Special Chapter: A Chance of Encounter

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The Chiming of Bells x Change it All

(Takes place one week before Je'hel heads to Artemyra)

A girl with pink hair in a bun, with a floral hairpin in her hair. Pink eyes and a pink kimono that stopped above her knees. She wore low black heals that were ment for running and black tights. On her waist was a dagger color gold and on her chest, a sakura tatoo. She wore a eye patch with a lotus blossom design on it with small jewels dangling from it.

"Seriously, I need to stop escaping Kouen through portals. Where have you taken me now Sitri?" The girl said to djiin.
"No worries my queen. I can assure you, you are safe." The djiin said with a smile.
"Yes....and changing me to a body of 9 year old is wise....I have to use invisibility spells to hide my metal vessels, and on top of that, you had Kougyoku come along with me." The girl said as she saw her spirit friend flying from vender to vender, fascinated by the things they were selling.
"Kimi, look at this strange fruit." Kougyoku said as she picked up a pale looking pair.
The girl now known as Kimi walked up to her and she handed the pair.
"Oh! These are winter pairs! They come from Imuchakk when the winter moon is at it's peak." Kimi said as she took out some coins.
"Excuse me! I'll take a dozen!" Kimi said and handed the white haired boy the coins as he handed her a dozen.
"Thank you miss. Hope you buy from us again!" The boy smiles as he rubbed his hands together.
Kimi turned and looked at him up and down.
"You know, if you keep rubbing your hands like that, you look like you are scamming me." She said and the boy looked get shocked.
She inwardly cackled and left, munching on a pair, and handed on to Kougyoku.

- Sindria Trading Company -

"Ahhahahaha!" A girl with dirty blonde hair, green eyes, and was wearing a hayori, held her stomach as she laughed at what Ja'far had told her, Sinbad, Hinahoho and Mistoras of his experience.
"I can't believe she told you that your face!" The girl laughed.
"Shut up Je'hel! Her saying that completely threw me off!" Ja'far scolded to the girl now known as Je'hel.
"But I'll admit, you gotta give her credit. She sounds like the daughter of a merchant. Lucky me!" She grins.
Sheba was watching and stared out the window. She felt a disturbance in the Rukh.
"If she is the daughter of a merchant, then maybe we can get her to convince her parents to join us!" Sinbad said excitedly.
"Well....good luck!" Je'hel grins and bolted out the door.
"Ah...she forgot to ask me how she looked like....." Ja'far said.
As for Sheba, she flew around the city, searching for this strange feeling, but hasn't found anything at all. She was about to give up when she heard the sounds of swords clashing and panting. She noticed that it was near the beach, a hidden cove with bolders. She flew down and hid behind some borders. She gasped by what she saw.

"Come at me Kimi!!" Kougyoku grinned.
She was in Vinea's djiin equip and Kimi in Kurumi's.
"I look like a damn little loli dressed in a frilly dress! What I would give to be in my regular body right now!!" Kimi yelled back and jumped the left, and shot a bullet at Kougyoku.
"Not so tough now in a small body?" Kougyoku teased.
"Fuck you!! Try to be in my situation!! I Died in my world, and was reborn in the body of 17 year old you with the mind of 24 year old, and now I've been shrunk to 9 year old with still the mind of a 24 year old!" Kimi yelled and switched to Eligos and made vines grow and charge at her.
Kimi growled because Kougyoku cut the vines. She undjiin equips and the cherry blossom tattoo on her chest glows and summons her father's staff.
"Setta's staff!!" Sheba gasped and couldn't believe what she was seeing.
"Didn't Sheba and Solomon forbid you to use your staff when it comes to training?" Kougyoku said.
Sheba was confused.
"Well.....I already mastered Borg Al Samm and  Solomon's signature gravity spell, but, they aren't here. SO I'll take advantage of that." Kimi grinned.
Sheba was in shock. Who were these people? The two girls look alike but one is a spirit like her and the other is a human like Je'hel. She sensed a incredible amount of power coming from the girl. She quickly disappears. She needs to tell Je'hel.

- The Next Day -

"Are you serious?!" Je'hel screeched in her room, to the point a crack formed on her window.
"Yes!!! Look, I'll show you!" Sheba said and made a rukh sphere appear in her hands.
It showed the two girls and she noticed the look on Je'hel drain.
"That's......Ren Kougyoku.....8th princess of the Kou Empire.....WHAT'S SHE DOING IN REIM AND WHY ARE THERE 2 OF THEM!!??" Je'hel screeched.
"That's not all. I sensed 7 djiins on her. Je'hel....I think this girl is from a different world....like you." Sheba said.
Je'hel went silent. If that's true....
"We need to find her. Sinbad is out looking her!!" Je'hel screeched summon's Solomon's staff and both flew out to find this girl.

As for Kimi....

She stared at Sinbad with a blank face as he smiled at her. She was inwardly screaming.
"Hello. I am-----!!" She just turned and began to walk away.
"Wait!" Sinbad said and Kimi pointed her dagger at him.
"I maybe small but I know a pedophile when I see one. Now leave before I cut you to smithereens and feed you the dragons." Kimi threaten.
Sinbad narrowed his eyes. Mistoras was sweating along with Hinahoho. Ja'far was ready to defend Sinbad. The girl might be a assassin.
"I am not a pedophile. I am Sinbad." He said.
"Never heard of you." She said and put her dagger down.
Sinbad looked like he was stabbed by a sword when she said that.
"What do you want?" She asked.

My queen, teleportation is almost ready.

Kimi looked down to her dagger then spoke.
"I was wondering if you would like to join the Sindria trading company?" He said.
Kimi stayed silent.
"You are a man that does not take no for an answer. And it will be your downfall, But my answer is no. Good day." She said and turned to leave but...


Everyone turned and saw Je'hel running towards them.
"KOUGYOKU!!!" Je'hel yelled.
"SITRI NOW!!" Kimi yelled and a portal appeared and Kimi jumped into it but not fast enough because the girl jumped at her and both disappeared.
Sinbad and the others were in shock and couldn't believe what they just witness.
"Sin.....I think that girl is a dungeon capturer!" Ja'far said and it hit Sinbad like a fanalis punch.
And he thought he was the youngest. But forget that, he needs to find Je'hel.

- Ocean -

"AAAHHHHHH!!" Je'hel screamed as they were falling down 20,000 feet in the air.
Kimi sweat drops and transformed to Vinea and caught her.
"Hold on tight!" Kimi yelled and bolted down, and Je'hel screaming for her life.
They landed near a small beach and Je'hel shaky walks and dropped to her knees. She then saw a flash of pink and saw Kougyoku tackle the other girl in a hug.
"Kimi are you okay?!" Kougyoku said the girl now known as Kimi.
"I'm alright but....." Kimi turned to Je'hel, who summon Sheba's staff and got ready to fight.
Kimi and her were in a stare off then she spoke.
"So you were reborn as well? My.....strange things happen everyday." Kimi said.
"Strange!? Who are you and why are there two of you?!" Je'hel yelled.
Sheba appears and quickly hugged Je'hel.
"Alright then. My name is Kimigakiri, daughter of Setta, died at 24 because I was hit by a truck for saving a cat. I have conquered 7 dungeons, and I was reborn as Ren Kougyoku. There. Now your turn." Kimi said.
Sheba and Je'hel looked her shocked then snapped out of it.
"I'm....Je'hel. I died at age 17. Fell from a tree and broke my neck....and.....that's the best I could remember." Je'hel said and put her staff down.
"Nice to meet you. Sorry about earlier. I was running away from Kouen. He learned that I could read the language of Toran." Kimi said and saw Je'hel cringe.
She doesn't even want to know what will happen to her if Kouen found out she could read Toran.
"If you're from my world....are you from a different Magi world?" She asked and Kimi nodded.
"I died in my world. Kimi was there for me when I needed someone. So, I gave her my body when I died." Kougyoku said.
Je'hel looked her shocked as did Sheba. She thought for awhile then spoke.
"Do you have a place to stay?" Je'hel asked.
"Sadly no. Why?" Kimi said, puzzled.
"You can stay with me!! Plus, you can kick Sinbad's ass!" Je'hel grinned.
Kimi stayed silent and looked over to Kougyoku then to Sheba and her.
"Alright. Plus, I can teach you some of the magic I learned." Kimi grinned and cheered.
Kimi took out Sitri and slashed the air, and opened a portal.
"Amazing!" Je'hel said.
"You coming?" Kimi said and Je'hel walked into the portal with her.

- Je'hel's Home -

"That is so depressing......." Je'hel said to her and Kimi as they walked to her home.
"Yeah....I can't believe Serendine implanted Zepra into Sinbad to declare her rebellion. When I died, I only got up chapter 166 and the main story, chapter 339. Unfortunately, I do not know the rest, or in between. Judar will betray Sinbad and Serendine....and Sindria will fall....." Kimi said as they stopped in front of a company.
"How much have you changed...in your world?" Je'hel asked.
Kimi stopped.
"A lot of things." Kimi smiled sadly.
"Oh!" She said Je'hel looked her confused, "Masrur is married." Kimi's grin widened at the face of horror Je'hel did.
"NOOOOO MASRUR SAMAAAA!!" Je'hel cried and Kimi burst out laughing as they went in her home.
The two went in and walked to her room. There, the two locked the door and began talking.
The hours went by fast and the two got to know each other. They had many similarities and one could almost say they were sisters.

"Je'hel?" Her mother said confused as she saw Sinbad asked about her daughter.
"Is she home?" He asked.
The two walked over to her room. Her mother was about to knock, but froze when she heard singing. It was both her daughter and someone else, Another girl.

As one, As one, All alone, All alone, I am here.
Within this tower of rubble,
I cannot breathe. The rain which falls, just like sleep, is dark.
If you survive in this world,
What kind of flowers would you decorate it with? I want to believe, though it is unbelievable.
I am helpless and meaningless, But still, despite that, my heart has cried.
"Come over here," a voice calls out.
As infinite and reckless as tomorrow may be I will be waiting somewhere.
As one, As one, All alone, All alone, I am here.


"I love that song!!" She heard Je'hel say excitedly.
"Me too! It was one of my favorites!" She heard the other girl giggle.
The two girls continue to sing and her mother couldn't help but smile. Je'hel finally made a female friend.
"Lalalalalalalaaaaaaaa!!" The two sang.
"Let's go Sinbad. Looks like Je'hel has a friend over." Her mother smiles and drags the protesting boy away.
"So your specialty is sound and water magic?" Je'hel asked.
Je'hel layed on her stomach on her bed, her chin resting on a pillow.
"Yup. But thank's to my dad's staff and my mom, I'm a hybrid in controlling all 8 magic types. Plus, I like creating new types of sub magic. Of course, I need to keep hidden my knowledge or else people will come after me. Well...I am a run away in my world currently." Kimi said, as she layed on the floor.
"So what type of water and sound magic do you do?" Je'hel asked.
"Hmmmmm....Yamraiha trained me the basics....since we're both from a reality where this world is fictional, not all the rules of this world apply to us. I am a dungeon capturer but also a magician. So I think the same applies to you. In a way, we're like....I don't want to sound rude but....we're like parasites." Kimi said and Je'hel frowns.
"I understand what you mean. We change and affect many things. Originally, Sinbad wasn't suppose to get the gold coins and it was after that one month that he finds out about the king of Balbad." Je'hel said and Kimi rolled onto her stomach.
"I know what you mean. I, well, Kougyoku wasn't suppose to meet Sinbad till the Balbadd arc, but looks like that won't be going as it was in the timeline before." Kimi said.
"Really? So.....Sinbad after your heart?" Je'hel smirked.
"Hhheeeeeeeyyyyyy, away from that subject!" Kimi puffed her cheeks and both burst out laughing.
"So, since you're a yellow magician, I can teach you some lighting and sound magic!" Kimi said and Je'hel took out a blank book and began to write down what Kimi was teaching her.

As for Sheba and Kougyoku...

"Really? So me, my husband, and you are watching over her then?" Sheba said as her and Kougyoku sat on a tree and watched the girls talking about magic and different formulas.
"Yeah. I'm glad to see you exist in this world also. I'll admit, the other you is just as brutal in training Kimi just like you train Je'hel." Kougyoku said and Sheba giggled.
"I can't help it. With what is to come come in the future, they need to be ready." Sheba said.
She looked to the window and saw Je'hel's mother come in and brought snacks for her and Kimi. The two woman watched as Je'hel introduced Kimi to her mother and also convinced her to let Kimi stay for a week.

- The Next Day -

Sinbad looked down at Kimi with a blank face as she looked back at him with a blank one also.
"Hello pedophile." Kimi said and Mistoras was trying not to burst out laughing.
"I am not a pervert!" Sinbad glared back.
"Yeah, yeah. That's what they all say." Kimi blew him off.
His eye twitched and Je'hel was snickering.
"Are you a dungeon capturer?" He asked.
"And if I was, I wouldn't tell you shit." She said back.
"Oh, Sinbad met his other match. First one is Je'hel." Hinahoho chuckled and watched the sparks flying between the two.
"Ummm....Kimi correct?" Mistoras said and she nodded.
She can feel Eligos reacting. She was crying.
"Where are you from?" He asked.
"I'm from the Kouga Clan. I wanted to travel." She lied.
"And your parents?" Ja'far said.
"Dead. That's all you need to know." Kimi said with not a single trace of emotions in her voice.
Everyone decide to drop the subject immediately. Je'hel knew Kimi lied to hide the fact that she is from Kou, but also part of that lie is true. Both her parents from her original world and the Magi world she was born in are dead.
"Anyway, I wanted to show Kimi around the company. I already showed her mine, so I want to show her yours." Je'hel said.
Sinbad gleamed with pride as a smug look came on his face. Kimi's eye twitched. It was that damn cocky face that she wanted to punch.
"Well," Sinbad grins and took out Valefor and Baal, " Let me tell you of my adventures!" He said and thus, the story telling began.

It was quite a show. But Kimi did point out one thing.
"You forgot to include of one time you were robbed of your metal vessels and left naked." She smirked and Sinbad turned red.
"WHAT?! WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?!" Mistoras said and Je'hel burst out laughing.
"About a few months ago......" Ja'far sent a glare to Sinbad that sent him six feet under.
"How do you know about this?!" Sinbad said.
"I overheard Vittel talking about it." Kimi said and she spotted Vittel hiding behind some crates.
"I got them back!" He yelled back and Kimi grins, "yes you did. I heard a rumor that you have slept with over 80 women here in Reim and have over 100 children." Kimi added more fuel to the fire.
Je'hel knew she was talking about the rumor that would come in the future when he is King.
"I did no such thing!" Sinbad screeched.
He looked like he had been shot by 100 arrows, but nothing compared to the pain he was feeling inside.
"Hey Kimi?" Je'hel said and she turned to her, "you should see what Sinbad has done to me. He's disorganized."

Oh my god! What is this mess?!

I swear I'll clean it later.

"He runs from his work."

Please, hide me!

No, I don't like you.

"He sneaks drinks when Ja'far isn't around. (Ja'far: WHAT?!) "

Why are you drinking so early in the morning?

It helps me.

"And he sneaks out to a brothel." Je'hel finished with a smile.
Everyone looked at Sinbad in disgust and Kimi burst out laughing. Sinbad turned to stone, with arrows stabbed right through him, and borders falling on top of him, but nothing compared to the pain he was feeling inside his soul.
"To add a bonus, he's secret wine stash is underneath his desk, under the floor." Kimi laughed and Sinbad is dead.
He went to cry in the corner and Ja'far stormed to his office to confiscate all hidden wine.
"Besides, drinking is bad for you. You turn old faster." Je'hel said and that was the final blow.


"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I'M DEAD! AHHAHAHAHA!!!" Kimi laughed so hard, she was crying and rolling on the floor, holding her stomach.
Mistoras and everyone was laughing and Sinbad had his soul flying out of him.
"Man, what an slacker! Come on Je'hel, I'll buy you some sweets for making my day!" Kimi laughed and the to girls walked outside, each one taking turns in roasting Sinbad, and him, getting many more wounds that have scared him for life.
Sheba and Kougyoku watched, also holding their stomachs from laughing so much.
"I swear they will be the end of you!" Hinahoho laughed.
Sinbad cried but then noticed something on Kimi. Her hairpin. It was only for a moment but....
"Metal.....vessel...." he mumbled.

- Near The Cove -

"Here." Kimi said and handed Je'hel a strange staff.

"What is this?" Je'hel asked.
"The Tridant, Trishula. It belonged to the Hindu Goddess, Parvati. And, my gift to you." Kimi smiled at her sadly.
"Wait...you're leaving already?" Je'hel said, sadly, " And I can't take this." She said and handed back the staff to Kimi.
Kimi smiles and clasp her hands, with the staff. A memory flowed into Je'hel's mind. How to use it, it's affects, and more.
"I know we'll meet again one day Je'hel. So this is my promise to you that we will." Kimi said as the staff dissolved into Sheba's and Solomon's. The pink jewel on Sheba's staff was now half blue and a blue jewel appeared on Solomon's.
Je'hel's lip quivers and she quickly dug through her Hayori. She took out mirror and handed to her.
"Then this my promise that no matter how apart, no matter what world, we are always connected." Je'hel said and hugged her.

imi hugged her back and she began to dissolve into glowing blue dust.
"I won't say Goodbye, but, See you later my friend! I promise We'll meet again!" Kimi waved and grins.
Je'hel's eyes widened as she saw how Kimi looked like at her real age. Short pink ear length hair, one pink eye and the other covered by eye patch with a lotus blossom design with small jewels. Solomon's crown on her forehead with the marking of the third eye.

"See you later Kimi! I know you'll comeback!" Je'hel grins and Kimi smiles, a disappears, to a thousand lights.

"I know we'll meet again. Till then, I promise I'll do what I can."


Parvati's staff and what it does:


This video demonstrates Parvati's staff and what it does. Plus, it's signature move Trishula Shakti: Knowing What is Love, and Refusing to Love; That is Antipathy (恋見てせざるは愛無きなりトリシューラ・シャクティ, Koi Mitesezaru wa Ainakinari Torishūra Shakuti) is the signature spell.

Spell to activate it:
May it reach."
"Even I will get angry when I'm mad.
"Eh? A-Are you sure?
"Please feel it. This is my wave of love that will reach the heavens."
"Trishula Shakti!"

Also, if Je'hel doesn't like saying that version of the spell, she can just say:

May it reach the earth
May my voice come crashing down
May my tears and cries reach the heavens
May it all come crashing down and shock all
Trishula Shakti!!


"May the Heavens bring you divine punishment! Trishula Shakti!"

Attack Range:


Maximum number of targets:

30 people

Mirror Je'hel have Kimi:
Once a year, the magic of their two worlds will cross and they will be able to talk to talk to each other.

Hi Everyone!! This is a Gift to ArashiGoddess as a celebration of her story, The Chiming of Bells, has reached 30.1k reads! You go girl! This is a cross over between our stories and I hope you enjoyed it. As for the Staff Kimi gave Je'hel, I thought it suits her perfectly. Je'hel is a yellow type magician, which their specialty is lighting and life magic. Parvati is the Goddess of Beauty and is known as the wife who loves, with blind devotion, her husband Shiva, the God of Destruction and Creation from Indian Mythology.
And no, before anyone comes after my head, I am not pairing or shipping Je'hel with anyone....yet. But I felt it matched her magic of that as a yellow magician. Well anyway, thank you guys and congrats ArashiGoddess!!! Everyone, please go check out her stories, they are amazing!!!

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