could you leave?! And to think you were the woman that would appear here every night! Not only that, you were Melanie the whole time!" Sinbad voice laced with venom and anger.
"Just shut up! Leave me alone! I didn't want to comeback! I didn't want to be used as a tool! Leave me alone!" I yelled as I covered my ears.
"For 10 years I searched for you! Do you have any idea how much I want you in my arms?! To hold you?! To hear you say my name?!" Sinbad yells.
I shook head. I refuse to believe any word he is saying.
"Just shut up!!!" I yelled and the flowers turned to a tornado around me.
"Kimi ,listen to me! It's true that I did want to use you to spy on Kou, but that was back then! Please believe me! Kimi, come back to Sindria! Come back to me!" He began to walk closer.


That's right.......


I'm not Kimi anymore........


I'm Ren Kougyoku.....

Crack, crack....

Kimi.....doesn't exist anymore.....


I'm Ren Kougyoku.....I'm Ren Kougyoku.....Ren....Ren.....Kougyoku....

I'm Ren.....Kou.....gyoku.......


- 3rd POV -

The flowers began to whither, the cheery blossoms began to fade. Sinbad eyes widened as black rukh began to surround her.

In Kou, Judar's eyes shot open and immediately ran out of his room.
"What the hell Kougyoku?!" He yells in rage as he was about to fly and search for her but....

"Who's Kougyoku? I'm Kimi."

His head snapped back and his eyes widened. The Woman with brown and pink brown eyes looked at him in confusion.
He shot ice daggers at her but we're stopped in the air.
"Why are you attacking me Judar? It's me Kougyoku.... is my name Kimi or Kougyoku.......why?" She looked at him with a crazy, desperate face.
He slowly began to back away.
"Why can't.....I...Remember?!" She yells and she sent the attack back at him, waking up the entire palace.

Aladdin, Alibaba, Morgiana, and Hakuryuu all were panting. Kimi was there in front of them, with a crazy expression of sadness. All the generals surrounded her.
"Who am I? I'm'm Kimi....Kimi I'm Kougyoku....?" She began to move her head roboticly.
Like a puppet....
Yamraiha saw this and was beyond worry for her friend.
"" and inhumane sounds began to be heard from her.
And instantly Hakuryuu's eyes darken. He charged at his sister, ignoring the protest of his friends. The blade stabbed her shoulder and vines wrapped around her. A shiver suddenly went up his spine. Zagan began reacting and ordered the cocoon to tighten. Kimi tilted her head, eyes becoming swirls. Her back was facing Sharrkan and Masrur.


Her head spun back.
"KYAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" Pisti screeched.
The vines began to whither and her body now looked like a doll. Her eyes swirls, her arms separated from her body and they spun around.
"Everything will go as the witch queen says....." she chanted eerily.

Back into the dream, Sinbad was in a battle with Kimi. He dodged her sword attack and saw her skin was infected with black rukh. As they fought, each time their swords clashed, memories flooded in his mind.
They both jumped back, and he saw memories of her previous life. He didn't know it was her previous life, and he saw her memories as the years went by. As she grew.

Why am I even here......I should have just died.....

He froze.

Filthy rat! You should have just died. No one would be in pain if you just died that day.

Now it changed to Voice of another woman.

I'll give you power, just come to me...


Bet you she's nothing but a slut!

Slut, Slut, Slut!

I bet you she's cheating on the test! She always wins at everything!

Cheater! Cheater! Cheater!

Stay away from her! Mom!

It's your fault she's dead! You're nothing but a mistake in this world!! You should have never been born!

Sinbad kept hearing so many negative things. His eyes looked over at Kimi, who covered her ears.
"I know I am! Just a mistake! I get It!" She screamed.

"Please save her!"

He turned around and saw the Rukh outline of a girl.
"I beg you please! She is my friend! She's has to remember who she really is! Remind her who she truly is! Not as me! Not as Ren Kougyoku, As herself! Remind her who she really is! Please!"  The female rukh silhouette cries.
Suddenly two other people appear. The woman with green hair and the man with blue hair. They turn to him
Alphonse was furious and was about to attack Sinbad but was held back by Caria.
"Let me go! It's his fault that she's like this! It's his fault that those terrible memories of hers have been triggered again!" Alphonse yells.
"Stop it Alphonse!(pushes him back) I know you want to kill and so do I, but we need his help to save Kimi!" Caria yells.
Alphonse growled menacingly, the ground beneath him cracking. Caria turned to Sinbad with a angry face.
"I don't care if you are King or a singularity or a god, but you got her  into this mess and you will help fix it! Do you understand!?!" Caria yelled at him menacingly.
Sinbad's eyes narrowed as he looked at Alphonse and Caria.
"Who are you and how can I trust you?" He growled.
Alphonse held the lotus blossom necklace up. Sinbad looked at it confused.
"How much do you wanna bet he doesn't recognize it?" Alphonse said.
"50 bucks." Caria said.
"Deal!" Alphonse bluntly said.
Sinbad looked at the necklace closer and realization hit him.
"That necklace.....I gave it to her as a promise that we'll be together one day." He said.
Caria smirked while Alphonse groans.
"Yes and no. You gave her half. The other half was given by her mother." Caria said as she began to walk towards Kimi.

Sinbad looked at her confused. Caria took out her sword and points it at him.
"We'll help you get to her. Kimi is locking herself in a cage and we should be able to create an opening for you to enter. Aladdin should use Solomon's wisdom on her other half, which is fighting the generals. And Judar should be able to destroy the third part which is her hatred." Caria said as she held her sword in front of her.

"Spirit of Determination and Lust, awaken the Merrionette that acts and hides. Reveal the Cycle of Laws! Foras!"

"Spirit of Birthrights and Conquests, opens the third hidden path that unites the light and Darkness, save the the two paths! Stolas!"

Sinbad was beyond shock. Right when all three were about to make a move....

The crown on Kimi began to glow and white rukh began to spill out of it. A man with with  fair skin, dark blue hair (most of which he wore in a long, messy braid, with several wavy locks falling over his shoulders), and sharp sapphire eyes. A third eye lay situated in the centre of his forehead, his clothing is a lot more formal and regal: a cape flowed down his back, accompanied by an intricate white veil with a majestic crown similar to the ophanim resting on top of it.

Next to him, a Woman with a petite build. She has red eyes and long, straight pink hair that reaches down to her hip, with two thick hair braids standing on the top sides of her head that have the appearance of small horns. She wears a long, light-colored dress with short sleeves that exposes her collar bones.

They turn to Kimi and began pouring rukh into her.
"Don't let darkness control you! Face your fears!" The man yells as he teleported to Sindria.
"Remember Kimi!!!!" The woman yells.

The white rukh began to engulf Kimi and she screamed as she tried to fight it away. Solomon and Sheba knew what they had to do to save the girl....

(To be continued......)

Sorry for the short chapter but do not worry. The next chapter will be longer.

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