????? Part 2

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It's warm....

It's cold...

It's all...

Caria....Kimi.....I'm sorry...

I couldn't change the present....

But I promise....

I'll come back...

He sat with his arms crossed as a purple hairs magician with glasses looked down at him and then at the onde hair prince.
"So you know my daughter?" What is she like?" The magician said and the two looked ay him shocked.
"A crazy idiot that's what!" Both him and the prince say which got them both a smack on the head by the blue eyed fanalis's father.
"You're both lucky I'm here or he would have hurt you both!!" His father said.
The purple haired magician face palms and his wife was next to him giggling.
"Now now S---- you'll meet our daughter one day. I promise. Just hold on a bit longer." His wife said to him and he sighs.
"I'm worried because she not only has our powers, but now the power of the moon priest is in her. And He is coming after her." He said with arms crossed.
She sighs and looked at th two princes sadly.
"You know what is to come in the future. Can you at least inform me WHAT our daughter was up to before she makes her plans to stop her husband?" She said.
The blonde prince was confused but the blue fanalis knows.
"Have you heard of time crossing?" He said and she nodded.
"You see, us people from different worlds are all connected in a way. Also ones that were originally not suppose to exist in those worlds. You, me, my father, his two friends, your daugther, my wife, even our households minus one, were not suppose to exist here at all. Yet we are. The question is why were all brought to or our otherselves born in this world? Have you ever asked yourself that?" He said.
Everyone's eyes were wide. He smiles, glad to make his point.

Back to the real world...

The sindrian water magician and her female blonde friend, all panted as they ran from the shadows that chased after them.
"We manged to free her but now I fear our lives!!" The blonde woman screamed.
"It doesn't matter!! To think the king went this far......." the sindrian magician said as they finally made it to the ocean where their once frozen queen layed on the sand.
"What do we do?! He'll trap her again at this rate!!" The blond one said.

"Hurry, this way!!"

The two females turn and see the sindrian goddess's retrainers motion them to a magic circle that will teleport them away to safety.
"We alreadly contacted the Magi of Reim and her household!!" The man with a gold lance in his right hand and a red on in his left said as he slashed the shadow creatures away.
"Hurry!! The minute you arrive in Reim, the magic will earse the king's memories of you two helping her escape. Go!!" A female with guns said as she fired.
The two friends nodded and the magic circle accitvated and teleported them to Reim.


The Magi of Reim paced back and forth as he waited. They hear a loud THUMP and ran to the room it came from. He grins when he sees its the magician and her friend that just saved his friend.
"Thank Solomon!!!" The magi said as he ran up to them.
The Fanilis Captain quickly ran to them and quickly took their queen to the infimary to quickly check her health. The Heliophat magician quickly began to use his life magic to check her health. The queen's household ran up to them and the one with the fan used his household vessel to check her. A few minutes passed and everyone was waiting for the queen to wake up. Minutes turned to hours then...


Everyone ran to the room and quickly tried to calm her down. The queen was shaking and crying, remebering everything that happened. She looked up and sees the magi of Reim, her household, and the rest of her friends.
"Caria, where's Caria?!?" She screamed and was suddenly hugged by her.
"Kimi, I'm alright. Shhhh...it's alright" Caria coxed her gentely as she lightly ran her fingers through her hair.
Kimi cried in her friends chest loudly and Pisti and Yamriaha hugged her also along with her children. She looked up and saw her friends all happy that she is now okay. She then turned to Yamriaha and Pisti.
"You guys.....why did you risk being branded as traitors to save me...?" Kimi said.
Yamriaha and Pisti smile to her and wiped her tears.
"Sinbad may be our king but you are our queen. To be honest, half of us plan on leaving him." Pisti said and everyone looked at them shocked.
"W-What?!" Caria screeched and looked at Kimi.
This was not in th manga!! Yamraiha nodded and two more Magic circles appear.

"Is she alright!!??"

Two magic circles appeared and put of them ran Sharrkan and Spartos to her. Everyone was shocked and Eligos quickly came out of her metal vessel.
"Are you crazy?! Do you have any idea what Sinbad would do to you all if he finds out you are betraying him?!" Eligos screeched as she held Spartos shoulders tightly.
"He can't do anything to us because we're the siblings and children of the leaders of the alliance." Spartos said.
Muu , Titus, and all the people of Reim in the room looked at them shocked.
"What do you plan to do then? Natsumi already erased all evidence that you four were involved in her escape, so he won't suspect a thing. She made it look that Kimi escaped on her own. But, there is always that possibility......." Muruko said.
She walked up to them and showed a rukh bird that belonged to Sinbad. It was moving around restlessly.
"We're willing to take that risk." Sharrkan said and the others nodded.
Titus nodded gravely then spoke.
"Not a word to Aladdin, Morgiana or Hakuryuu." Kimi said and Titus nodded.

So.....nine months have passed. During that time, both Kimi and Caria found out they were pregnant. They were shocked by it but were glad. And during that time.....they gave birth to their children in Reim.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!" The two girls screamed as they layed in a their beds, the two holding each others hands tightly for support.
The two were in Reim, because they did not want to risk being found. Caria is also in hiding. Muruko and Yamriaha were helping them give birth. The men were outside the room and each time flinching at the screams of the girls.
"Man.....now they know what Natsumi went through when she gave birth to her daughter......" Sharrkan whispered.
Eligos was with them and was using the rulk to keep track of the time.
"Will mom be okay?!" Crow said.
"I'm worried about Caria...." Sayaka said, as she bit her nail.
Karma sighs and they all finched again with the screams then.....silence.....


The sound of two babies crying was heard but then....


Kimi screamed as she began to push again.
"I completely forgot she was pregnat with twins...." Titus sweat drops.
"WHAT?!" Spartos, Pisti and Sharrkan screeched.

"Come on Kimi push!!" Yamriaha said as Kimi pushed.
Kimi screamed and gritted her teeth and held tightly onto Caria's and Pisti's hand, the two feeling she was going to crush them. Then silence followed by the sound of crying.
"Congratulations!! It's a healthy baby girl and boy!!!!" Yamriaha cried happily for her friend as she used a warm damp towel to clean the boy and Muruko cleaned the girl.
Pisti grins and handed Caria her son, and Kimi her two kids. The boy, a carbon copy of Sinbad when he was a little boy. Gold eyes, light tan skin, but instead of purple locks, it was a deep red-ish. And had her nose. And the little girl was the carbon copy of het when she was younger. One pink eye, one gold eye, instead of pink, it was purple locks with light tan skin and his nose. Caria's son had his father's blue hair and her green eyes.

She smiles warmly at the two children in her hand and began to cry, swearing she would protect them with her life. But girls grin each other and hear the door burst open. It was her household, Muu, Titus and the others. This caused the babies to start crying again. Kimi and Caria sigh and the other females gave them scoldings and kicked them out of the room.
Arturia, Jeanne, Emiya and Cu'Chulainn appeared, and walked to the girls.
"Sigh......I'll take her." Emiya said as he took the baby girl from his Master's arms and cradled her gently in his.
Arturia took the baby boy and did the same. Jeanne took Caria's son too did the same.
The three babies fell asleep in their arms and they couldn't help but smile.
The door burst opened again, this time it was Sphintus and Sharrkan. The babies began to cry again and a Dark aura surrounded Emiya and Yamraiha as the two glares at the boys.
"Just let them all in......sigh....." Caria said.
Everyone came in and the stones on Kimi's arms glowed, out came Meliodas and the others.
"So cute! What are there names?!" Diane squeals.
Azura chuckled as she used healing magic on both Kimi and Caria, along with Sphintus.
"Guadalupe, after my mother, and Ayato.....after my friend...." Kimi smiles sadly....remembering the war, when a boy she became friends with during the summit, became her household, along with Yato and Sakuya.
And during the battle, he lost his life, breaking her free of Sinbad's control.
"Cute!" Myron said.
Azura and Rhajat smile then turns to Caria, who was giggling, watching Kimi.
"And you? What will you blame your son?" Azura said.
"Edward. His name is Edward." She grins and Kimi face palms.
She's naming him after Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist.
"He sure is going to be a tiny terror..." Kimi said.
Caria burst out laughing and smiles.
"But hey, we're protecting our kids. That's a promise." Caria said seriously and both nodded.
Azura finished healing them, and they can now stand up. Caria was given her son, and she gently craddled him in her arms. She closed her eyes and they shot open.
"Kimi.....it's almost time for THAT day." Caria said.
Everyone looked at her confused, and Kimi's eyes slowly went wide. She began shaking and gritted her teeth.
"Why now of all times......" she growled lowly.
Today was the birth of their children yet.........

"Emiya!" She yelled and he walked towards her.
He gulped as he saw her hair turn red with brown streaks and her eyes gold.

"Head to Kou, and report to Hakuryuu that I will head there soon. With Sinbad going after Solomon's wisdom.....this-is-war!"


- Dream -

Kimi stood in front of a Sakura tree. There, the flowers were in full bloom however, a haunting thing was on the trunk. There, a girl, whoses face was filled with terror and the veins of the tree showed. She was the tree itself.

The soud of crying and wailing was heard. Two more trees showed the same but....
"LIA!! T!!!" She screamed and ran to them.
"What's going on?!" Kimi said.

That is the price the two have paid. To save the ones they love, they forever will suffer.
She looked around and found it was a girl with purple hair, a red ribbon on her hair and a uniform.

"What are you talking about B.B?!" Kimi yells.
"You are right. The White sakura tree is T's sorrow. The Blue Sakura Tree is Lia's despair, and the Golden on is Funuka's suffering of Eternal Death. The Glowing Silver one is Miranda's loneliness, and the last one, the green sakura, is Jehel's fear. You will join them soon Kimi. Very soon." B.B smirked.
"What happened to Jehel?!" Kimi yelled furiously.
B.B chuckled.
"I have nothing to tell you Kimi. I am Mother Space. I watch over the dimensions of the worlds. Along with Father Time and the other guardians of rifts. You people are like parasites. You change the original timeline. You change the flow. If you die, you will return to your own world, or posssibly back to The Root of Time. Every world has it's own rules regarding the laws of time and space, that is why we watchers exist. Just look at all the sakura trees!!" B.B giggled as she twirls.
Kimi's eyes widened in horror as she saw the unending sea of people from different dimensions. B.B walked up to one of a woman.
"I believe this one is called.....Sera...I think? Look at her. Forever frozen in this tree. Lost forever in the path of unknow. Never given answers." B.B said as she cupped her cheeks.

"All you outsiders suffer the same fate eventually. The question is when? And...if you can change that fate?"

The threads of your strained heartbeat strummed
Does the darkness that cling to your whole body
Perplex and afflict you?
Not even knowing your fate a few hours later

This love carved in my heart shouldn't be able to be broken, yet...

Your voice pulls me back
Cherry blossoms dance down at my feet that give way
Cut up the labyrinth that seems to be swallowed up
And feel my power that won't stop

Finding out your frightened back
Does the darkness that soaks into your mind
Upset your breathing and disturb you?
Opposing our determination of several hours ago

Gently removing this anxiety that lurked in my heart

Even if everything disappears into a dream
I want to cross over it and believe in you
Cut up the labyrinth that stands immediately before us
And feel my power that won't stop

There's nothing I want so much I'd part with my precious memories
Never let go of my hand
Beyond that point

Your voice pulls me back
Cherry blossoms dance down at my feet that give way
Cut up the labyrinth that seems to be swallowed up
And feel my power that won't stop

Even if everything disappears into a dream
I want to cross over it and believe in you
Cut up the labyrinth that stands immediately before us
And feel my power that won't stop


- End of Dream -


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