Chapter 9: Eligos, Kurumi and The Spirits that Protect The Lands

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They stood their ground as they tried to save the girl. Arba was invading her mind, beginning to pour in false memories in the girl's mind. Making her hate the world. Her hear is strong but her fragile....
Only her friends know why she became like this. Why Kimi was barley able to keep her sanity intact.

"Ara, Ara~, now this is quite pure yet so dark she is...Aaahhh~"

Solomon and Sheba turn around and a scoles appears on Sheba's face. A girl with long, black hair usually tied in long twin tails. Her right eye is red-tinted while her left eye appears as a golden, inorganic clock face. She wears a dress made out of orange and black frills, giving her the appearance of an elegant Gothic Lolita with uneven twin tails. On her head, she usually wears a big crimson net bow to hold her hair. She also wears a red and black collar on her neck.

The girl smirked and took out a gun, a clock behind her, she points her gun at the direction of the number seven and then shoots it at her head.
"Seventh Bullet: Zayin" she smirked and time froze completely.
" it's been quite sometime Solomon and Sheba. I see you still haven't changed one bit." The girl smirked.
"Kurumi......" Sheba growled.
"Nuh uh," Kurumi waved her finger, "no need to so cold Sheba. I just wanted to see who was the disruption of time." She said as she walked towards Kimi.
She looked down at Kimi, who was frozen in time along with everyone else. She held her head in pain and her face of horror.
"Aaahhhh~, this girl is so strong yet so delicate~(licks lips) and such interesting memories of her past life. She's also heard of me. Solomon....." she smirked darkly and turned to the pair with a crazy expression with a smile and her clock eye glowing.
"I want this girl to be my master~" Kurumi giggle eerily.
"Absolutely not! I won't allow it! Kurumi of the Spirit tribes!" Sheba yells.

Kurumi isn't a Tribe leader. She was one of the fighters of the Leader of the Spirit Clan. The leader of the Spirit, Shido, saw good in her, and tried to help her. But........ she chose to be neutral. She only enters when she wants her, which made her unpredictable and dangerous.

"Tsk, tsk, Sheba. Are you forgetting I am not a djiin. For Shido is but me, I am not. But if you make me one....I can help the girl...." Kurumi smiles.
"What are you truly planning?" Solomon narrows his eyes at her.
Kurumi smiles and giggles. She then turns to Kimi and frowns.
"I see my past self in her. She reminds me of Shiro in a way. That boy truly did try to help me....ahahah......truly foolish.." she chuckled dryly.
She points her gun and shoots Kimi. The bullet going into the girls heart.
"What did you do?!" Sheba yells as she watched her jump over to Sinbad.
Kurumi then did the same thing she did to Kimi to him.

"These bullets are made especially for them. They will measure their time. Kimi doesn't have much time to fall into depravity. As for Sinbad, the bullet I implanted in him is to keep Kimi from falling into depravity. In other words, I'm temporary sealing away their memories of each other." Kurumi said.
The King and Queen looked at her shocked. She then walks over to Alphonse and Caria and unfreezes them.
"You're....." the two said in shock when they saw Kurumi.
"You two, will each keep in track of the two. This will keep Kimi from falling into depravity, and for Sinbad to realize his true feelings towards her." She said as she handed each a bullet.
"Use only on extreme emergencies. (Turns to Solomon and Sheba) I will keep track of Sinbad and Kimi for you, in exchange, Kimi will become my master. Deal?" Kurumi smirked.
Solomon narrowed his eyes, he doesn't trust her but at this point, he has no choice.
"Alright. But keep your word!" Solomon said.
Kurumi smirked and bows.
"As you lord..." she then rises and both black and white rukh began to surround her.
"My metal vessel will not be anything she wears, but something she sees from......her right left eye." Kurumi's voice echoed as she disappears into Kimi's eyes.
A vine marking going down her left eye appears and her pupil turns to a butterfly.

"I'll speak to you soon..... My Master....."

- A Few Days Later -

" We're finally home!" Caria yells in joy as they teleported in front of the gate of Kina.
"Seriously, Caria! Be more careful next time! Look how sick Crow and Kanna got!" Kimi glared at her friend as she was patting her kids back.
Kimi now wears on eye oath on her left eye.
The kids were throwing up behind a boulder.
"Sorry.....But I'm just glad to be home!" Caria giggled.

It's been a few days since the accident that happened. Well more like......
It never happened.

"Twelfth Bullet: Yud Bet. I reversed time. So that means Kimi and Sinbad didn't meet again in the dream. So for my masters safety, I reverse time so she never had the dream to begin with. She will just go to bed and sleep. And I sealed away her memories of Sinbad. Each and every single one." Kurumi smirked.
Sheba wanted to murder her right this instant along with Kougyoku who later appears, and Caria.
"You didn't need to go that far! Now she'll be questioning who is the man that appears in her mind!" Caria yells.
"I wouldn't say that's true. I know what you did. You made her forgot him. Not enough to forget him completely but not enough to remember him either." Alphonse said.

"Correct. That should help her out. Same with Sinbad."

Alphonse looked at at his friend that was playing a shooting game. He frowns looking at her. Caria looks back him and gives him a reassuring smile. He smiles back and both turn back to watch their friend....accidently shoot the head off a stuff animal. Which, Kanna has a horrified face, because it was the stuff animal she wanted.

"Aaaahhh......ahhhh.....Whhhaaaaaa!!!"  Kanna burst into tears.
"I'm the worst mother Alive! How could I do such a thing?!" Kimi sulked on the ground.
Crow was trying to keep himself from laughing but failed epicly.
"I'm so sorry there any other one you wanted?" Kimi tried to calm down her daughter.
Kanna shook her head.
"Honestly my queen.....hand me the dragon...." Ka Koubun sighs.
He took the stuff dragon and sewed back on the head, like nothing ever happened to it. Kanna's eyes sparkled and he handed it to her.
"Thank you Ka Koubun!" Kanna cheers and she twirls around with it.

"Thank you so much Ka Koubun....I'm sorry for all the trouble I've been causing you." Kimi bowed.
"True you maybe a trouble maker, but you still are my master. You care  for others, and proven yourself many times , and still full of surprises." Ka Koubun smiled at her.
He really was proud of her. The shy, reckless girl has grown to a proud and brave one. A true queen. But still an air head and dork sometimes. Not to mention a rouge one. And the list continues.

Caria began showing them around her home.
"You'll love it here, trust me. And here we are!" Caria grins.

Back in the Kingdom of Sindria, the only ones that remember the accident that happened were Aladdin and Hakuryuu. Everyone was getting ready to leave on their journeys.
"Aladdin, I'm worried about Kougyoku. I don't know what happened, but King Sinbad seems to have no knowledge of her anymore. It's like....he's forgotten her." Hakuryuu said as both boarded the boat.
"I know what you mean. Kimi was on the verge of becoming fallen. It's a theory, but....there is one person that could be responsible...." Aladdin said as he looked out to the ocean.
He remembers what Kimi told him. Her past life......
"Hey Hakuryuu?" Aladdin said as he turned to him " when you head back to where your sister is, can you keep on eye out for a girl named Yoshino, and a girl name Touhka? They lived for 1,000's in this world. They been protecting many of the lands." He said.
Hakuryuu raised an eyebrow at his friend.
"Care to explain a little more please?" He asked the Magi.
Aladdin smiles.
"One is the fire spirit. Her name is Kotori, she is the spirit that protects the land of the Kou Empire. Second, is Yoshino. She protects the land of Imuchakk. Third are Oregami, who lives in the lands of Sasan. Fourth is Yuzuru and Kaguya, that live in the land of Kina. Fifth is  Miku, who lives in the land of Artemyra. There a couple more but I'm not gonna go into detail. " Aladdin giggles.
Hakuryuu groans at the mention of the spirit of fire, Kotori. She's nice and all but damn...a big mouth she has. Not to mention Kouen has his eyes on her and had tried to get to her to join Kou.

"I have protected these lands for thousands of years.....YOU THINK YOU CAN  ORDER ME TO JOIN YOU?! I'LL BURN YOU ALIVE YOU STUPID GOAT!!!"

Hakuryuu remembers the words she screamed to his cousin clearly. He and Kouha, and Judar tried so hard not to burst out laughing at what Kotori had called Kouen. And the look on Kouen's.....the woman was asking for a death wish...,
"Alright. But just to let you know, Kou is not in good terms with Kotori..." Hakuryuu said and Aladdin sweat drops.

Now back at Kina.

"I'm home Yamato!!!" Caria yells as she entered the hallways of the palace.
The place looked like a Japanese Kingdom.
"Yuzuru, Kaguya! Where's my stupid brother?" Caria grins as she spotted the two wind Spirits.
" Yamato is in a meeting, besides he's mad at you for leaving without a word." Kaguya snickered.
"My husband is quite the man when it comes to anger...." Yuzuru blushed and a dreamy look appears on her face.
(Kaguya left, Yuzuru right)

"Oh god.....I don't want to hear anything of that...." Yuzuru deadpanned.
"Agree....anyway changing the subject, My friends are going to be staying here for awhile. Please have the maids set up rooms for them." Caria said and Kaguya nodded.
Alphonse sighed and told her he'll be Going to the same room as usual.

Eligos watched her master and her and all the djiins glared at Kurumi. Kurumi wasn't turned to a djiin, but was given the abilities of one. Kurumi shurged her shoulders.
"If you want to say something, say it." Kurumi smirked which made Eligos snap.
"Why......what did you go so far as to erase the memories of the person she loves?!" Eligos yells.
Glasya and Vinea held her back. Sitri and Beleth glared at the woman.

Kurumi smirked widened as she disappears into the shadows and appears in front of her.
"Why are you mad? I just did the same thing as you...." Kurumi smiles and Eligos froze.
She lifted her face and looks into her eyes.
"You did the same thing also didn't you? To that knight's brother to "protect" him? Didn't you do it to because you loved him?" Her grin widened to one of Horror.
Eligos began shaking. Memories of the past returning to her.
"After all, Sinbad and his household entered your dungeon 12 years ago. You kept your face hidden. You committed a taboo and left your dungeon. You, pretending to be human, so you could be with him......
In the end......the human you loved....." Kurumi looked at her with a crazy expression that describes the devil

"Died in your arms....."

"RRRAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" Eligos screamed and summoned out her weapon.
A lance made out of blue sliver and charged at Kurumi.
"BARARAQ!!!" She screamed as tears fell from her eyes.
Kurumi easily dodged the attack and all the djiins tried to hold back Eligos from murdering the woman, no matter how much they want it to happen. It can't...

Kurumi cackled and left. The djiins let go of Eligos, who tears wouldn't stop falling.

- 12 years ago -

"Eli not happy that you humans came to my dungeon, much less, conquer it." Eligos frowns.
She wore a green hood that covered her identify completely. Only with her voice, they were able to tell that she was female. True the purplenett was indeed worthy of her, but she knew for a fact life with him as a King would be boring. She can already tell, the boy is to become a sly, cunning, and devious man in the future. But one did catch her interest. A boy around the same age as the other. Short red hair, brown eyes, he wore a turban with a red jewel and a feather. And wore blue sliver He had the aura of a innocent one.

"Cute....." she mumbled.
But unfortunately, the boy was a household member already. She saw the purple head smirk. Probably thinking she ment him.
" your smirk reminds me of Focalor. My ex. He cheated on me." She said monotonly and all the men looked at her confused.
"If I was a normal djiin, I would choose you eggplant. But I am not." Eligos smirked at the dumbfounded face of the boy.
"And all these other men are also worthy of me, but they are all household vessels." She summons a small pipe.
She looked down at the knight, the Imuchakk, the Fanalis, the assassin and the Heliohapt boy. She sighs and floats down and picks up the knight.
Everyone begins to panic and the boy was screeching like a girl. Eligos held him and lightly moves her hood, so only her green eyes were visible. 

The boy froze and was entranced by her eyes.
"Beautiful....." He mumbled.
She froze. The boy quickly realized what he said and covered his mouth. A small smile appears on her lips.
"Thank you. It's been quite some time since someone actually told me that. It's rare to see a man with a pure soul like you." She said as she gently placed him down.
Eligos then thought. She's made her decision. She smiled kindly and spoke.
"Eli has decided that I will chose none of you." She said and immediately everyone went into shock.
She can feel her crush, Baal, her former guinea pig, Valefor, and ex, Focalor, reacting. She then casted a spell to keep the purple head's djiins from coming out at all.
"Though I must admit that you all impressed me, I have my reasons. It is time to leave, but.....a surprise will await you when you leave." She smiled and a bright light engulfed the dungeon.

Everyone was now outside and were surprised.
"Sinbad......." Ja'far looked over at his friend.
Sinbad gritted his teeth. A djiin found him completely unworthy as a king.


Mistoras sighs but then blushes, remembering what the djiin said to him. The look in her eyes, it was full of loneliness and sadness. He walked and look around until his eyes caught something.
He ran towards it and his friends yelling what happened. He ran and he got to it, his eyes widened.
A girl with pure blonde hair in a long braid, light peach skin, light orange lips, and floral markings all over her.......naked.....body....
"Mistoras Whhaaaa..........." Sinbad immediately trailed off when he saw what his friend was looking at with wide eyes.
A bloody nose on both of them shot away, and Ja'far quickly covered Sharrkan's and Masrur's eyes. Hinahoho looked away. Then girl was out cold on the ground. Mistoras, even with a bloody nose, quickly undid his turban, and ran to the girl. He placed the long cloth over her to cover her up, and gently picked her up bridal style.
"Sinbad, is this what the djiin ment by a "surprise"?!" Mistoras said with a still bloody nose and excited smile.
Sinbad smirked, and slung his arm around him.
"The world is an amazing place, isn't it?" Sinbad winked with a thumbs up and sparkles surrounding him.
Mistoras grins and gives him a thumbs up.
"Yes!" He says.

The others faced palm or groan.

Suddenly, the girls eyes flew open and Mistoras stiffened. Brown eyes looking down at green. The girl blinked and tilted her head to show confusion. She tilts her head in left and right, cutely, making Mistoras blush. She turns her head and looked all around. She suddenly felt her energy drained and was struggling to keep her eyes open.

Sinbad noticed this.
"Miss, rest. Your safe." Sinbad said as he watches the girl struggling to keep her eyes open.
Mistoras saw her shake her head, meaning no.
"Miss, you'll be alright, I promise. I'll protect you if anything happens. I promise." Mistoras smiled warmly down at her.

"Thank you..."

There eyes widened when they hears her speak weakly and she passed out in his arms.

- A Few Hours Later -

The girl felt she was in a soft bed and slowly sat up. She looked down at herself, and saw she was now in a light blue dress. She moves the blanket off of herself, and tries to walk. She wobbles a bit but manged.
"It's been quite sometime since I had a human body...." she mumbled.
She made it to the mirror and looked at herself. Then frowns when she sees her chest is still small.
"Why.....?" She sulked.
She wobbles to the door and opens it, only to almost fall on the floor. She braced for impact but it never came. She opens her eyes and it is the knight.
"Be careful! I'll help you if you want." The knight said to her.
She looked at him closely and tilted her head. She suddenly hugs him, and he stiffened. She nuzzled her face in his chest. She liked his scent.
"Strawberries and roses...." she mumbled.
Mistoras was blood red. This was the first time ever he's had this much contact with a girl. She left go of him and smiled at him.
"You're warm." She smiled.

"Ummm....what's your name?" He asked her.
"I'm called Eligos." Eligos smiled.

- Back to Present -

Kimi walked to her new room. Crow and Kanna will be next door. She placed her bag on her bed, takes off all her metal vessels and flops down. She sighs and looks up.
"I feel like something is missing but what?" She sighs.
Just recently, she learn that a djiin chose her to be her master. She knows for a fact they never entered another dungeon, and based on the way the twin spirits reacted when they saw her eye patch...
She'll have to meet this new djiin soon.

She stood up and went to take a bath. As she sat in the warm water, she lightly hummed a song. She feels she used to sing it someone but can't remember.
"Must be my siblings..." she mumbled.
After 20 minutes, she was done. She got in her night gown and went to sleep.

- Dream -

A room full of darkness and floating clocks. The sound ticking one by one. A eerily giggle can be heard, as she herself was standing on one.

"Aaaaahhh~ we Finally get to meet, my master. Such a pleasure it is~"

A female voice, which Kimi can easily tell the person is a sadist, spoke eerily all around her.

"Who are you?" Kimi asked.
Shadows underneath her began to move, and slowly she saw a silhouette emerge from it. That sadist smirk she recognized anywhere. For Kimi was a huge fan of the anime.
"Kurumi.....?" Kimi said shocked.
Kurumi smirked and spears her arms.
"The one and only." The spirit smirked.
The one and only Spirit she wanted to avoid at all times. Kurumi slowly walked towards her.
"My name is Kurumi. Spirit of Brutality and Time. I had chosen you to be my master for...reasons..
I'll be training you. My powers are something that can not be tame that easily like the others. You'll have to prove yourself each time, and you will be both physically and mentally beyond exhausted. Aaaahhh~ what fun I'll be putting you through hell." She licked her lips and Kimi shivers.
She slowly backed away and Kurumi suddenly began to shoot at her.
Kimi screamed as she kept dodging and trying to defend herself from the sadist spirit.

"Aaahhhh~ don't run away master~ we only just begun~
Come back Darling ~
This hell torture, has just begun.

- Kou -

A girl with long red hair in two pig tails, she wears a white kimono and has a pair of horns sticking out from her ribbons.

She glared menacingly down at Kouen, as she flew up in the sky. Kouen, along with his siblings. They were at her temple again.
Aye, for she is known as the Crimson Goddess of the Kou Empire. For thousands of years, people worship her for protecting the lands.
But, damn, the prince was persistent that she join him. It was beginning to get on her nerves. For the Crimson goddess she is, she'll teach the goat to stop begin a stupid thorn.

Kouen looked up at Kotori, who had a look that screamed murder and colder than any winter Kou has ever faced. He can feel his djiins nervous. Same with Koumei's. Kouha's on the other hand was trying not to burst out laughing. Judar was silent, and was in see thought as he blankly looked up at Kotori.
Kotori blinked and tilted her head in confusion.


Everyone eyes widened and they all turned to Judar when she spoke.
"So you weren't affected either then? So you remember what truly happened a few days ago?" Kotori said as she flowed down and gently landed on top of her temple.
Judar's eyes darken instantly.
"You know something, don't you?" He growled.
Kotori shook her head. She then turns to Kouen.
"My answer is no. Get it through your thick head, you stupid goat." She glared and walked back into her temple, the door slamming shut.
Kouen's household growled at the disrespect she showed towards their King.

Kouen was damn she would join them. Something about her, he finds interesting. As he was about to head towards the door, they saw a gray light appears, and out emerges a woman with short gray hair wear the clothing of a nun.

She looks over at them and tilts her head in curiosity. She then looks back and forth between the temple and them. She shrugs her shoulders and cups her hands over her mouth.
"Ooooooooooiiiiiiiiiii, Kotori! I located Shido's dungeon!" The girl yells.
Now that made everyone else ears perk up in interest. And not even 1 second, the door swung open and Kotori grabbed her by the shoulders.
"Where Nia?! Where?!" Kotori yells.
Her brother has finally been found.
"His dungeon was raised by the Magi of Reim. I found every single one of her candidates unworthy, but......." Nia does a side glance at the Kou Princes,
"But their sister is." She whispered in Kotori's ear.
Kotori looked over to the men.
"And she tamed Kurumi. Which is rare." Nia said.
"When will she be ready?" She asked her friend.
"4 months." Nia said and she nodded.

Both girls flew up in the air.
"(Judar, your friend is safe. You will meet her again soon. Until then, keep an eye out for the organization.)" Kotori spoke in English.
Nia noticed that Kouen's lust spiked when he saw her friend speak in a completely unknown language. Kotori noticed this and in a blink of an eye, she was next to Kouen's ear. She whispered....

"Better luck next time, Kouen~"

And she disappears.

Kouen was stunned but smirked.

"Challenge accepted."

Back with the girls, Kotori was a blushing mess and Nia was smirking at her.
"I can't believe I just did that! If Kimi finds out I hit on her brother...............aaawwwwuuuhhh...
I don't even wanna think about it!" Kotori wailed as she covered her face with he hands.
Nia sweat drops.
"I highly doubt that. Besides, she's been trying to find a good wife for him. And you fit that list, if I do say so myself." Nia said as they continue flying south.
"Shut up! Besides, we need to talk to Natsumi. She's still in Sindria, right?" Kotori said as they were now close to Sindria.
"She's been living in the same damn island for thousands of years. She's still lives in the forest. She's notice something happened. Time was turned back." Nia said as they landed deep in the forest.
They walked to an old cottage house, filled with plants and animals all over the place. A small pound filled with, magical creatures and fish. Small fairies flying all around. The girls walked towards the door and knock but....



The girls quickly moved out of the way. Sharrkan came flying out the door and landing on his butt. A Woman with long aquamarine hair, a blue bikini dress with orange stars and a glowing blue witches hat, with a broom in her hand, blue glares menacingly at him.

"Idiot." The two girls said.
Sharrkan stood up and rubbed his behind. He glared at the woman. The two girls sigh and look back at their friend. This is Natsumi. The Black Sea Goddess of Sindria. She protected the sea's and lands of Sindria for thousands of years. And only three of the 8 generals know about her existence. Sharrkan, Masrur, and Pisti.

Masrur appears behind her and sighs.
"How about try to win in a real fight without your stupid swords?!" Natsumi huffed and went back into her cottage. Masrur said sorry to her.
"Oh, no need to worry Masrur. No need to apologize." She smiled and then closed the door.
Once the door was closed, Natsumi then turned to her friends.
"Kurumi made a move. She sealed Sinbad's memories and Kimi's. The familiar feeling is starting to annoy Sinbad." Natsumi said as she handed the girls each a eye of Rukh.
"Have you gotten in contact with the others?" Kotori asked.
"No not yet. Oregami and Miku have been sensing a disturbance in the rukh. But above all, Nora said that she us feeling a great disturbance in Magnostadt. And she's getting really worried." Natsumi said.

Back in Kina, Yuzuru and Kaguya looked down at a sleeping Kimi, who looked in pain. They placed their hands on her forehead.

"We chose you to be the Spirit King's Master...."

(To be Continued.....)

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